Wednesday, July 29, 2015

YES! Lexi Ainsworth is Back To GH!

SOD is breaking the news that Lexi Ainsworth (Kristina) will reprise her role in late August.
About time. 


  1. Now this I can get behind, in adding another character. She was a great Kristina!. Makes me really wish Ethan was on again too, but this great news!

  2. Gwendolyn--I was JUST thinking that about Ethan too. I really liked them together. Everyone else on the show is too old for Kristina or related to her! Haha.

  3. Yay!! She is a wonderful actress!! Great news.

  4. REALLY!!!! Is Ethan coming back too?! I've been waiting on this relationship for years! She was always good with Michael too. I'm so ready for this.

  5. I wonder who she will be paired with? Everyone her age is either family or gay.

  6. That's great news. I hope she gets a good story line of her own.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Maybe she's secretly married to Brad! J/k. Or she could be responsible for hijacking sonny's shipments...I could be down with that.

  9. I'm so EXCITED!!! Love Lexi and would LOVE to see Ethina finally happen for real! I haven't watched since she left!

  10. The best thing about her return is that we might see more of Molly too. An actual storyline for the Davis family!

    Plus Lexi and Haley Pullos look so much like sisters, it's crazy.

  11. YAY YAY YAY!!!! I have had a stressful week (more family drama), this is SUCH GREAT news!! Yes, they do look like sisters, looking forward to seeing more of the Davis girls!!

  12. Finally some good news! Is she coming back for Sam/Patrick wedding?
    What do you think about Ava killing Silas?



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...