Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Come On Eileen


Laura sees her Deputy Mayor person, Eileen. Eileen flashes back to telling Victor Cassadine what Laura is up to. Laura goes into Charlie's and meets with Sam, Dante and Robert about taking down Victor.

Anna and Felicia are somewhere trying to get something on Luke being murdered. They talk to the clerk in Austria and Felicia is playing the part of a widow. Anyway, the guy finally gives them the files to look at. They notice a delay in the schedule. A baddie guy calls Victor to tell him they are at the office. Victor tells him to deal with it any way he can. 

Victor talks to Johan about the tarot card he found. If it doesn't work, they'll kill Drew. 

Willow's Passport arrives. Sonny walks in, wants to talk about Nina and Wiley. Grandparents rights. Yada yada. Sonny says let Nina see Wiley. They say no. He gets annoyed. Repeat. 

Ava and Nina are in the City Grille. At the SAME table Britt and Brad were. Weird. I guess Selina Wu isn't going to confront them. They talk about..WILEY! SONNY!! Put me to sleep!! Victor walks in and tries to charm them. Nina isn't nice to him. Ava is...when he leaves Nina is like WHY U NICE TO HIM?

Drew helps Liz get her snack from the vending machine. He wants to know what's happening with her. She tells him all about the stuff going on with the weirdness and Franco connection. Worried about Jake. He was on Cassadine Island after all. 

TEMP MONICA is telling Finn she's having a dinner party and to bring Liz. He says they are on a break.  Monica tells him the Elizabeth history and that she was once married to her father, Jeff. She's sad Jeff doesn't have a relationship with Liz or her kids. Then Jake steps off the elevator.  Monica leaves. Finn talks to Jake. Jake says he skipped out on his appointment with the therapist because he didn't do anything. 

Monica finds Liz to tell her Jake left therapy but he's talking to Finn. Liz tells Monica that Jake is grieving and having "Behavior Issues" . 


Eileen is questioning Laura meeting with "Town Officials" and it not being on her calendar. Laura tells her she's investigating Luke's death

Victor calls Drew. 

Guy comes in and has a gun on Anna 

Jake says he was somewhere instead of the library but can't tell his mom 

Monica tells Sonny, Michael and Willow she's going to have Jason legally declared dead so his kids can move on. 


  1. back to square one-it ain't Jake.....so I am thinking he was somewhere associated with Jason and Liz would be mad----don't think it's about Franco-OR he has a boyfriend/girlfriend.....so HOW LONG do we have to suffer through if it is Liz or not?
    Laura TOTALLY set her up-----plus they are IN PUBLIC meeting so I think Laura wants Victor to know.....
    FINALLY we are going to declare Jason dead - Liz and Sam get MONEY!

    1. I agree that Laura wants Victor to know. They met in public and Laura knows the deputy mayor cannot be trusted. They are setting her up.

  2. Austria offices:

    2 Austria men: OH! I'm glad they are showing the words at at the bottom of the screen of what they are saying. :)

    1 Austria man, Felicia, and Anna: This was hysterical! Felicia over the top crying and the look on Anna's face when Felicia was standing at the wall wailing! Hahahhahahaha! Anna wins the line of the day.

    Anna: Yes you just sit there.


    Felicia and Anna:

    Felicia: Since the floating rib is gone, maybe I can get back to the PI game. What do you think?

    YES PLEASE! :)


    1 Austria man on the phone with Victor: OH OH!

    Austria offices part 2:

    1 Austria man and Anna: OH OH!!!!

    Port Chuckles:

    Port Chuckles Grille:

    Nina and Ava: Is it still February in Port Chuckles? I wonder if Nina is going to get the preggers.. Then Ava would REALLY enjoy that! Hahahahahaha!

    Nina, Ava, and Victor: The look on Nina's face when Ava was all nice to him! HAHAHAHHAHAHA!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Laura, Robert, and Sante: While they are all talking, Felicia and Anna are doing! Really wish Laura would have gone to Austria with Felicia and Anna.

    Laura and Eileen: NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS EILEEN! Be careful what you say to her Laura. Eileen you better not tell Victor!!

    Port Chuckles:

    TempRecast Monica and Finchy: Oooooo! That was a nice talk of the past when Monica was married to Jeff!!! :) I'm surprised Finchy didn't know!

    TempRecast Monica, Finchy, and Jake: Why was Monica temporarily recast? This recast look too young. Like in her 40's.

    Finchy and Jake: No no Jake isn't the pyromaniac!!! Cam has always been one! :) Yeah Jake if you weren't at the library then where were you? The brownstone?!?!! What is Finchy talking about? That isn't the brownstone!!! HUH?!

    liz and Drew: Hey Drew Magyvered the snack machine hahahahhaha. Great scene with them. Nice tie in with the past.

    Drew on the phone with Victor: Phone ringing!

    Drew: It's showtime..

    Showtime indeed! :) Yes yes Drew go visit Victor. :) See what questions he will ask you while you are "under his control"

    Q breakfast nook:

    Mildew: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Mildew and Sonny: Man! Maurice Bernard just pulled me in to the scene!! :)

    1. Patty McCormack ( Monica's fill-in) is 76. Leslie C. is 77. I thought she did a great job too.

    2. "Di says, Patty McCormack ( Monica's fill-in) is 76."

      REALLY?!!?!?! WOW! She really don't look it. Do you know the actress?

      "I thought she did a great job too."

      Yeah!!! :)

    3. Flea was killing me, lol! I really like her and Anna together.
      Nice, long over due scene with Drew and Liz. But we really need to move this weird Franco related creepy goings-on along already!

      I really liked the temp Monica yesterday. As DeeDee said below it was Holly Kaplan.

      Sonny had good reasons for his big fat lies of omission, but he was still ticking me off yesterday. He needs to hush about Wiley. As Mikey said, Wiley is his and Willow's kid so respect their wishes and back off! :)

    4. "Julie H says, Flea was killing me, lol!"

      Me too!!! Hahahahaha!

      "I really like her and Anna together."

      Yes me too they were great!

      "Nice, long over due scene with Drew and Liz."

      Yes! Way over due!

      "But we really need to move this weird Franco related creepy goings-on along already!"

      Yeah it's taking too long.. Let us the viewers know what is going on!

      "I really liked the temp Monica yesterday. As DeeDee said below it was Holly Kaplan."

      Yeah she was good, but a little young..

      "Sonny had good reasons for his big fat lies of omission, but he was still ticking me off yesterday. He needs to hush about Wiley. As Mikey said, Wiley is his and Willow's kid so respect their wishes and back off! :)"

      Yeah I really enjoy Michael yelling at Sonny! :) I really enjoy Sonny sticking up for Nina. :)

  3. I would love it if Nina had a Sonny bun in the oven.
    Will Felicia join the PI business with Sam and Spin?

    1. Nah Felicia can do the PI business all on her own.. She don't need their help. Okay maybe a little help with Anna. :)

    2. OMG, NOOOO, Nina CANNOT be PG, PLEASE, no more Sonny children. When Carly, Olivia and Sam were at the ax throwing place, I was thinking, they ALL got PG by Sonny! They never talk about it, but sooo many women who are friends have slept with the same man, ewwww. . . Isn't Nina supposedly unable to have children? (Of course, if anyone can manage to get her pregnant, it would be Sonny . . .)

    3. "AntJoan says, OMG, NOOOO, Nina CANNOT be PG, PLEASE, no more Sonny children."


      "When Carly, Olivia and Sam were at the ax throwing place, I was thinking, they ALL got PG by Sonny! They never talk about it, but sooo many women who are friends have slept with the same man, ewwww. . ."

      Hahahahahahaha! They should compare notes hahahahaha.

      "Isn't Nina supposedly unable to have children? (Of course, if anyone can manage to get her pregnant, it would be Sonny . . .)"

      Yes she is unable to, but this is Sonny we are talking about.. He has strong magical sperm! :) He can get her pregnant! :)

    4. Sonny's super sperm HAS to strike again, right??

    5. Right, Nina is unable to get pregnant. It's GH folks.
      Patty McCormack..."The Bad Seed". One of my favorite old movies. She looks great.
      MB's son is starting tomorrow. Looks like he's playing a wise ass kid.

    6. She filled in before when Leslie C was out....she is good....

    7. I'm with AntJoan...just NO to Nina being preggers by Smike. NO! :)

    8. "Ladderr says, Sonny's super sperm HAS to strike again, right??"

      Yes has to!!!!

      Julie H says, I'm with AntJoan...just NO to Nina being preggers by Smike. NO! :)

      Awwwwwwwww! :( But but but it would really make Cujo's head implode! :)

  4. i knew i recognized the name. she played the neighbor in the spinoff series The Ropers. she has a very long and distinguished IMDB list

  5. Monica was played by Holly Kaplan today
    Patty McCormack played Monica previously

    1. I actually googled her, thanks DeeDee! I thought she was great. :)

    2. ahhh Thanks. the article i read said it was Patty. Just shows you that you have to double checl all the Gh articles. *sigh*

  6. I enjoyed today's show but I wish the "real" Monica was here to do her lines. Also, please writers, always write Monica keeping in mind that Sonny killed AJ (the stupidest turn of events in years). After that incident, Monica should loathe Sonny, even if she sometimes has to interact with him.


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