Thursday, March 3, 2022


 ugh..giant migraine came out of nowhere. Sorry. 

Post away! 


  1. Oh no Karen! I feel so bad for you! I know exactly how you feel. I get migraines too. Just take something for it!!! :(

    The throwing club: I was trying to figure out what to call this place. Maybe the ax bar. Trying to read what was on the table, but then saw the name of the place on the wall!!! The throwing club! :)

    Anna and Dr. O: Oh! Dr. O wants to be friends with Anna! Awwwwwwwwwww. :) Anna don't want to be besties. I like their scenes today! Anna wins the line of the day.

    Anna: Why don't we start by not plotting each other's demise.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! Dr. O is leaving and calls her scarecrow hahahaha. In a nice way. :) Term of endearment. :) When Anna is alone she throws the axe and BULLSEYE!! :) Hey is this a new set they are going to show or just temporary like the Bernadinos Italian restaurant? Cus I like the throwing club! :)

    The hospital:

    Maxie and Pawtucket Holtster: Hmmmm. So they are going to start dating! Cool cool cool cool (Quoting Brooklyn Nine Nine)

    Britch and Nina: Nina whines and whines and whines. Britch has patience! Hahahahaha!

    Cam and Stella: Cam is such a good boy! Such good manners! Brings up the last time she was at Kelly's with that envelope.. Stella remembers, but she don't remember what was in the envelope.. REMEMBER STELLA REMEMBER!!! :) Cam blames himself for what happened. Stella is going to Kelly's now to be with TJ and his mother. Cam said he wants to pay for her dessert. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Stella says no! Save your money for education. I love Cam so much! :) He was brought up right! :) Great scene!

    Liz's home:

    Betsy, Fiz, and Sante: At first Betsy was a bit creepy, but then she made me feel so bad for her and she made me cry!! :( She was embarrassed about her mental health and that's why she didn't want to tell anybody. Awwww! Betsy! :( You don't ever need to feel embarrassed! It's okay!!! I just want to give her a hug. Okay everyone stop questioning her, and Sam, stop looking all judgy!!! STOP IT DAMMIT! She said she didn't do all those things to Liz.. She couldn't have! Man this actress playing Betsy is so good! :) You know, someone on twitter talked about how Liz's portrait looks like Alyssa Milano.. That person was right! Hahahahaha!

    Fiz and Sante: Oooooo someone drew a picture of BobTodd! It says Jake at the bottom. Hmmmm. Maybe Liz has DID and drew that picture and put Jake's name on it.. Hmmmmm. Well, we just have to see what Jake says about it.

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to Luke and Laura's divorce* Hated it.. I especially hated how Felicia was mooning over Luke! UGH! She made me so angry back then! Poor Mac!!! Stupid Felicia! This divorce is so heartbreaking. :(

    1. Oops I forgot one thing.


      NuJordan and Purtis:

      NuJordan is jelly of Purtis! Oh she was going to invite Curtis to Kelly's with Stella and TJ! Will NuJordan bring up the dangling carrot that's over Portia's head? The dangling carrot aka Curtis is Trina's bio daddy! Wow no announcer today either announcing nu Jordan. Hmmm I really miss the constipated look. I'm glad it's gone, but I miss it ROFL!

      Purtis: Oh yes Portia you are right! NuJordan still loves Curtis! Glad we are on the same page with that. More talk about the house.. Can we just see it please?!?!!

    2. Just like Mufasa said below, Nina is the most annoying character on GH now. Worse than judgy, smug Mumbles. I've lost track of how many people have told Neener the exact same thing Britt did. I wanted to throw the remote and hit that whiner right in the head.

      Cam is the best, such manners! I know a 20 year old that acts just like him. I love that kid!

      Anna and Dr. O should be on every day. The only thing missing....they should have discussed Victor. That's the demise they should be plotting, lol!

    3. "Julie H says, Just like Mufasa said below, Nina is the most annoying character on GH now."

      Haha. Yeah she never used to be this way. She is so insecure now! After what V.C. did it changed her..

      "Worse than judgy, smug Mumbles."

      Oh I don't think anybody can be worse than smug judgy Mumbles McJudgerson.

      "I've lost track of how many people have told Neener the exact same thing Britt did."

      Nina needs to learn and grow from this experience!!

      "I wanted to throw the remote and hit that whiner right in the head."

      ROFL! Throw the Tribbles at her too! :)

      "Cam is the best, such manners! I know a 20 year old that acts just like him. I love that kid!"

      Awwwwww. :)

      "Anna and Dr. O should be on every day. The only thing missing...."

      They were great!!! I'm calling them Lanna! Soulmates awwww. :)

      "they should have discussed Victor. That's the demise they should be plotting, lol!"


  2. I have migraines too, so I know how much they hurt. Do like Sonya said take something for them and go to a dark room and try to snooze some till it gets better. Hope it doesn't last long.

    1. Yeah for me, if I nip it in the bud quickly before it's full blown then it goes quickly, but if I wait too long it will take awhile for it to go away. Stupid migraines!!

  3. sonya said; ": I was trying to figure out what to call this place. Maybe the ax bar"

    *** Considering some of the people who've been there, I was thinking Battle Axes. lol

    I loved the scene with Cam and Stella too.

    I also liked Maxie and "Face with Many Names". lol Maxie looked so cute when she was flirting.

    1. "Di says, Considering some of the people who've been there, I was thinking Battle Axes. lol"

      Hahahahahahahaha! Oh Di!!! :) ROFL! *Dead*

      "I loved the scene with Cam and Stella too."

      Yeah it was great. He is so mature! :)

      "I also liked Maxie and "Face with Many Names". lol"

      Face with many names! Hahahahahahaha! True though! :) Just like with Finchy!

      "Maxie looked so cute when she was flirting."

      Haha yeah she was. :)

    2. HAHAHAH! Great names Di...hahahahaha!

  4. it's official and no one is more surprised than I am---------
    Nina is the most annoying character now-----I would rather hear MUMBLES than Nina's VERSION of what happened and how SHE has been mistreated.....
    -------it ain't Betsy-----------thinking it is Jake--------not Liz anymore....
    -------I am willing to give nu-Jordan time, but today her acting was not good at all.
    -------LOVE Dr O and Anna!!!!!!!!!!!1

    1. Maybe NuJordan will get better. NuSpencer got much better.

    2. 👍👍 to the Neener comment. Can't stand her self-absorbed whining anymore!

  5. Is the Ax throwing club and that "wreck it" place that Dr O and Anna went to awhile ago a new thing out there IRL? Or is it just for the show? Just curious.

    1. The smash therapy? Yup!

      Oh my! They changed the name to ismash hahaha. Wonder when that happened.

    2. OH MY! They have axe throwing too!! WOW! :)

  6. it's a thing ---- we have one throughout the South

    1. Cool. Maybe my friend and I can find one in my area. Good stress relief I bet. Wonder how much the smash one would cost though? I probably would stick to throwing axes as I don't really like smashing and wasting things :( lol

    2. "lindie I probably would stick to throwing axes as I don't really like smashing and wasting things :( lol"

      Hahahaha. They are probably all old things that don't work anymore, so it wouldn't be a waste. :)

  7. Loved Anna and Dr. O - they finally discussed past grievances. Lovely not to have to see Carly or Sonny. RH seems to be really charming with KS, but not getting couple vibes. Would rather see her with Spinelli. That gray sweater is horrible. Nice to see her smile for a change.

  8. Soaps In Depth just posted an article about the history of Heather Webber.

    They usually don't post these for no reason. If Heather is behind what's happening to Liz, I am *SO* here for it and love it.

  9. Love Heather Webber too. But why did they tease us with Jeff again?


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...