Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Hanging Around


Liz looks at the Zexy Picture hanging up that Franco did for her. Someone comes in the house and startles her...it's CAM. So everyone was out for about 24 hours and Liz has no idea how that portrait got there. 

Finn tells Chase about the strange things happening to Elizabeth. Finn says not to say much because he's not sure if Liz wants people to know. 

Then Liz calls Finn ...he goes to her house, Chase stays home. The cops arrive at Liz'...Dante is there. They try to figure out who could get in (no forced entry). Liz thinks it's Betsy Franco. "Grieving People do desperate things" ..I'm still saying Elizabeth is doing all of this. 

Willow wants to talk to Michael about Nina. Willow "played Me" Michael. She doesn't want Nina to see Wiley. Michael agrees. Leaves. 

Michael talks to Chase. Chase lays into him about sleeping with Willow and being mad at HIM for 'sleeping" with Brook because he may have 'hurt Willows feelings". I wish he would have punched him but... 

Nina sees Curtis and Stella in Charlie's, they say they can talk to her if Phyllis isn't there. She and Curtis talk about Sonny while Stella goes to the bar.  Then they talk about Marshall and he needs to know more about Marshall. Stella says not to have Drew look around Marshall's past. Curtis says he has to if he's moving in with Portia to protect her. 

Nina sees Willow at GH .. :eyeroll: Willow yells at her for sleeping with a married man. :Eyeroll: Nina pleads to see WILlllllllley. Willow says no. Nina pleads. Willow says No.  

Sam and Drew debrief about Maxie at the Metro. He wants a more "leadership" role at Aurora. Sam says he has her blessing. She leaves. (PS Jax sold his shares we find out) 

Drew then meets with Marshall about the Media Company. He asks him to be a consult for the music part... but Marshall realizes that Drew is asking questions about his past for Curtis. Drew convinces him it's a real job. Tells him about HR policy and background checks. Marshall says Um, no thanks. Don't want it. 

Carly tells Olivia she filed the divorce papers. Olivia makes her a drink. Carly is just sad and doesn't know how all this happened. Sam walks over. Olivia said they planned something to get Carly's emotions out. It's an ax-throwing bar. They have fun, Olivia brought a pic of Nina. Music montage. 


Finn is going to stay at Liz' for a bit

Carly gets a bullseye when she says she's releasing herself from Nina and Sonny

Nina says she'll fight for her right as a bio grandmother to see Wiley


  1. hmmm I'm not sure I liked the look on Cameron's face when Finn said he'd stay over for a few days. I sure hope it isn't him. That being said the only one who's benefitting right now is Finn who keeps getting to sleep over. Very interesting.

    1. Maybe it's Finn gone crazy. Lol

    2. "lindie says, Maybe it's Finn gone crazy. Lol"

      Finn! ROFL!

    3. I'm laughing too about Finn. Wouldn't that be a hoot? Lol!

  2. Brase home:

    Chase and Finchy: Awwww. Brothers. :)


    Liz's home:

    Cam, Liz, Dante, and Finchy: I don't remember that painting. Where has the painting been after the fire? Was it hanging around with the Tribbles?

    Liz: I think I know who did this!

    Me: Who Liz? Who? Betsy?

    Liz: Betsy Frank.

    Yeah that means it's not Betsy Frank! Awww Finchy sleeping over. :) Is he gonna sleep on the couch again? :) Will Roxie be there too? Roxie really needs to be recast, since the OG Roxie died.

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Curtis and Stella: When Stella first walked in, I heard her voice and I thought it was Phyllis! You know, Vernee Watson was on Bob Hearts Aboshola last night. :) It's good that Vernee has two jobs that she loves. :)

    Curtis and Nina: It's funny that Curtis wants Nina to tell him quickly what is going on with her, before Stella comes back hahahahaha!

    Curtis and Stella part 2: Yeah I'm confused about Stella's attitude toward Mr. hat guy and Curtis's relationship.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Drew and Sam: They hug and Sam's bread is heaving. Oh Drew wants to work at Auora.. Interesting..

    Drew and Mr. Hat guy: A background check! That's a no no!!!!!!!!! How could you Drew!!!! Even if it's a real job, no background checks!!! Can he at least do a drug test?

    Olivia, Sam, and Carly:

    Carly: What are we doing?

    Sam: Ohhhh.

    *Sam starts touching Carly*

    Seriously what was that about Sam? Like she is a little puppy. What is going on here?


    Olivia, Sam, and Carly: Hmmm Sam and Olivia are wearing the same white shirt! ROFL! Is this a cult? Should Carly change into a white shirt too? Yeah Sam that's a good question.. it's not a good idea to throw an ax while drinking beer! So basically,

    Carly: Revenge!!!

    Olivia: No. Let revenge get her.

    Sam: Olivia is right!


    The hospital:

    Mildew: Zzzzzzzzzzz.

    Willow and Nina: Oh yes. You have to be a perfect person when you are with Wiley! In Willow's world.. Or maybe it's in Mildew's world. Oh the hate is back!! Which means it's foreshadowing.. Which means we will find out soon or eventually that Willow and Nina are mama and daughter.. :) Oh Willow is going up the stairs. Will she fall down the stairs because of Nina? Nina wins the line of the day.

    Nina: If this is the path that we will be taking now, I will fight for my rights.

    YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! WOOT WOOT! Nina got dark there for a minute. The change of her face, was beautiful. :) Nina don't walk away! You forgot to push her down the stairs. :)

    1. I liked when Carly said Karma is too slow. HAHAHAHAH! Ain't it the truth?!
      Loved Chase ripping into Mikey. :)

      Willow and Nina scenes were good. Willow had no room to talk, but that being said, she was right about Nina conveniently leaving out many things while she's sucking up to her. And I was in total agreement when Willow said "are you keeping track of how many things you didn't mean to do?" (or something close to that, lol!) Not a fan of either character, but yup, Willow will be Nina's daughter.

      I like the portrait of Liz, but it looks nothing like her. :)

    2. "Julie H says, I liked when Carly said Karma is too slow. HAHAHAHAH! Ain't it the truth?!"

      Hahahaha. Yeah true, but it will take it's time and then strike when you least expect it hehehehe. MUAHAHAHAHAHHA! It's stealthy.. :)

      "Loved Chase ripping into Mikey. :)"

      Yeah that was a great scene!

      "she was right about Nina conveniently leaving out many things while she's sucking up to her."

      ROFL Don't they all? :)

      "And I was in total agreement when Willow said "are you keeping track of how many things you didn't mean to do?" (or something close to that, lol!)"

      Willow was right. :)

      "yup, Willow will be Nina's daughter."

      YUP! After all these years, they are finally going to do it.

      "I like the portrait of Liz, but it looks nothing like her. :)"

      Really? I thought it looked like her.. Hmmmm.

    3. sonya said..."
      *Sam starts touching Carly*

      Seriously what was that about Sam? Like she is a little puppy. What is going on here?"

      *** I noticed that too. At one point I tought she was going to put her head on her shoulder.And even in the portraits from that scene she's snuggled up against Carly.
      She's so used to being in scenes with the guys where she has to cling, lean on, or hang off a shoulder, I guess.

    4. "Di says, I noticed that too. At one point I tought she was going to put her head on her shoulder.And even in the portraits from that scene she's snuggled up against Carly."

      Yeah it was weird. Since when are they so close like that?

      "She's so used to being in scenes with the guys where she has to cling, lean on, or hang off a shoulder, I guess."

      Hahahahaha. Well, she has Dante now. She can go snuggle up to him! :)

    5. I noticed that too! Too funny about her needing something to lean/hang on, lol!
      And I love "MUAHAHAHAHAH!" You both have done it and it's so Snidely Whiplash! :)

  3. 3 of sonny's baby mommas partying together and getting along

  4. I think that Harmony was married to Frank Benson they got Ninas twins and when they split up Frank kept Nelle and Harmony took Willow.

    1. That would be interesting because it kinda/sorta would make Carly and Harmony related (through marriage, not blood).

  5. Liz has DID. It's not Betsy or the boys. Unless it's Scotty. Hmmm

    1. That is not an established fact. You think Liz has DID. Don't state it as a fact. People will read it as gospel and copy it somewhere else.

    2. Scotty?! Hahahaha. It's not Scotty! :)

  6. I think it's clear after Tuesday's show that Willow *will* be Nina's daughter and Nelle's twin. That whole scene on the hospital stairs fairly screams "Willow, you will be forced to reconsider and have Nina in your life soon."

    I really wish the writers on this show would call out the characters' hypocrisy more often. Willow and Michael are the last people to be shaming others for adultery. And there are numerous examples of this sort of "let's conveniently forget history" that happen all the time, especially with Carly and Sonny.

    1. I'd like to see them called out more often too. I just loved Chase telling it like it is to Michael.That makes for better tv.

  7. Cam was giving some weird looks to Liz - not guilty looks but more like he suspected something. That painting was really bad. Nina should have legal rights to her grandson and not be judged by her actions.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...