Sunday, February 27, 2022

Sunday Surgery: Ode To Joy


Well, the real world interrupted GH almost every day this week-- especially for us 2pm/est people. I get it but it still made for a choppy week. 

We all got what we wanted and according to multiple sources, Peter has indeed, left the building. (Wes even posted a photo of him literally, leaving the building). When Anna left Peter alone after he 'died' I was skeptical. And lord knows, it doesn't mean that someday, somehow he won't be back. 

For now, it's champagne and fun. Grab a glass and let's go-go

Robert said it best: 

"Dead, definitely. Gone? I don't know about that. I see him sitting on your shoulder dripping doubt into your ear. All the while he's got this...shadow that he's draped around your neck with regret."

And  KUDOS to the dialog writers this last week-- good stuff was written all the way around the canvas. 

GIANT GOOD LUCK OF THE WEEK: You're running in a foreign forest, halfway across the world and who shows up to LET YOU INTO THEIR CAR?? Well.. MAMA!! While really unbelievable, I'm happy it was Felicia who got to Maxie first. Shame on everyone telling her she couldn't go. SHE'S THE AZTEC PRINCESS, BITCHES! 

SCENES OF THE WEEK:  Peter's head being bashed in by Felicia and Anna's subsequent letting him die in the snow. No ambulance is coming for you. FH and yes, Wes did a good job in this scene. No histrionics, just good old drama. 

PETER IS DEAD PARTY OF THE WEEK: Obrect came through with the booze and most of the hospital toasted his demise. Twitter had a great hashtag of this and I think it would have trended if not for the news interruptions. 

HEARTBREAK/JOY OF THE WEEK:  "I'll be her mommy, you'll be her mama" Maxie says to Brook Lynn.  Such good stuff. Loved all the acting here. Brook Lynn has been such a good addition to the cast. I'm also liking she and Chase. Let them stay at the Aussie house for a bit. 

OLD SCHOOL MAGIC OF THE WEEK: Wow.. Robert and Anna just being their charming selves. "You're so weird" Anna laughs. *sigh*  BTW, I like their friendship, not sure if the romance thing would work for me right now. 

iPHONE PLAN OF THE WEEK: So, after all this, Trina is going to have her phone switched out by Esme and when the video is seen, she'll be blamed? But..IT'S NOT HER PHONE--so?? I don't get it. She'll know it's not her phone in like 45 seconds when her contacts don't come up. Unless I missed Esme downloading all her info on it? It makes no sense to me. Oh well. She should have hacked her IG Reels and uploaded it THERE. But who am I other an old viewer that knows nothing of socials? 

THROW MONEY AT THIS KID OF THE WEEK: WOW. LOVED these scenes. What talent. What Cassadine bravado oozing through. No, certainly not Nikolas. We saw Spencer just rise above and kick his father right in the ass. I really wish Tyler was back because these vibes are way more brother to brother than father to son. TC could match his anger beat for beat. 

CRAP FRIEND OF THE WEEK: First off, Joss and Trina live together in the same damn room 24-7. Showing them at Kelly's acting like they just ran into each other? No. PLEASE get a dorm set. It's so needed. Anyone that's had a roomie in one of those hell-holes knows what I mean. Joss needs to check herself because she's not making the situation with Ez any better. Yes, she's got her number but by making Trina feel bad about every move she's made is not going to do the trick. Be better. Set the bitch up and get on with it. 

GOOD FRIEND OF THE WEEK: Sam and Liz... Sam tells her no matter what their kids are brothers and she has her back. I LOVED their Jason scenes where they drank together on the docks. Kelly and Becky play off each other very well too--so keep this going.  By the way, I think Liz' hair looking like junk most of the time is by script choice. Like..something is wrong in Webberville. 

RELIEF OF THE WEEK: Sonny tells Carly she can have the house. It. Is Done. Sonny said "you and Donna" can live in the house. No Avery mention. Maybe he finally gets that Avery is Ava's daughter.??

DRUNK DIALING OF THE WEEK: Hey..Nina..I got no one else, where you aaaaaaaaaat??? Reminded me of every frat boy ever. 

WE ALMOST HAD IT ALL OF THE WEEK: Oh damn it. Shawn is moving to the West Coast, leaving Alexis behind at the paper. I really wanted these two to reconnect. Now.. it's not going to happen. 

SPECIAL NOTE OF THE WEEK: This ...this right here. Ava was superb in these scenes and said all the right things. As I've said, Maura has a son with ASD. Perfection. Thanks to ..give them a listen! 

THE MOST I DON'T CARE STORY OF THE WEEK: Yep. DO NOT CARE where Willow is from, who her real parents/mother is--nothing. I really don't. So. That's all I have to say on that subject. 

SECOND MOST I DON'T CARE STORY OF THE WEEK: Sasha buying coke at Kelly's. Meh. She and Brando ..meh. Just meh. meh. meh. It's a nothing burger. While I appreciate the Lucy inclusion and the Deception Co. part, that's neither here nor there. We could be doing so much more with that. 


Victor's guy in Switzerland failed to stop everyone from getting Peter

Peter dies in the snow after being hit in the head by Felicia; Anna watches him fade away

News of Peter's death greatly relieves Port Charles

Maxie comes for Louise; says she's calling her Bailey Louise and that Brook Lynn is always her second Mama

Esme gets ready to unleash the zex footage after switching Trina's phone out

Who's driving Liz mad? Finn thinks it might be her kids

Sasha buys coke before going to Niagara Falls with Brando

Sonny and Nina hook up after he gets sloshy at Charlie's

Drew and Carly connect because..well... #GH 

Shawn is moving to the West Coast 

Spencer tells Nikolas to FK right off

Sonny lets Carly have the house and divorce will proceed 

Laura figures out her secretary/assistant is working with Victor 

Oh, Port Charles had a heat-wave. Not sure if it's Cassadine related or not. 

NEWS: NuNuJordan announced:  Tanisha Harper will play the next Jordan. Not sure why we need her character but here we are. Real Andrews is also coming back as Taggert so I guess the whole Trina isn't your daughter story will continue.  Sean Blakemore (Shawn) is leaving GH. When the Twitter timeline went crazy, the actor took to his account and told everyone it was his choice to leave for 'other projects'. He's been out in prime time for awhile so I can't blame the guy. Damn it. :sobbing: 

SCOOPS: Diane is jelly of Alexis and Harmony's friendship; Victor faces the wrath of 2 of PC's best most baddest ladies; Anna and Laura; Carly, Sam and Olivia plan a get away. See all spoilers on Daytime Confidential. 

That's all I have in me for this week. Like I said, with my being out Monday and all the interruptions from horrible news, it was just not the week I wanted it to be. Peter's death should have been something grand. I didn't feel that; it was a whimper. Without Finola in there, it would have been really a nothing-burger.  We lose Shawn and gain Jordan; good thing? Nina and Sonny are intriguing but I'm so tired of the 'guilt' thing. I wish they'd let Carly just be alone for awhile. She doesn't need to bounce to Drew asap. (she could also go on a much needed vacation). The only story I really want to see is what's happening to Elizabeth. Maybe a bit of the Victor-Cassadine Clan building. With the heat wave I guess it's Weather Machine Time again? 

Have a great Sunday. 

Photos thx to @Flutterby @SourceRyan on Twitter 


  1. I have to say right away; I love that pic of "badass" Felicia and love her outfit. She's older than me and so gorgeous. I am jealous.

    1. Oh, yes, she is the Aztec Princess and as bad as they come. AND, she didn't feel even one ounce of guilt for killing him; Mama Bear.

    2. Thanks Karen. Always appreciated.

      How does Laura find out her assistant works for Victor? I missed that part.

      Peter's demise was a whimper. The writer's suck for most part. I'm just glad that he's gone. I think I'd rather have Lulu back than Jordan. I don't know. I don't really care much for either of them. Only because Lulu is Laura's daughter. Just USE the people you have. They should have given Sean Blakemore a storyline. Maybe he would have stuck around.

      Also, I am really missing JPS

      Wally Kurth's son is also on the spectrum. It was mentioned when it was announced that the young actor is on the spectrum.

      Yup, Carly needs a much needed; very LONG vacation.

    3. I had no idea Laura knows her assistant is Team Victor? When did that happen??

  2. I basically agree with your highs and lows for the week. Glad Felicia got to protect her daughter, and liked seeing Robert, Anna, Mac and Felicia interact. And the guy who plays Spencer knocked his scenes out of the park.

    I absolutely could care less about Sasha, Brando, Willow, Michael and Jordan. Cutting these characters would be a great way to slash the show's budget. There, I said it.

    At some point, I hope we get to see recast versions of Jeff Webber and Sarah Webber.

  3. Sonny is going to take Avery to the Penthouse with him, but will let Carly see her whenever she wants. Wonder if he will let Ava have more time with her now too. As a "single, working" dad, he's not going to have time for her. Poor Avery and Donna. They are sisters and will be living separately. Seeing a sibling problem story-line once they are aged to teens.

    1. That is crappy that they are separating Avery and Donna. Sonny the drinking fool should not have Avery there. I can't believe that I am going to say this, but Ava should take Sonny to court for custody. Nina would be Avery's new "Mommy Nina". There I said it. I am finding the whole Sonny/ Nina and Carly thing nauseating. I used to like Sonny and Carly and now just sick of them both.

    2. Ava should have *always had custody.* No court would believe Avery is safer living with a mob boss.

    3. AH, missed that part. With all the news interruptions it was tough! NO KID should be with SONNY RIGHT NOW!

    4. You're absolutely right, kd. Seeing their father like that is a something they'd never forget.

  4. Loved the surgery, thank you!
    Felicia bashing PLP was a thing of beauty, I loved it!
    I can't say enough about the Maxie/BLQ scenes...I was a wreck.
    Totally agree that LW needs a very long vacation. Pairing her with Drew makes me queasy. And Nina constantly chewing on her fingers drives me up the wall. She and Smike...queasy part 2.
    I really like the actor who plays Spence, but I would have slapped that boy's face, lol!

    The news this week was something else, that being said, I pray for Ukraine.

    1. Thanks Julie. Me too. Hearing some stories is heartbreaking to say the least.

  5. Thanks for the great Sunday surgery.You are amazing!!

    I loved that scene with Robert and Anna too. And the dialogue was fantastic.

    I agree about Liz's hair being the script's choice. I said maybe they're trying to get the point across that she's unravelling. That's the perfect way to show her stress and disorganization.

    I look at that picture of new Jordan and think...OMG She's supposed to be TJ's mother. I have a feeling that some of her scenes with him will be worse than Ava and Julian in terms of inappropriate chemistry. Maybe they'll have to get rid of poor TJ again so they can have their triangle. *sigh*

    Drunken Sonny and Sasha on drugs are scenes I do not want to see. I've been FFing through them and will continue to do so. I want some sunshine back in my soap...and not in terms of a weather machine.

    Totally agree that Trina and Joss should be chatting in their dorm room. It gives them more freedom of speech, and keep Esme out of it.

    Peter's final scene was great. Wes crushed it. I know there'll always be people who'll say maybe he's not dead. Covering their bases just in case, so years from now they can say I KNEW IT. The cast, the writers and the characters have all come out in print saying the character is dead. An autopsy was preformed.That being said there's also people who believe the earth is flat and nothing will change their minds either.

    I myself am just rejoicing in the fact that his evil has left the planet and wecan have some happy family scenes with Bailey Lu now, and her lovely wide circle of love.

    1. An autopsy was performed? They said that?

    2. Yes. If you missed part of the show you missed a few crucial parts. Listen to Anna's scenes. She said the WSB removed the body and took it and an autopsy was performed.

    3. Thanks Di. Yup, I missed a lot of parts.

  6. A choppy week but still a great SS! Thank you.
    Yes, I am one of those people who will say Hiney is not dead. Or at least WR will be back in some form at some time in the future. I do not believe the world is flat or that Ivermectrin is the cure for Covid. But I do believe we may hear Anna say "I watched him take his last breath" again someday. We have seen this before. Wait...they said an autopsy was performed and they all said he is gone. Well that makes it true. LOL
    KS and AS were terrific this week. Those babies are the cutest!
    Whatever happens we are lucky to be able to enjoy GH and other trivialities.
    Enjoy this Sunday everyone.

    1. Yes we are lucky. GH is the only show that never deserted us during this messy year. And I've no doubt that WR may be back some time.

    2. Yes, Thank you to GH and thank you to Karen for both not deserting us. And, for something to complain about daily. lol

      Big thanks!!!!!!

  7. Can we please have a scene with Maxie bringing bailey Louise to see Valentin? Can he be her Uncle, godfather, something please? This is very much needed and pronto!

    I do think they could have ended Peter better, but at least he was ended by people that should have ended him. I will take it even though I was underwhelmed.

    Am I the only one that doesn't see Austin & Maxie as a couple?

    Hoping Becky gets a juicy story. I find her to be the most beautiful lady in Daytime.

    More Brookie & Chase please. And more Brookie and Maxie/Bailey scenes. I hope that baby has a contract ☺

    1. I agree with everything you said

    2. Linda, I was thinking the same thing about Valentin last night. Maxie needs to ask him to be Daddy Valentin or to be one of her Godfathers.

      I would rather see Austin and Britt. And do NOT put Drew with Carly. I am getting the vibes that Carly is seeing Drew as a replacement for Jason. The one person who she tells everything and who will have her back. I may be wrong about that, but that is the vibe I'm getting from them. And I would rather see them as friends than as romantic partners. Cause you know in 6 months Carly is going to be back with Sonny.

    3. Yup, if Carly wants Drew for a friend that is fine; NOT as a couple.

    4. Linda said
      More Brookie & Chase please. And more Brookie and Maxie/Bailey scenes. I hope that baby has a contract

      Funny you should say that, because when Maxie walked out the door with Bailey Louise, my first thought was "well, we won't see that baby again until she's in kindergarten."

      A lot of crucial points last week... thank goodness for Hulu. Never appreciated it more!

  8. TOTALLY missed the autopsy comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW did I miss that?
    Also I am pretty sure Laura didn't realize about her assistant - I think she realized about the WSB assistant, right???
    I understand Sean Blakemore wanting to leave, but what a waste of storyline....
    I guess Portia + Curtis = Taggart finding out Trina isn't his daughter is next? How many months since Portia confessed to Jordan who was knocked out? LOL
    Where is Marty?
    JPS did comment he IS filming new TV series but back at GH in March..
    I gonna call it - Jake has seen Liz do these odd things.....and he is afraid to tell..
    Do NOT care about people ya'll have mentioned.....The thing with Esme IS stupid because a COLLEGE STUDENT would know it is not her phone.....
    No to Austin and Maxie...
    I also read that Jordan brings back some huge news about Drew - I don't get that - she has been in REHAB!

    1. Laura noticed that when they started talking about Victor or Peter her assistant was always there. Then she went away for a minute or so to "check on" whatever Laura had said. Laura followed her and watched her make a quick phone call then she came back and said everything was set. Laura checked it out and then they had the "false news " conversation and Laura saw her make another call. Can't fool our mayor forever.

    2. wow - must have been during an interruption - LOVE IT

    3. I missed that. I'll have to watch it again.

    4. I missed the autopsy comment AND Laura checking up on her assistant. Dang.

    5. Mufasa...Jordan wasn't in rehab. Her kidney function was compromised after she ahd Portia had that run in when they went looking for Barstow and they got locked in the basement with a leaking gas pipe. She was transferred to a specialty kidney clinic in Albany, New York for further treatment.

    6. Thanks, DI - it's been so long I COMPLETELY FORGOT!!LOL

  9. Some good news.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...