Friday, March 4, 2022

Ode to Courtney

 Yesterday's show. Meh.. other than Dr O and Anna... zzzzzzz. Glad I napped. Hope Today's show is better. 

Sad and happy news. We are losing Sydney Mikayla because she has decided to leave GH for school and bigger and better things. She's something else--and it will be so hard to fill her shoes. 


Brando and Niagara Falls. Sigh. BORED. They kiss and are in bed together.  Sasha does some blow...oh no! She takes pills.

Everyone is thinking about..COURTNEY?, ok. It's her death date. Carly shows Sam a photo of her on her phone. Spencer is bitchy when Ezme visits (it was his birthday yesterday) because he's thinking of his mom and BOTH Nik and Sonny visit her grave. AHAHAHAHA Okay. Sonny says Nik cheated on Courtney. Nik mentions Carly LOL 

Spencer is sad that he can't put flowers on Courtney's grave. He's SUCH A GOOD ACTOR wow. WOW. Really good. He says Trina can relate because she thought her father had died. Esme gets mad and says she's had real loss. Spencer says she never talks about things. 

Trina's professor stops her and tells her she's not participating enough in class and can tell something was wrong. 

Cam and Joss talk about Trina. She only comes to the dorm to sleep. 
Trina walks short with them. Joss lays into her because all she did was defend Trina and Trina is mad at her. 

Ava and Victor. Interrupted by Laura. She doesn't trust him. Victor leaves. Ava and Laura talk about Victor. 

Anna and Drew talk about Victor. Anna thinks Victor wants drew because he knows something or did something. 


Esme sends the file to the entire college. They are in class. Joss and Cam are there. Some kid puts it up on the big screen LOL.. 

Trina runs into Spencer at the graveyard. I guess Victor broke him out to put flowers on his mama's grave



  1. I'm surprised about the Sydney Mikayla news. All I found online was that she dropped to recurring at the end of october because she was going to uni.

    They've just guaranteed that I won't watch the Sasha sl any longer. Another addiction story will definitely not add any light to the show, and the world is dark enough now.

    Hopefully we'll get some good action with the Laura, Anna and Drew sl as they try to find out the truth about Victor.

    And mayhem reigns as the video is finally released.

    1. I also read this on Soap Hub.

      " General Hospital spoilers warn that Ryan Chamberlin’s (Jon Lindstrom) status is about to be upgraded…much to Kevin Collins’s (Jon Lindstrom) great chagrin."

      They don't say where they got their spoilers though.

    2. Hmmm. If true, that would seem to line up with theories that Esme is Ryan's daughter.

  2. What in the freakin hell is this?!?!! Kung Foo's Barbie's death anniversary?!?!! The stone says February 20th! It's not February 20th today!!! It's March 4th! What the hell is going on?! What is happening?!!?! STOP TALKING ABOUT HER!!! The only person who can even talk about her is Spencer!!! She was his mother afterall.

    Niagara falls:

    Brasha: Zex time!!! :) The afterglow.. Is she high?

    Sasha and the pills: Oh! No more blow!!! She got pills now! How many did she take? Can I have some? That's the only way I can deal with everyone talking about Kung Foo Barbie! UGH!

    Brasha: Oh yes! Let's get married! Then when her high is gone, she will regret marrying him?

    Port Chuckles:

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Ava and Victor: Awwwww they hugged. :) What's next? Having some rug burn?

    Carly and Sam: Nope nope nope! Not Gonna talk about HER! Wait the metroourt was named after her? I don't remember that! I must have blocked it out!

    Carly and Nik: Nope nope nope! Shut up!

    Sam and Laura: Laura is really going to get to the bottom of what Victor is up to! Hahahaha!

    Laura and Ava: Careful Laura. Ava might just end up sleeping with Victor hahahaha!

    Spring ridge:

    Spencer and Vampira: I thought at first that Spencer was upset cus he misses Trina.. No no no! He misses his mother! Dammit he made me cry!!! :( Poor Spencer. :( Awwww Spencer you can get someone else to put flowers on her grave.. Okay it's not the same thing but still. :( Man this boy is a great actor! WOW! Oh happy belated birthday Spence! How old is he now? 19? 20?

    Victor and Spencer: Awwwwwwwww Spencer. :(


    Nik and Sonny: Nope nope nope! Shut up!

    Spencer and his flowers: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :(

    Sprina: Oooooooo! :)


    Drew, and Anna: Drew brought up the heat wave.. Guess it's over. For now anyway.

    Drew, Anna, Sam, and Laura: Austria? Isn't that where Luke "died"?

    College: Of course they have to give flashbacks of Vampira videotaping the Jam sex.. Because it's been what, like a month since that happened? :)

    Jam and Trina: Joss just stop!!! Just apologize and that's it!!!

    Whole class: Hahahahahaha. Vampira really has everyone's phone number in the classroom? Come on! Hahahahaaha. Well, it was a great scene anyway.. Soapy goodness. :)

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to November 22nd 2006* When Laura is in a catatonic state. This was when Genie Frances leaves. For the next few throwbacks and flashbacks, I will show when Genie Frances leaves and comes back. She did that a lot. In 2006, 2008, 2013, 2015, and 2018. Hated the storyline, but the acting is fantastic. Poor Luke!!!! He made me cry again! :(

    Sidenote: "Sad and happy news. We are losing Sydney Mikayla because she has decided to leave GH for school and bigger and better things. She's something else--and it will be so hard to fill her shoes."

    WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! CRAP! :( Well, I wish her good luck in anything she does.. :) When is she leaving?

  3. The ONLY reason I hope they recast the amazing Mikayla is so they have someone that looks older for Spencer. It is definitely a loss though... she is a gem!

  4. Super sad for us about Mikayla :(

    WHY all the talk about Courtney? They don't mention her in like EVER, and now everyone?? She can't really come back from the "dead" can she? I remember her on the table dead dead right?

  5. Why do you call her "Kung Foo" Barbie? I know she looks like Barbie but why the Kung Foo?

    1. "lindie says, Why do you call her "Kung Foo" Barbie? I know she looks like Barbie but why the Kung Foo?"

      Alot of people called her that back then.. She did kung foo! :) A lot!! A lot of kicking.. You don't remember? :)She attacked Jason's enemies like he was a weak man.

    2. Cool. I didn't watch much at that time.

    3. "lindie says, Cool. I didn't watch much at that time."

      Oh! You were lucky. :) Well, here is all the info about her.

    4. You're welcome lindie! :)

  6. OH! Sydney Mikayla'S last day is March 17th! And the recast is Tabyana Ali.

    1. Tabyana Ali is 43 years old??? IMDB

    2. "grammargal says, Tabyana Ali is 43 years old??? IMDB"

      WHAT?!?!?!! :0 *Searching searching* Oh yikes. 43! Or maybe she is this girl?

    3. Trina is 18. 43 year old?? Yikes

    4. 2 girls with the same name. The younger one doesn't give her age but she's in her teens.

    5. Sorry I got everyone so upset - my mistake! Sonya, thanks for letting us all know that there are two actresses with the same name.

    6. "grammargal says, Sorry I got everyone so upset - my mistake! Sonya, thanks for letting us all know that there are two actresses with the same name."

      You didn't make anybody upset. :) You're welcome. :)

    7. Nope, not upset grammargal

  7. I made the same mistake - the girl on Wikipedia is 43 and not the girl -----
    IMBD has another one and she is young, so I think SHE is the recast..
    I would hate to be the recast-----it's like being the rebound girl---LOL!
    I know nothing but it is impossible to upload a video and have every single person in the class have it on their device-------------and not even the professor's device...
    and again I KNOW it's a soap------but really would Joss and Cam CARE? at their age????
    I dunno.....
    is it weird that I LOVE Anna's LONG hair but I want Laura to cut her long hair...
    and I like Carly's hair longer....

  8. OOOOH and I forgot - SPINELLI could find out that Esme did it in like 5 minutes..

    1. that's too obvious.............Trina will be a great loss! she's amazing

  9. Too much on the teens. I don't like it all.

  10. I do like Sydney Mikayla as Trina. She's a great actress, and has a great personality; you can tell. She will be missed. GH loses so much talent IMO. But, that is how so many actors get their start in the business. Hope she moves on to bigger and better things. I would watch. When I watch shows or movies I always point out "oh she/he was on GH or OLTL or whatever" to my family. lol They think I am crazy.

  11. Sydney is a fine actor and will most likely succeed in whatever path she takes.
    All about Courtney. Who cares.
    The sex tape thing. Who cares.
    Sasha on drugs. Who cares.
    Friday show.

  12. They said it was the anniversary
    Of Courtney's death yet the headstone
    Saif February 20. 2006. Catch up GH!

  13. On GH it's February 20———-on DOOL it is still Valentine’s Day!!
    Their timing is ridiculous. Luke’s service and next day I think Carly found Nina and Sonny???wonder when St. Patrick’s Day will happen....


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...