Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Boat Goes Boom!

Thank you to John Ingle!

"There's just something about John" Says Sam... interesting!!

WHERE ARE JERRY AND JAX?!! Sonny thinks they are dead.

Monica talks to Jason, and it's REAL not just a fantasy! Yippee. So glad Leslie C is back for this bit of the story. He gives the baby file to Monica to read.

Although I don't like ConKate, the Olivia scenes were good. "I'm enjoying the rain" says Olivia. When it's not raining!! (but she predicted it!! It rained later)  She about knocked Sonny over when she saw him at the hospital. They make out right in the middle of the lobby lol. Sonny wants to move the wedding up.  TO NEXT week. LOL 

Lulu and Dante bring back the serum to GH..Edward is still sick!!

Liz confesses she has feelings for Jason.

People should be camped out at the hospital not the lake house!! Alexis comes home with Shawn.

OH! Port Chuck has a text message chain!! Everyone finds out the antidote is real. And McBain comes to the lake house and Sam  sees him and smiles. Awww They are going to put the serum in the water for people to drink. Never heard of that before but whatever.  Lante takes a shower to get "Well" and ..."clean up" LOL zexy. 

Liz talked to Cam and Aiden while they were in DISNEY I guess... she should talk to poor Gram. 

It ends with McBam in the rain and Liason on the GH rooftop. 

EARLY Ratings from Monday showed GH UP to 2.5! That's awesome... We need to keep them up there! 


  1. apparently those 2.5 ratings were not accurate. i read it from a certain link. don't remember which one.

    SKate are just so boring and their make out sessions should just stop already. Connie i NEED YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!! Kate just makes Sonny so boring it hurts LOL!

    Olivia was fun fun fun with her "rain" prediction LOLOLOL!!

    Ugh junior mints are back tomorrow gag me now!!

    Shawn/Alexis /TJ and Molly were fun.

    Sam should have been with Jason

    Liz was pathetic as hell today running to that roof top after Jason WTF?

    Monica and Jason were love!

    Lante were SEXY!!

    Even Steven Lars never nagged me today LOL!

    I wonder how Max and Milo were though? LOLOLOLOL!!

    Hostage Crisis will never be topped though!

  2. Liz was very pathetic today with Jason. She followed him like a shadow.

  3. The warehouse: Explosion! No it's not the bomb, because McBain cut the red wire! Lulu thinks McBain is dead. Nope! That is a really huge pet peeve of mine!!! People keep thinking someone is dead with NO confirmation! UGH! I do love Lulu there tho. :) Lulu is just like her mother! Laura always had to be where Luke was hahaha! Luke wanted her to go home! Laura was way to stubborn! :) Lulu is the same way!!! Sonny is alive! He was in the water. Sonny thinks Jax is dead! UGH! Here we go again!!!

    The hospital: Olivia thinks it's raining, but it's not! She is up on the roof, and it looks like she is having an acid trip! :) Olivia and Kate had a very nice scene. :) Love it! Jason and Monica had a great scene too!!! Poor Jason wants to be a hero so BAD!!! :) Steve and Liz had a great scene too. :) Liz wuvs Jason. :) Monica hears cheers!!! Love it! :) Everyone has to get water as quickly as they can!!!! Oh and Karen, it wasn't raining!! :) A helicopter is in the air spraying people with water!!! :) Ohhhhhhhhhh so THAT is what Olivia predicted!!! :) Kate is so happy to see Sonny!! they are moving up their wedding date to next week!

    Alexis's home: Water fight!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT HAHAHA! Not only that, but McBam is outside about to kiss, when the helicopter comes and sprays water on them. Damn they disturbed them!!! Come on kiss!! :)

    Lulu and Dante: They took a shower together. :)

  4. Karen, you wrote in your blog that Liz confesses she has feelings for Lucky when it was actually Jason.
    Liked that she had the conversation with Steve. I also liked that they showed Sam has feelings for McBain as well as Jason as she herself confessed to Molly that there is something more there. Thanked Ron carlivati on twitter for Liz/Jason scenes ( as they will soon be over as steve is on his way out) and for Monica scenes ( that were not fantasy). Like seeing Sam and Mcbain about to kiss.

  5. Everybody getting wet for the cure was a bit odd but I didn't mind.

    Loved Jason and Monica talking. Also loved Steven and Liz talking to each other. I'll take whatever liason scenes I can get being that SB wil be gone soon. The water fight at the lakehouse at the end was cute.

    I highly doubt that either Jax or Jerry is dead they'll just be listed as dead until their needed in the future! lol

  6. OH sheeze, thanks for catching my mistake!! LOL WHOOPS!

  7. 2.5/8 in households on Monday
    Michael Fairman website reporting this.
    Karen you are correct.

  8. Who will Sam lecture about marrying a man for money? LOL! This show is so funny! Will she lecture Heather about kidnapping babies too?? Bwaaaahahaha!

  9. Wow! That was a great show today. Made me a little weepy quite a few times. So many good conversations, so much love, some happiness! Men in wet tee-shirts!! :)

    I really, really, appreciated what Lulu said about everyone just going back to "normal" after all of this...because isn't that so real? Don't people go through craziness and then just go back to their old habits and behaviors? I'd like it if the writers used this pathogen story to propel some character/dynamic changes. Have people really seeing their mortality and appreciating their loved ones and following their hearts and dreams. Most of these "big event" stories on GH are just that--events with no real ramifications. Hope the new team is using this as a springboard to create some changes and usher in some of the real family soapy goodness we're all always clamoring for.

  10. I was thinking about Carly and how she had been in a room with in the last week with her current husband ( Jax ) , her ex-husband ( Sonny ), her current boyfriend ( Johnny ), and her possible future boyfriend (Todd ) and at the docks her past fling (Shawn ) was also present. Wow! , LOL :0 ) .

  11. Love2chat, Yes, I also thought that about Carly and the four guys, didn't think about Shawn, though

    I couldn't believe that Sonny swam through the water with his suit jacket on!!

    The last scene was beautiful, it made me cry, I love when they end with a montage and a song. Everyone was so joyful, accepting the waters of life, the healing waters, I felt it was very cathartic.

  12. An absolutely lovely show. The ratings should be WAY up!

  13. The Monday general Hospital 2.5 rating is based on one article in the Hollywood Reporter that stated that Katie increased her lead in audience by 12%. Katie had a 2.8 rating. Who knows if the 12% number is correct or if you can use simple math to calculate a rating. Katies rating for Tuesday dropped to 2.3.

    The show was nice. Very happy ending.

    I hope they do not shove Monica back in a Q closet never to be seen again. I missed her. Give us a Q or hospital story for her.

    I understand why there has not been a John Ingle / Edward story, he did not look healthy yesterday. I love JI but I think it is time to (temporarily) recast the character to move along with the story. -Like Maxie
    Remember JI is a replacement Edward.

    I heard Kin Shrinner may be coming back????

  14. I loved today's show too :) some commented on Liz following Jason around....Liz was asked by Monica to take over for a sick nurse. She was chatting with her brother, she was on the phone with her kids while Jason was lurking in the background. At the end she ran to to the roof maybe because she was trying to get Jason to stop walking around on his shot up leg and yes the woman loves the man! But, her brother also was up there it is possible she was looking for him too.
    Did anyone notice Steve heading towards Olivia? He looked like he was going to kill her not kiss her! Lol! Maybe Liz thought the same thing and was trying to stop him :D

  15. I was thinking that too Avalonn. I just thought she went up the stairs to find Steve. It may have been Jason too, but my first thought was Steve. Haters gonna hate...

    Decent show today. Loved Sam and Molly together and then Alexis and Shawn joining. Looked like one big happy family. See how easily we don't need Kristina. :)
    Monica and Jason are always good together. Wish they had more storylines that intertwined.
    Liz calling her boys was also nice. Wish they would have shown her looking at pictures of all three of them.
    Dante and Lulu. I have a feeling Lulu might still be pregnant. Mainly because as soon as they figured out they were going to live, the first thing they talked about was having a kid.
    John and Sam at the end was so cute! And John wears black too, so him and Sam would look great together!
    Everyone got better real quick, didn't they. I wonder, if Jax is still alive, will he have drank any of the water to make him better?

  16. McBam are just so hot together! McSteamy!

    Loved the rooftop Liason hug :))

    The pathogen in the water storyline was very lame. I loved having Jerry and Jax on and very much enjoyed the high drama look/filming of the remote scene but overall the storyline was full of holes and not very well written, but I'll take it because it drove in big numbers for GH. It'll be interesting to see what kind of numbers it gets next week.

  17. I think Sam should get a divorce before she starts talking to her little sister about 'there's just something about John'


  18. Why is "Hell's Kitchen's" Gordon Ramsey threatening all of these people's lives??



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