Sunday, March 6, 2022

Sunday Surgery: An Axe To Grind


This week seemed like a WHOLE LOTTA dialog and very little story movement. Which, I understand we need now and again but I just wasn't feeling it. Sometimes the show grabs you and sometimes it doesn't, right? 

With the world in turmoil it IS nice to sit and just forget for an hour and thank goodness we still have our soap to watch. I am grateful. 

Grab some grub and expresso and let's GO-GO! 

NO ONE CARES OF THE WEEK: I'll say it again. No one cares about Willow's parentage. I mean seriously. I would care more about Wiley NOT being Michael's. Let's do some DNA and find out Nelle had a one nighter with (pick anyone in PC). He would be Nina's biograndson and have no ties to ol' Michael OR Willow. Because, other than Alexis being in the whole Harmony business, I do. not. want. 

DITTO OF THE WEEK: Sasha and Brando are in Niagara Falls.  If you care, they were hot and heavy, she went in and popped a pill. Brando talks about the future and Sasha is all keen to go get married right there, right then. Unless they celebrate by going over the falls in a barrel, then count me out. 


SIGNATURES OF THE WEEK: Both Carly and Sonny sign the divorce papers. Here's hoping!!

MARSHALL OF THE WEEK: Oh, Marshall. Marshall, Marshall, Marshall. It's been a hot minute and here you are, popping up again. Stella is all nervous. Marshall gives a story about his record being sealed because he did something in his youth. And? 

TOMMY AND PAM OF THE WEEK: Esme finally uploaded the chaste video of Joss and Cameron making Da-Wub. She did it during class too and everyone got it pinged to their phones and one kid streamed it on the overhead. While I appreciate Ezme's dastardly deed, I'm still SO confused about the Trina-Phone thing. Sure, she switched cases. BUT--did she clone her phone too?? Was it sent from Trina's number? Did she actually switch phones? If she did, wouldn't Trina notice in 3 seconds flat it wasn't her phone? Would Cam and Joss really think Trina would do that? How would she even have filmed them if she was so out of it at the cabin? Oh boy. Spinelli will unravel this in 3 seconds. Maybe it's just to have Cam and Joss THINK it's Trina and then Trina gets angry because they'd THINK she'd do that??! 

TREND OF THE WEEK: We have a lot of bar/restaurant sets on GH but here's a new one! The girls all got their frustrations out at an AXE-THROWING spot in Port Chuck! There were some good scenes and personally, I think it's nice the show changes things up a bit. (ie: Pool, Yoga, Smash Room...) Also enjoyed the Sam and Dante after-scenes as well. They are growing on me. Maybe because they are on more? I could totally see them living together with all their kids. Well, you know-- if we SEE the kids. 

BETSY OF THE WEEK: Oh, I did enjoy all of this! Elizabeth seeing her portrait hanging and not being able to understand how it got there. Both Finn and Cam were cagey too. Finn had to question Tall Jake (Same Jake, just grown!!) and piss him off. Good Cam and Jake scenes. They really need to have all the brothers on more. COVID restrictions are easing and they can be vaccinated so let's roll. Anyway, BETSY was the real story here. The red herring of her being in town and the card with the "B" all pointed in her direction. BUT come to find out she's just a sad lady missing her child. Loved the actress. Like that Dante and Sam were there with Liz and Finn.

RETURN OF THE WEEK: NuJordan came back. I'm already loving the new actress, Tanisha Harper. She just slipped right into the role with energy and spark. Laura, Anna and she working together to bring down Victor is delightful. Her seeing Portia and Curtis was also a good scene. Now we have to wait to find out that the divorce papers never got filed. Then again, it's an easy fix. Right? 

SMELLS LIKE BLACK-TSHIRTS OF THE WEEK:  Drew and Nina. WHY. Just WHY. Drew is all of a sudden BFFs with Carly and protecting her. He's Jason with more words.   I love CM in the role, just please don't have him be Mr. Carly Corinthos #45. 

THE WHAT THE F*K-F*K OF THE WEEK: Um.. what? Practically a whole show about Courtney's death date? First, it was hysterical the "date' on the headstone was Feb. 20th and it was March 4th. Usually they are better at that when a specific date is mentioned. Secondly, Um.. ??? Ok, I get the Spencer connection (I guess) and the fact he's sad he can't honor her. Gives him a chance to leave Spa-Jail via Uncle Vic and run into Trina in the cemetery. BUT CARLY HAS A PHOTO OF COURTNEY ON HER PHONE? And not like some candid--a full on portrait ?? It's like they had to show her in case everyone forgot. LOL. So, Carly's upset and both Sonny and Nikolas go to her grave. Sonny's talking to her like they were bonded bro-and sis back in the day. All I can think of is that Victor is behind the whole virus that killed her off. Luke brought it to town (and Victor killed him) and maybe Drew had a hand in it long ago. Who died from the virus? Courtney, Tony and Sam's brother Danny. With all the Cassadine history flying around that's all I can come up with-- what do you think? And NO, I do not think she's alive. 

LINE OF THE WEEK: "BETSY FRANK!! Kidnap any kids lately"?? Oh I love Scotty!! He had some good ones. Tan and back from Florida, Kin just nailed it. 

SCENE OF THE WEEK: Oh, Nicholas Chavaz continues to blow me away. His scene with Esme was just brilliant. He went from crying (and not a 'soap crying' a real, believable tear-jerker) to screaming at her. Oh yah. Again, throw all the money at this kid. 

FACE OF THE WEEK: Cam, seeing his weenie on the big screen. 

WUBS FORGOT OF THE WEEK: Apparently, Jax named the Metro Court after Courtney. I do not remember this. I mean "COURT" is...just court. Should have named it Courtney Place or something. 


Portia and Curtis find a house to move into together. 

Jordan is back and ready to resume her police duties

Maxie and Austin make up. Kiss 

Brook Lynn goes to Bensonhurst; Chase is moving out of the Aussie House 

Elizabeth is shocked to see Franco's portrait of her in the living room. 

Betsy Frank is back in town but not behind all the weird things happening to Liz 

Carly, Olivia and Sam enjoy a night axe throwing and beer drinking 

Harmony got another fake birth certificate for Willow

Diane warns Alexis to be careful of Harmony's friendship 

Anna and Liesl put their past behind them and bond over throwing the axes. 

Drew thinks it's his place to tell Nina how to behave with Sonny

Carly and Sonny both sign their divorce papers 

Esme uploads the Cameron/Josslyn sex tape to everyone on campus 

Michael apologizes to Chase 

Marshall accepts a job from Drew 

Andre Maddox mention 

NEWS OF THE WEEK: See my posts about Sydney leaving the show and the new actress replacing her. Will be a tough role to fill! 

SPOILERS:  Lucy shows Porta and Curtis the house they are interested in, Esme tries to deflect suspicion on to Trina and Anna gets closer to Victor's motives. 

And that's a wrap. Hope your Sunday is charmed and you have a great one. See you next week! 

Photos thx to @sourceryan @flutterby and whomever else I stole from on Twitter. Appreciate it. 


  1. Thanks Karen. Much appreciated as always

    Hmmmmm. Your theory about Courtney is probably right. Has to be a reason to mention Courtney for an entire show.

    Guess the show is still in mid February. Weird. Their "time" does seem to be behind.

    I am behind myself. Started a new job and haven't been able to watch. So Valentin got some kind of infection and went to stay at a clinic????? Did I read that correctly? I know JPS is taping his other show. That is what they are saying since no Valentin?

    Love Leisl's "crazy eyes" face.

  2. the actress playing esme is fantastic along with nuspencer. they are great together.

  3. "Unless they celebrate by going over the falls in a barrel,"

    Hahahahahahaha! I love them as a couple, but that was funny. :)

    "Marshall gives a story about his record being sealed because he did something in his youth."

    Oh was it from his youth? I should pay attention more! Hahaha. :)

    "THE WHAT THE F*K-F*K OF THE WEEK: Um.. what? Practically a whole show about Courtney's death date? First, it was hysterical the "date' on the headstone was Feb. 20th and it was March 4th. Usually they are better at that when a specific date is mentioned."

    This whole thing is so odd.. No reason to have a whole show dedicated to Kung Foo Barbie! We haven't even had an Alan tribute! Stuart Damon died in June!! That headstone is so comical.. They showed the date she died.. 16 years ago, which makes Spencer 16! ROFL! It says beloved daughter, sister, friend.. Not mother? ROFL! Carly had a picture of her. Looked like a new picture! I did like Kung Foo Barbie with AJ, until he had her stalked. Hated her with Jason. She was so stupid with him. Hated her with Jax. She was so childish with him. They had a sex bet, she lost, and then she barricaded herself to her apartment so he wouldn't go in! UGH! One day she was with Robin and judged her for breaking up with Jason because he was a mob enforcer, but then King Foo Barbie did the same damn thing with Jason! GAHHHHHHHHH! Why bring her up writers?! WHAT THE HELL? My anger is back! I don't want to think about her! Do something else! Fix the Ethan and Luke mess!

    "SCENE OF THE WEEK: Oh, Nicholas Chavaz continues to blow me away. His scene with Esme was just brilliant. He went from crying (and not a 'soap crying' a real, believable tear-jerker) to screaming at her. Oh yah. Again, throw all the money at this kid."

    YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! He is fantastic! I have fallin in love with him as Spencer! I didn't want to do that! I still wish the OG Spencer came back, but Nicholas Chavaz is just, WOW!

    "FACE OF THE WEEK: Cam, seeing his weenie on the big screen."


    "WUBS FORGOT OF THE WEEK: Apparently, Jax named the Metro Court after Courtney. I do not remember this. I mean "COURT" is...just court. Should have named it Courtney Place or something."

    Yeah I don't remember that.. I must have blocked it out.

    "Drew thinks it's his place to tell Nina how to behave with Sonny"

    Hahahahaha. His place to tell her how to behave hahahahhaha!

    "Michael apologizes to Chase"

    Does this mean they are friends now? *Facepalm*

  4. I like the idea of making Wiley NOT Michael's son. That would be Nelle's final "f**k you" to Carly and Michael, and open up the potential for better storylines for these characters.

  5. The date on Courtney's headstone doesn't work for Spencer's age. If she died in 2006 then he would only be 16.

    1. Yes and the date was off so it wasn't the actual anniversary

  6. "Drew thinks it's his place to tell Nina how to behave with Sonny"

    Sonny thinks it's his place to tell Nicholas how to behave with Spencer.

    Sonny should sit the hell down. I thought I was sick of his ego BEFORE Nixon Falls...

    1. I wish Drew would remember how fast Carly dropped him once she found out he wasn't Jason. I hate that they have Carly need a man vs a female friend. I also don't like how she shares info with her kids about bad deeds Sonny has done. Um excuse me pot & Kettle!

      I hope we see some scenes of Maxie struggling with Bailey and Brooklynn helping out.

  7. Thanks for another great SS! I agree with everything you said.
    The whole sex tape thing is a confusing mess. They are a couple. Wasn't Esme out to hurt Trina? There is no valid point here. They are wasting Esme's psychopathic skills.
    IMO the date fart is probably due to the Hiney story ending on February 22. Bad planning or schedule changes. Could have left out the whole episode. No one would have noticed.
    In the past we have discussed how GH has weakened so many strong woman characters. Now they have done it to Sonny. Mike was a nice sincere man. Sonny is now whiny and weak. He should get back to work.

  8. Thanks for another great SS. We're still on a 2 storm a week schedule here and being stuck inside without power, and sometimes water, has not made for a fun winter.SS is a great break.

    I also see no reason to mention Courtney except to have Spencer get leave to come out. Other than that we don't need to hear about her again.

    I'm also not the least bit interested in another addiction story. I'll help build that barrel for a trip over the falls. They're only saving grace will be if Brando catches her popping the pills BEFORE they're married. And finds out who she got the pills from. Sonny can then get his mojo back and go after the dealers.

    I also hope they're not going to have the teens bickering and permanently change their dynamics. That often happens when a new person come in to replace an actor. We all love Trina. Hopefully they don't change her personality.

  9. I completely understand that many think the COURTNEY episode means something, but I don't----cause for it to mean something............the writers would have to THINK ahead and have a plan..........and we all know they don't do that.............LOL
    I didn't think nu-Jordan was great, but I think she can grow on us.....I feel sorry for nu-Trina, who is the best young adult (and Spencer) on the show...
    If Carly doesn't call Spinelli ASAP and find out it was Esme's phone, then I stand with my first statement about writers thinking ahead!!!
    Kinda lookin forward to Carly confronting Esme..
    Is it still hot in PC?
    I just don't get Sam and Carly as BFF's......and they could save money by letting go-------Sasha, Brando, Willow, Harmony, Michael, Marshall, Joss, Cam, Ryan...
    and use the vets.......Austin and Britt=YEAH Austin and Maxie = what???

    1. Get rid of Joss and Cam? You want Trina as the only teenager on the show? That will definitely put a crimp in her screen time.

    2. I like Joss and Cam. Good actors. Get rid of Sam too.

    3. joss needs to confront esme not carly. joss is an adult

  10. Can they clone an entire phone? How would Trina not know it wasn't her phone? Would Esme be able to transfer contacts screen saver etc etc?

    1. She probably made it seem like it came from Trina's phone, like the spammers do- it's called Caller ID spoofing.

    2. She did switch out phones in Kelly's

    3. The phone she recorded on wasn't hers. It was a burner phone so she could transfer or send the video without anyone knowing where it came from.

  11. Absolutely loving the Esme character because it adds intrigue into the younger group which is so needed but ohhhh... I can't wait for her to be outed. Zero chem with her and Spence. She's clearly evil, that's been firmly established. I wasn't interested in anything else that happened this week. How sad. Do better GH.

  12. I 100% disagree to cut Joss and Cam. Eden is one of the best young actresses I have watched.

    I too love Esme, but I don't want her to win against Trina. She is soapy goodness though!

    1. I want Ryan to start to wake up amd put the fear of God into the little psycho. Let her keep looking over her shoulder for a while. ( I bet the actress could play paranoia really well too.)

      And I definitely don't want her related to Ryan. That would be a definite cop-out.

    2. Would be good if Esme is like a serial killer wannabe or something. Not related to Ryan

    3. "lindie says, Would be good if Esme is like a serial killer wannabe or something. Not related to Ryan"

      Wait no! If she is a serial killer we can't keep her.. Although Heather Webber and Ryan we have kept. :) Hmmmm.

    4. I agree, Sonya. We've had enough serial killers on this show. We don't need another.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...