Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Oh, And PS...

SINCE WHEN does Robin need PERMISSION to go to her own house!!?? Patrick all hesitating on that!! WTH.
Sorry, Son... you should have said, let's go home and cuddle and talk about this.


  1. Robin is being stupid and stubborn, she should go home and claim her man!! They need to be together to reconnect, I don't think any woman in her right mind would make Robin's choice.

    Also, WHY didn't someone call Sonny and Maxie right away? Poor Maxie still believes she killed Robin . . .

  2. This story is getting even more ridiculous.

  3. No I don't want Robin to go home with Patrick! Not when he is so conflicted and confused. He needs time to absorb everything and compress.

  4. I totally agree with you on this Sonya. Clearly Patrick has feelings for Sabrina. Robyn knows this, she's not stupid. In the end she will get her husband back and by not running back to him now builds the tension!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I was SO frustrated with Robin the last couple of days. She keeps going on about how she fought to get back to her family, how she suffered being away from them, then she just stands there in the back of the church while he is marrying someone else (which would make him a bigamist) and she hesitates to speak up!

    Of course he loves Sabrina enough to marry her or he wouldn't be standing at the alter, but it isn't like permanent love which he had with Robin. Somebody has to get hurt here and it better be Sabrina. She'll get over it. Emma wouldn't if her real mom left.

    And Robin won't go home with him. Is she totally daft? Doesn't she care about her daughter's take on all this wishy-washy back and forth? She is Emma's momma and the child needs her back NOW.

  7. I am just so happy to see Robin. I'm sure FIERCE Robin will show up soon.

    What do you think? Sonny's all contemplative about the Rivera's he knew in Puerto Rico. Carlos a long lost son?

  8. Avalonn said...I totally agree with you on this Sonya. Clearly Patrick has feelings for Sabrina.
    Yeah he does have feelings for Sabrina! He doesn't want to hurt her. Someone is bound to get hurt that is unavoidable. :(

    Robyn knows this, she's not stupid. In the end she will get her husband back and by not running back to him now builds the tension!
    Yeah she made the right choice in staying with her mother. :)

  9. Sandi said...What do you think? Sonny's all contemplative about the Rivera's he knew in Puerto Rico. Carlos a long lost son?
    Ohhh could be Sonny's son with Lily! You never know! :) Wait was Lily pregnant with a boy before she died? I don't remember.

  10. Of course Robin would like to go home but it makes a lot more sense that she waits a little bit. Almost 2 years have passed and things are not the same for Patrick, Robin can't just expect Patrick to forget 2 years of his life in a heartbeat, especially if there are other people involved, like Sabrina. He needs a little bit of time to process the whole thing and he'll be back with Robin and Emma. In the meantime, she spends time with her daughter, which should be the most important thing for a mother, and with Anna. It hurts, but it's a wise decision to make.

  11. When Sabrina was talking to Patrick in the bride's room in the church, she took off her rings. When she ran into Carlos' arms on the dock, she had them back on. I don't think she put them back on.

  12. Carlos looks almost as old as Sonny - no way could he be his son. Too much is happening off screen. Patrick is acting out of character to me - there is no way he would waffle between the two of them. He's only been dating Sabrina since the Nurses Ball. Robin should have gone home to her house and her daughter, regardless of Patrick.


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...