Thursday, March 17, 2022

THURSDAY: St. Patrick's Day

Well, Happy St. Patrick's Day to all the wubbers out there. 
Do you celebrate at all? Wear green to work? Go to a bar with friends tonight? Let us know in the comments. 

This is the THURSDAY show blog. You know what to do. 


  1. Wore green today. Wish my Irish father Happy St Patrick's every year. Not much else. Happy St Patty's day. Be safe.

  2. It's my daughters birthday - it's a celebration within a celebration every year!

    1. Your daughter is a St Patrick's day baby! Awwwww. :) Well, Happy birthday to your her! :)

  3. just like everything else, I like something and the writers ruin it. Esme is fun to hate----now don't back her into a corner like Peter! Trina would KNOW it's not her phone------more importantly, no one ever reported the freakin video as a crime-----and anonymous calls SPINELLI can trace....I truly was disgusted today......
    take time with Esme---------don't make her unwatchable.....

    1. I was disgusted today too.I knew as soon as Trina left her purse...OPENED...and walked away to another table with Spencer, that the writer's had forgotten we have brains, yet again. Spencer was facing the door the whole time but he couldn't see Esme walk in and drop that phone in there. GAWD...They've turned the show into a freaking cartoon. (Anyone see if it was a Acme phone?) And I hope Trina doesn't touch the phone because her finger prints won't be on it. Esme's will.

      Then when I had finally simmered down Carly walked out on that bridge with a phone in her hand like she was 007, threatening Victor and Compnay...ehhhh What's up, Doc!!!

    2. thank you DI!!! Agree agree and I laughed out loud at the Acme phone statement!

  4. One more thing - 30 DAYS IS UP-----we had Valentine's Day-Spencer went in mid-January.....

    1. I thought he said he had a month left.

    2. I know - but he was sentence for 30 days I thought

    3. "Di says, 3 months I believe."

      OH! I thought it was a month. Hmmm.

    4. Since the spoilers said he was sentenced on Dec 21 I was thinking how long it has been not what the sentence was, I guess. He got to take a vacay before he reported to prison. lol

  5. The van:

    Sante: They are going to listen in on Drew and Victor! Oh wait they can't hear them talking.. The leaves are too wet! ROFL! They have to move closer. Man if I was in Sam's place I would be asking him if he wants to have sex! ROFL!

    The bridge: Great scene!

    Yohan, Victor, and Drew: Oooo! Victor shows Drew the card! Drew is faking being activated. Victor is testing him to be sure.. Victor wins the line of the day.

    Victor: Throw Yohan over the side of the bridge.

    HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! And then Yohan begging boss to stop it hahahahahahaha. Victor stops it. Oh oh Carly barges in! Hahahahahaha!

    Drew, Carly, and Sante: Yeah it's not Carly's fault. It's really Drew's fault. He made Carly worried. He didn't tell her that it was covered and how. He should have told her.

    Spring ridge: GREAT SCENE!

    Trina and Spencer: Trina rejects Spencer! She tells him if he don't see the type of person Vampira is, then they can't be friends anymore and she is giving him back the book he gave her. Spencer is heartbroken! Just look at his face!!! :( Trina is doing the right thing!!! Come on Spencer! GRAB HER AND KISS HER!!! Oh Vampira is watching. :) They also showed Trina's purse and I was confused.

    Spencer: Don't walk out on me. If you do I'll always wonder.

    Wonder what Spencer? How a kiss between you will be like? :) KISS HER ALREADY! Oh oh Vampira put the sex tape on the phone she has in Trina's purse!!! No wonder they showed Trina's purse.

    Spencer: I need you to not give up on me.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Spencer: If you walk out on me, my world will turn gray.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :( He is so heartbroken.. Trina be strong girl. Walk out!!! Stop talking Spencer and kiss her already!!!! Oh oh Vampira calls the police station to tell them she knows who did the revenge porn!

    Trina, Spencer, and Vampira: Vampira is going off on Trina! Trina walks away! Vampira is upset that Trina is ignoring her. Oh shoot! Trina leaves and tomorrow we get the recast Trina, and we didn't get to see the OG Trina and Spencer kiss! CRAP! :(

    Sonny's home: GREAT SCENE!

    Nina and Sonny: Sonny has been drinking. He is sad that Monica is going to declare Jason legally dead! Nina is his therapist. Sonny threw barware because he doesn't want Nina to give up fighting for Wiley! When he threw barware it scared me a little. She is scared of him and wants to leave. Sonny talks about the past.. About Deke! Thanks to Nina, Sonny is going to throw the alcohol in the sink! :) She is leaving now.. KISS HER SONNY! :) Damn too bad he didn't.

    The hospital:

    Portia and NuJordan: I thought Portia was going to talk to her about Curtis being Trina's papa! No no no.. Portia is worried about Trina! Oh hi Curtis! :)

    Portis: Portia is in mama bear mode! :) Curtis brings up how when he was younger, that Stella tried to tell him to stay away from not good kids, but he was friends with them anyway, until he learned on his own.. Yeah sometimes you have to learn on your own in order to grow. Portia has a bad feeling something is gonna happen to Trina.. She is right!!!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to November 12th 2008* Laura is leaving again! :( Goodbye Laura and goodbye Genie Frances. :( Laura and Tracy argue about Luke. :)

  6. I am catching up from the week. I know the scenes with Felicia and Anna were kind of corny but I really loved having the 2 of them on a caper together again. Love those 2 actresses and they were always best friends and solving crimes together with Robert and Frisco and the gang.

    1. Yes very corny but watchable. We need something new soon!

  7. Just read JPS is back at GH. Anyone know when we'll see him on the show? I miss him.

    1. He's back on set now. “Blessed to be back on the ‘General Hospital’ stage this week,” shared Stuart on Twitter this morning.

      Don't know how far ahead they film though but he'll be back soon.

  8. why is Carly in everybody's business??????????uggggg. BTW love Laura's new haircut, shorter and layered, looks great........(she has so much hair!)
    Couldn't they have cast NJordan a little older?
    Anybody think Steve Burton will come back? So we'll see the Carly / Britt face off.....

    1. lol Everyone was complaining about all the scenes with her and Sonny and now they're seperating them and given her time with other characters.

  9. The complaints are mostly about her just being on so much. Can’t stand to watch her with anyone and hated her busting in to help Drew. Drew does seem to be the community counselor now. Can’t wait to see Val return.

  10. Please give Drew a fling or something. he's good looking. He's one of the few I would like to see without his shirt. or anything.


Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...