Wednesday, February 2, 2022


Happy Groundhog Day. People far and wide will wait breathlessly for Punxsutawney Phil to peek his furry little head out of his hole and forecast the weather for the next 6 weeks. I thought about looking up the history of our furry friend Phil, but realized all of you can do that on your own. 

I thought about the whole weather thing with the furrball. The worst case scenario is 6 more weeks of winter, right? Well, today it was 62 degrees and it will be 68 by the weekend. You know what Philbers? Bring it on! I can take it.

If you havent guessed by now, I am filling space. Karen has taken a leave of absence. She has to tend to a family member and I know that family is a priority for any of us and I want her to be where she is needed. With short notice, I have very little prepared for today. I know how much you all love my wit and wisdom! This is the blog for Wednesday. I hope it is a good show. Please comment as you normally do.

Everyone try to stay safe and healthy out there. 


  1. Sending lots of love and prayers to Karen and her family.

    Thanks so much for filling in for her, Dave.

    1. I agree with Di. Sending our thoughts and love to you Karen and family, and thank you Dave. Guess we are having 6 more weeks of winter; like we always do. lol

    2. Ditto from me! Hope life gets back to normal for you Karen.

  2. I'm with Di and Lindie. Much love and prayers to Karen, and thanks Dave for always being an excellent fill-in. :)

    I live in Michigan, we're having snow Armageddon right now. That rascal Phil was correct, 6 more weeks of winter.

  3. Thanks for stepping up and into
    Her shoes. Checking in on this blog
    Is one of my favorite daily routines.
    Best best wishes to Karen and her family.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. So why wouldn't Anna go to Valentin place to see him #1 and #2 why is Charlotte not freaking out that Papa is missing?

    1. Anna, go to Valentin house to check. Hellooooooo. Then put an APB out

  6. Harmony is lying lying lying....Willow ain't her Drew again saves the day/his character is different now...Carly's repeated the same words for weeks now: I need TIME SONNY.....MUST be a reason Jane Elliott has this storyline about fake Ice Princess------just so she can go away again OR does she know Luke is alive and HE has it?

  7. Carly is making me crazy. She should go on vacation for a long time

    1. Yes very long. I would be ok with forever.

    2. better yet LW needs to quit and take WR with her

    3. I'm on board with that. Let Sonny stay his new friendlier self too. Doesn't need to be with anyone, but the interaction he has had with others has been much better

  8. Victor stole the ice princess.

  9. LOVE that Austin figured out about Bailey.
    Laura should be WSB or something - SHE figured it out - Victor stole the Ice Princess, that Luke isn't dead ---- I first thought Luke still had it and Tracy knew it and knew Luke was alive......but Victor must have stolen it but WHEN?????
    Everytime Sonny says Jason died, I scream "HE DIED IN NOVEMBER - you came back SEPTEMBER 17th!" Wish he would leave Carly ----- I am tired of both of them....

    1. I liked Carly as a bad ass mob boss. I think she should take everything away from Sonny - business and all - and boot him out. He can go be boring with Nina. Carly and Ms. Wu as mob bosses?? I like it.

    2. Yup. Austin just out it all together. Think he'll protect Maxie.

  10. Sending best wishes to Karen and her family. Thank you for filling in for her!

  11. Sending my best to Karen and her family. And I'm with everyone else thanking Dave for stepping in for Karen.

  12. Kelly's:

    Vampira and Chad: Vampira is dressed like a librarian, but she is still manipulating Chad! :)

    Vampira, Chad, and Doc:

    Doc: I think you have seen too many prison movies.

    ROFL! He would have won the line of the day, but not this line. He wins it with another line.

    Vampira, Chad, and Victor: Chad is so HAPPY seeing Victor. :) Oh! Chad has got to see something outside? Hmmmm.

    Vampira and Victor: They understand each other. :) They are on the same page I think. :)


    Chad and Doc: Oh Doc is there. Chad wanted to see Doc. Doc is waiting for Laura. Where is Chad going?! :) I think I know.. ;)

    Kevlar: This is where Doc wins the line of the day.

    Doc: I can't tell if you are joking.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA! Nope she isn't joking! The WSB DID show up to arrest Tracy! :)

    Victor and Anna: Anna is worried about V.C. But she has another problem on her hands at the moment!!! The WSB is trying to arrest Tracy! Hahahaha.

    The intruder/Alexis's office:

    Alexis and Hmmmm. so Willow's birth certificate isn't official. The commune didn't want the state to find out about them. She knew someone to fake the birth certificate. talked about giving birth to Willow.

    Alexis: That's it right? You are not leaving anything out?

    She IS leaving something out!!! She is lying! I have a feeling!!!

    Mildew home:

    Carson: Carly whining.. Sonny not listening. Rinse repeat.. Rinse repeat. Blah blah blah.

    Q mansion:

    Tracy and the trouble: I'm so glad Anna is there to help!!! Tracy knows that one WSB guy! He has been dogging her and Luke for awhile. I love how Anna handled them. So Tracy isn't going to jail and is free. She is going back to Amsterdam because Luke has some loose ends and she has to tie them up! Anna calls Maxie and she is in another room! Hahahahaha!

    Pawtucket Holtster and Maxie: She enjoyed the kiss but it can't happen again she says. Not until she gets her daughter back. She don't want him to wait for her, but he wants to. Awwwwwwwwww. :) Oh there is Anna hahaha. She told Maxie about V.C.'s message. About Louise.

    Ava's art gallery:

    Ava and Trina: Trina explains what happened at the cabin to Ava. Chad tried calling Trina again. Ava says Chad could call anybody, but he keeps calling her. (Trina) :) I love Trina's sweater. OH HI CHAD! :)

    Sidenote: On twitter, James Patrick Stuart asks if Valentin has been in the trunk all weekend! HAHAHAHAHAHA. I said I'm sure there are air holes! :)

    1. Valentin has been in the trunk a LONG time. Maybe I should join him. 🤔

    2. "lindie says, Valentin has been in the trunk a LONG time. Maybe I should join him. 🤔 "

      ROFL! We both can join him!!! :)

    3. Ya, think maybe I can share with you Sonya. Lol

    4. JPS cracks me up, too funny! You 3 behave in that trunk now!

    5. "lindie says, Ya, think maybe I can share with you Sonya. Lol"

      YAY! ROFL!

      "Julie H says, JPS cracks me up, too funny! You 3 behave in that trunk now!"

      ROFL! Aren't you going to join us? :)

  13. Karen we are praying and thinking of/for you and your family

    1. Yes!!! I hope you and your family are okay Karen!!

  14. I think Lindsay Hartley is going to be Sam again for a little bit coming up.

    1. I read that, too. It will be a nice change of pace. I liked her last time! :)

  15. I seriously need Smike and Snarly gone. I am sick to death of them both and the same conversation over and over. They're almost as bad as PLP. And that's saying something.

    Another person now figured out Bailey/Louise. Move this along writers. The fall out from this is losing momentum.

    Spence giving Trina puppy dog eyes again. He is a cutie, but dang! Confess your sins, dump Esme, and make peace with your friends already, lol! I really enjoyed Ava and Trina's conversation. Ava knows what's what!

    Victor, Doc and Laura were highlights for me. Same for Anna. I just love all of them.

    1. I agree Julie H - so sick of Carly repeating the same crap every day and Sonny, who managed to dye his hair again since Tuesday, is looking like a pathetic old man. Hate to see Tracy leave since JE is such a delight. Alexis looked fabulous and I loved Ava's outfit. Wouldn't Charlotte have reached out if her dad didn't come home? Maxie and Austin total mismatch as much as he seems delighted with her.

    2. I think they've been piecing together scenes to try to keep new episodes on the air, and they've had to do it for a while. With only limited actors coming on set they're running scenes in circles. Hopefully we'll get new stuff soon.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...