Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Mimosa Time

  Brook and Maxie at Deception. Maxie tells Brook to visit Bailey in daycare. Asks how she is. Brook is lik "meh" She talks about song writing. Brook thinks about kissing Chase. Lucy comes in. Tells them Brando and Sasha got married. 

OH! Brad and Britt are doing a dating app survey LOL . She wants a "dangerous kind" Brad is like "with a motorcycle and leather coat" :) Brad looks at the jobs available for him at GH. Nothing in the lab. Food service LOL. They can't get insurance if he works the lab!! 

Finn and Chase. Chase is at Finn's office again. Finn is sick of seeing him lol. Chase is in charge 

Portia and Curtis sign the pa.pers for their house with Lucy at the Metro. They talk about Trina. 

Marshall and Epiphany go into the Metro for dinner/lunch? She tells him she's going to take the MCATS and they get mimosas.  Curtis comes over and tells them about the house. Sits down. Epiphany goes to Portia's table to talk to her. Epiphany says she and Marshall aren't serious. 

Mashall tells Curtis a "mom" story about going roller skating together back in the day. 

Selina WU goes to Sonny's house. She wants to use the harbor. He says OK but play by MY rules!! They agree. She mentions Michael being arrested and he gets in her face. Then she gets in HIS face!! "I watch MY family very carefully"

Elizabeth goes to the PCPD to see if anything is being found out about the painting appearing in the living room. Dante says NOPE. Then they talk about the Zex Video and he says that because it's Josslyn, it's "Corinthos Clickbait" LOL!! She wonders what they can do. He's says the PCPD will take care of it. 

Dante then goes to Sonny's. Sees Wu leaving. Gives Sonny and eyeball. Then he tells Sonny about the Sex Video.  Sonny's pissed. His house...he wants to go on the warpath. Dante says no. He wonders why Michael didn't tell him... Good scenes. Sonny tells him Nina helped him stop drinking so much. 

Liz goes to see Finn. They have a nice talk about the boys. Finn gets serious.. "you'll never be alone". She asks her to kiss him they do. Good scene if you are a fan of theirs 


Brad might work as a patient advocate. Britt and he hug WU WALKS IN! She wants to get to know Britt better. Britt's like NO.. lol. Brad says I got a new job. She says no you work for me. 

Portia is going to mentor Epiphany and help her study for MCATS 

Just as Curtis is happy with Marshall, Drew found some inconsistencies in his past 


  1. A lot of funny one liners today! :)

    Police station:

    Liz and Dante: Yeah Dante is right.. Jam are adults.. Hey in 8 months Joss will be 20!!!! WOW! :)

    Deception offices:

    Sweater Lynn and Maxie: Wow! Brooky isn't wearing a blazer! It's a sweater!!! :0 :0 :0

    Sweater Lynn, Maxie, and Lucy: Lucy wins the line of the day.

    Lucy: We can have Amy, but we are not going to have lip syncing again.

    HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I LOVE YOU LUCY! :) Yes Sweater Lynn can be a song writer. That's perfect! :)

    Sweater Lynn, Maxie, Lucy, and Chase:

    Sweater Lynn: It's a duet. Who would sing the male part?

    My first thought was, CHASE! :) Oh wait look! Hello Chase! :) Perfect timing! :)

    The hospital:

    Chase and Finchy: Both hysterical and great one liners. :) Will little V be there to play too? :)

    Fiz: Whoa whoa whoa. She wants him to kiss her? And she is being all flirty! Is this Liz's other personality Beth? :) Hmmmmmmmm.. That was a very strange scene. He is talking to her and then BOOM! All of a sudden, KISS ME!

    Brad and Britch: That survey type thing is for when you are looking for a job.. Not for dating. How odd. Food service hahahaha. Brad you crack me up. :) Oh talking about Jason time. Yes Brad I agree Jason wasn't perfect.. He was hot though and had great eyes. :)

    Britch: He is perfect for me.

    Awwwwwwwwww. :)

    Brad, Britch, and Ms. Wu: YES YES YES!!! BRAD WILL WORK FOR MS WU! :) HIGH ROLLERS! Wearing a suit. Yum! :) I can't wait for the scenes!!!! :)

    Sonny's abode:

    Ms Wu and Sonny: Great scene!!!! :) Ms Wu where do you live!? Do you live in an apartment? Or a house? If you live in a house we can call it house of Wu! :) Credit goes to someone on twitter. :) I love Sonny's rules. :)

    Dante and Sonny: Man if Sonny had some bareware he would have thrown it by now!!! He just has an empty table. How boring.. Well at least he has a green beans plant! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Purtis and Lucy: Ooooooo! They have a house.. Excellent! :)


    Curtis: We are homeowners.

    Geez Curtis is acting like Portia never had a house before.. Portia had a home with Trina! Did you forget Curtis?

    Piffy and Mr. Hat man: I LOVE THEM TOGETHER!!!! :) They gotta be a couple!!!! :) I love that Piffy wants to be a doctor. :) Maybe she will change her mind and be a nurse practitioner.. I looked it up. Nurse Practitioner schooling is 2-3 years.

    Mr. Hat Man and Curtis: Mr Hat Man has game! :) ROFL! And fun stories. :)

    Piffy and Portia: Love that Piffy is talking to Portia about her wanting to be a doctor.. :) Portia is excited! :) Me too Portia. Me too :)

    1. Today really was a hoot. :) And I thought all the Deception ladies looked fab. I really liked how Dante was handling Sonny. He made so much sense and didn't "upset" Sonny. Who seems to be very delicate lately, lol!

    2. "Julie H says, Today really was a hoot. :)"

      It was hahahaha!

      "And I thought all the Deception ladies looked fab."

      Yeah! I'm shocked that Blazer Lynn wasn't wearing a blazer!! WOW! :)

      "I really liked how Dante was handling Sonny. He made so much sense and didn't "upset" Sonny. Who seems to be very delicate lately, lol!"

      Mike is a delicate flower ROFL! Yes Dante handled him really well.

    3. I think Dante understands Sonny, not like his dumb son Michael, who seems to have forgotten that his mother lied about his paternity, among a thousand other things. It's going to be a hoot when he finds out Nina is his MIL. Didn't anybody test Willow for pregnancy?
      Does everyone forget that Elizabeth knew Jason's id for months and kept him from his family and kids?
      This show is so inconsistent

    4. Dante is the Sonny whisper.

  2. Well at least Ms. Wu wants Brad working in the legitimate side of her business. I can see him in a suit too, Sonya. And I think there'll be lots more of Brad doing that job.

    By the way....My phrase of the day, from Brad; Just don't let her take you to a second location!" HA HA HA LMAO

    I thought Maxie looks lovely today. And I can't wait for the singing at the opening. We'll see more of Amy and Chase. Maybe even Amy's brother too.

    I still think I prefer Piffy as a nurse practioner. Since she's been a nurse for a long time she probably didn't get a bachelor's degree first and that's a prerequisite. And regardless of prior healthcare experience and training becoming a medical doctor still take four years. Being a nurse does not cut this time down. After medical school, new physicians attend a residency program that is between two and four years. When alls said and done that's between 7 and 10 years.

    If she became a Nurse Practitioner it would be a much shorter time- like Sonya said.

    And Miss Sonya....look at this lovely tarot card..YOU WILL NEVER MENTION LIZ and "another personality" again....EVER...

    1. "Di says, Well at least Ms. Wu wants Brad working in the legitimate side of her business."

      YUP!!! :)

      "I can see him in a suit too, Sonya."

      Yeah!!!! A nice clean suit. :)

      "And I think there'll be lots more of Brad doing that job."

      Can't wait! :)

      "By the way....My phrase of the day, from Brad; Just don't let her take you to a second location!" HA HA HA LMAO"

      ROFL! Yeah like I said a lot of funny one liners, and that was one of them. :)

      "I can't wait for the singing at the opening. We'll see more of Amy and Chase. Maybe even Amy's brother too."

      Is is till February?! Where is Terry and Chet? Are they dating off camera like Lucy and Marty are? I can't wait for Chase to sing!!!! :) *Sigh* :)

      "I still think I prefer Piffy as a nurse practioner. Since she's been a nurse for a long time she probably didn't get a bachelor's degree first and that's a prerequisite. And regardless of prior healthcare experience and training becoming a medical doctor still take four years. Being a nurse does not cut this time down. After medical school, new physicians attend a residency program that is between two and four years. When alls said and done that's between 7 and 10 years. If she became a Nurse Practitioner it would be a much shorter time- like Sonya said."

      Yeah nurse practitioner is probably the best bet for her. It would be so perfect for her!

      "And Miss Sonya....look at this lovely tarot card..YOU WILL NEVER MENTION LIZ and "another personality" again....EVER..."

      HAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHA! But but it was a strange scene! :) He was talking and then all of a sudden, KISS ME!

    2. While Brad would look all snazzy in a suit, I think he will make a mess of running the poker set up that Ms. Wu wants him to be in charge of.

    3. That would work for me too. then he can go back and take the job at the hospital.

    4. "Gary says, While Brad would look all snazzy in a suit, I think he will make a mess of running the poker set up that Ms. Wu wants him to be in charge of."

      Hahahaha yeah I can see that happen. She would have to teach him! :)

    5. Excellent use of the tarot card, Di. Hopefully it works, lol! I do not want Liz with another personality.

      I would love for Brad to run the poker games, and yes he would be a mess. So much potential for comedy. And Piff as a Nurse Practitioner would be perfect!

    6. Thanks Julie. And I think Brad would be fun to watch too. Just as long as we get to keep him and they use his comedic talents and not make just Wu's shaking puppy.

      I think nurse practicioner makes more sense too. She's 54 years old. I don't think she wants to spend the next 7-10 years studying for a job. She wants to be doing it. And if they just parachute her into residency it will just be a farce. Use her talents. She's a fantastic nurse and we want to see her in action.

  3. Di, I want Piffy to be a nurse practioner too.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Tonight Jeff Kober did a zoom/youtube ------ so interesting BUT this was fantastic and I thought of all of us----
    he told the story of being on Falcon Crest and one day he went to the director and said, "This is the same dialogue we just said yesterday." The director replied, "Yes, I know - we just muddle through until something of importance comes along."
    Is that not priceless? That is SO what happens many days: same conversations and just muddling through......

    1. Ain't that the truth. Did he say anything about coming back to GH? I would love to see Cyrus again.

    2. He said for people to write in and ask that he return----no, no new plans in the near future...

  6. Some news for Spinelli fans...

    Don’t be surprised if instead of hearing about him you actually see Spinelli in upcoming episodes as Bradford Anderson revealed that he was back at GENERAL HOSPITAL taping more shows! “A lovely few days at Prospect Studios,” he shared on Instagram with a selfie outside the building. “Excited for you to see what’s coming…” Given the soap’s shooting schedule, viewers can look forward to seeing him on screen again in early April.

    1. Hopefully he will be clearing Trina of the revenge porn.

    2. He and Steve's Patreon Lives each week are fantastic and yes he said he had filmed more lately......

  7. Good show Tuesday. Funny dialogue and interesting character interactions. I wish more days could be like this one.

  8. Good grief. I feel sorry for those who missed the last 10 minutes of today's episode because that's when the hearing cut in on the Boston ABC channel. None of the other networks cut in with that. They left it to PBS (who had it in the scedule) and the news networks.

    I won't say anything till others start to comment as I don't want to ruin anything.

    I will only say I loved the flashback with Carley and Liz. So much more entertaining than just going and repeating the conversation with someone else.

    1. "Di says, Good grief. I feel sorry for those who missed the last 10 minutes of today's episode because that's when the hearing cut in on the Boston ABC channel."

      Oh I didn't know it was being cut in.. Was it all about the hearing? Or did they also talk about Madeleine Albright's passing away?

    2. lol I don't know. I switched over to the Canadian channel.

    3. "Di says, lol I don't know. I switched over to the Canadian channel."

      Oh okay.. Damn! You are so lucky you got both channels! :)

  9. What a great show today! :)

    Alexis's office:

    Joss and Carly: Gee they had an off camera conversation! Well that's fun. Cute jacket Joss!

    Jam, Carly, Liz, and Alexis: I love how Cam stood up when Joss came in.. What a gentleman! :) All about the Tommy and Pam sex tape, but why are Carly and Liz there? Jam are adults.. Unless they want their parent their for moral support. *Shrug* Glad Carly and Liz left. Great scene!

    Jam: Great conversation! Great scene. :)

    Jam, Alexis and Alisha Giageo reporter: Ooooo love the reporter's last name. Can't spell it, but love it! ROFL!

    Spring ridge: Oh look! Spencer is growing a teeny tiny mustache. :)

    OG Harmony.com and Spencer: YAY! OG is back!! :) Ryan wants to talk to Spencer? HUH?! Wow Ryan and Harmony.com talked a lot last night. Spencer wins the line of the day.

    Spencer: Wow that must have been a lot of blinking.


    OG Harmony.com, Spencer, and Ryan: Awwww binky Ryan wants to be besties with Spencer? Awwwwwwwwww. :) Boy Spencer wasn't kidding. Ryan had a lot to say! Lots of blinking that he had with Harmony.com! Spring ridge really needs a bowl of Tribbles. :)

    Nik and Spencer: It's been a month! Time for Spencer to go home! YAY! :)

    Kevlar's home:

    Nik, Laura, and Vampira: Vampira has become the tidy bowl man.. :) She cleaned the bathroom really well. Oh she is gonna move out! She can't stay! I think Vampira is just waiting for Nik to tell her that she can stay at Wyndemere!!! :)

    Laura and Vampira: Laura LOVES Vampira now! I mean she did clean that bathroom really really well! I think Vampira bit Laura in the bathroom! OH! Hi Nik and Spence!!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Liz and Carly: Wow! They were nice to each other! No insults or anything! They both have changed and grown. I like that. :) OH FLASHBACKS OF THEIR HATRED! What a treat!!! Thank you writers! :) Hey this cop who wants to talk to Jam looks just like that reporter at Alexis's office! TWINS! :)

    Curtis and Drew: I'm glad Curtis hasn't stopped wanting to know who is his dad and where he has been.. Yes Curtis, maybe Mr. Hat man wasn't in witness protection. Hmmmmm.

    The hospital:

    Mr. Hat man and nurse: Hmmm. Desperate for his meds! Interesting..

    Sonny, Ava, Avery, and TJ: Awwwwwwww poor Avery's arm hurts.. :( Mr. Hat man don't like seeing Sonny at all!!!

    Mr. Hat man and Sonny:

    Mr. Hat man: I don't want my grandson being associating with the likes of you.

    OH BURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is your problem with Sonny?!?! Very intriguing! Sonny should have told him that TJ is in a relationship with his niece Molly! OH OH TJ SAW!!! :)

    Sonny and TJ: I'm glad TJ talked to Sonny about what he saw. :)

    Sonny and Ava: Awwww Avery wants a lollypop! :D Great scene with Sonny and Ava!!!! :)

    TJ and Mr. Hat man: Mr Hat Man doesn't want his meds coming from TJ? More intriguing!

    Mr. Hat man, Avery, Ava, and Sonny: WHAT THE?! What is going on?! Does Mr. Hat man not want Sonny to know that he is on meds? At first I thought Sonny's name was on the pill bottle. Mr. Hat man seems very upset. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..

    1. I hope you are okay Karen! She was on twitter and she was watching GH!

    2. Sonya said: "I think Vampira bit Laura in the bathroom!"
      I just had a vision of Christopher Lee's Dracula biting Laura. I loved his Dracula.

      I want to know how Harmony.com knows what Ryan is saying when he is blinking.

      And what is Mr. Hat's beef with Sonny anyway?

    3. I wonder if Marshall is on addictive pills. If he saw a doctor last month he should have been able to get a refill. That might have required an appontment for a checkup though. Looks really dodgy to me. And Sonny knows what it is. hehehe

      I really wanted to tell Laura to shut up today. Maybe the vampire did bite her. lol

      I LOVED those flashbacks. Liz looked so young. And they were both so nasty.

      Great chat between Ava and Sonny. Hope the truce holds.

    4. "Gary says, I just had a vision of Christopher Lee's Dracula biting Laura. I loved his Dracula."


      "I want to know how Harmony.com knows what Ryan is saying when he is blinking."

      Maybe they have a system. 2 blinks means a word. 5 blinks means a word. And on and on. :)

      "And what is Mr. Hat's beef with Sonny anyway?"

      Yeah!!!!! And why was he so upset when Sonny saw his pill bottle on the floor!!!

    5. Di, I am on opiates for pain management and I have to see my pain management doctor every month to get them to have them refilled, which is a good thing. But I'm thinking the same thing, Marshall maybe additive to something.

      Sonya, Christopher Lee's Dracula was the sexiest thing, he could bite me anytime. 😊

    6. I meant addicted. See what happens when I post stuff when I'm on my pain meds. 😂

    7. Yes...hope Karen is okay.
      Yesterday and today...both good shows. Great dialogue and scenes for all. Was the flashback real or 'made up'?
      It's time for Spencer to give it up with Ava.
      Laura can't really mean what she is saying about Esme, can she?

    8. This is what I meant, Gary when I said that the new doctor that he saw in P.C. would have had to examine him before he prescribed them. They keep careful records on those things, as does the pharmacy.And he wouldn't wait till he's out to go looking for more if they were prescribed.

      Dracul eh? hehe

    9. Di, I misread what you wrote. Sorry. Yeah, I think Marshall is hooked on some pain meds and that is the reason he didn't want to see TJ. I wonder if he will start Doctor shopping.

    10. That's ok. I'm sure you were put off by all the vampire talk from Sonya. hahahahaha

    11. Loved Christopher Lee’s Dracula and all the Hammer Films.

    12. "Di says, That's ok. I'm sure you were put off by all the vampire talk from Sonya. hahahahaha"

      ROFL! *Shakes my head* Smart ass! :)

    13. "Di says, That's ok. I'm sure you were put off by all the vampire talk from Sonya. hahahahaha"

      Thinking about Christopher Lee got my heart all a flutter. LOL

  10. Gary says, Sonya, Christopher Lee's Dracula was the sexiest thing, he could bite me anytime. 😊

    Hahahaha. Mmmm I bet. :)

    "Gary says, I meant addicted. See what happens when I post stuff when I'm on my pain meds. 😂"


    1. I used to be obsessed with vampires. Read many books, watched lots of films and was lucky enough to see Frank Langella as Dracula at The Shubert Theatre in New Haven CT.

    2. zazu, I'm jealous. I loved Frank Langella as Dracula, but Lee is still my all time favorite.

    3. "zazu says, I used to be obsessed with vampires. Read many books, watched lots of films and was lucky enough to see Frank Langella as Dracula at The Shubert Theatre in New Haven CT."

      I love vampires too! I love the movie interview with a vampire, and twilight.. I love being in the dark, so I used to say that I was bit by a vampire so now I am a vampire hahahaha.

    4. Never got into twilight. I'm into old school vampires - Bela Lugosi, Christopher Lee, Frank Langella. Though I did like the version of Dracula in the 90s with Gary Oldman as Dracula.

    5. Creatures of the night....

    6. Oh, I forgot. I adored Michael Eastman as Caleb on Port Charles. Very sexy. I loved that show. Lucy the vampire killer rocked.

    7. Wasn't it Caleb and Livy. He and Kemo

    8. Yeah, that was when Kemo was Kevin's daughter.

  11. Ohhhh The prescription was for RISPERIDONE. It's used to treat certain mental/mood disorders (such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder)

    1. So, Marshall and Sonny may have something in common then.

    2. Yes, and I guess this is going to be Marshall's big secret. Doesn't explain his hatred of Sonny though.

  12. "Gary says I am on opiates for pain management and I have to see my pain management doctor every month to get them to have them refilled"

    Oh be careful with them.. Oh wait. Are opioids and Opiates different? Opioids you can get addicted.

    1. Not sure. I just know I'm making sure I don't get addicted.

    2. "Gary says, Not sure. I just know I'm making sure I don't get addicted."

      Good I'm glad!!!! :) It's good you are working closely with your doctor.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...