Thursday, March 31, 2022


 Biden talked about GAS PRICES ... -_____- 

THEN He had to take questions. LORD HELP ME. THEN he walks off...then HE WALKS BACK ON! Then he walks off..then the news has to have TWO LADIES tell us what he said!! 


Ok, Diane is with Michael and Willow... talking about Nina. Diane says she could totally gain sympathy from the jury.  Then they talk about Michaels' assault charges and they should offer something to that reporter for dropping the charges. Information on something. She's going to go talk to Alexis.

Carly and Sam at Yoga. Carly can't relax. Sam is proud Cam and Joss told their story. Oh Maxie and Nina are there too! Carly snarls at Nina (Seriously, a snarl LOL) and then Nina says "Well, I may as well talk to her about Wiley". Maxie says NO ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? don't do it!! She does it anyway. Carly's like There's NO WAY IN HELL I'm helping you. 

Joss and Cam in Corinthos' kitchen with iced tea and giant orchids. Talking about the article. Then they decide to go to Trina's arraignment. Even IF there are reporters there. Say what you want but Joss is loyal. Trina finally goes before the judge. 

Alexis and Harmony talk about Nina and Harmony wants to talk to Willow about Wiley. Harmony is glad Willow has her life back on track. Willow is VERY tired. Harmony comes over. Tries to talk them into Nina visiting. They are like cut it out, no. 

Diane and Alexis talk. Alexis tells her that Smalz is a free lancer and he is angry with her because she gave the story to another reporter so she can't help. Diane says she'll find another way. 

SO, Trina could take a deal for sexual harrasssment and get 3 years probation but the judge could decide to give her time anyway. Molly tells her it's a good deal tho because if she's convicted of a felony she could do harder time. Scotty tells them to shove it but it's Trina's decision. OFFICER RORY takes Trina for a walk to think. Cam and Joss see her and they all hug. 

Spencer and Nikolas talk. Esme pretends to throw up. And Nikolas says they can LIVE AT WYNDEMERE since she's afraid of Sonny. 

Some guy they showed reading the paper at Charlie's shows up at Alexis Office "Hello Ms Davis, been a long time" and Alexis says "Oh, it's YOU"'s Neil's brother that yelled at her at the funeral!! 

We find out tomorrow what Trina pleads. 


  1. Why do presidents always use 2:00 as their 'announcement' time. Don't they know that anyone watching TV at that time is not interested? Jeez.
    Wiley...blahblahblah...Wiley...and on we go still. Good scene with Carly and Nina. Carly is right.
    What's up with Willow's clothing. Evening wear. And new something about her face/teeth...something. She's yawning and so are we!
    Oh Esme...she is so good.

    1. Yes, just once I'd like to see them do it in Ellen's time slot. (I was lucky I could turn over and watch th beginning with the kids.

    2. I love to hate Esme. Question: why does the actress always wear white sneakers? Does anyone know?

    3. I noticed that too!! Like Willow is the ONLY person who ever carries a purse----maybe Nina does sometimes?
      I love to hate her so I am concerned that this storyline is backing her into a corner....and can't be redeemed..

    4. I hate a 17 year old girl. It’s in style. I guess kind of like meds were back 8n the day but now even with dresses

  2. I was waiting for Nikolas to tell Spencer not to have sex with her if he wasn't sure she was pregnant. She is so conniving.

    So many people get conned into plea deals and admit guilt when they don't have to. If you're innocent never admit guilt. It will guarantee you'll never have anyone believe you were innocent. And you most likely won't be able to appeal the sentence.

    I just want to tell that cutie who took Trina outside that he could never be invisible. lol

    Neil's brother was listening very intently to the kids conversation. Good time to bring him back if they're leading to a proper resolution of Neil's death.

    1. Seriously the new cop is a cutie! I'm smitten!
      So glad everyone said that was Neil's brother, I had no clue. Lol!
      And Trina better plead not guilty. I so agree with you about that.

  3. ----Where does Victor live?
    ----I officially want Trina and Rory together - Spencer is DEAD TO ME - LOL
    ----NOW if Neil's brother was responsible for his death and in cahoots with Harmony, I can live with that ------at least not a Cyrus thing......I thought his brother was horrible to Alexis for no reason......
    -----Just as Harmony is involved in 3 storylines, bet she is killed during May sweeps.....

    1. His brother was upset and lashing out. I definitely doubt he had anything to do with his death.

    2. Lol, to Spencer being dead to you. Hahahahah! Me too! What a schmuck!

  4. glad trina has someone interested in just her. the officer is a little cutie. and just give nina supervised visits with wiley. that way its on michael's terms.

  5. Anyone else notice the Yoga wear is laughable at least with Sam & Carly? Dangling earrings, hair not pulled back. Good gravy I like the set just try a bit more with the having them ready to stretch and bend (no thank you for me that is too hard lol)

  6. Still loving the new Trina. And I love how they’re introducing the new cop. Making us want more! Neil’s brother showing up was a shock. It’s great they are revisiting Neil’s death. That was a plot hole that was never resolved. And I actually like the actress who plays Harmony. Very interested to see how this is all going to play out.
    Women have always been an am Achilles heel for the Cassadine, so it’s not too surprising that Esme, who takes her cues from one of the baddest villains in the shows history and may be even Ryan’s daughter, has them fooled. For now.

  7. Carly's home: Poor Tribbles! They are a mess! :( What did they do to you?! :(

    Jam: I'm glad they decided to go see Trina at the courthouse! Good friends. :)

    The courthouse:

    Molly and Curtis:

    Molly: Between you and me, I'm surprised when I found out Trina was the defendant. She seems like such a good person.

    WHAT?! Excuse me?!!? What the hell kind of line was that? You know Trina!!! I'm so confused.

    Curtis: Can she go and stretch her legs?

    Cop Rory: Yeah I'll take her.

    Oooo he wants to take her.. He wants to be alone with her. ;) Oh I hope he isn't a bad guy and I also hope he is a relative of Ms. Wu!!!


    Jam and Trina: Awwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Alexis's office:

    Alexis and Okay I am very uncomfortable with being in Alexis's office.. Oh why show the flashback again?! I don't need to see it.. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

    Alexis and Diane: Damn with all the talk of Poptart Smalls, it's too bad he wasn't there!!!

    The hospital/Yoga class:

    Nina and Maxie: Maxie wins the line of the day.

    Maxie: No! Abort! Abort!


    Nina and Cujo: Oh come ooooooooonnnnnnnnnnn! LET'S GET A FIGHT GOING!!!! Hit! Smack! Punch! Why won't the writers let them fight?!!?!

    Nina: Wiley Wiley Wiley Wiley.


    Sam and Carly: I really can't believe they are besties now.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Mildew: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Mildew and *Face palm*

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Nik, Spencer, and Vampira: Vampira is really milking all this. Oh look she is going to the bathroom to fake puke. Oh look! Spencer wants to move into Wyndemere with Vampira! THERE YA GO! :) That's how Vampira moves in. So the only way Nik and Vampira can have sex, is when nobody is home. And I really hope she doesn't drug him.. ENOUGH OF THAT! I want Nik to want her! Okay I was wondering who that guy is that is staring at them and reading Jam's article. At first I thought it was Poptart Smalls daddy!

    Alexis's office part 2:

    Same man at Charlie's and Alexis:

    Poptart Smalls daddy?

    Karen says it's Neil's brother that yelled at her at the funeral!!

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! That's right.. Geez I didn't recognize him. Wonder what he wants? Maybe to apologize to Alexis?

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to August 28th 2013* Goodbye Laura/Genie. She is leaving again. :(

    1. Hahahahah! Maxie's line was hysterical, and her facial expression was perfect!
      I was team Snarly yesterday. Help me! I cannot stand Nina. She's so delusional.
      Like I told Di, I'm smitten with the new cop...what a cutie-patootie!
      I really agree with you about Esme not drugging Nik. I'm done with that too. But just noooooo to Nik really falling for her. Ewwwww, lol!

    2. lol I'm smitten with him too. I was calling him cutie patootie in my head too. lol

      I'm not on any team. Sometimes I feel I'm in the middle of the cukoo nest when I go on some sites. I skip over all the name calling and venom. That type of anger directed at fictional characters makes me happy I'm not neighbors with some of those immature people. I have a FF button and i use it liberally if i don't like something.

      And just Noooo to the Nik falling into her web too. I want her outed on the pregnancy and out of their house. Here's hoping Sonny has Brick do a deep dive on her background. I'd love for them to find out she's really in her late 20's or something and pulling a scam on naive boys to get taken care of.

    3. "Julie H says, Hahahahah! Maxie's line was hysterical, and her facial expression was perfect!"

      Hahahaha yes yes yes! :)

      "I was team Snarly yesterday. Help me! I cannot stand Nina. She's so delusional."

      Yeah Nina needs some professional help. And also she needs to find out Willow is her daughter ASAP!

      "Like I told Di, I'm smitten with the new cop...what a cutie-patootie!"

      I love him too!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

      "I really agree with you about Esme not drugging Nik. I'm done with that too. But just noooooo to Nik really falling for her. Ewwwww, lol"

      ROFL! No not falling for her, just is attracted to her. I don't want him drugged so the other option is to want her. :)

      "Di says, I'm not on any team. Sometimes I feel I'm in the middle of the cukoo nest when I go on some sites. I skip over all the name calling and venom. That type of anger directed at fictional characters makes me happy I'm not neighbors with some of those immature people. I have a FF button and i use it liberally if i don't like something."

      Oh being angry with characters is fine, just as long as it doesn't spill over to the actors and the fans. I mean I hate Kung Foo Barbie and she makes me so angry, but I'm not going to insult the actress or the people who like Kung Foo Barbie.

      "And just Noooo to the Nik falling into her web too. I want her outed on the pregnancy and out of their house. Here's hoping Sonny has Brick do a deep dive on her background. I'd love for them to find out she's really in her late 20's or something and pulling a scam on naive boys to get taken care of."

      Hahaha yes!!! Find out the TRUE Vampira!!! :)

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Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

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