Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Diggin' A Hole...

Watched yesterday's show...Carlos lingering over Sabby's camisole. LOL.... and KM is sure hiding her stomach with her coat. Just sayin'...

Carly's shower was amazingly loooooooooong...no? 

Todays' SHOW:  

Tracy and Monica. Aw, Mon had a migraine! Luke comes in and tells Tracy that Sean got the antidote and Tiffany gave him the shot. All off camera. 

JURY'S IN! AJ is NOT Guilty!  which makes sense, as SK Is still on the show, sooooooo....
Tracy's like DOH! when he walks in, Monica's all happy. 

Franco's toting around Heather and Lucy shows up.  She just gabs and gabs...yada yada. She's Amy without the nurses' station. 
Geesh, Franco stood there with Heather hanging out from the trunk just gabbing away in the parking garage. 

Carlos is digging his own grave!  Wouldn't he whap them with the shovel? No way could he dig right now, btw...ground is frozen!! 

 Carlos' is Lily's Brother. OR he says he is...he could say that just to save his butt. 

Sam tells Carly about telling Julian about Lucas.  She's freaking out about her seeing Franco! 

OMG!! Todd found the GRAVE THAT CARLOS' dug..and put Heather there. ahahahaaa. Really, only in Port Charles. And don't you think the graveyard people would be like: WHO dug this?
I keep waiting for Heather's hand to pop up like Carrie's LOL 

Lucy and Scott are doing it!! AJ's boozing it up again.



  1. This show is BAD I started watching bc I have the day off but its unwatchable! And I LOVE Lucy! And Roger as an actor.

  2. Yes, after a lot of good stuff the show has been stinko. And I am sorry, but Scotty and Franco look like they are the same age!

    1. Kin was born 1953, making him 60. Roger I believe is 43. Both have good genes.

  3. Haven't watched yet- but why again did they have to kill Kate? Storyline right? Is her death going to be redeemed now that AJ is not guilty? Will they ever figure out Ava did it?

  4. Oh, Karen, you are a genius, you predicted the Carrie thing!! So fun!! I KNEW they couldn't get rid of Heather, she is SUCH a funny character (and an AMAZING actress).

    What on Earth was Lucy doing in the parking garage? And then Tranco, just lingering there with Heather and the bloody knife--wouldn't it be possible that someone might come along?

    And, also the graveyard, couldn't someone else just be working there, or show up, while they all are yabbering and doing their dirty deeds?

    I did love the Carrie homage, as I said, but is it possible for someone to dig themselves up that way?

  5. joan, no WAY, she would have had to also ROLLED HERSELF out of the SHEET after the dirt was on! LOL

  6. Maybe Heather got out of the grave like Uma Thurman did in Kill Bill? lol! Then later she can fight Carly with a Samarai sword.

  7. kdmask you are right, it was campy as hell today, but I liked it!
    - Scotty and Lucy getting some action. Frankly, both of them need it...it will help his attitude and maybe get her to mellow out a little
    - Heather lives and busts out of the grave like Carrie! Too cool
    - Q squabbling n the mansion...Are they really calling the new cook, Cook 2? LOL! Tracy, Monica, Luke, and the 90's AJ sharing the same screen? What's not to like?


  8. I'm with Anon. I loved today's episode; it was so much fun! I love Franco's reaction when he stumbled onto that grave. He was all o_0. lmao. perfection.

  9. Bates motel: Carly looks all dolled up! No wonder it took her forever to get ready. She wanted to look good for her man! Oh there comes Sam telling Carly about her oopsy about bringing up Lucas to Julian! Oh and now Sam has to warn Carly about Norman Bates!!! Carly sticking up for him! You two get out of there before Norman sees you two!!!

    Car garage: Lucy sees Norman and has to stick up for his daddy! Oh but wait Lucy isn't happy hearing Norman telling her about his daddy rejecting him! Yes Lucy go talk to Scotty! Norman chit chats to his mother who is in the trunk of his car! Wow long chat and nobody is around! Where is everyone?! Doesn't someone need to go to their car?!?!!? Mama Heather looks so pale!!!!

    Court: Yesterday was all about Diane getting fired from AJ ROFL! Oh and he kisses her on the cheek hahaha! Oh and Starki with her constipated looks on her face. Today, AJ IS FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE YAY! :)

    Scotty's room: Scotty and Lucy scene!!!! LOVE IT! Lucy has moved out of her home and is sleeping in her office?!!? REALLY?! Oh a Lotty kiss! Oh a Lotty making out! WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT! :) They still got chemistry! :)

    Julian Jerome's room: Shirtless yummy Julian wins the line of the day!

    Julian: School's been out for a few hours. Shouldn't you be canoodling with your boy toy?

    ROFL! Good one. :) Oh poor Julian is so confused about the name Lucas! He will find out! And all hell might break loose! :)

    Q home: HI TRACY HI MONICA! Oh and Luke too. Sorry Tracy but AJ is FREEEEEEEEEE! And there he is!!!! :) AJ watches TV. Ohhhh some of the jury thinks he is guilty but they have no proof he did it! HE DIDN'T DO IT!!! No AJ don't drink! :(

    Grave: So the truth is out!!! Caaaaaaaaaarlos is Lily's bro bro!!! :) Unless he is lying!!! Sonny has got to find out! Oh there is Norman Bates and he buries his mama! :) I was thinking, is her hand going to pop out of the grave? WHY, YES IT IS!!!!!!!!!! BAHAHAHAHAHA! I was laughing. :) SHE LIVES!!!!! :) That flashed me back to when that happened on OLTL back in the day. When Austin Buchanan did that! His hand popped up. Which scared the hell out of me when I was a kid! Maybe Mama Heather smells some BLT from Kelly's, so she just had to get out of the grave. :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. They've been calling her Cook 2 for a while now, ever since Cook died from the Jerry-Tainted-Water.

    I thought there were some great moments in the show today re: editing. They cut from Julian asking about Lucas, to Ava talking about Luke, to Luke talking about the Ava/Jerry connection with Tracy, to the Carly/Sam convo about Bobbie's reaction to Julian being alive. It was nicely woven together and fast-paced, but I hope it means we'll get to watch that entire scenario unfold, especially since Sam and Carly are already fighting over who is Lucas' sister. Haha.

  12. Sonya said:
    "That flashed me back to when that happened on OLTL back in the day. When Austin Buchanan did that! His hand popped up. Which scared the hell out of me when I was a kid! "

    OMGOMGOMG!! Yup. That killed me. I was so young then, and hadn't seen anything like that on a soap before. Man that dude was creepy.

  13. OldschoolGHfan says ..Are they really calling the new cook, Cook 2? ===========
    Oh I forgot to mention that! Yeah doesn't the cook have a name? ROFL! Are they going to call her cook 2 from now on? Hahaha! Hey Oldschoolghfan, when are you going to sign up here? ROFL!

  14. Sonya, as soon as I heard those words come out of Julian's mouth I knew that would be the line of the day, LOL. Happy to see the Qs after we were gypped at Thanksgiving. Hope we see more of AJ. Hated Snarly yelling at Sam for making an unintentional mistake in mentioning Lucas. Heather sure has 9 lives!

  15. My 25 year old son was in the room at the end of GH. I said I can't believe they killed Heather she has been on since 80s..He said Watch for her to pull a Carrie..Then we laughed when the hand popped up..

  16. CareyN said...OMGOMGOMG!! Yup. That killed me. I was so young then, and hadn't seen anything like that on a soap before. Man that dude was creepy.
    Yeah that really killed me too! I was 14 at the time when I saw it. I wasn't a little kid, but it still affected me! How old were you? :)Yes he was very creepy!!!

    LSV422 said...Sonya, as soon as I heard those words come out of Julian's mouth I knew that would be the line of the day, LOL.
    Hahahaha great line! :)

    Happy to see the Qs after we were gypped at Thanksgiving.
    That was the first Thanksgiving they didn't show the Q home with the song. :(

    Heather sure has 9 lives!
    More than that!! :)


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...