Wednesday, March 2, 2022


 It's time for WED to be here. I hope today isn't just filler. A lot happened yesterday but not a lot of story movement. 

Anna visits Mac at GH. Says the WSB agent that flipped is dead. Suspicious. Anna also found a phone and local number. Everyone thinks it's Victor. Oh, Laura, Felicia and Anna are all there when NuJordan walks in and says she's back on the job! 
Laura and Anna go and brief her. 


Austin comes up and wonders if Maxie can forgive him. They go to his office to talk. He tells her about helping Liesl bug Victor to help Maxie. 

Liz and Finn--Liz is like "What can the endgame be here"?? Jake walks in..BIG JAKE! Tall! Anyway he asks why the police were there. Cam shows him the portrait. Finn asks if he saw anyone around the house yesterday. Betsy Frank? He says no. OMG Jake didn't know Peter was dead!! LOL..Cam is like "Mom didn't tell you"?? Jake is happy he's dead. Cam is too. They hug. Later, Finn tells Jake he'll protect Liz. Jake says he and Cam can do that. They talk about Franco. I think he forgot Jason got killed too LOL 

Portia and Drew. Geesh, has DREW TALKED to the entire town yet? They talk about Curtis. It was just filler. Oh he does say there's a house she and Curtis should look at that he knows about. 

Marshall and Curtis meet. Marshall says he knows what he did re: Drew. Same convo as always. Marshall says he has a criminal history. NO..REALLY?? It's sealed now he says but Drew could still find it. Anyway, Marshall is going to take the job. Curtis is happy and says he won't pry anymore. 

Sam and Dante at the bar, throwing axes. Olivia and Carly must have gone home. Dante tells her about Elizabeth's 'stalker'.  He says Liz thinks it's Betsy Franco. They are going to track her via Spinelli to see if they can find out where's she's been the past few days. He says she went to the cemetery but didn't go in. Also found out she was arrested last November by the NYS police. 


Marshall tells Drew he'll take the job

Jordan sees Portia and Curtis saying they'll buy that house and hugging. 

Betsy got a DWI and attacked a cop and got a 72 hour hold in a psyche ward. 

Betsy shows up at Liz' house and says she has to 'tell her the truth"

Anna gets a mysterious phone call

DR O Is on tomorrow! 


  1. The hospital:

    The hallway:

    Maxie, Bailey, Laura, and Pawtucket Holtster: Man that baby is adorable! I can't take it!!!!!!! :) Oh come on!!! No forgiveness needed!!! He freakin didn't do anything wrong!!!!

    Mac's room:

    Mac, Felicia, Maxie, Anna, Laura, and Baby Bailey: GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BABY BAILEY! My vagina exploded.. 00

    Mac, Felicia, Laura, and Anna: What?! The WSB guy who turned on Anna and her team died? Damn that sucks. Wait he died in the hospital? Oh no Mac! You are not going anywhere! DON'T YOU DARE!!! Tell him Felicia! :) Mac wins the lines of the day.

    Mac: I think the whole hospital heard you. Turn coat.

    BAHAHAHAHA! You are NOT going anywhere Mac! Dammit!!! Oh hello NuJordan! Hmmm she looks like she is in her late 20's.. And she smiles!!!!! :)


    Laura, Anna and NuJordan: Wow! NuJordan isn't constipated.. They are all working together really well. :)

    Private room:

    Maxie and Pawtucket Holtster: STOP STOP STOP! It's not your fault!! How long is he going to apologize to something he didn't do?!

    Maxie: Look whatever Peter's involvement was with Victor, It wasn't your fault.

    THANK YOU! THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING! Now we got that straightened out, what's next Maxie? Pawtucket Holtster wants to know! :) Are you going to start dating him or what?

    Ax restaurant: I don't know what this place is.. Is it a restaurant? A beer joint? What? I don't know what to call it.. I'll have to think of something.. Are we keeping this new set? I hope! :)

    Sante: Oh zexy ax throwing.. :) Foreplay with them. Betsy has been naughty, but it doesn't mean she is doing strange things to Liz..

    Central Perk:

    Mr. Hat guy and Curtis: Criminal history!? NO!!! Well I'll be a monkey's uncle! Or should I say aunt? ROFL!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Drew and Portia: Hmmmm chem testing? It looked like they were a flirtin.. Oh a new house? What house is it? A new set or a familiar set?


    Purtis: Oh yes.. A beautiful house that we haven't seen yet. ROFL! Does it have Tribbles? Oh look NuJordan isn't smiling and is jelly! She doesn't look constipated!! They announcer never did announce NuJordan.. I hope they will tomorrow!

    Liz's house:

    Fiz, Cam, and Jake: JAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Man he is tall. Jake and Cam are the same height! Hahahahaha!

    Cam and Jake: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Fiz: Come on Liz there is nothing wrong with asking Jake questions.. He is a big boy. He can handle it.

    Fiz and Jake: Awww that's sweet Jake that you want to take care of your mother, but it's not your job! And uh did you forget about the death of your dad?

    Liz and Betsy: Hmmmm? Tomorrow I bet what Betsy has to say is a nothing burger with fries..

    1. Now Sonya you know there will be no announcer for NuJordan. Everybody in Mac's room yelled out her name so we would all know it's her, lol!

      I just can't get behind Maxie/Austin. They're kind of icky.
      Jake was acting so weird. And totally blew off Finn which I didn't like.

      That baby! She's way to adorable for her own good. What a heartbreaker!

    2. "Julie H says, Now Sonya you know there will be no announcer for NuJordan. Everybody in Mac's room yelled out her name so we would all know it's her, lol!"

      Hahahahahahha. I know.. :) That was funny.. Maybe if they show her today there will be an announcer.. Because maybe some people didn't see her return yesterday. :)

      "I just can't get behind Maxie/Austin. They're kind of icky."

      Well, they are not brother and sister like Dante and Sam are! ROFL!

      "Jake was acting so weird. And totally blew off Finn which I didn't like."

      I don't know what is going on in Jake's head.. Wish we could read his mind. :)

      "That baby! She's way to adorable for her own good. What a heartbreaker!"

      YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I just want to hug her and kiss her cheeks!! :)

    3. OT: Sonya...there is an organization I am involved with called Service Dog Project. They raise Great Danes for people with mobility issues. There are puppies being born right now with the theme "The Tribbles". Couldn't help but think of you.

    4. "zazu says, OT: Sonya...there is an organization I am involved with called Service Dog Project. They raise Great Danes for people with mobility issues. There are puppies being born right now with the theme "The Tribbles". Couldn't help but think of you."

      Awwwwwwwwwwwww! :) Sweet that they are being called the Tribbles. Why are they being called the tribbles?

    5. I guess the person who had the privilege of naming the litter is a Star Trek fan. Pup names so far are Kirk, Crusher, Spock, Giordi and Naomi...with more to come most likely.

  2. ---I was screaming when Laura said, 'you are technically not back on the job, Jordan so not sure we can talk' and they freaking talked IN THE HALL AT GH!!! Come on!
    ---Jake is more upset with Franco's death than Jake's....I think he might be doing it
    ----I just can't get into silly Dante and Sam--- I REALLY tried....
    ----FINALLY Maxie said it's not your fault to Austin
    ----will Jordan remember what Portia said about Trina's father and will she blackmail her?
    ---I think Anna meets Dr. O tomorrow.....

  3. filler day. but nujordan is gorgeous

  4. Bailey Louise babies are the cutest!
    Nice stalker guessing game. Maybe someone we don't even know yet.

  5. When Jake walked into the house I did a double take; he reminded me of a young Lucky. I know Jason is his dad but he really looked like Jonathan Jackson.

  6. I haven't watched. Did they recast Jake?

    1. No, the actor is the same, just taller and not a little boy any more.

  7. Jake is acting a bit weird but that would be too obvious if it was him. So glad to finally see him and he has grown! I think they are trying hard but Austin and Maxie just don't have it. Sorry but Maxie went from fashionista to frumpy. I think the Jordan recast is good but young.

  8. I would love to see Austin with Britt, not Maxie. I love Kelly Thiebaud and Amanda Setton. They make me root for their characters whenever they are on the show. I really like Roger too. He was always so good with little kids when he was on One Life to Live. I just can't see Maxie with Austin. JPS makes me swoon.



  FROM The NED and OLIVIA Fans on Twitter!  OK !! SO I messed up and didn't get a blog out yesterday. I started watching the shows I mis...