Thursday, December 19, 2013

Butt Dialing

I DON'T CARE one single bit about the Julian Sonny mob crap. AT. ALL. Seriously, it's not even interesting. WTF cares?
Carlos takes TJ Hostage. Sonny is all "Let him go" ..lah lah. Max comes up behind him.. Julian and Moronigan get there, start shooting.

Morgan bought Ava a stocking.awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. "our first Christmas together"! Molly looked at Ava like: WTH!! You sleep with Morgan!?

Betty bought Paddy a watch!! Better ReGift!! Oh, geesh, she got his initials on it!

Silas and Ava have a secret!! How long will it take to find out what it is!? 

Patrick ruined Robin's homecoming--I don't even care if they get back together, it's RUINED. He's an ass. this writing sucks. I can't believe this is the first time Robin has even been back to her own DAMN HOUSE!!!!!!!!!! 

I did like Patrick and Sam's before. They had cheese doodles then, remember? 

Luke mentioned Butt dialing. heh. And he asked Julian if he and Jerry shared plastic surgeons.  RUBY MENTION!


  1. Is it Christmas or April Fool's? Sonny is on every damn day acting like a pompous ass. Lots of violence. Ugh. It's almost as if Guza is back. I agree that Robin's return has been ruined. I am so disappointed in the show right now.

  2. See this is why I love this blog.. I read it and determine if I should watch or not. I am soooo not into this mob storyline mess. Will pass.

  3. I agree with you about the mob stuff, and today's storylines. This is supposed to be the Christmas season and we get guns and violence. I'm not impressed.

  4. The hospital: Sam and McSilas scene!! :) Hot kisses. Sam wins the line of the day.

    Sam: You're buzzing in your pants.

    ROFL! Great scene. :)Oh oh a cop called him! Ava and McSilas scene. HUH?! McSilas has a secret!!!! Ava what has that got to do with McSilas knowing he has a daughter?!!?!?!! Robin and Patrick scene!! Come on Patrick!!! Figure out what you want! And then pick Robin. :) Oh and listen to what Sam says. :)

    Felix and Sabrina's home: Oh Felix stop! Sabrina has to give up on Patrick! He belongs with Robin! Oh there is Patrick! Oh oh will he pick her?

    Patrick and Robin's home: Robin and Anna scene awww! :) Love it! Anna loves both Robert and Duke awwww! :) Oh a knock on the door! I thought it was Patrick at first. Rats. I wonder who it is.. Maybe it IS Patrick. Altho he can't be at two places at once. Or maybe he can. With bad editing. :)

    Kelly's: OH OH! Julian sees a Lucas on Bobbie's phone calling her! Luke butt dialing ROFL! Good job Luke! :) Very smooth. :) Bobbie and Luke talk about Ruby!!! :'(

    Morgan and Ava's home:

    Ava: Is sex all you think about?

    Me: Yes.

    Morgan: No. Is it all YOU think about?

    Me: Yes.

    Sonny's warehouse: STAND OFF STAND OFF STAND OFF!!!!! And Caaaaaaaaaaarlos's crazy laugh when he sees Morgan and Julian! :) Morgan with a gun! ROFL! So many men!!! They should all be shirtless. :) Well all except TJ he is a minor. SHOOT OUT SHOOT OUT SHOOT OUT!!!!! When the dust settles who gets shot? TJ? :(

  5. If you really want to know who gets shot you can check out this behind the Scenes video, Sonya.

    It's worse than TJ. :(

  6. Luke and Bobbie coffee klatch was good. Ruby mention! Yeah, I miss Ruby too.

    Anna and Robin heart to heart was good and honest. Thought that Anna's reflections on her relationship with Robert (and Duke too) was the truest summation of it since Night Shift 2. Good, really good, writing there and Fin conveyed it so well.


  7. OMG, Patrick should be JOYOUS that Robin has returned, they should be GLOWING, instead they all are miserable. Patrick should listen to Sam. What is he gonna do, divorce poor Robin to marry Sabrina? Makes no sense . . . Also, ROBIN WAS HELD CAPTIVE for almost 2 years!! No one is asking her about it, the details, how she is, no counseling--crazy!!

    Also, Morgan, WHAT DOES HE DO?? He doesn't go to school, or work? He just shtups Ava all day long and is a kept manchild?? Wouldn't his parents talk to him about work or school? Also, Kiki and Michael, how do any of them earn a living? I guess Michael works for Sonny, or something--don't their parents want them to have careers?

  8. Love love loved the Julian Luke scenes!

  9. Di said

  10. I do wish Sonny could be the one who gets shot and taken out of commission for a looooong while. His stories are the very least interesting in all of daytime. Most of us are very VERY sick of him and his kind of stories.

    Nice to see Luke and Bobbie together. Wish Tony would go back to clever ad libs--they were such fun. He and Tristan used to ad lib their way thru scene after scene and slip in naughty stuff that Gloria didn't catch or was too naive to catch. Tony always thought that was funny. He said one time she came down to the floor and demanded, 'What was that? Was that dirty? Was it!?' He and Trish cracked up. I don't see him doing much ad libbing at all these days. In the old days, we fans used to write down the best ones.

    Finola was superb today. That lady can ACT and make it seem so natural.

    I hate the mob stuff and also the Patrick confusion story. What's confusing?? The woman you mourned for 2 years is back--embrace her! Fool.

  11. The only way I would like it if Patrick chose Sabrina over Robin right now is if it meant that Robin could have a TOTAL breakdown...pills, hallucinations, etc., like Patrick had after she was kidnapped. If Kim Mc gets a really juicy story for a while, and then she and Patrick find their way -back- to each other, I'd be ok with that. Disclaimer: I wasn't watching when they were first together (altho I watched Night Shift on Hulu last year) so I wouldn't mind seeing a Patrick/Robin courtship redux.

  12. Ruby meets Lucky Spencer for your Aunt Ruby nostalgia. One of my favorite scenes....

  13. Patrick ruined Robin's homecoming--I don't even care if they get back together, it's RUINED. He's an ass. this writing sucks.


    Co-sign. Paddy shd go running back to Robin. Your wife, who gave you your kid, stood by you w Lisa Niles and philandering and murderousness, and he has a hard time choosing between his genius wife (uh, she wd get a Nobel for counteracting radioactive poisoning by herself) and his goofy 27 year old cum teenaged minded booty mama?

    No REAL man wd hesitate to choose his wife.

    I hope Morgan caps Sonny in the as, and he spends a year in a wheelchair.

  14. Blogger soaplover said...

    I do wish Sonny could be the one who gets shot and taken out of commission for a looooong while. His stories are the very least interesting in all of daytime. Most of us are very VERY sick of him and his kind of stories.



    Sony needs to fall. The irony of Morgan, his REAL son, doing it, is too good to pas up.

  15. Patrick should have just let Sabrina down immediately, like there would even be a question who he wanted. And shame on him for moving out. DI, thanks for the Facebook link - really enjoyed it up until the end. Nice to see what goes on behind the scenes. I can't believe TV Guide picked Maura W. as the best actress of the year. FH is the best!

  16. Di! Thank you for the video of the behind the scenes look. The video is awesome. :)

  17. You're welcome. At least now when they talk about the warehouse we will picture this huge building and not the coffee closet from before. lol

    I was very upset at the end of the video too, sonya.

  18. Di said... You're welcome. At least now when they talk about the warehouse we will picture this huge building and not the coffee closet from before. lol
    The coffee closet! ROFL! Yeah I will picture this huge building too. I love the new warehouse. :)

    I was very upset at the end of the video too, sonya.


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...