Wednesday, March 9, 2022



Ryan's cell..the orderly makes a crack about "the new intern" being hot. Ryan is not happy. Then Esme walks right in. Then she hides and goes in when the orderly leaves. She says that Ryan's death stare doesn't terrify her at all. She also says that he could have blown everything if anyone heard him talk. He says she's disappointed him. He yells at her. She says it's not her fault. She has to pretend to love Spencer to keep up the pretense. She then calls him "Daddy--you like it when I call you that, right"? Ryan: "You know I do, but be careful what you wish for"...WHAT? Is she his daughter or?? I mean.. creepy sugar-daddy vibes! Anyway, he says she's not doing a good job and she says she'll just tell his brother he can talk. Ryan grabs her arm and twists it. She gets up and tells him she's strong now. "you're an excellent teacher"... then Ryan tells her to go back to square one: Ava.  THEN he tells her to basically throw herself at Nikolas!! ahahahahhaa

Brando and Sasha driving in Niagara Falls .. trying to find a wedding chapel LOL ..they are lost. No signal and no GPS on the car. Sasha gets snippy. Then she gets happy-- they are going to follow the river to get to the chapel. OH!! Check engine light goes on. They need a tow. Sasha is freaking out. 

Gladys and Lucy at the Metro. Talking about taking Deception Public. Gladys gets thru to Sasha. Says they are in Niagara Falls. Hangs up. Lucy says that's where she got married. Gladys spits out her wine and is like IS THAT WHAT THEY ARE DOING? Lucy says let them be. Gladys is afraid that they are just using the marriage to get over Liam (WHO Cares???????? seriously?)

Victor toasts the "Cassadine Clan" ...just the same old talking points. He leaves. Ana and Nikolas talk about nothing. 

Sam, Drew and Dante figure out Britt has Peter's effects. Want Britt to plant the tarot card with Victor. They go to the Metro. 

Britt thinks there's a bomb in the box from Peter LOL . Oh no, she had people Xray it, it's ok but now she wants to throw it out. Maxie convinces her to open it. They go to the terrace. Then the gang gets there and tells her to stop. Victor comes to the Metro.. Drew stops him from going to the terrace. Then he lets him pass. Out there, Britt and Maxie struggle with the box and it spills on the ground. Victor sees the fake Tarot Card. DUN DUN DUN. The gang picks up the box, leaves. YES, Victor palmed the card and took the bait. He thinks it's the card to control Drew. 

END: Important: Looks like Esme IS Ryan's daughter but damn.. those scenes were SO sexually charged. I mean like.. wtf?? Who wrote that? WHY did they write that like that? 


  1. I wonder if the writers have pre-determined who Esme's mother will be?
    SO ridiculous because cameras would be in the rooms, right????? Even at spa-jail? I KNOW it's TV, but Ryan has faked it this long----even passing touch/feel tests that doctors would perform? anyway, I hate Ryan, so at least this is a new twist.......kinda sorta......still think Harmony knows about Ryan and she will die.....or be in the hospital and the blood doesn't match???
    I still think Brando is going to find the drugs before they marry....

  2. Even though it was written rather "sexually charged" it is totally what I wanted to see. What a collaboration. Finally Esme will do her thing with expert guidance. lol I just love JL whether he is Ryan or Kevin.
    Maybe a good plan to fool Victor but surely it will fall short.

    1. I agree -- it is exactly what I wanted to see, too. Esme and Ryan aren't psychologically stable. They should have bizarre and creepy interactions.

    2. I often wonder if writers always plan these things ahead of time. Did they plan all along to make Esme Ryan's daughter? Or did they get the idea from reading blogs, etc. about the things the fans are saying and decide to follow that idea along? It seems that so much of the time, we guess way ahead of time what they are planning. Almost makes me think it's a foregone conclusion that Willow will be Nina's daughter since we felt that for a few years. That's part of what I like about soaps.. guessing the outcome before it happens.

  3. Niagara falls:

    Brasha: Come on Brando! Don't you notice how strange she is acting!! She is SO high!! Oh oh the poor car. Wow the tow truck is fast! Guess they are not that busy.. And look at all that fog! :)

    Port Chuckles:


    Nava and Victor: Nava keeps giving each other looks! Victor is smart he is figuring it out you two.. Be careful!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Gladys and Lucy:

    Gladys: Money isn't everything.

    :0 Gladys really changed wow!

    Lucy: Do you feel okay? Do you have a temperature? Ow!

    Hahahahaha. Lucy would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Glayds: I'm just kidding.

    Yeah right.. I've seen the change in you Gladys!!! :) Uh so now Gladys is going to stop 2 16 year olds from getting married!!!!

    Maxie, baby Bailey, and Britch: No no no don't throw the box out!! I want to see what is inside!!!

    Maxie, baby Bailey, Britch, Sante, Drew, and Victor: AH HA! The plan worked! YAY!!!! :) Now we gotta see what Victor is going to ask Drew!

    Spring Ridge/Ryan's cell:

    Orderly and Ryan: Oh oh Orderly! Careful what you say to Ryan or he could jump out of that wheelchair and attack you!

    Vampira and Ryan: Uh Vampira, Ryan wasn't speaking out loud he was whispering, but of course since you are a vampira whispering is loud to you. :) Vampira wins the line of the day.

    Vampira: Daddy. You like when I call you that, don't you?

    *Vampira rubs his hand*

    Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Is this a sexual thing?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I just, I don't.. WHAT!?!?!?!?!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm so curious but grossed out. WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh wait so Vampira and Spencer relationship is fake and Spencer don't even know it. Well good. He don't love her anyway. He loves Trina! :) OH WOW RYAN WANTS VAMPIRA TO SLEEP WITH NIK HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    *Ryan stands up*


    Ryan: What's mine is yours, my beautiful gifted daughter.

    So they aren't sexual? I'm so confused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    "Karen says those scenes were SO sexually charged. I mean like.. wtf?? Who wrote that? WHY did they write that like that?"

    THAT'S WHAT I WANT TO KNOW! Why write it like that? What were the writers thinking?!!?! Or better yet the director!! What was the director thinking? Man I really wanted my AH HA moment, but now that is ruined!!

    1. Esme and Ryan, super creepy, I don't know what's going on, but I went Wow! And I do think she's his daughter. Question is who is the mama? I was more grossed out by the fact that Ryan hinted to her to seduce Nik, lol! Anyway, good scenes IMHO.

      Sasha and Brando put me to sleep. I just don't care. At least Lucy and Gladys were somewhat funny.

      That Victor, always up to no good. :)

    2. "Julie H says, Esme and Ryan, super creepy, I don't know what's going on, but I went Wow!"

      Hahahaha. No kidding wow! :)

      "And I do think she's his daughter."

      Yeah cus when he said my beautiful gifted daughter, it didn't sound sexual, but when she said what she said it sounded sexual.. So yesterday I was freaking out hahahaha. I'm calm now. :)

      "Question is who is the mama?"

      I don't know.. Some random woman? :)

      "I was more grossed out by the fact that Ryan hinted to her to seduce Nik, lol!"

      ROFL! Lots of ewwww moments hahahahaha!

      "Anyway, good scenes IMHO."

      Yes! It was very good scenes. I loved when Ryan stood up haha! :) I thought that Vampira and Ryan were going to start making out, before he said what he said standing up.

      "Sasha and Brando put me to sleep. I just don't care. At least Lucy and Gladys were somewhat funny."

      Sasha is high and Brando is blind! :) Lucy is hysterical and Gladys worries about her son awwww. :)

      "That Victor, always up to no good. :)"

      Hehehehehe. *Evil grin* :)

  4. I have posted a reply here twice and both times it disappeared. I guess they didn't like me calling it like I see it either.

    1. Oh no!!!! :( This has to be fixed!!!

    2. I sent you a copy in messenger. Maybe this time you can tell me what i have to leave out. lol

    3. trying again....

      kd said: " those scenes were SO sexually charged"

      *** They were beyond sexually charged. They were just plain sick. When she first said "You like it when I call you daddy,don't you" I assumed she was a call girl ( to use the polite term) and he was her sugar daddy. Because girls don't paw their daddies like that. I thought maybe that was some kind of game they played. And then she said Ava could never love him like she did...and she rubbed his arm some more. Definitely not something a daughter does.

    4. continued...

      If he's really her "daddy" it looks like they are definitely playing some kind of unspoken "family game." I can understand some writers lacking the imagination to find a different relationship but this is just plain sick, and unacceptable. This is day time tv, not the dark web.

    5. GH has gone to the dark side from time to time. Yesterday Britt said to Maxie that no one was ever happy. I had to laugh...on GH in recent past it is so true.

    6. We've already got that they seem to hate children and happy families seem very low on their list of priorities too. But this is going way too far over the line. imho

    7. Used to be soaps had more sexual content, incest and dark topics. Yes, this was kind of creepy but I'd take it anytime over Snidely Whiplash Hiney. I don't think they hate children but they do seem to want everyone to be miserable.

    8. Maybe Esme is not Ryan's daughter?? I sure hope not.

    9. It astonishes me that everyone wants "GH" to be all sunshine, lollipops and rainbows. This is a soap -- it needs villains and bad deeds.

    10. "Kevin says, It astonishes me that everyone wants "GH" to be all sunshine, lollipops and rainbows. This is a soap -- it needs villains and bad deeds."

      I don't want sunshine, lolipops and rainbows! I want messy! I want crazy!! I also want love in the afternoon.. I also want twists and turns and unexpected couples who have tons of chemistry. :)

    11. Me too. Love most villains and twists and turns and even crazy. I just don't like it if they cross the line where children are sexually abused by anyone, especially their parents. That's not anyone's idea of entertainment.

    12. "Di says, Me too. Love most villains and twists and turns and even crazy. I just don't like it if they cross the line where children are sexually abused by anyone, especially their parents. That's not anyone's idea of entertainment."

      Oh no no no I don't like that either. Yuck yuck.

  5. I wished i cared about brando and Sasha but I don't.

    I do love me some Esme, so whatever we need to get her to stay she is fun to watch.
    Every once in a while I find myself oddly rooting for her. Maybe just out of boredom. Maybe she is just the manipulative girl that is fun to hate (Bobbie back in the day on GH, Tina on OLTL) Although Esme doesn't have redeeming qualities.

  6. Honestly....It would make sense in a weird sort of way that Ryan and Esme have this really inappropriate relationship. Let's remember Ryan's backstory and how he was sexually abused by his mother. I don't know....that's all I've got

    1. I think we all got that this would be a really inappropriate relationship if it were true.

    2. I agree with you Di. Their story will be F-F'd by me if they go that route.

  7. So I guess Kevin didn't know he has a niece. And she is living with Uncle Kevin and Aunt Laura.

    1. Hahahaha. Aunt Laura! :) Hysterical! I don't think Aunt Laura would be very happy! Hahahaha!

    2. That made me laugh too. Aunt Laura...hahahahah!

  8. How did Esme get access to Ryan again after Kevin revoked that?

    1. Probably because Victor's guard was guarding the room at the time and he only cares about watching Spencer. ( But I'd wondered the same thing. )

  9. Maurice Bernard's son is going to be on GH again. I read that awhile back and mentioned

  10. if Ryan is really esme's father, than felicia has to be her mother. cause why put kristina wagner on contract? she must involved in a storyline . the maxie one lasted about a week.

    1. Why would Felicia have to be her mother? What a good killer, Ryan killed both of Esme's parents and raised her as his own without her even knowing. Or some crazy could be revealed as her mother. It may be creepy but it's good soap.

    2. "zazu says, Why would Felicia have to be her mother?"

      Yeah that's a great question.. Why does Felicia have to be her mother?

      "What a good killer,"


      "Ryan killed both of Esme's parents and raised her as his own without her even knowing."

      Yeah that's another scenario that the writers could go with. :)


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...