Sunday, December 8, 2019

Sunday Surgery: Raise Your Glass

First We Sing...
What a week! I love writing when I'm loving the show!!! Sorry....I really had fun this week.  So much happening and so much movement.  Yes, a few things were wonky but overall? I even watched on Thursday when I normally take the day off. That says something! 

We are having guests later and made some quiche and hash. So, belly up! 


THE WTF OF THE WEEK: The second car in the car crash. I mean... what the hell? No one checks on the second car?? All I can think of is the writers wrote it 'went off the road' (meaning down a ravine and hidden) and the set people were like, "Damn, we're not building a second location so put it behind those bushes".  The result was a comical watch because we could CLEARLY see the car...and everyone, including the PCPD were checking out a dead girl and standing around. LOL--I understand it was to have Julian go there so we could hear him berate Brad for not being the driver ..but geesh!!! 

MOMENT OF THE WEEK:  Nina and Ava --now these two are so Blair and Tea--but with way worse history. Having Nina listen to Ava, find the ring and have them team up? Just glorious. I actually LIKED NINA!! It was like the "NuNina" was born to me in that moment. Sniff. 


CELL-BUDDIES OF THE WEEK: Only on GH could we have this category!! Geesh, but Sam sure woke up and had some awesome scenes with Nelle!! LOVED the banter-- it was so fun. I almost thought they were in their dorm room, Frosh year of PCPU and not the lock up!!  (Photo Credit: pmekme twitter) 


BIGGEST BUILD-UP OF THE WEEK:  How long did we have to wait for Willow's pregnancy test results? THREE DAYS! And she's not even pregnant. I'm wondering if they'll make her infertile or something. Like her periods are stopping for some reason and of course, baby Wiley is her only chance to be a mama. That would be the soapiest path. 


MY FAVE OF THE WEEK:  OH.MY.BROOK.LYNN! This character screams "Wub" all over her!! She's just glorious. And a catalyst for the Qs so so much!  Lulu and Maxie have someone in common to bitch about! So much good in one character!


MATRIARCH MOMENTS OF THE WEEK: Monica! First she sabotages Turkey Day by calling Epiphany she also knows something's up with Brook Lynn and she and Jason share a moment (again!!) on the patio. Wha!!??  


RUNNER UP: Bobbie!! Grieving about Lucas being in a coma but knowing all the medical implications, keeping a level head AND having a heart to heart with Julian! Wha?!


SURPRISE OF THE WEEK: Griffin! Now, it was spoiled by a few places and the day OF it was on twitter in the morning but it was still a nice surprise, especially if you hadn't seen anything about it. I for one, like characters popping in now and again. People do that IRL too. 



*Kendra's dead! 
*Tad and Valentin scared off Nikolas, but neither found the portrait yet
*Nina figured out Nikolas is alive and is teaming up with Ava against "Cassadine Men"
*Qs got their Pizza after Monica gave Olivia's food to the hospital 
*Ned called Lois to get the goods on Brook Lynn
*Lucas is in an induced coma due to brain swelling; Brad is out and about with minor injuries
*Julian feels like a dope for cutting the break lines
*Griffin came to town to check Lucas; Sonny asks him to check Mike's labs; Mike is in end-stage dementia 
*Willow is not pregnant but it prompts a "love you more" talk with Chase
*Wiley is adorable
*Robert still hates Peter
*Peter tells someone to kill Franco or Dr. Maddox or both
*Franco's memory-transfer is happening next week. Or is it? 
*Curtis had a weird talk with Sonny about "Secrets" which was like an anvil
*Lulu and Maxie hate Brook Lynn (giggle)

I'd like to mention a few things about production. I usually knock them, but lately? They've stepped up the game too. Sets have many more extras--the hospital seems "Alive" again. People walking around, phone and PA sounds--- it's like they found some money in petty cash and went nuts! Things Feel richer and more vibrant. The character movement has been amazing and people are going to 2-3 different sets A DAY. (thud).  You know I think the dialog has also gotten more 'real'. It's how people talk. Not just 'talking about a plot'.  Example: The Metro scene with Anna, Robert, Finn and Violet. It just flowed like real life. I adored that scene and it really wasn't anything but Finn admiring Violet and then Robert and he having a "we have daughters" moment. GAH!  To morph scenes like that makes a good show, imo. 


GH had a FB holiday concert that is really fun...good use of social media and the cast! click here to watch:  GH CHRISTMAS 

Well, that's a wrap! GH feels like my show again--with all the layers and comfort foods I like. Yes, there are still flaws--but you know what? The fun outweighs them!! Are you enjoying the show? Am I just crazy thinking there's been a big shift in things?? For people that don't always comment....are you watching more regularly again?? Let me know!! 

Until next week! 


  1. I've never stopped and try not to complain that much. It's my GH and suck or not I love em! ❤
    On to SS...which I loved!
    I think the new writer may have a lot to do with it? It's not Nov sweeps and things are still GOOD. I don't want the other shoe to drop. LOL
    I didn't know if I'd like the addition of Brook Lynn but I really do. I think the actress has a lot to do with it. Love having Griffin back, even for the short stint.
    As for Willow, bite your tongue haha I hope she can become a mom again. I do love her with Chase but I also love her friendship with Michael. Once Michael FINALLY gets Jonah back I wouldn't mind seeing Willow with Michael. Maybe that's just me, I think it's the baby connection and their shared grief.
    The Sam Nelle scenes were good, can't stand Nelle but when she was tugging on Sam's pants it was funny!

  2. Thanks for another great SS. I really enjoyed this week too.

    kd said..." I actually LIKED NINA!! It was like the "NuNina" was born to me in that moment. Sniff. "

    *** I felt the same way. As I said at the time, I really LIKED this Nina. I hope we can keep her. Maybe the actress finally got tired of trying to be who we wanted and actually let her own voice be heard here.

    And I totally agree about Sam too. She didn't s l o w t a l k h e r w a y through the scene. Nor did she whisper. I think she has definitely proven our point that she usually phones it in because she doesn't like the scenes.

    I loved the Jason/Monica scene and I've noticed that since she's injured her leg Steve seems to take her hand and walk with her or give her an arm to hold on to in their scenes. It makes for some very touching scenes.

    Here's hoping for another great week.

  3. I actually commented on social media to Parry Shen about the car crash/set/how realistic = HOW did they do it?
    Brook Lynn - has a secret that i think involves owing lots of money to someone but she is solid gold. I still want a Felix sighting - he really like Lucas, remember? But honestly, people this baby swap must end now! we are so bored with it.
    I DID read that Sonny is being nice to Julian because he thinks he tampered with the car -

  4. Thanks for the great SS once again! I totally agree with you on all points. The show has hugely improved. Yes, it is still a bit wonky in places but that's okay.
    Watching Ava and Nina I thought the same thing. That was CW's moment. She is now Nina, a new Nina, and they should be all kinds of fun.
    I know Hiney isn't going anywhere but I wish he would. His attitude is unredeemable. I liked his father better.
    And Nik should hit his head again so he becomes nicer, and less stupid.
    I do wish there was a misdiagnosis of Mike's disease. He is so good. But maybe Griffin's 'study' can delay his departure.
    Brook Lynn has certainly lit up the Q mansion. Hope she stays around.

  5. I too like the new Brook Lynn and her interactions with everyone. Did like NuNina with Ava and I don't really care for the new Nina.
    I think they need to stick with true to life Alzheimer's and not some memory mapping crap. Unfortunately, IRL it is brutal. If they do it correctly end stage Alzheimer's often leads to jumbled or non existent speech, wheelchair bound etc. Not sure if they would go there or not.
    I want Peter gone too, but we all know he is not going anywhere any time soon. I just want him out of Anna and Maxie's orbit at least.
    I agree, much much improved.

  6. Just watched the Facebook Christmas singing. Wow, nice job!!!!!!!!They should actually do the singing more on the show. I forgot "Chase" can sing. I didn't know "Sasha" can sing. She didn't sing at the nurse's ball did she? They are all so talented. The new writer's should have them do some more singing on the show like when Rick Springfield and Jack Wagner were on. I forget, did John Stamos Blackie sing? I think he just played the drums? Am I remembering that correctly?

    1. I had no idea "Sasha" could sing either!!

    2. A karaoke night once in a while would be good. We used to have those before Charlie's became the new place to go.

  7. General Hospital never did lack in talented actors. (except a select few) That is for sure.

  8. Seems like they're trying to build some female friendships - Ava and Nina would be GLORIOUS! Willow and Sasha's scenes were really nice and felt pretty realistic. Having women constantly shading each other is so tired - let's hope the show's moving in a new direction and building some new deep and meaningful relationships among female characters.

    1. I agree. Even with the guys. Loved Curtis and Drew but it just fizzled. Friendships are good. Let us not forget Lulu and Maxie...longtime best buds.

  9. Ttookit, I whole-heartedly agree

  10. So I went back and watched a good portion of this week and damned if GH hasn't gotten better! The writing was fun and it was great to see multiple characters interacting, also a good mix of vets and newer ones. Maybe things really ARE picking up.

  11. I am as enthusiastic about GH as Karen is. So much improvement the past 3 weeks, I can't believe it! I only have 2 complaints. Get rid of Peter (gads, he's just beyond awful!) and smarten up NuNik. Love the actor, by Nik was never, never a "rookie".

    I'm withholding judgement on Brook Lynn and Nina. $20 says she's throws Ava under the bus. Her attachment to Val is sick.

    1. I never thought about it but nina and and ava have a bad history. ava sleeping with nina's husband and getting pregnant. can't think of his name. actor was michael easton

    2. It was his 2nd of 3 GH characters, I can't remember either, lol! And Nina snatched Avery after Ava gave birth at knife or gun point. Yes, I can see trouble. :)

  12. Anyone know impeachment hearing schedule for this week? Anyone know how long ABC coverage will last today?

    1. There's been speculation that the hearing today will probably last the entire day.
      As for the rest of the week, everything is very vague;not too
      much info anywhere yet.

    2. It does seem to be going on and on. No word from ABC or GH yet.

  13. Well the Boston channel showed the last 10 minutes or so of the episode. I watched on City tv and saw all of it. It's moving along nicely. I don't want to say anything until others comment as I don't want to ruin it for those who have to go online and watch it tonight.

  14. I've got GH here in San Antonio (it airs at 3). Hopefully I'll get the whole hr.

  15. GH aired here in NYC @3pm; a welcome surprise.

    1. On the edge of my seat with this Franco thing! Have to wait one more day....these writers really are dragging it out!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...