Monday, March 28, 2022

Two Phones

 Portia and Taggert talk about Esme, Trina. She tells him he's been a good father. He says he got lucky with Trina as a daughter. 

Nikolas tells Esme that she can't come to Wyndemere. She says "you've turned your back on me too" sniff. She sees Porta and Taggert run out. She smirks. Nikolas comes back and says Laura isn't coming to dinner which basically means no one is. I think he's going to cave and let her stay at Wyndemere. 

Nina and Scotty talk at the Metro Bar. They make up. Have a drink. He says he'll represent her instead of martin to get visitation with Wiley. She says she wants it to stay out of court. He wonders if she's in love with him. She doesn't deny it. He tells her to get off the ride--NOW. 

Jordan has Trina in her office for an 'informal chat". Trina says ok, she wants to find the person that taped Joss and Cam. She tells Jordan how Esme is the person to look at. Jordan asks where Trina was--she said blacked out. Yada yada.. and then Jordan told Trina she could call a parent or guardian and Trina doesn't want to bug anyone. They talk about the tape and the accusation. Trina says she only has one phone and there's nothing on it. Then, she looks and there's 2 phones in her bag; exact same ones. 
Jordan calls Curtis to call Portia and Taggert and tell them Trina's being questioned without a lawyer and they need to get there. She can't because it's against ethics. 

Taggert runs in. He's pissed. Josslyn is still waiting. Jordan gives Dante the extra phone to have forensics look at it. Taggert yells at Trina about not getting a lawyer and NEVER TALK TO THE COPS and WHY DID YOU TURN  YOUR PHONE OVER? lol He then stops into Jordan's office "How dare you question her without an attorney??!! We were PARTNERS"! Jordan thinks the phone is way too easy to have been in her bag but it is reasonable to hold her because of it. 

Marshall and Curtis at Charlie's.. ugh, same old sheeze. I mean.. I.. Am Done. He talks to Phyllis. She tells him how great Sonny is. 

Phyllis wants to talk to "Lorraine"...oh Harmony. Phyllis basically says that since she gave away Nina's baby, Harmony should help her see Wiley? AHHAHHA What? Then she says: YOU WERE Friendly with Her mother; Madeline. They walked their dogs together and knew each other. Harmony is like, um, not THAT friendly. She goes out. 

TJ and Molly make Alexis dinner to thank her for letting them stay there. Then she says Harmony is going to live there for sometime. They are not happy and say that Shawn didn't like Harmony. Then Harmony walks in and she's there for dinner. Awkward! We don't get to see dinner. They all talk..Harmony is glad everyone is looking out for Alexis. Yada yada. Harmony spills coffee on the carpet. 


Trina is booked

It shows Harmony has been in Alexis' house before when she gets the carpet cleaner from the basement. 

Nikolas rents the room over Kelly's for Esme! He'll 'check' on her


  1. Thank heavens Nicholas didn't take her back to his place.

    They need to get that phone to Spinelli. They both knew it was too convenient to have an unprotected phone in the purse.

    Glad Alexis clued in to the fact that Harmony must have been there before.

    And Phyllis needs to let people know that Harmony knew Nina's mother...starting with Nina.

  2. Metrocourt restaurant:

    Scotty and Nina: Oh Nina is still upset with him. :) Well, glad she stayed to have a drink. Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: What is it about Sonny? Is it the slicked back hair?

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA! No! It's the dimples!!!! :)

    Nik and Vampira:

    Vampira: *Cry cry cry*

    Nik Jr: Come on Nik. She is hot!

    Nik: You can stay at Kelly's. I will check up on you.

    Oh this is perfect!!! Then when he checks up on her, they will have sex and nobody would walk in on them. :) *Evil smile* I can see it and smell it a mile away.

    Portia and Taggart: Love how they want to protect their daughter. :) Oh look they are running to see Trina, and Vampira is all smiles and wipes away her crocodile tears. :) *Evil smile*

    Lenny's bar and restaurant:

    Curtis and Mr. Hat man: Oh come on Mr. Hat man! Spill your secrets!!! and Phyllis: Hmmmm. Very interesting.. So we know more about and Nina's mother.. Oh come on! Doth protest too much. Just admit that you were besties with Nina's mother! :)

    Mr. Hat man and Phyllis: Oooooo new friendship. :) YAY! Phyllis is so sweet!

    Jordan's office:

    NuTrina and NuJordan: TRINA STOP IT! GET A LAWYER!!!!!!! OH 2 phones!! That's what Vampira did okay.

    Police station:

    Portia, Taggart, and Trina: Taggart so ANGRY!!! Love when he is papa bear!!! Great scene!!!

    Jordan's office part 2:

    Taggart, Jordan, and Curtis: Ooooooo! Very enraged papa bear!!!! Great scene!

    Taggart and Curtis: Great scene!

    Portia, Taggart, Trina, Joss, and Dante:

    Dante: Trina Robinson you are under arrest.


    Alexis's home:

    Alexis, and Tolly: Alexis you shouldn't of told them that is moving in! And wait a second how did Tolly learn how to cook?!

    Alexis, Tolly, and Wait they had dinner? What happened during the dinner? They didn't talk at all? We didn't get to see the dinner! DAMN! Okay the drink spilled and I didn't get it.. Oooooo has been there before! Wait wait wait. Did she used to live there before, or was she stalking Alexis? Another mystery!!! :) The look on Alexis's face hahahaha.

    1. Sonya, you know Alexis can't cook. Tolly had to learn how to cook so they wouldn't starve. LOL

      Please, let Phyllis mention to Nina that and Mads were besties. And I want to see Michael and Carly's heads explode when they find out that Willow is Nina's daughter.

      My ex was a paralegal in the military and he preaches that if you are ever asked to chat with the cops the first words out of your mouth should be "I want a lawyer". Even if you haven't done anything wrong.

      Hmmmm, do I smell a triangle coming with Phyllis, Mr. Hatman and Phiffy?

      I was on a thread this weekend on Twitter and we want Carly, Portia, Ava, Liz, and Laura to take down Vampira for messing with Joss, Trina, and Cam. I included Cam because he was violated also.

    2. "ary says, Sonya, you know Alexis can't cook."

      ROFL! I know!! :)

      "Tolly had to learn how to cook so they wouldn't starve. LOL"

      Hahahaha yeah but they always ordered from other places or go out to eat. They wouldn't starve. :)

      "Please, let Phyllis mention to Nina that and Mads were besties."

      Yes please!!!!

      "And I want to see Michael and Carly's heads explode when they find out that Willow is Nina's daughter."

      So do I!!!!

      "My ex was a paralegal in the military and he preaches that if you are ever asked to chat with the cops the first words out of your mouth should be "I want a lawyer". Even if you haven't done anything wrong."

      Yup he is right! You don't say ANYTHING until you have a lawyer!!! Come on Trina you are smarter than this!

      "Hmmmm, do I smell a triangle coming with Phyllis, Mr. Hatman and Phiffy?"

      Yeah I was wondering. :)

      "I was on a thread this weekend on Twitter and we want Carly, Portia, Ava, Liz, and Laura to take down Vampira for messing with Joss, Trina, and Cam. I included Cam because he was violated also."

      Yeah Cam was violated and I am glad you added him too! :) Yes they all want to take her down! :)

    3. I'm a mother of a son who had some problems with bulling in high school. His father and I were so pissed, but his high school took care of little miss Esme wanna be.

    4. "Gary says, I'm a mother of a son who had some problems with bulling in high school."

      Oh that sucks!!!!!

      "His father and I were so pissed, but his high school took care of little miss Esme wanna be."

      OH! A girl was bullying your son? Well I'm glad his high school took care of it!!

    5. The high school took bullying seriously. The principal said he couldn't tell me what happened to her, but he said she would not be bothering him again. And she didn't.

    6. Sadly Girls are the worst. I know a young man that was bullied over and over in high school by 3 very popular girls. He didn't want the embarrassment of his mom complaining to the school so it wasn't reported.

    7. Linda, a teacher finally saw what was happening.

  3. Well, the rumor is that Harmony killed Neil, have no idea if this is true. You know, a while back, Harmony said that she was changing her name back to Lorraine, whatever happened to that? And she and Diane both have the last name "Miller"?

    1. "AntJoan says, Well, the rumor is that Harmony killed Neil, have no idea if this is true."

      Yeah I heard that!!! Hmmmmmm.

      "You know, a while back, Harmony said that she was changing her name back to Lorraine, whatever happened to that?"

      I have no idea. I guess she just wants to keep the past, the past and move on.

      "And she and Diane both have the last name "Miller"?"

      Sisters? Cousins? :)

    2. Who knows with this show, AntJoan. I'm just glad thet Alexis clued in to the fact that Harmony knew the plce.

    3. AntJoan, I think she is mixed up with whatever Ryan is up to. It will get her killed sooner or later.

    4. "Di says, I'm just glad thet Alexis clued in to the fact that Harmony knew the plce."

      ME TOO!!!! :)

    5. Thanks for the rumor update about Harmony killing Neil. That would be interesting but I bet the writers haven't figured out the "why", lol! And I was very glad Alexis picked up on the carpet cleaner thing. I was pretty happy with Harmony walking out on Phyllis though. Having her do Nina's dirty work....I would have told her to stick it! I am no fan of Nina at all. This passive aggressive thing she does about everything, takes no responsibility for anything...ugh!!!

      Taggert was on fire yesterday, I loved him and Portia too. And poor Trina, she looked shell shocked! Everyone was great in those scenes.

      Poor dumb Prince Nik. He has no clue what he's in for. I can't wait, lol!

  4. when will we go back to Phyllis also knows Stella?
    I am bored with all of it right now.

  5. esme's fingerprints are on the phone. and I love molly's blouse.

    1. but it IS the PCPD and they never solve crimes! LOL

  6. More hat man. He needs a job. He is one of those characters that floats from scene to scene and says nothing new ever.
    NuTrina is doing a great job. This phone thing is just confusing. An exact duplicate?
    Harmony is much younger than Phyllis. And Madelyn. Harmony is just all trouble. As intelligent and sharp as Alexis is she can be naive as heck.

  7. The phone thing is just stupid. How many people have duplicate phones? I know people have personal and work phones, but they aren't exactly the same. And Trina is a college kid so that wouldn't apply to her. And she certainly would have noticed an extra phone in her purse between the time little miss troublemaker put it in her purse and Jordan took her to in to be questioned.

    1. She said her purse was really full when she was looking through it. If one phone was at the top she would have just grabbed this. I just go with the flow. We'd go crazy if we really started to pick this apart.

    2. Also college students use backpacks and not purses.

  8. Hey I just got done watching the original incredible hulk, and John Reilly was on it! :) He played a bad guy! :) The episode is called broken image.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...