Thursday, February 10, 2022

Guess Who's Back


Here I am! Thank you for all your well wishes and thoughts. It means so much. My mom actually loved that I blogged/Tweeted and would listen to any podcast I did! She always knew at 2 I'd be unavailable until 3. She'd text:  "I'll wait until 3:05"!  We had so many great times together and no regrets. That's the way to do it. 

SO... Um, THE SHOW?? First of all I've kept up with the blog and tried not to read TOO much of Sonya's recaps because I want to be surprised. Thank you to David and she for all their work!! Second of all--what is with this PIZZA HAT??!! I'm DYING. LOL 

Here's my plan: I'm going to start watching the show on Hulu from last Friday the 4th until I catch up. I HOPE to finish it before Sunday Surgery. We'll see how I do. By all the comments on here and Twitter it looks wild. Can't wait. 


  1. "Here I am! Thank you for all your well wishes and thoughts. It means so much."


    "My mom actually loved that I blogged/Tweeted and would listen to any podcast I did! She always knew at 2 I'd be unavailable until 3. She'd text: "I'll wait until 3:05"! We had so many great times together and no regrets. That's the way to do it."

    Awwwwwwwwww1 :) Thanks for sharing that memory. :)

    "SO... Um, THE SHOW?? First of all I've kept up with the blog and tried not to read TOO much of Sonya's recaps because I want to be surprised."

    Yes very good idea! :) Actually, I was never sure if you ever read my recaps or not. :)

    "Thank you to David and she for all their work!!"

    You're welcome!!!! And YES! Thank you David! :)

    "Second of all--what is with this PIZZA HAT??!! I'm DYING. LOL"

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I can't wait until you watch the episode! :)

    "Here's my plan: I'm going to start watching the show on Hulu from last Friday the 4th until I catch up. I HOPE to finish it before Sunday Surgery. We'll see how I do."

    Sounds good! :)

    "By all the comments on here and Twitter it looks wild. Can't wait."

    Hahahahha! Yes! It's wild! :)

  2. Welcome back Karen. We have been thinking about you and sending well wishes. Thank you for sharing your memories of your mother. My mother has dementia, so I cherish when she has good days (and not good ones too). The show has been weird and good at the same time.

    1. PS. Think I should get that hat for myself. lol

  3. Replies
    1. Yes it is! But Dave you were a champ for filling in and thank you! Still giggling about Oscar's picture and "No not that Oscar". You're a riot and very much appreciated! :)

  4. Welcome back Karen - we missed you! David and Sonya took care of us very well.

  5. Welcome back Karen! It is actually still Friday on GH. From last Tuesday!
    Dave and Sonya really stepped up.
    Almost time....

    1. 2 weeks equals one day on GH. I'm so 😕 confused

    2. Looks like tomorrow is a new day! Wardrobe change.

    3. Maybe they are stretching it out to save on the wardrobes. Lol

    4. :) :) :) *High fives Zazu* :)

  6. Good show so far finally. Hope that continues. They've been known to blow it all

  7. No Carly, Nina or Sonny. Nice break from them until tomorrow

    1. And yet their names are mentioned......*sigh*

  8. Wow! What an episode. So many roads converging. Can't wait till people come on to discuss it, and help me figure out the purpose of what Maxie had in her hand at the end.

    1. Looked like the other thing that Anna found on baby carrier. Earrings? Don't get it.
      At least there was movement today.

    2. It was to show the cops that Maxie is with Louise and Peter. Guess to show Peter took her

    3. I was hoping she had a tracker in it but I guess they're unique enough that just leaving them would be a clue.

      Loved how Maxie talked Peter down by using his fantasy against him. Smart mama.

      I knew Anna was going to get Austin to call Spinelli. Couldn't think why for a minute but, of course, you can track smart cars these days. (That's why I have a stupid car, sonya. And a stupid tv and house. lol

    4. Ya, I have a stupid car, house and tv too. My tv is a little smart, but that is all. No remote starter for me :( Those smart houses are not safe anyway. Too easy to hack. Just ask Spinelli.

    5. "Di says, (That's why I have a stupid car, sonya. And a stupid tv and house. lol"

      ROFL! You are going to have to do something about that! Hahahahaha!

      "lindie says, Those smart houses are not safe anyway. Too easy to hack. Just ask Spinelli."

      Well, you would have to have a password for it.

    6. Hackers don't need passwords, Sonya. "Just ask Spinelli." lol

    7. "Di says, Hackers don't need passwords, Sonya. "Just ask Spinelli." lol"

      Hahahahahaha. Spinelli can beat any other hacker in the world!! :)

  9. If that was RL that baby would have messy diaper and would be screaming of hunger.

  10. Love love what Laura whispered to Victor when. She was hugging him. She wins the line of the day

    1. "If I can prove you aided and abetted Peter August you'll share his fate"

      LOVE HER. Now only if someone would kill him

    2. Kill who? Hiney or Victor? I don't want Victor to die.

    3. Not Victor. Charles S. is the love of my life from The Nanny. lol

  11. SO glad to have you back and even happier that your MOM supported you! My mother got me on to As the World Turns and General Hospital years ago and then ---- funny - one day said "These are stupid'....LOL
    Feb 22 -----------mark your calendar - 2 different blogs say that is Peter's LAST day on GH -----I think it's a shooting since so many have threatened him.....but yes Feb 22 is his last day on GH...
    love me some JPS - he and FH are perfection....and Laura's hug to Victor gave me chills....
    We all know when Louise goes home, she will not be happy and not bond with Maxie---and Valentin is still listed as the father--and at some point Victor is supposed to turn the weather into a heat wave so I don't understand - does that mean he will now have to leave and no longer fake being nice?

    1. mufasa is that WR last last day on GH, or just until next time like May Sweeps??? As long as he's gone a long time that would be good. Louise will just have LOTS of parents won't she? I am SO glad that Valentin forgave Brooklyn. Seems like he really has. Says he doesn't mind suffering as long as Bailey didn't suffer. Awww. Maxie's truly ultimate sacrifice today.

    2. WELL good point---- I think gone-gone ----- as Peter----I mean 5 characters have threatened to kill him??? but knowing Frank and the writers, Peter may have a twin somewhere! LOL~
      I still predict Carly is gonna try to take over the business - just to make Sonny mad...

    3. Speaking for the twins of the world may I say to the writers...Just get off the twin kick!!! One of us is noit always evil, hidden or given away.

      I'm hoping they use some imagination and as everyone seems to be out looking for peter, maybe we'll get our "who killed him" mystery. I won't say murder because it will definitely be self defence.

      And...another mention of someone who's not even on today.

    4. "Di says Just get off the twin kick!!! One of us is noit always evil, hidden or given away."

      Awwwwwwwwww! :( ROFL!

  12. Please accept my sincere thoughts and prayers in the loss of your Mom. Take care and God bless.

  13. So nice to see your soap tweets today Wubsie! Luv ya! (((hugs)))

  14. kirsten storm proved once again she can act given the right material. love the friendship between maxie and brooklyn. have not seen a good friendship since emily and liz.

    1. You are right. Kirsten Storms is a great actress with the right material. Maxie and Lulu were best buds and now Lulu is in the coma.

    2. Totally agree witch. Maxie/Kirsten was on fire today, I loved it!

  15. Welcome back Karen. You were missed. Dave and Sonya did great but really that is the only hat warerobe had.

    1. "Allyson says, Welcome back Karen. You were missed. Dave and Sonya did great"

      Thank you. :)

      "but really that is the only hat warerobe had."


  16. So glad you are back! Peter looks like he delivers pizza.

  17. OOOOOH Karen! Thank you for stopping in. <3 you!

  18. Brase home:

    Brase and Fiz:

    Finchy: Hey he is a lot of things I admit, but psycho is a little harsh.

    BAHAHHAHAAHHAHA! He would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. I'm glad that Brase told Fiz the truth about Bailey/Louise.

    Finchy and Chasy: Awwww what a great brothers scene. :) Poor Chase so upset with himself. Love the brotherly hug! Too bad they aren't father and son.

    Fiz: They are so playful talking about sleeping on Liz's couch hahahaha!

    The pier:

    Maxie and Hiney: Very good Maxie. Snow him, then END HIM LATER when Louise is far away from you. Too bad she can't call Blazer Lynn on Hiney's phone. He won't let her even though she said she is someone she could trust! Great scene.

    The hospital:

    Victor, Charlie, Anna, V.C.: Victor is so sweet to Charlie! V.C. calling Victor a hero.. BUT does V.C. trust him? Hmmmm.

    Victor and V.C.: V.C. thanks him, but looks suspicious.. Someone knocked him out and V.C. wonders if it was Hiney or Victor. Cus Hiney has something Victor wants! DING DING DING! T.C. put the tail on that donkey. :)

    V.C. and Blazer Lynn: Great scene. I'm glad V.C. isn't mad at her anymore and understands.

    Pawtucket Holtster and Laura:

    Pawtucket Holtster: But whenever your name came up. Jimmie Lee always said There's a woman to reckin with.

    HELL YEAH! :)

    Laura: And Jimmie Lee would be right.


    Anna, Laura, Victor, and Charlie: Charlie is so tired. Laura will take her home, but she needs to talk to Anna. While they are talking, Charlie fell asleep. Victor shows up and puts his jacket over Charlie. GAH! Charlie and Victor scenes make me melt!!!! Laura gets a text and shows it to Anna, and won't show it to big bad Victor hahahhaha. Victor gives a hug to Charlie and gives her a kiss. GAHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm melting! :) Then Laura gives him a hug and wins the line of the day.

    Laura: If I can prove you aided and abetted Peter August, you'll share his fate! Good night.

    BAHAAHAHAHAHAHA! Awwww Laura. No kiss for Victor?! ROFL!

    Pawtucket Holtster on the phone with Spinny: YEAHHHHHHHHHHH! Glad they are working together!

    Pier part 2: Pawtucket Holtster working hard to find Maxie YEAHHHHHHHH!

    Safe Haven Box: Looks like a huge mailbox!!

    Maxie, Hiney, and Louise: She is right! It's so anonymous! Maxie can't put Louise in their!!! She has no other choice. That baby is so adorable! Sleeping and that red nose! GAHHHHHHHHH! :) I just want to kiss those cheeks!!

    Anna, Chase, and the worker: They found Louise!!!! YAY! :)

    Anna and Chase:

    Anna: She just made the ultimate sacrifice.

    When Anna said that, she made me cry!!!! :(

    Hiney's car:

    Hiney and Maxie: I wonder where they are going. Well, once you get to your destination, END HIM MAXIE! EEEEEEEEEEEND HIMMMMMMMMMMMMM!

    Sidenote about the Pizza boy: So yesterday it was said that the pizza boy was just unconscious! Oh good so he isn't dead whew. :) We don't even know his name! I don't want to keep calling him Pizza boy! I'll call him Steve.

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1997* Bobbie and Tony.

    Bobbie: I'm divorcing another man who wasn't who promised he would be.

    Oh Bobbie don't get all high and mighty with Tony! You are the one who cheated on him with Damian Smith. So shut up.

    1. Oh I forgot to mention that when Hiney gave Louise to Maxie, I thought at first that he was going to throw Louise into the water!!! WHEW!

    2. That is exactly what I thought Peter was going to do too sonya. I thought he'd throw the baby in the water, or at one point I thought he'd try to kill all three of them. Don't think he'd do that to himself though. GH is not above killing off a baby, but not sure they'd throw one in the water. Hope not.

    3. Perfect recap Sonya, thank you! You covered absolutely everything (especially line of the day), and for once I have nothing to add. HA!

      Except for.......PLP MUST DIE!

    4. "lindie says, That is exactly what I thought Peter was going to do too sonya. I thought he'd throw the baby in the water,"

      I was so nervous!!!!

      "or at one point I thought he'd try to kill all three of them. Don't think he'd do that to himself though. GH is not above killing off a baby, but not sure they'd throw one in the water. Hope not."

      He loves Maxie too much to kill her. I thought he didn't love her anymore, but, I was wrong.

      "Julie H says, Perfect recap Sonya, thank you!"

      You're welcome!!!! :)

      "You covered absolutely everything (especially line of the day), and for once I have nothing to add. HA!"

      Awwwwwwwww! Too bad!

      "Except for.......PLP MUST DIE!"


  19. Much to my surprise, I enjoyed Thursday's show. Loved seeing Anna and Laura working together, liked seeing Finn and Chase being all brother-y, we got to see Liz, and -- if I must suffer through having Peter around -- I like him being on run with Maxie instead of the baby drama.

  20. First and most important, welcome back, Karen. Dave did a wonderful job, it's just great to see you blogging again! As for the show, I've actually been excited to come home from work and watch it this week. Great episodes, where things really happened! I just hope we don't have forever to wait until Peter is caught/killed. But at least the Baily/Louise secret is out. Well paced, exciting week.

  21. Back to snoozeville. I just fast forwarded the entire show. Barely know what happened and don't care. Worst Valentines Friday show EVER. What happened?

  22. do we discuss today's show here???
    I don't understand the writers - we haven't seen Chet in YEARS and now we are supposed to care-----and HE is Terry's date????
    This whole Liz thing is creepy - so either Liz IS having a split personality or Heather IS behind it (I read Liz and Finn figure it out)---cause I just don't think it's one of the kids...
    Sonny not telling Phyllis the WHOLE truth about Nina was weird.....wonder who Carly's divorce lawyer is???????????
    HOW can we not have PEE-TAH storyline today?

    1. Agree with all that mufasa. Had to FF the entire show. SO SO horrible.

    2. It's like there are different writers for yesterday episode and today's episode

    3. Veterans clothes drive?? That's a Valentines show. Huh?

    4. I'm with mufasa. I tuned in for he who must die soon and got Sonny and Cujo.

    5. Liz seems tired a lot lately and I was thinking that she's stressed, and conflicted about seeing someone new so maybe she's sleep walking. She won't remember that if no one catches her in the act. And people can do some weird things when they're sleep walking.

      It could explain her problem without leaving a legacy character with a major mental issue that takes years to resolve, if ever.

  23. Same old Carly/Sonny./ now they have to talk to each person about divorce/romp with Nina/Sonny is awful/Carly is the victim. yada yada.

    Anyone Else Love Ava's smug face today? I sure did!

  24. Valentine's day part 1.. Geez how many parts are there going to be?


    Ava and Nina: Nina didn't know it was Valentines day!!! So Sonny and Nina slept together the day before Valentines day!?! Ouch for Cujo. :) I love that Nina told Ava!! I love how giddy Ava is!!! :) Ava won the line of the day.

    Ava: How was it?

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You would know Ava! Since you slept with him before! ROFL!

    The hospital:

    Fiz: Wait Finchy had to sleep on Liz's couch to keep her safe from Hiney?! HUH?! Why would Hiney hurt Liz? Strange.

    Fiz, Amy, and Chet: HI AMY HI CHET! Everytime I want to write Chet down, I keep writing down chest. :) Maybe I should just call him Chest! ROFL! Amy is trying to set Chest up? Hmmm. Terry has a date.. Is Chest her date? I was just thinking that he should be dating someone. Who? I don't know.. The thought process at the moment was, I'm not really sure about Terry.

    Liz and Terry: Terry looks great!! :) When she said he as her date, I'm thinking he?!?!!? Awww! Cus I really want Terry and Nketa (sp) together. Uh what the hell happened to that dress? Okay either someone is gaslighting her, or she has multiple personality disorder. I have no idea what is going on.

    Fiz: OH! So they ARE going to be together for Valentines day awwww. :) Yes yes a nice dinner with family. :) I like that Finchy remembered that V-day was Friz's anniversary. :)

    Lenny's bar and restaurant:

    Sonny and Phyllis: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sonny? You should have told Phyllis that you slept with your honey bunny Nina! Then Phyllis would know the whole story.

    Terry and Chet: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Either Chest is her date, or it's a red herring... Maybe Terry gets stood up, and then Chest will have a drink with her, and they will like each other. :) Hmmmmmmmmmm.. Chetry? Cherry. :) OH OH I LIKE CHERRY! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly and Sam: Hmmmm. Carly is telling the woman who slept with her husband, about another woman sleeping with her husband.. Very ironic don't you think? :) It's time for D-I-V-O-R-C-E!

    Portia, TempRecast Taggart and Portia: I like the temp recast, I got used to him, but where is OUR Taggart?! Where is Real?! :( Portis is very worried about Trina. After Trina came back from the disaster that was the cabin, Trina didn't tell her mother anything. She kept quiet. Oh hi Trina!! :) They are trying to be subtle, but they aren't doing a very good job. Trina catches on. :) They talk about Esme and Temprecast Taggart is like all HUH?!!?! He can't get over the name Esme hahahaha.

    TempRecast Taggart and Portia: Oh Portia has to work now! She wants to tell him to tell Trina. She had to call Curtis to tell him about it. No V-day for Purtis!

    Sidenote: Steve the pizza boy. Where is he? Is he still in the hospital? Does he have a concussion? Or is he home now?

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go watch Bobbie slap people.* Man she is so slap happy!

    1. Sonya said: "Ava: How was it?

      BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You would know Ava! Since you slept with him before! ROFL!"

      Maybe Ava wants to compare experiences.

      Sonya said: " It's time for D-I-V-O-R-C-E!"

      Now I have Tammy Wynette singing that song in my head. LOL

    2. And yes, I am old enough to remember her singing it and I grew up listening to country music in Alabama where she got her start in the music industry.

    3. Sonny always says DeeVorce, though.

    4. "Gary says Sonya said: Maybe Ava wants to compare experiences."


      "Now I have Tammy Wynette singing that song in my head. LOL"

      Hahaha. STAND BY YOUR MAN! :)

  25. Sonya my line of the day was actually from Terry when Liz was showing her the dress. . When Liz said I don't know how this could have happened",Terry said:" Moths, maybe. A saber-toothed moth thing." lol

    1. "Di says, Sonya my line of the day was actually from Terry when Liz was showing her the dress. . When Liz said I don't know how this could have happened",Terry said:" Moths, maybe. A saber-toothed moth thing." lol"

      Hahaha yeah that was really good. There were some really good one liners. Including temprecast Taggart talking about how Chad was a punk hahahaha. Queen Ava's line was hysterical because she has slept with Sonny before hahahaha. How was it? HAHAHAHAHA! I'm dead. :)

  26. WTH was today anyway? Well, it's not Friday anymore. But it is Friday. Guess they gave up those Friday cliffhangers. Shouldn't yesterday's show been on today instead? The whole freaking thing is weird.
    I need a refresher. Someone please remind me how Charlotte is Lulu's daughter. Stolen frozen embryo? Brea Williamson's character gave birth to her? Remind please.

  27. Yes Helena stole her embryo. She wanted it to be Stavros child. Claudette knew she was Valentine’s but I never understood how Claudette carried her.

  28. Sofia Mattsen became a US citizen recently. I guess she's from Stockholm.

  29. I enjoyed Friday's show. It's weird, because I was just thinking recently that we had not seen Amy or Chet in forever. (They basically just trot out Amy, Felix and Deanna for the Nurses Ball and that's it.)

    Personally, I would much rather see Chet and Terry on my screen than Brando and Sasha. I also want to see more of Amy. It would add more humor to the show and get us back in the hospital more often.

    1. Oh, and the best part of Friday's show -- Ava's reaction to Nina's juicy news. Love her!

    2. lol Yes. She is a gem.

      And I've been thinking about Chet lately too, everytime I see a rotationg bartender. I'd also like Amy on mmore often. She's a breath of freah air.

    3. Kevin, I remember reading somewhere that Maura's role as Ava was supposed to be a temp one, but the way she stole scenes with her reactions led to them offering her a contract. How true that was I don't know. But Maura is a wonderful actor.

  30. Just read somewhere that Jordan might be coming back. Gah. I hope not. Was glad she left. Hope that's not a true rumor.

    1. Someone just readd a headline...not the article. She is returning to work, but not on GH. She got a role on a Netflix family drama.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...