Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Surgery: The Cure

Whenever I'm alone with you,

You make me feel like I am young again.
Whenever I'm alone with you,
You make me feel like I am fun again.
The Cure 

OH WHAT A WEEK! GH moved timeslots and came out with a BANG BANG BOOM! Rootin' and Tootin'. Early returns say it's up in the ratings. Let's hope so. They certainly pulled out the stops. Monday and Tuesday was like a good mini-series. The editing was superb. The dialog, awesome. You know I was excited. NO Junior Mints until Friday!  
SCRUB UP... here we go:

So many scenes... so much goodness.  Even though I can't get home right at 2, I still couldn't wait to turn the TV on.  That doesn't happen often!!  The actors were live tweeting this week as well. That was a bit of fun. 

PARADIGM SHIFT:  Jason wasn't ON LOCATION. Did you hear me?!! He wasn't IN THE MOST GIANT shoot out ever!!  Soooo, he was in the hospital using his superpowers to figure things out.  McBain did the bomb along with Lulu and Dante.  But it wasn't St. Jasus. 

Ingo coming back was wonderful as well. I really think the show needs him as a yang to Sonny's yin-- and Carly sure lit up like a Christmas  tree when she saw him. Loved when he walked back in the hospital.  After being in the water ALL  NIGHT. LMAO--he looked pretty good for that (so did his suit). 

So, "Cook" one else we knew, correct? Did they ever give a tally of townspeople that succumbed  to the Jerry Pathogen? Loved how they put it back in the water to cure people. That way Lante could take a steamy shower to wash away the sick. 

SCENE OF THE WEEK: for the first time I'm giving a WHOLE DAY the Scene of the Week. Tuesday Sept 11th was just one of my favorite days in soap history. The entire show was just perfection. John Ingle reappeared for probably his last time and was used in such a poignant way. Emma was saved first. Tracy's voice over at the end with the montage was just right. I watched the entire thing  over again. (and I NEVER do that!). I have to give it to everyone from the music guys to the set direction to dialog. Kudos. 

NOT THE SCENE of THE WEEK: Yes, Mo and Nancy were great...but.. I just can't get into new Xtina. Therefore, a really dramatic scene just fell flat for me.   I so don't care about she and Trey. I was so happy when they were in Vegas. Off screen 


Giant Kudos to John Ingle for coming in for a day. You could tell he was frail and yet like the trooper he is, he gave us some awesome scenes. :Bravo:.  

Hope you had a fun week... Steve Burton Tweeted his last days on the show are in October.  I think he means airing, not taping, but I'm not sure. 

Have a great one--it's a nice fall day here. Wah, goodbye summer!  I put some new spoilers up Friday, Check them out WUBS NET 


  1. As a 40 year vet of this show, I agree. Tuesday was the BEST day I could remember in history.

    ditto to your comments on John Ingle.

  2. Sniff..I am going to miss John Ingle...He has always seemed like such a nice man. Maybe one cannot die from a broken heart, but a broken heart can certainly break down a person and make them very frail. You just know that he loved his wife very much.

  3. He actually was a good recast. Loved the little twinkle in his eye!

  4. Scummed?

    I think you mean succumbed, Karen.

    Freud is smiling.

  5. I think Steve Burton means taping. I think he is supposed to air into November.

  6. I believe he's taping until September 27 Karen.

  7. It WAS the best I've seen in years. JI/Tracy had me all teary and mushy.

  8. The big balloons, are actually floats for trawlers apparently. GH did land on The soup for the John Mcbain Shootout.

  9. I watched the entire show twice as well Karen, I loved it that much. I cried at the end, with the VoiceOver by Jane Elliot's Tracy speaking of her "Daddy" :( Beautifully done. And we can do without the Junior Mints! Makes me wish some other nasty bug would hit PC and take them out! Please Ron C. Send them off to college, stick Jerry on them, throw a toxic ball at them, a poison paintball fight, something, anything please!!!

  10. Busy week so I had to go back and catch the 9/11 episode this weekend. Although David Lewis was "my" Edward Q, Ingle was a great recast and was always there with a good performance. I agree about this probably being his last episode - he looks frail. I might be reading too much into it, but I think Jane was doing the monologe at the end with that in mind as well.

    Always good to see a location shoot too...Wish they would do that more often. Get the actors out of the studio for a change - it puts some extra pep in their step to be in different surroundings.



  12. Any truth Jason will be killed off Halloween weekend? Maybe he will be crushed by a giant steroid or something?

  13. Could Sean Kanan be taking over for Jason? I just can't seen Jason being killed off.

    I loved seeing John Ingle. The scene was beautiful and I just wanted to hug him knowing that his time was probably coming to an end. What a brilliant man.

    Thanks for all the hardwork you put into this blog. I rarely comment and get behind in my reading sometimes but I sure love it!

  14. Could Sean Kanan be taking over for Jason? I just can't seen Jason being killed off.

    I loved seeing John Ingle. The scene was beautiful and I just wanted to hug him knowing that his time was probably coming to an end. What a brilliant man.

    Thanks for all the hardwork you put into this blog. I rarely comment and get behind in my reading sometimes but I sure love it!



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...