Monday, March 14, 2022

Springing Forward.

 I was TIRED this morning. It's so weird, it's only an hour lol 

Cam brings Spencer a late Bday treat at the jail..Spencer tells him to go to hell. Spencer thinks Cameron taped he and JOSS! AHAHAHAA. As a 'momento" and it leaked. Cameron says it's not true and it's probably Esme. They talk some more, Spencer believes him and they eat the cupcake. 

Carly stops Esme from leaving the Metro. They go back and forth. Carly tells her she will find proof it was Esme that did the video because she has resources. Esme makes a shot about Carly's bed not being cold for long "Like Mother, like Daughter" and Carly grabs her arm. Esme had seen Nikolas walk in and acts like it really hurts; cries. He comes to rescue her. (That's the same arm Ryan bruised) 

Esme goes to the hospital with Nik. She has a bruise (from Ryan). She tells him about everyone blaming her for the zex tape. Nik feels sorry for her. Oh geesh. He says if she needs someone to talk to...he's there. 

BRAD AND BRITT EATING AT THE CITY GRILLE TOGETHER!! WHOOOT! They talk about second chances. Peter. Brad says he has a new job. Oh, he wants BRITT to get him a job at GH. She says she'll try. 

Selina WU goes in to see Curtis. She wants to use the club for a 'private social event' (gambling) which is legal. High stakes poker and with really big players. She wants the players to feel at ease and Curtis' lends credibility. She also wants Brad to run the games. Curtis says no. She says NOT SO FAST! Talks more about it. Tells him a story about a money tree (From the old country). Says to think about it. 

Chase and Brook. Exact same thing, over and over. He unpacks some of her things she left. He gets out a journal. Brook says "that's PRIVATE" and snatches it. It's her song book. Chase said she's a good writer. Chase then sings one. 

WU sees Brad and Britt together at the City Grille

WU sends Curtis a money tree and poker chip

Carly calls Diane about Josslyn's situation

Esme tells Nikolas she'll bring Spencer to the family dinner and touches his hand -___-


  1. esme is the best villain since Helena. I know I am in the minority but I enjoy esme. avery pohl is talented.

    1. I agree. "GH" has needed a good villain (and Peter wasn't it).

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Chase actually has a nice voice. Maybe they can start entertaining at Curtis' club.That would get her songs out there.

    I don't know why Spencer would think that Cam would tape himself and Joss.

    I hope Diane can get her sources together on finding out that Esme did that tape. And I'm sure she'll bring charges.

    1. "Di says, Chase actually has a nice voice."

      Yes he does! He does a fantastic job at the nurse ball!!!! :) I keep going on youtube to watch him sing feel it still at the nurses ball. *Sigh* :) So sexy too!

      "Maybe they can start entertaining at Curtis' club.That would get her songs out there."

      GREAT IDEA! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Metrocourt restaurant:

    Cujo, Joss, and Vampira: Ooooo! Vampira is really good. Very smooth! :) Vampira knows that Nik will come and save her from Cujo!!! :) Vampira wins the lines of the day!

    Vampira: Unless you think I am also responsible for the infidelety that destroyed your marriage. Your bed won't be cold for long Mrs. Corinthos. Like mother like daughter.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA! Oh hi Nik! :) Look at that. Nik is protecting Vampira. :)

    Carly and Joss: Poor Joss!!! Your life is not over!!!

    The hospital:

    Nik and Vampira: Yup! SEE? I knew it. I knew this was her plan. For Nik to be there for her when she is in trouble, and they get closer, and then hit the sack! :) I shall call them Nesme. :) Hmmmm reminds me of Twilight.. Bella's and Edward's daughter, Renesme.. :) Oh look! A very very convenient bruise hahahaha. Come on Nik! Wake up and see she is manipulating you! That bruise is from her daddy!!!! And yes I am sure it really hurts, but she is milking that!

    Nik: Call me Nickolas.

    And so it begins. :)

    The Savoy:

    Curtis and Ms. Woo: Ooooooooooooooo! Say yes Curtis! SAY YES! People legally gambling wearing different costumes.. Sounds delicious. :)

    Curtis and plant: Oh look! Ms. Woo sending him a gift! Tribbles's cousin?

    Port Chuckles Grille:

    Brad and Britch: YAY! Glad they have a scene together today. Oh Brad you don't need Britch to help you get a job! Your aunt Selina has a job for you!! Say yes to her!!!! :) Oh oh your auntie sees you and Britch together. She ain't happy!!!!

    Q breakfast nook:

    Brase: GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Chase singing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I hope it's the nurses ball soon!!!! Hey Brooky isn't wearing a blazer.. WOW! Oh geez you two just kiss already!

    Spring ridge:

    Spencer and Cam: Come on Spencer you know it's Vampira who taped Jam!!! And of course the girl you have a crush on, (Trina) didn't do it. :) Are they going to show Trina soon? I want Trina and Spencer to kiss before the recast shows up!!!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Mrs. Wu is the bee's knees. I love her, lol! I hope Curtis has better luck with his money tree, I killed mine. :)
      Britch and Brad need to be on more often, they really are funny.

      Chase's singing was swoon worthy. He's such a cutie.

      Spencer is an idiot. Love the actor, but the idiot.

      Gotta say I liked Joss telling her Mom to dial it back a notch and let her fight her own battles. But I also loved Carly yesterday. (dear lord, did I type that out loud?) I hope she and Diane squish Esme like a bug. And my eyes won't be able to stand a Nik/Esme hookup. Please, just NO!

    3. "Julie H says, Mrs. Wu is the bee's knees. I love her, lol!"

      Haha I love her too!!! :) Glad we have her! :)

      "I hope Curtis has better luck with his money tree, I killed mine. :)"

      Awww what happened? :( Why is it called the money tree?

      "Britch and Brad need to be on more often, they really are funny."

      They are the best besties! :)

      "Chase's singing was swoon worthy. He's such a cutie."

      Yes! Swoon worthy I agree! He IS a cutie! Very handsome. :)

      "Spencer is an idiot. Love the actor, but the idiot."


      "Gotta say I liked Joss telling her Mom to dial it back a notch and let her fight her own battles. But I also loved Carly yesterday. (dear lord, did I type that out loud?)"

      ROFL! She is a mama bear and will protect her cub. :)

      "I hope she and Diane squish Esme like a bug."

      Diane is a very good lawyer!!!

      "And my eyes won't be able to stand a Nik/Esme hookup. Please, just NO!"

      Hahahaha. At least it's not Sonny and Emily. *GAG*

    4. Sonya, oh know you didn't bring up Sonny and Emily....ack! That's worse than Kung-foo Courtney!!

    5. "Julie H says Sonya, oh know you didn't bring up Sonny and Emily....ack!"

      Hahahahaha. Yeah sorry!!!

      "That's worse than Kung-foo Courtney!!"

      ROFL! You mean Kung Foo Barbie, and yes!

  5. So we're going to revist the "Nelle" storyline and Esme will drug Nikolas and get him into bed. WRITE SOMETHING INTERESTING AND NEW PLEASE. The whole Esme storyline has even more "ick" to it now.

    1. She better not drug Nik!!! They should just bond and then he wants her, so they have zex!! Good old fashioned soapy lustful goodness. :)

    2. "witch says, I agree sonya"


    3. I thought the exact same thing, shades of Nelle! And just a big fat NO to that! If Nik falls for that crap I'll be screeching at my TV. Ava needs to be on this budding situation NOW! And yes, I'm YELLING, lol! :)

  6. The gambling thing will probably happen. Why even start it. Love to have Brad back in a story. He is not a bad guy, just misguided.
    Ryan will want Esme to eliminate Nikolas so in his mind he can have Ava to himself.
    Carly was on the phone the other day saying the cabin was being searched for evidence. Where the heck is the darn phone anyway? She never went back there to collect it.

    1. Seem went back. It was off camera more or less. She told Laura she had an errand to run. Then we saw her with the phone.

    2. These days half the show is off camera. lol

    3. Yip. Half the show is off camera. Gets confusing

  7. Love Mrs. Wu and love seeing Brad and Britt hanging out. You would think Liz would be getting together with Carly to discuss their mutual problem. Of course Liz barely reacted to news of the video.

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  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...