Wednesday, March 23, 2022

OMG I didn't hit PUBLISH!!!

 Alexis has Cam and Joss over to the office to talk about the sex video. Liz and Carly are there too. Carly and Liz keep answering for the kids so Alexis sends them out.  Cam isn't sure they should do this. Josslyn is sure. Alexis says she will leave them to talk about it a bit more because it's a huge step. Joss says if she keeps quiet she'll feel like more of a victim. 

Carly and Liz lunch at The Metro. Good talk. They touch on boys vs girls. Liz likes how Carly raised Joss and thinks she's a great kid. She's also glad to have Violet around now. They give each other compliments about their kids and THERE ARE FLASHBACKS! wow.. Carly and Liz going at it! LOL 

Marshall is at GH trying to get his meds right...he sees Sonny (with Ava and Avery) and he gets a weird look on his face. Avery's arm hurts and TJ is going to look at it. She needs and Xray and Sonny is going to the gift shop to get he a sucker. Marshall finds him and says "You are the type that doesn't learn the first time"...Tells Sonny not to go near TJ. Sonny's like He's a DOCTOR! Marshall says Find another doctor!! TJ hears the whole thing. Sonny says it's ok, nothing is wrong. Ava talks to Sonny about liking this social side of him. Sonny flashes his dimples. 

After, Ava wants to take Avery to Kelly's for ice cream and Avery wants "Mama Carly" to go too. Sonny says if Carly can't go now they'll have a playdate because they all love her.  

Marshall goes to see TJ about his meds. TJ and he talk but Marshall isn't sure he wants to see him or Dr. Rose. Warns TJ about Sonny. 

Cam and Curtis at the Metro bar talking about MARSHAAAALLLLLL . Drew has info but doesn't know if Curtis should look. He might be happy just to have his Dad in his life. Curtis wants to open the envelope. Marshall was living in Buenos Aires as Marshall -- and didn't change his name so they think maybe he WASN'T in witness protection after all. 

Laura seems to like Esme now. She thought that Esme was great to suggest Nikolas and Spencer make up. AND! Esmay cleaned the bathroom!! LOL Esme is telling Laura that Spencer likes Trina and not her. boo hoo. She crossed an ocean for him and he doesn't even want her. boo hoo. OHMYGOD Laura better see thru this.

Ryan wants to talk to Spencer through Harmony. He says that Esme and Spencer 'exploited his name" to get to Ava. Spencer has no one now but Ryan will be his friend. Spencer is like NO. Then Nikolas walks in to pick him up. Tells him never to talk to Ryan. 


  1. They literally had Liz apologize to Carly after showing a flashback of Carly slapping Liz. Whoever comes up with bad ideas like that should find a job elsewhere than GH.

    1. I like Laura Wright, I think she's excellent, but the writers seem to think she can do no wrong!
      Can someone please explain to me the difference between what Liz did with Jason (not tell anybody he was alive) and what Nina did?

      And Laura all mushy now with Esme..........

    2. lol the writers can do whatever they want. They invented her and they own her. And the more upset fans get, the more they repeat that behavior.

    3. The writers seem intent on making Carly "in the right" on every issue and that simply is not consistent with who she once was and some of the things she has done. It's annoying.

  2. lol kd, You had us worried. One person who followed you on twitter today was quite concerned. I think she was considering a search team...and YOU FORGOT TO HIT PUBLISH. hahaha Thanks I needed that laugh tonight.

    Check yesterday's blog and see what we posted. I did manage to get the name of Marshall's meds which may show us a new direction for their story.

  3. Karen we were worried!
    at the end also Ryan threatened Harmony-----------

    1. The threat to Harmony was done well. It was actually creepy.

    2. Yes, it was definitely creepy. I would be on the next plane out of town if I was her.

  4. Wow, the Carly propping on this show is just absolutely ridiculous! There was a time I used to love to hate Carly, now I just HATE the character. The Carly worship writing must stop.

    1. I can't stand Carly either. LW is a good enough actress but has no subtlety in her acting - just loud and obnoxious. We can see who runs the show. And with talk about WR coming back as a twin maybe, even more sickening.

    2. Strange. I don't remember Carly being loud and obnoxious in this episode.

    3. She wasn't, and that is only with or talking about Joss that she isn't.

    4. Then all the bashing is redundant.and very vary repetitious.

    5. When Carly is without Sonny/Jason it is like she is an entirely different character sometimes. Less entitled and less shrewish. Sometimes I actually like her. I loved her with Jax. But the minute she is with Sonny, bam the shrew comes back.

    6. I agree with your post Gary

  5. Karen hahahahaha. I'm glad you are okay! :)

  6. I found the liz and snarly scene disgusting. why liz would apologize to carly makes no sense.snarly has been jealous of females since the character came on GH. and carly never says sorry to anyone. the character is so smug and high and mighty. I do think sonny and ava have chemistry.

  7. Yes witch I agree I think by Luck Joss is a good kid.. I wish someone would have mentioned Jax was also a good dad.


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