Tuesday, March 29, 2022

I didn't DO IT!

 Ava and Carly are all nice going over Avery's schedule and activities. Ava says she's sorry about the video.. and Sonny comes up and tells them Trina got arrested for it. Ava and Carly both go: ESME! Ava runs out to go to the PCPD. Sonny and Carly talk about the video. 

Trina says she's PLEADING NOT GUILTY to Jordan. Ava arrives. Says she didn't do this. Has a minute alone with Trina and tells her she'll get her out because she knows she didn't do it. Trina tells her about the 2 phones. Ava says that Esme totally did this. 

Laura and Spencer eat breakfast...he couldn't sleep. Thinks about PG Test and Esme. Almost tells Laura but VICTOR interrupts. UGH 

Laura gets a call from Jordan to go to the PCPD. She tells Spencer she's a phone call away.  OMG Spencer ends up telling Vic that Esme might be pregnant!! Victor says don't worry, we'll care for she and the child if you want. Then he tells him that Trina was arrested!!! Spencer asks to be alone. Then he flashes back to the cabin and Esme rushing out...being in the car and how she denied everything. 

Jordan tells Laura that the whole video mess involves Spencer too. Laura is concerned. Ava leaves and yells She's NOT GUILTY!! 

Esme's at Charlie's . Nikolas comes in and she's all smiling (looking at Trina on the phone) and asks how she likes the room above Kelly's. She says it's GREAAAT. She is happy and says she can't get her trust fund until she's 25. They talk about her loving Spencer, yada yada. Then Es has to run out (she didn't tell Nikolas that she might be pregnant). Sits on the bench reads her phone, laughs and someone walks up on her. She looks shocked. 

Alexis thinks it's weird that Harmony knew where her carpet cleaner was. Then SAM comes and tells Alexis that Harmony is a grifter just like she was and she's probably working Alexis. Sam leaves. Alexis asks Harmony how she knew where the cleaner was "it's like you've been here". Harmony says she has. She was in there when she was scouting Krissy for Shiloh. 

Carly and Sonny talk about the video. He says he's going to go 'take care of it'. Storms out of The Metro. Sam comes in "Someone is going to be suffering" she says to Carly LOL. 

SONNY calls BRICK AND SPINELLI!! About time!! Ava comes into his offfice. Tells him it's Esme's fault. She and Carly agree, it has to be true. 


Spencer goes to see Trina  He asks her why she did it? UGH

Esme killed Neil. (flasbacks)

OMG SONNY HAS ESME nabbed and brought to his office! hahaahhaa. YEAH on SONNY!! 


  1. Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly and Ava: I like that they are working together for Avery. :)

    Carly, Ava, and Sonny: No Sonny! Trina is innocent!!

    Carly and Ava: Esme.


    Carly and Sonny: Sonny be there for Joss, but don't push!!

    Carly and Sam: Carly wins the line of the day.

    Carly: When I was her age back in my day, I would have ripped her hair out of her head.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes you would have! Ahh the good ol days. :)

    KevLar's home:

    Laura and Spencer: I want those cookies! Gimmie! :) Oh yes Spencer, Laura has made A LOT of mistakes. :) But haven't we all! :)

    Victor and Spencer: Well, Victor is right.. You just never know if a man is really the father. :)

    Charlie's pub and restaurant: Trina's arrest made Vampira's day a really good one! :)

    Nik and Vampira: Oh I thought she was going to say that she won't be able to get her trust fund until 21. :) 25 very good. :) Oh Nik still doesn't trust her.. Good! :)

    Vampira sitting on the bench: Look at the date of the article of Trina's arrest!!! March 29th! Hahahahaha. So it's not February anymore.. So Nina not preggers yet? :) Oh oh someone after Vampira!

    Police station: Oh look! That new cop is there! YAY! :) I hope he is related to Ms Wu!! #HouseofWu!

    Trina and Jordan: NO TRINA NO! STOP TALKING! I love you, but shut up!!! Where the hell is your lawyer?!?!!

    Trina and Ava: Great scene! Glad Ava believes Trina wouldn't do it!

    Trina and Spencer: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! WHAT THE HELL SPENCER?! SHE DIDN'T DO IT!!! Has thinking that you might be the father of Vampira's baby make you completely lost your mind?!

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis and Sam: Sam didn't know Harmony.com lives there.. Who else doesn't know?

    Alexis and Harmony.com: Ohhhhhhhhhh. That's why Harmony.com knows her way around the house.. Yes Alexis talked to Krissy about it.

    August 2020

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis, Neil, and Harmony.com: NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!! Dammit! I'm so disappointed. :( I don't want Harmony.com to be a killer! :(

    Present day:

    Harmony.com after thinking about when she killed Neil, she cringed. She looks like she regrets it and I bet wishes she didn't do it! Thank you for that writers..

    1. I'm with wubs on "Yay on Sonny"! I was so very happy that he snatched Esme off of the streets, lol!

      Carly and Ava saying "Esme" at the same time made me laugh out loud. Good for them!

      I cringed when Harmony cringed. I really don't want her to be the one that killed Neil, just ugh!

      Spencer was hit with an idiot stick. I was ready to slap him yesterday. At least his pappy hasn't lost all of his smarts.....yet. Yet being the operative word. Time will tell. :)

    2. "Julie H says, I'm with wubs on "Yay on Sonny"! I was so very happy that he snatched Esme off of the streets, lol!"

      Yeah! YAY on Sonny with me too. Use your dimples Sonny! Hypnotize her! :)

      "Carly and Ava saying "Esme" at the same time made me laugh out loud. Good for them!"

      Yeah that was great!!!!!!!! :)

      "I cringed when Harmony cringed. I really don't want her to be the one that killed Neil, just ugh!"

      Yeah I like her and don't want her to be bad!!! UGH!

      "Spencer was hit with an idiot stick. I was ready to slap him yesterday."

      Yeah I know. :( But on twitter there is a video of him saying that Spencer loves Trina with all his heart! Awwwwwwwwwwww! :)


      "At least his pappy hasn't lost all of his smarts.....yet. Yet being the operative word. Time will tell. :)"

      Hahahaha. Maybe eventually Nik would listen to his other head! ROFL!

    3. Awwwww.....great video! Thanks Sonya!

    4. Sonya said "Hahahaha. Maybe eventually Nik would listen to his other head! ROFL!"
      Nik listens to his other head and Ava will make sure he loses his other head.

  2. Spencer knows who did it so why is he shaming Trina?
    Why would Harmony have killed Neil?
    IRL Trina would have been out on bail and yes, where are her parents and her lawyer?
    Again, no one, no matter how many phones owned, would have two of the exact same phone. That alone should prove that something is not right. Of course we all know that fingerprints do not exist in PC.

    1. Two thumbs up zazu. My questions exactly, lol!

  3. Did genie have work done on her eyes?

  4. Does Esme know Ava used to be a mob boss? Ava will be out for Esme's blood, or whoever's blood Vampria's has drunken, and she should be very, very afraid. An angry, out for blood Ava is a scary thing.

    1. Ava needs to drop a house on Esme. She should have done it when Esme set her car on fire and left Kiki's ID badge behind. Little Vampira should be doing time for that deed. :)

  5. I think the drugs were still from Cyrus, and I still think she was working with Cyrus, too...obviously we ALL knew Neil was killed, but having Harmony doing it is odd----but at least they are still addressing his death.......bye bye Harmony-----you won't be here long...bet she tries to kill Alexis one day------or Ryan may kill her..

    JORDAN and TRINA were at the cemetary with Spencer-----he should KNOW that Trina couldn't have done it.....and for the love of everything good and kind--------any GEEK AT BEST BUY could figure out the phones...

    love that Sonny and Ava and Carly agree and that Sonny kidnaps her......
    abnd Spinelli-------do a background on ESME

    1. Brick is involved too so hopefully he'll do a deep dive on her background.

      I'm not happy they went this route with Harmony. I want the baby story sorted out first.I hope she's not going to get Alexis implicated in something else.

    2. You are so right! Ryan threatened her--------baby switch storyline----now she killed Neil ---- they shoulda stuck with ONE issue!!

    3. Didn't Cyrus say something like it wasn't his drugs. I'm wondering if Harmony killed Neil without Cyrus ordering it.

    4. "Di says, I'm not happy they went this route with Harmony."

      Yeah me neither. I don't like it.. Yuck!

    5. Gary said.."Didn't Cyrus say something like it wasn't his drugs. I'm wondering if Harmony killed Neil without Cyrus ordering it."

      That's possible. Wasn't Neil's daughter involved with the cult and helped people get out of them. It may have been strictly personal for her.

    6. Have they hinted as to who is Esme's Mother?

    7. That should say HE helped people get out of it.

  6. where are people getting spoilers from that Harmony killed Neil?

    1. I saw rumor a couple days ago and it ends up being true.

    2. Today they flashed back to August 2020 and showed her doing the deed.

  7. also WHO is Victor going to frame for Luke's death? I think Valentin?

    1. There was no reason for Valentin to kill Luke, and Anna would help prove it. Didn't someone here say Peter? Not that Laura will buy any frame. Heck, Robert doesn't like Valentin and he would see through that. She knows Victor killed Luke and will see through any frame.

  8. If Victor is all "Let's Make The Cassadine Family Great Again", why isn't he trying to get Alexis and her girls involved? They're Cassadines too.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...