Monday, February 28, 2022

Fried Macaroni Balls

 If this show goes off with no interruption, I will be AMAZED.

The sun is out today in Rochester which is SO rare right now we don't know what to do. Took Tillie for a LONG LONG WALK. 

Chase is packing up and leaving the Aussie house. He tells Finn Brook is already gone. Chase is sad. They talk about Chase and Brook's kiss. He's not sure how he feels about her but when he starts talking, it's clear he really likes her :) 

Diane and Alexis talk about Harmony. She says not to trust her.  Diane is like well.. she could have manipulated you in spa-jail. Alexis doesn't think so. Harmony comes in and Alexis says BYE Diane. Diane leaves and Alexis wants to know how Willow took the news about the birth certificate and her not being her daughter. Harmony says she couldn't tell her but instead got a fake BC for her. Alexis is like WHAT??????

Shawn runs into Harmony at Charlie's. They like the Macaroni Balls LOL ...or something ? He tells her not to drag Alexis into anything shady. She says she won't. Then Nina comes in and she leaves. TJ and Shawn sit down and Shawn tells him about going to the west coast. 

Liz and Scotty talk about the kids resenting her dating Finn... He says not Aiden but Jake. Then again, Jake is a teen and hates everything. She tells him about the wedding ring thing. He doesn't think Jake would have done that. He says someone is harassing her. Call him if she gets anymore. Then Betsy Franco comes around the corner. Liz called her..and she just happened to be in town.Oh, she was at Franco's grave for the year's anniversary. Liz talks to her about things and that she's seeing someone else and Betsy is like "YEAH, I KNOW"....  (sneer) She's seen pics on social media. Scotty comes back up and yells at her, asks if she's kidnapped any kids lately. Betsy leaves. Liz never asked her if she sent the card. She does show it to Scotty tho and he says Oh, she's suspect number one for sure. 

Carly and Drew show up at Sonny's PH and Nina's there. Nina leaves. Sonny tells her in the hall thank you for being there for him, she's a good friend. Carly and Drew go in, want to talk to Sonny about Jason. Oh, it's actually to tell him Peter is dead. He says he knows, Dante told him. Drew says they should leave. Carly says no..they have to talk. UGH She says Donna is coming over and she wants to see her room and be there when she does. Sonny says that he wants to postpone the visit because his meds are regulating. Carly realizes that Nina knew Sonny was off his meds. She yells about that too. Says Nina tried to tell her just to absolve herself of guilt? Oh geesssh. Then she's mad at Sonny for not telling her LOL. 


Nina and Drew argue about Carly and Sonny.. dumb. 

Sonny looks at the divorce papers. Carly signs hers

When Liz gets home, the picture of her Franco painted (the zexy one) 


  1. Totally random observation-----I wonder if rumors WERE true and Kelly Monaco didn't like working with Steve Burton when he returned -------cause let's face it, this new friendship with Carly and Liz is outta nowhere ------ I know Liz and Sam had that one scene where they burned Jason's things ---------but it's almost as if she said "Gimme some air time with Jason's exes since he isn't here."
    -----More Diane-----less Harmony and she might as well have confessed she stole Willow..
    -----I feel like TJ's new apartment is some place we know? TOO many details.
    -----and yep Liz has DID ----- no way Jake is doing these things and Betsy isn't (Never admitted she sent the card)-------Liz paints......

    1. And also saw Nina and got the hell out of there! Did you notice that?! :) She is avoiding Nina! :)

    2. I just don't trust her at all.....and she is never at work anymore...

    3. Who don't you trust? Harmony or Nina? I don't trust either one myself.

    4. Neither. But in this instance Harmony!

    5. The look on Harmony's face when Alexis said, "It's not like you stole the baby. The Mother abandoned the baby." clinched it for me. She's not to be trusted and she's dragging Alexis into it by telling her. I just hope thay finish the story line soon and don't drag it out any longer.

  2. Blase home:

    Chase and Finchy: Great scene with the brothers! :) What?! Blazer Lynn left town?! Why?!?!!

    Finchy: You think it's your disgusting kiss that sent her running?

    ROFL! He would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny and Nina: Awww he is so sweet to her before she leaves, and I like that they talked alone. :)

    Carson: Yes Carly more secrets he kept! And if Nina gets preggers then there will be an implosion in your head once THAT secret comes out. :) WAIT! 2 divorce papers?!?!?! Are they getting divorce twice?!!?! What the hell? ROFL!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Shaun and don't get caught!!! :) Oh Shaun knows the guy's name hahahaha. Besties with him are you Shaun? :)

    TJ and Shaun: Great scene!!! Love how TJ talked about the 2 good news he has with Shaun.. :) That lady with the boobs and the new apartment.. :) Will we ever meet boob lady? Will Tolly ever move into that new apartment and will we see it?

    Drew and Nina: Nina is SO insecure! Hahahahaha. You are right Drew! She did bring up Carly. :)

    Alexis's office:

    Alexis and Diane: DIANE!!! YAY!!! Still with Max? How is Max?!! Diane a lawyer who has client/attorney privilege, and Alexis who is a journalist and has to protect her sources.. Love it! :)

    Alexis and I think is telling half the truth! Come on! Tell Alexis that this Joan lady isn't real and Nina had 2 baybays! :)

    Alexis: I'm afraid you are stuck with me.

    Awwwwwwwwwww. :)

    The hospital:

    Scotty and Liz: Jake who is a teenager complains a lot! Hahahahahaha! Well, I'm glad he talks to grandpa Scotty about things.. Awwww. :) Hmmm does Jake talk to the Tribbles too?

    Betsy and Liz: So? Did Betsy send you the card? Why aren't you asking her?! Oh she knows about Fiz! Hmmm is she doing all those strange things to Liz?

    Betsy, Liz and Scotty: Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: You kidnap any kids lately?

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And the look Betsy gave Scotty before she walked away! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Scotty is not afraid being around the crazies! :)

    Scotty and Liz: Well, now that Liz asked if Betsy could be the one doing the strange things, I don't think so anymore.

    1. Oops forgot a couple of things.. A portrait of Liz?! HUH?!?!!? And uh is it still hot in Port Chuckles?

    2. LMAO Did you fall asleep at the end, sonya?

    3. "Di says, LMAO Did you fall asleep at the end, sonya?"

      Hahahahaha. No, but I think my brain did.. Hahahahaha! :)

    4. Recheck the end. I got a real spooky vibe when she walked in the house and saw that. nana nana nana nana lol

    5. Sonya, Scotty has had years of experience dealing with Heather Webber who is not the most sane person out there. After dealing with her, he ain't scared of many people. 😊

    6. Scotty really is the best! His devotion to Liz and the boys is very cool. And yup, he ain't afraid of the crazies, bless his heart, lol!

      Drew telling of Nina was perfect. She is nuts!

      I'm not liking where this Harmony thing is going, and same for the Liz situation. I love Liz and I'm really hoping someone is gaslighting her. Fingers crossed. I don't want her having DID.

      Smike just needs to keep his mouth shut around Cujo. Everything ticks her off, lol!

    7. "Di says, Recheck the end. I got a real spooky vibe when she walked in the house and saw that. nana nana nana nana lol"

      Hahahahaha. Will the portrait move when Liz moves? ROFL!

      "Gary says, Sonya, Scotty has had years of experience dealing with Heather Webber who is not the most sane person out there. After dealing with her, he ain't scared of many people. 😊"

      Hahahahaha. Very true!!!! :)

      "Julie H says, Scotty really is the best! His devotion to Liz and the boys is very cool."

      Yeah so sweet!!!! :)

      "And yup, he ain't afraid of the crazies, bless his heart, lol!"

      ROFL! He should have scenes with Vampira!!! :)

      "Drew telling of Nina was perfect. She is nuts!"

      She has become an insecure lady!!! Which really if you think about it, it all started with V.C. lying to her about Sasha being her daughter.

      "I'm not liking where this Harmony thing is going, and same for the Liz situation. I love Liz and I'm really hoping someone is gaslighting her. Fingers crossed. I don't want her having DID."

      Maybe someone IS gaslighting Liz.. We shall see. And most of us knew along time ago that the storyline was going to happen! Hahaha.

      "Smike just needs to keep his mouth shut around Cujo. Everything ticks her off, lol!"

      Cujo is just cranky because she is hungry.. ROFL!

  3. Alexis finally has something to do. Hope the writers go with it. Lots of stories can come out of the newspaper business. This Harmony story is useless. I do like the actress but let's just move along. For months and longer many of you have speculated on Nina being Willow's mother. Will this go on forever?
    Nice to have a show without the Hiney angst.

  4. what is going on with Drew. carson dumbed him like a hot potato when they found out he wasn't jason. just weird he is all over carly.

    1. He's not "all over" Carly. He's being a friend because he knows she depended a lot on Jason and now he's dead.

    2. I tend to agree with Witch.. there are so many others I want to see Drew paired with.

    3. The writers lost key players and they're now regrouping people. I think Drew will become Carly's person, not her boyfriend, and he'll take on Jason's role as the one who helps her keep her emotions in check.

    4. I don't want Drew anywhere near Carly, lol! But I really enjoyed his interaction with Nina. He was awesome and Neener looked more pathetic than usual!

  5. love scottie wish they would give him more screen time.

    1. Me too, and he looked great! Slimmer and tan, must be that Florida weather he retreats to! :)

    2. I'm thinking they'll be using him in Liz's mystery now since she told him all about it and he's Franco's father.

  6. Harmony knows!! She exited Charlies QUICKLY when Nina walked in.

  7. Someimes it's really hard to keep up with the names and who they're referring to. Often the quantity rivals the bully squad in middle school. Does the winner of the hate game get decided by the number and descriptiveness of the names?


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...