Thursday, March 24, 2022

Oh Esme...


Anna's back, goes to see Sam and Drew. Says she knows now that Luke was murdered. They talk about her trip and the failed Tarot card plan. Carly's mess she made LOL. Then about Project Demeter and Anna hasn't heard of it. Could be higher than her classification. Demeter is goddess of life and death or something. 

Sonny is at Charlie's pouring drinks? Anyway he and Nina talk about damn Wiley. Sonny says he's not drinking still. They laugh and end up dancing to a slow song together. Montage with Nixon Falls Dance. 

Oh, Michael and Willow talk about WILEY! Michael is out on bail. She tells him she fainted. Way too much to take care of Wiley and Nursing school AHAHHA Ok, ok. :eyeroll: 

and...HARMONY AND ALEXIS TALK ABOUT WILEY! Harmony leaves talks about living in a motel for a year. She can't save for a place on her salary. Alexis is like..want me to cosign a lease with you? 

Esme's all sad and doesn't wanna go to the family dinner. Laura tries to talk her into it. Spence isn't saying much. Nik says Victor's coming. Laura is like WTF? LOL Laura has to go to some meeting and will meet them at The Metro. Nik leaves next and Spencer and Esme talk together. Esme says Laura is warming up to her, unlike his friends. They keep talking about their 20 something dramaz..zzzzzzz. 

Oh Laura goes to talk to Team "Luke Was Murdered" at Sam's. They tell her Luke was murdered. She knows Victor did it. 

Ava and Victor and the henchman guy at PC Grille. She's joining everyone for dinner too. Nikolas shows up. He says Esme and Spencer may not. 

Curtis says that Tommy (Curtis' brother) hardly talked about Marshall. They are trying to figure out what Marshall's past is. He wants Jordy to open up Marshall's sealed arrest warrant and she says NO WAY. He gets mad, says she did it for Laura/Cyrus and storms out. 


Nina and Sonny almost but don't kiss 

They aren't going to tell Bobbie and Tracey Luke was murdered. 

Curtis goes to see Sonny 



  1. "damn Wiley"...LOL Years ago I kept asking when the Wiley story would end. Nevah! They'll be arguing about him at his funeral. Death by boredom from Michael and Willow.
    Nelle pregnant...oops I mean Esme. Wash and repeat. Just no.
    Unless Marshall is outed as a prolific serial killer, I don't care.

  2. I know I am one of the only ones, but man Maurice lit up in those scenes with Cynthia today. I love seeing the character come to life again and be playful. Yes, what Nina did was despicable I know, I know. But I loved today's scenes mostly because of Mo's performance.

    So Harmoney living will be temporarily with Alexis... like we mentioned before several ABC shows are having straight women go Bi. Whether they will go there I don't know.

    1. I thought the same thing with sonny and nina. starting to like together.

    2. "Linda says, I know I am one of the only ones, but man Maurice lit up in those scenes with Cynthia today."

      YES HE DID!!!! :)

      "I love seeing the character come to life again and be playful."

      Me too! :)

      "So Harmoney"


  3. Did I miss - or did the writers just ignore this------------
    HOW is Chase's punishment 6 MONTHS ----- cause Valentine filed charges? WHY WHY WHY would he not unfile (whatever the word is) since the truth came out? 6 months is beyond ridiculous---wasting Chase's character....

    1. I agree. I guess they thought the character could get more screen time if he wasn't a cop since they wanted to use only Dante for that.

  4. Police station:

    Mildew: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Curtis and Jordan: Curtis you are not being fair!!!! Now honey take your shirt off! Aren't you hot? Isn't there a heat wave going on? What month is this? Is it still February?

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Nina and Sonny: Nina walks in and eye sex already! :) Eye sex and dancing! YOWZA! HAWT! :) Too bad they didn't kiss. I love the back and forth to Nixon falls dancing scene with them, and at Charlie's. :) Nice touch.

    Curtis and Sonny: Curtis what favor? Hmmmm.

    Alexis's office: and Alexis: trying to avoid Shaun hahaha! Wait whoa! Shaun is finally gone now? Guess the goodbye tour is over. lives in a hotel? Hahahaha. Oh Alexis go on ask her to live with you. :)

    Alexis: You'll stay with me.

    There ya go!!!! :) Now that wasn't too hard was it? :)

    Kevlar home:

    Nik, Laura, Vampira, and Spence: Spence isn't saying anything.. He must be thinking about Trina. :) Vampira is all pretend fake sad.

    Vampira and Spence: Vampira is so good. She can manipulate really well. OH A PREGNANCY TEST HAHAHAHHA! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNN! I didn't see that coming and I really should have. So very soapy.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Victor and Yohan: Yohan wins the line of the day.

    Yohan: I will do a lot for the cause, but I hope you're not expecting me to be your fall guy.

    ROFL! Poor guy. And the look on his face.. ROFL! I hope Victor has given him a lot of money to work for him. This guy really needs a raise. :) I like Yohan.. :) So Luke found out about Victor's secret so he had him killed? WHAT SECRET?!?!?!

    Nava and Victor: Nava playing Victor and Victor playing Nava. :) Fun fun! :)

    Sam's place:

    Sam, Drew, Anna, Laura, and Tribbles: Great meeting. :) The Tribbles want to help too!!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to February 11th 2013* Laura/Genie returns!!! Welcome back Laura/Genie! :) YAY!

    1. They should slip the tribbles wherever Victor is staying. I'm sure they could be a could spy and listen and report back on what he is planning.

      1)Is Vampira really pregnant or is she running a con on Spencer? And 2) If she is pregnant, is the baby Spencer's?

      Yes, Curtis take you shirt off.

    2. "Gary says, They should slip the tribbles wherever Victor is staying. I'm sure they could be a could spy and listen and report back on what he is planning."

      HEY! That's a great idea!!!!!!! :)

      "1)Is Vampira really pregnant or is she running a con on Spencer? And 2) If she is pregnant, is the baby Spencer's?"

      All good questions. :)

      "Yes, Curtis take you shirt off."


    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I could not believe that not one person asked how the bad guy "killed himself right in front of us!!" Honestly a brief line about the cyanide capsule was needed. He was prepared to die. For crying out loud that really irked me. Sam and Laura just blinked and carried on with their thoughts. Massive eyeroll on my part. I'm sure the Tribbles were hollering, too!

      FF'd thru Sonny/Nina. I just can't. defense is a good offense. I loved her yesterday, lol!
      Ava really lights up the screen. I honestly could watch her and Victor banter back and forth all day! :)

    5. "Julie H says, I could not believe that not one person asked how the bad guy "killed himself right in front of us!!" Honestly a brief line about the cyanide capsule was needed. He was prepared to die. For crying out loud that really irked me. Sam and Laura just blinked and carried on with their thoughts. Massive eyeroll on my part."

      You are right!!! Anna should have told them that!!!!

      "I'm sure the Tribbles were hollering, too!"

      ROFL! I'm sure they were! :)

      "FF'd thru Sonny/Nina. I just can't."

      Oh it's okay. :) It's not everyone's cup of tea with honey. :)

      " defense is a good offense. I loved her yesterday, lol!"

      Hahahaha. She was great! :)

      "Ava really lights up the screen. I honestly could watch her and Victor banter back and forth all day! :)"

      Yes so much fun! :) Yeah she does light up the screen!

  5. Yeah....pregancy test....right. It just "accidently" fell out of her "open" and "unsecured" purse. Nice new ruse Esme.

    And I think you need to go rescue poor Johan, sonya. lol

    1. "Di says, Yeah....pregancy test....right. It just "accidently" fell out of her "open" and "unsecured" purse. Nice new ruse Esme."

      ROFL! Ooooo. Didn't think it was a ruse.. You are right!!!! Damn I'm slipping! ROFL!

      "And I think you need to go rescue poor Johan, sonya. lol"

      ROFL! Yes I think I do. Wanna help? :) Oops spelled his name wrong! ROFL!

  6. sonya said: " You are right!!!! Damn I'm slipping! ROFL!"

    *** Well between the tribbles and Johan distracting you, I'm not surprised. lol But no worries. I'm here to catch you. lol

    1. "Di Well between the tribbles and Johan distracting you, I'm not surprised. lol"


      "But no worries. I'm here to catch you. lol"

      Hahahahaha oh thanks Di! :D


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