Friday, March 11, 2022


 Esme walks out of the elevator. at the Metro.there's a big bruise on her arm where Ryan grabbed her. She sees Nik and Ava kissing and says "Show Time" . She butters up to Nikolas. Kevin calls Ava to tell her Ryan has had no change. Esme squeezes her hand under the table. LOL they call Ryan all sorts of things and are glad 'the monster' is locked up. 

Chase and Finn talk about Elizabeth. They talk about the stuff happening with her and the weird stuff.  Then Brook Lyn...boring. 

Jake and Cam and Liz talk about Finn ..she says they are on the break. Liz tells Jake he's going to go see a psychiatrist today.. He's like "you think I'm psycho"... She says no and don't say that. Then he gets a text about the video. Cam is like DON'T LOOK!!! Anyway, Cam finally tells Liz about it. She's like "want to talk about it"?? Geesh she's not even angry about who could have done it. They say Franco would know what to do. 

Joss is home, doesn't want to go back to school. Tells Carly it was her first time with Cam and something terrible happened. Pfffffft Carly thinks she's pregnant. Joss tells Carly about the video and them being filmed. Cries. Carly is pissed. She wants to call Spinelli to get it taken down. Then they try to figure out who it could be. Joss is like "well.. Trina WAS really drunk". Ut OH. Then she says no she couldn't have done it. Then Carly has a nice talk with her, calm and just rational. 

Brook Lynn comes into the kitchen when Millow are kissing. Brook Lynn has no idea what she's going to do now that Bailey Lu is gone. Blah, blah... Willow goes to GH to "nurse"...yada yada. Michael asks her about Chase. 

Brook flashes back to Chase scenes 

Carly and Joss see Esme at The Metro. Carly tells her to sit down...

Chase walks into the Q kitchen after Brook has a LOTTA flashbacks of him 


  1. Carly was good today......I WILL say when she said Sit Down to Esme, I kinda sat down myself---LOL - that calm voice and look is much scarier than screaming.
    Chase is better with facial hair...
    Certainly not a Friday show......

    1. A low calm voice always works much better than screaming. If you scream you've already lost the argument. I can't wait for Spinelli to figure out it was a burner and then who bought it.

    2. Don't forget the look! That's all we needed

    3. Weird, but I also liked Carly today.

    4. Too many beards these days. Chase looks great all clean shaven.

  2. I see why Sydney Mikayla really left. It looks like that Trina is going to get blamed for the sex tape and have to work to clear her name. So first, she gets drugged on the cabin trip and now she gets blamed for the sex tape. Yeah, I wouldn't want to continue in this storyline either.

    1. That's not what happened and they aren't blaming Trina.

  3. Carson home:

    Carly and Joss: WHAT THE HELL?! The Tribbles!!!!!!!! THEY ARE BACK! With rocks and stuff in it. They are all butchered! Poor things! :( I am so glad Sam took some of it and put it at her place to save it and keep them safe!!! I wonder where the flowers in the water are. Karen I thought you were going to show a picture of the Tribbles! I'm surprised you didn't! :) Carly wins the line of the day.

    Carly: Hide the camera in the cabin? NO! GOD NO!

    HAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! No Sonny wouldn't do that! :)

    Liz's home:

    Liz, Jake, and Cam: Yeah Cam, Jake will see the video eventually. Poor Jake!!! He is being blamed for something he says he didn't do. He probably didn't! Hey where is Aidan?

    Liz and Cam: Cam is right!!!! Women do have double standard and it sucks.

    Q breakfast nook:

    Mildew: Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Mildew and Blazer Lynn: Hmmmm. I wonder if the limes, lemons, and apples are real or fake.. Wow! Blazer Lynn not wearing a blazer today!!!! :0

    Michael and Blazer Lynn: Come on Blazer Lynn! Chase has feelings for you!!! :)

    Blase: Love the montage!!!! :) He looks so much better without the beard and mustache!! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant: Vampira and her bruise. I'm surprised there was no flashback about what happened yesterday with her and her daddy! :)

    Nava: I can't wait until their renewal!!! :)

    Nava and Vampira: Oh oh! Vampira don't like that Ava is disparaging her daddy!!!!

    Vampira's thoughts: Stop talking about my daddy that way you bitch!!!

    Nik and Vampira: Hmmmm. Oh I see. So the plan is to have Nik like Vampira, and then she can get close to him, that they end up having sex!! :) NO DRUGGING! Or pretending to drug! Just good old fashioned soapy messy I want you now fun. :) I can call them Nesme! :) That sounds like Renesme from Twilight. :) Bella and Edward's daughter. :)

    Carly, Joss, and Vampira: Yeah Carly!!!! You tell her to sit down! I want Cujo to come out!! :)

    The hospital:

    Finchy and Chase: More brothers scenes! :) YAY! And of course Chase was talking about Blazer Lynn. :)

    Finchy and Liz: Ooooo eye sex. :)

    Liz and Jake: I'm glad Jake is going to see a therapist, but only so he can talk about his dad!!!!

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to August 28th, 2008.* More Laura and Lulu scenes! :)

    1. Poor tribbles. It looks like they were buried alive! What evil fiend did that?

      I think Nik should mention to Victor that Esme doesn't think he should talk to Spencer about coming to the renewal so that Victor will start getting suspicious of her.....Yes, I want him to sic Victor on her. lol

      I'm glad Jake will get a chance to talk out his feelings.

    2. Sonya, I lovevy your take on things. But, I have to disagree about one thing....

      Chase looks so much better with facial hair.

    3. "Di says, Poor tribbles. It looks like they were buried alive! What evil fiend did that?"

      Yeah!!! Who did this?! Poor Tribbles!! *cry*

      "I think Nik should mention to Victor that Esme doesn't think he should talk to Spencer about coming to the renewal so that Victor will start getting suspicious of her.....Yes, I want him to sic Victor on her. lol"

      Yes I like suspicious Victor. :) Sic her Victor!!!! :)

      "I'm glad Jake will get a chance to talk out his feelings."

      Yeah me too. He can also talk about BobTodd's death too!

      "Zak says, Sonya, I lovevy your take on things. But, I have to disagree about one thing.... Chase looks so much better with facial hair."

      Hahaha. No no! Clean face!!! :) The flashback they did, he had a baby face!!!! :)

    4. Yes. I prefer the clean face too.

    5. OMG...what did they do to the Tribbles? They are taunting you sonya! LOL
      Yes, Chase looks great with no fuzz face. Too many men wear beards these days. What's up with that. Lazy?

    6. "Zazu says. OMG...what did they do to the Tribbles? They are taunting you sonya! LOL"

      Hahahahaha! They are!!!! The writers are just trolling us!!!! Hahahaha!

    7. I like Chase with and without. No beard will be easier for Brooklyn to kiss.

    8. Some men have facial hair that grows in quickly. If they're filming all day they don't want 5 o'clock shadows coming and going during the episode so they have to shave several times during a long day. It's easier to have a scruffy face or a beard.

    9. That would be true Di. Maybe especially true for guys with dark hair like Chase.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...