Monday, February 21, 2022

MONDAY: TV Sing-A-Long

It is time for one of Dave's filler blogs so Karen can take a break for the day. Today it is my pick for the greatest TV theme songs of all time. This is the "with lyrics" version. I will do a separate instrumental one in the future. These are my choices, and they are in order. Will you agree? No, you won't. There is just way too many throughout history to narrow it down to a consensus. And there are probably hundreds I never heard of. Take a gander at mine, see if you somewhat agree with them and then in the comments write a few of your own that you would put in your top list. 

PS. If you havent guessed from this blog, I was a child of the 70s-80s

1. Welcome Back, Kotter

2. Greatest American Hero

3. Mary Tyler Moore

4. Golden Girls

5. Cheers

6. Courtship of Eddie's Father

7. Flintstones

8. Sesame Street

9. WKRP in Cincinnati

10. Laverne & Shirley

Honorable Mentions:

The Muppet Show, The Monkees, Banana Splits, Alice




ALSO: HR PuffinStuff, Electric Company and Magilla Gorilla! and, I think David and I just showed our ages!! LOL 

This is the blog for Monday. 
Feel free to make your comments about the show and anything else here.


  1. Watched all of them as a child. I didn't personally like Welcome Back Kotter but my brother 2 years younger LOVED it. He would laugh the entire show. I forget The Greatest American Hero. I will look it up. I personally loved Electra Woman and Dina Girl and would make my sister be Dina Girl and act it out in the back yard. I am showing my age too. Deirdre Hall from DOL was Electra woman.

    I also would sing the zoom tune with the zip code. It was catchy as were MANY TV songs and commercials back then. That was real advertising talent back then. Got us hooked.

    1. I also don't remember Magilla Gorilla. Probably didn't like it??

    2. "Believe it or not I'm walking on air, I never thought I could feel so free-eee". OK. Had to check out the song on Youtube. Oh ya, I remember the song. Don't think I was into the show though for some reason. Maybe too much else on tv that I did watch. lol

    3. "lindie says, Believe it or not I'm walking on air, I never thought I could feel so free-eee". OK. Had to check out the song on Youtube. Oh ya, I remember the song. Don't think I was into the show though for some reason. Maybe too much else on tv that I did watch. lol"

      YEAH! This is a great show. It is on H&I on Saturday mornings. :) Theme song right here!

    4. Reminds me of Seinfeld's George Costanza's answering machine message - Believe it or not George isn't at home - please leave a message at the beep - I must be out or I'd pick up the phone - Where could I be - Believe it or not I'm not home - lol - youtube it - funny as hell

  2. "Will you agree? No, you won't."

    ROFL! I agree with most of them. :) Here is my list.

    1. Charles in Charge.

    2. Eight is enough.

    3. Step by step.

    4. The incredible hulk (It's not a song, but close enough)

    5. The Smurfs

    And the rest that you mentioned that I used to watch.

    Greatest American Hero

    Golden Girls



    Sesame Street

    Laverne & Shirley

    1. "There's a plate of homemade wishes on the kitchen windowsill. And Eight is Enough to fill our lives with love!"

      Love that one Sonya.

    2. "Zak says, There's a plate of homemade wishes on the kitchen windowsill. And Eight is Enough to fill our lives with love!"

      Love that one Sonya."

      Yeah great show. I watched it back then. The theme song was fantastic! Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy! :)

    3. Sonya, my ex-husband calls the closing song of The Incredible Hulk the walking away song. He usually plays it when he is trolling our son about something. "You've done something wrong, now it is time for the walking away music", while the song is playing. LOL

    4. Gary says, Sonya, my ex-husband calls the closing song of The Incredible Hulk the walking away song. He usually plays it when he is trolling our son about something. "You've done something wrong, now it is time for the walking away music", while the song is playing. LOL

      ROFL! Oh I wasn't talking about the end. I was talking about the beginning with the introduction.. The end song I can't listen to. It's so sad. :( I've been watching the incredible hulk lately, and everytime they have the 2nd time showing the end song, I stop it.. David Banner walking all alone leaving.. :(

    5. eight is enough is a good choice. i wish i remembered that. should have made my list.

  3. There are so many! Even back further to the 50's/60's...yes, I am that old, but many of those were just instrumental. Cheers, Welcome Back Kotter, Gilligan's Island are just a few that created earworms often.

  4. Today we get scary Peter and even scarier Putin. Wonder if we are missing anything? Probably not.

    1. I know this Special report is super important but why do they only interrupt GH. Never other shows.

    2. They interrupted at the 40 minute mark to give us some news that could have waited till news hour. It was a 1 minute announcement and then the rest of the hour was the newscasters talking about it. The "all important breaking news" ended abruptly when ELLEN came on because that's an impotant show for ABC, not just filler like GH.

    3. Mine was Tamron Hall. They showed 2 seconds of Ned and Leo and I thought we'd get the show. NOPE, they immediately went to Tamron.

    4. "lindie says, Mine was Tamron Hall. They showed 2 seconds of Ned and Leo and I thought we'd get the show. NOPE, they immediately went to Tamron."

      Yeah I got that too. They showed the beginning of the show with Ned, Olivia, and Leo and then poof Tamron Hall. I was thinking it's 3:00 why are they showing GH again? And why from the beginning. Someone sleeping on the job? :)

  5. I switched to a Canadian station and saw the rest. I'll wait till others have seen it before commenting. Don't want to spoil anything.

  6. The Jeffersons!!
    I hate Spencer's attitude ---- and I feel Esme is about to slip up and we find out-----Ryan is her dad??
    TOMORROW is the day - hope Karen is back ------ Hey, hey, hey, good----bye PEE-TAH!

    1. Spencer's attitude needs to go. He is getting too unlikable now to be redeemed IMO unless they have him grow up quickly.

      We should come up with a "Goodbye PEE-TAH! theme song.

    2. mufasa, I loved the Jeffersons. One of my favorite shows.

  7. I agree with all of the ones you chose Dave, but I would add The Partridge Family. I LOVED that show. And Happy Days. At my high school, the week before we played our town rival we had 50s day and there were a ton of Fonzies.

    1. Yup, Patridge Family and Happy Days were great!!!!! I could be wrong, but I feel like SO, SO many shows were good back then. Much more so than now. I also liked Bewitched, I Dream of Jeannie, Six Million Dollar Man, Bionic Woman. There were way too many to count. I liked Brady Bunch when I was a certain age. I had an early bedtime so very rarely was I allowed those shows. It was Brady Bunch at 8 and Partridge Family at 8:30 if I remember correctly. I think Tuesday night, but I don't remember the day really. I remember school was the next day though I am pretty sure.

    2. In the late 70s they were on Friday nights. I was in the marching band and always missed them because of football games so I had to wait for the reruns to see them.

  8. I hope that car at the end isn't Peter's man from the WSB office.

  9. More summer like weather in Port Chuckles!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nedlia and little uncle Leo: Ned and Little uncle Leo are going swimming at the lake because it's so hot!!!! What is it? 80 degrees?

    Olivia and Ava: Olivia trying to sell Ned as Little Uncle Leo's daddy! :) Ava understands and doesn't have a problem with it. She wants to spend more time with him awwwwwwwww. :)

    Ned and Little uncle Leo's table: Uncle Leo wants Ava to do some drawing with him. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Laura and Ned: THE WSB cleared Tracy of all charges!!!! WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT! :) They were able to prove that she was innocent!! :)

    Laura: Maybe that was the point.

    Ned: Meaning?

    Yeah Laura meaning what?!?!!

    Laura and Vampira: Geez Vampira in a summer dress! Laura is very wise. :) Listen to her Vampira! She knows what she is talking about.. Maybe get a little tribbles of your own. :)

    Spring ridge:

    Chad and Nik:

    Chad: Father. Your visit wasn't in my daily horoscope..

    ROFL He would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Chad: At least there are fans in the public rooms.

    Nik: You're right the fans do feel good.

    Chad: Yeah there is a table here right next to a fan.

    Fans fans fans fans.. What is it? 80 or 90 degrees? OH BOY YELLING YAY!




    Nik: You lower your voice.

    Chad: Hahahahahaha.

    Oh wow!!! The way he laughed, I love it! Great scene! BRAVO!!! Oh oh. No no no no! *Resist loving this actor as Spencer* No no no! Crap! *Resist resist resist resist*


    Joss and Trina: Summer clothes and drinking tea!!! Talking about how hot it is! :) Hot blooded come and see. With a temperature of 103! :) Trina talking about how Chad *Resist resist calling him Spencer* Gave her a book, and Joss talking about how she and Cam had the zex! Oh hi Vampira! She just flew in.

    Josh, Trina, and Vampira: Vampira asking for all the love and forgiveness. :) Such a faker she is! :) Joss just HAD to bring up the book that Spen er Chad gave Trina. :)

    WBS field office Swiss-Austria: I have a question. WHERE THE HELL IS FRISCO?! Does he know what is going on?! Dante getting frustrated!

    The cabin:

    Hiney and Maxie: Oh crap Maxie why did you stop pretending? You shouldn't of done that.

    Maxie: So even your plans have limits? That's why your brother wasn't a target?

    ROFL! She would have won the line of the day with that line. She did win the line of the day, but with another line.

    Hiney: Brava brava!!

    Can someone just kill him off already? Oh I think she just kicked him below the belt! OUCH HAHAHHA. GO MAXIE! He can't even get up hahahahahaha.

    The woods: Maxie just ran and ran and ran!!! :) YES! Look at the stars.. You are very smart. :) And here we are with Maxie winning the line of the day.

    Maxie: Why am I always in the woods?

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA! *dead* OH CAR LIGHTS! Who is it? Felicia? Oh I hope it is!!! PLEASE! Oh look Dante, Drew, and Anna at the cabin with guns.. It's like they are special ops! Like men in black. They are ready to attack!!! Is Drew the boss in this operation? Meh should be Anna. I didn't see the previews for tomorrow. Hmmm so who is going to start talking about the heat wave next? Scotty? Cam? :)

    1. Swimming at the lake. WTF. Would be partly frozen over in Upstate NY. Helloooooooooo

    2. "lindie says, Swimming at the lake. WTF. Would be partly frozen over in Upstate NY. Helloooooooooo"

      ROFL! It must have melted!!! They have a heat wave! Must be like 80 degrees!!!

    3. Wish it didn't get interrupted. Would have loved to hear Maxie say "Why am I always in the woods?". Maybe she should stay out of the woods from now on. She has babies there and who knows what happens? I would have loved to see Maxie kick Peetah in the "N--S". Is that what happened? Who knew it would be so easy? lol

    4. Sure melted fast. IRL it takes forever.

    5. "lindie says, Wish it didn't get interrupted. Would have loved to hear Maxie say "Why am I always in the woods?"."

      You can watch it online. :)

      "Maybe she should stay out of the woods from now on."

      ROFL! She should! :)

      "I would have loved to see Maxie kick Peetah in the "N--S". Is that what happened? Who knew it would be so easy? lol"

      That is what she did hahahaha. He was doubled over in pain! He couldn't chase her hahahahaha.

      "lindie says, Why the heck would Anna let Drew run point on this operation? Stupid writers."

      I have no idea!!!!

      "Sure melted fast. IRL it takes forever."


  10. did anyone else notice the teens were wearing summer clothes? and I liked the scene with laura and esme.

  11. Agree with most - especially Gilligan, MTM, Cheers - but missing Maude, Addam's Family and the without a doubt best of all time - The Ballad of Jed Clampett - Beverly Hillbillies

    1. "Let me tell you a story bout' a man named Jed".

    2. Good grief. I just read your reply and was wondering who jed was. I thought I missed something.

      Resistance is futile, Sonya. ( I hope my reply doesn't get lost in the songs.)

    3. Sorry, Jed from the Beverly Hillbillies song.

    4. I totally forgot about the Beverly Hillbillies. Also, Green Acres. Arnold the pig was smarter than most of the people on that show. Come to think of it he was smarter than some of the people around today lol. I still catch myself singing that one. And Petticoat Junction.

    5. "Di says, Resistance is futile, Sonya."


      "( I hope my reply doesn't get lost in the songs.)"

      Hahahaha it didn't! :)

  12. how bout---- the monkeys. hey hey we're the monkeys people say we monkey around. now you know I am old. also the original MICKEY MOUSE. club

    1. My stepsisters LOVED the Monkees and Davy Jones. I wasn't into it.

    2. I got into the Monkees in the reruns. Same with the Mickey Mouse show. Got into them with the reruns of the original episodes when I was a kid in the 60s.

  13. Here is another one. I barely remember watching it as a kid, but I remember singing and yelling out "Rawhide".

    1. The 60’s. If going there Branded has to be included.

    2. i think rawhide was instrumental? i DID an instrumental blog just waiting for the day Karen needs time off. I hope that will be a fun one for everyone.

    3. Dave, I googled to make sure and yep it had lyrics. Frankie Lane sang it.

  14. Someone mentioned commercials in the 70s. I don't know how many people know it, but Barry Manilow wrote a lot of commercials in the 70s. I went to one of his concerts in the early 80s, I was a huge fan, and he did a segment where he sang a melody of his ads.
    "You deserve a break today at McDonalds" and "I am stuck on Band-aid, cause Band-aid is stuck on me" are two that I remember.

  15. Since when are ava and Olivia good friends
    Also maxie don't flag down a car could be plp in this neverending story

  16. This was really fun Dave. Thanks for doing this.

  17. Did I miss WHY Diane isn't Sonny's attorney for the divorce????

  18. How can today be Hiney's last day? Hoping but don't see how.
    Anyone want to bet that Putin declares war during GH today?

    1. He's already sent troops in. It's old news but there will be a press conference in the middle of it. Just hope everyone has an alternative place to watch since this is supposed to be Peter's last day. I don't understand why press conferences are held in the middle of the afternoon when everyone is working. An hour or so later and the news is on.

    2. Yes, there has been fighting in Ukraine for months. Freaking Special Report right now. The President is remarking. Always during GH. Boo.

  19. This was such a fun blog, and I loved reading the comments. Thanks Dave! I still know the words to many of these which cracks me up! One that wasn't mentioned and I still sing it to annoy my friends...F-Troop!

    Thanks to all for the recaps because I too missed the last 15 minutes. I'll have to watch it On Demand, because I want to see Maxie knee PLP in the jewels! :)


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...