Friday, March 25, 2022


 Oh I see the Oscars are this Sunday. I'm not really into it lately. Last year? Meh. HOPEFULLY NEXT year I'll be back in the game. 

Real Andrews is back as Taggert and looking really good. He had health issues so I hope this means he's 100% good to go!! NUTRINA!! They talk about the tape, and her friendship with Joss. She says Spencer basically sided with Esme. Taggert mentions his sister dated Nikolas. (Gia)

Sonny and Curtis. Curtis wants Sonny to get him a sealed arrest record. Sonny's like, is it your business (like Sonny wouldn't do that LOL). Curtis is like, he's lying and I need to know why. Sonny flashes back to finding Marshall's medication and says he won't do it. He thinks Curtis should find out through his father. 

Joss and Cam in the college room. Talking about the tape. How she's worse off than he is. WHICH I appreciate and understand but you bring it up DAILY. WE GET IT!!  Trina walks in. Joss tells her she KNOWS it was Esme that did the taping. 

Esme and Spencer. He's stunned about the PG test. She's like none of your business. He says ARE YOU PREGNANT? She says they did make the love before he went to Spring Ridge.  He tells her to take the test NOW!! She says no..then Cam knocks on the door. "Bad Time"?? LOL Esme leaves. Spencer yells at her. She says "MY BODY, MY choice"! leaves. Cam is like @@ WTF, dude!! Esme is outside the door...cries, then smiles (I think) then cries. 

Dinner with the Cassadines at The Metro. Nik's hair is driving me nuts. Victor tells him that long ago, Cassadines basically ruled the world. They can again. 

Ava sits with Portia when Taggert takes a call. She talks about Spencer being out of jail and he has to work at the Gallery because of his restiution. She says that Trina will be in charge of him. Portia says NO...No way. 

Jordan gets the tip from the crimestoppers hotline with the information on Trina. Dante tries to see it. She's like "We have a perp" . 


LOTS of GIA Mentions!! 

Jordan asks Trina to go down to the station 

Esme asks Nikolas to help her 


  1. Nice to see you back. When you forgot to publish the other day we were worried about you. I wonder with the Gia mentions if she is going to show up.

    If Esme, or Vampria as Sonya calls her, is really pregnant? And if she is pregnant is Spencer the father or is it "Daddy" Ryan? I'm thinking their father/daughter relationship is more of a cosplay than the real thing.

    Joss better not start thinking Trina made that tape.

    1. I didn't get any indication today that Joss would think Trina did it. Trina was accused by an anonymou phone call and Joss will know right away who that was. She's not stupid, nor is Trina.

      I don't believe Esme is pregnant. Apart from that obvious purse dropping scene, she didn't want to take that test right away. Time for the writers to wake Spencer up. (I'm glad Cam went to see him so he had someone to talk it out with. )

      Esme is definitely playing Nickolas but Ava won't put up with that for long, and when she finds out she's trying to blame things on Trina it won't bode well for her.

      NuTrina started out a little shaky but in her scenes with Cam and Joss she found her footing. I think she'll do well.

    2. Di, I can't wait for Ava to put little miss Esme in her place. I just worry that it will make Nik take up for the little troublemaker.

      You are right, neither Joss or Trina are stupid but I was afraid the writers were going to go that route.

    3. "Gary says, If Esme, or Vampria as Sonya calls her,"


      "is really pregnant?"

      Hmmm nahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :) She didn't want to take the pregnancy test. :)

      "And if she is pregnant is Spencer the father or is it "Daddy" Ryan? I'm thinking their father/daughter relationship is more of a cosplay than the real thing."

      Hahahahahaha. *Dead*

    4. "Di says, NuTrina started out a little shaky but in her scenes with Cam and Joss she found her footing. I think she'll do well."

      Yeah when she first walked up to Portia and Taggart, she looked a little nervous. Yes she did find her footing. :)

    5. I don't think Ryan is really Esme bio father either.

  2. Beyond stupid that Trina the next day wouldn’t realiZe her phone is nOT her phone. Call spinelli. And I agree with others-the writers need to be careful with storyline. Esme just pay for this federal crime or the writers are being naive.

    1. mufasa, most college students that I know - not many I admit - are on their phones all the time. You are right Trina should have noticed at least by the next day that her phone had been replaced. I doubt that Esme had had the opportunity to have Trina's phone cloned.

    2. Oh, I forgot. They had better suggest to test the phone for Esme's fingerprints. Though I expect she already has an excuse ready for that.

  3. KevLar's home:

    Vampira and Spence: Vampira brought up her period! WOW! I didn't even know they were allowed to say period! 00

    Vampira: We made love that night before you went to spring ridge. Remember?

    You did?!?!! No I don't remember.. Off camera scenes. How fun. :) Vampira wins the lines of the day.

    Vampira: I never have taken care of a dog! My body my choice.

    BAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA! Geez Vampira it's not like he was telling you to get an abortion. She is hysterical. We all know why she doesn't want to take the test. :) She is not preggers! :) She is very good at manipulating.. :) The look on Cam's face! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.

    Outside the door: Mmmm hmmm. Smiley Vampira.. She is so good! Where are ya going Vampira? To see daddy? :)

    Spencer and Cam: Yes yes Cam yes. You strong as bull, Joss little ol slut. How many times are you going to say that? ROFL! Great scene between them.

    Police station:

    Dante and Jordan: Dante's neck is going to be so sore later.. He is looking up at her! ROFL!

    College class room:

    Jam: Cam strong as bull! Joss little ol slut.

    Jam and NuTrina: HI NU TRINA!!! :) Hey she did a great job today!! :)

    Joss and NuTrina: Awwww besties!!!!!!!!! :) Love the hug! :) Oh oh hi Jordan!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Portia and Taggert: REAL ANDREWS! YAY!!! :)

    Portia, Taggert, and NuTrina: Wow this NuTrina is very good. :) GIA TALK YAY! Ooooo. History talk with Gia and Nik. :) I think their couple name was Nia. :)

    Nava and Victor:

    "Karen says Cassadines basically ruled the world. They can again."

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! They DID rule the world. :) They sure can do it again. :)

    Ava and Portia: Yeah I don't think it's a good idea for NuTrina to be in charge of Spencer.

    Nik and Vampira:

    Vampira: Is there anyway I can stay with you?

    HA! And so it begins. :) Wait they went to Taggert and Portia, and all we see is Nik shaking his head and moving his hands. What is he saying to her?!?!! Hmmm I wonder if she gets the preggers by Nik, and then she lies and says Spence is the father. :) But Nik and her both know it's Nik's. I've been watching GH/soaps for wayyyyy to long! Hahahahaha!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Curtis and Sonny: Sonny do you know what meds Mr. Hat man is on? Is that why you don't want to get involved? Oh HI MR. HAT MAN. :)

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to February 12, 2013* More of Laura being back.

  4. Ava will NOT be happy having Vampira living with her and Nik. And Vampira really doesn't want Ava mad at her. I know Joss hates Ava because of Morgan, but they both love Trina so I hope they team up to help clear her and take down Vampira - hard.

  5. sonya said:" Sonny do you know what meds Mr. Hat man is on? Is that why you don't want to get involved? "

    *** Yes he knows. He picked up the bottle. Remember. I told you it was a med that's used for bipolar patients too and Sonny had a knowing look.

    1. "Di says, Yes he knows. He picked up the bottle. Remember. I told you it was a med that's used for bipolar patients too and Sonny had a knowing look."

      Yes I know he picked it up.. I was just curious if he knows.. Yes true he did have a knowing look. Sonny should confront him about it!!! :)

    2. I think maybe nuSonny is feeling some empathy for him. He probably thinks Marshal's past had to do with behavior that he exhibited before he was diagnosed and put on meds. The writers could do a lot with this story. Let's hope they don't screw it up. (Like they undoubtedly will do with the Esme/Nik relationship. I can see the 13 year old writers now going...Oh Oh Oh Let's have a triangle with Esme and play whose baby is it...yeah yeah...triangle...OMG.... I'm so h**** now...)

    3. Your reasoning about Sonny sounds good, Di.

      And if Nik gets Esme pregnant or maybe gets her pregnant then Ava may castrate him. She will not be forgiving and Ryan is crazier than he already is if he thinks that will make her come back to him. It will just give her another reason to kill him.

    4. "Di says, I think maybe nuSonny"

      NuSonny! Hahahahaha!

      "is feeling some empathy for him. He probably thinks Marshal's past had to do with behavior that he exhibited before he was diagnosed and put on meds."

      Yeah sounds good. Sounds about right..

      "The writers could do a lot with this story. Let's hope they don't screw it up."

      Yes they could do a lot with this story. I hope they don't screw it up either!

      "I can see the 13 year old writers now going...Oh Oh Oh Let's have a triangle with Esme and play whose baby is it...yeah yeah...triangle...OMG.... I'm so h**** now...)"


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. so here is a spoiler I would believe-----HARMONY killed Neil with the OD of drugs....

    1. "mufasa says, so here is a spoiler I would believe-----HARMONY killed Neil with the OD of drugs...."

      Is there a spoiler out there that says that? :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. The spoiler is from CDL with the usual could haves, mights and maybes. Then it gets quoted as a source for a You tube video someone made. I don't think Harmony was even with the show then. She came back the next year.

  8. Replies
    1. Can't find it on their spoiler page. Can you copy the link here please?

  9. Found these on Soap central site from 2 days ago....The conversation that follows may be the source of the "rumor". It only takes one person to copy it on another site.

    "I think Harmony killed Neil for Cyrus."

    March 24, 2022, 10:02 PM
    Neil died of a drug overdose and so did Willow’s “dad”. Maybe Harmony killed them both?

    1. Now that would be good and soapy if true. Writers are not that smart though

    2. True but they're not spoilers. They're speculation which became rumors and then were listed as spoilers. We speculate here all the time. It's fun.

  10. Esme probably not pregnant but she is a perfect faker. Another fake pregnancy? How clever.
    Cam was saying that his baby could be born in jail and Cam said not to go buy any jail baby clothes yet. LOL
    This week had more substance and better dialogue.
    NuTrina did a fine job.
    NuSonny...yes, he is.

    1. I meant Spencer was saying....about baby.

    2. I laughed at that jail baby clothes line when he said it too. lol

    3. I agree, this week was a marked improvement over recent episodes.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...