Wednesday, February 16, 2022


It's HUMP DAY. I wonder what it will be today. Put me to sleep again? Hmmm....

Willow so sad. Where COULD her birth certificate BE? She leaves for the hospital because you know, she is supposedly going to be a nurse. Anyway, Sonny comes up to Michael and asks where Carly is. Michael finds out that Sonny slept with Nina...gets all mad. Sonny yells back. Michael says his mother should divorce him because he obvious chose Nina. 

Harmony tells Alexis she's not Willow's mother. See, she was in a commune and some chick named "Joan" gave birth, left and then she took her. :eyeroll: Like that's a lie. Alexis tries to figure out what to do. 

Felicia plays with the baby. Brook is sad to let her go. Felicia calls her Louise-- Brook is upset. Mac Daddy sees the baby. The baby starts crying terribly. Fe realizes that the baby doesn't know them and needs her "mother". 

Nina runs into Willow at GH, wonders if something is wrong with Wiley. Willow says no, she has to get to class. OMG THEN...they talk about their childhoods. You know, bad moms. ANVIL. ANVIL. ANVIL. 

Joss visits Carly. They talk about Carly...her marriage...Jason... the cabin.. yada yada. Carly tells Joss that Sonny and Nina had nookie. Joss is SHOCKED!! Sonny knocks on the door. Joss gives him a dirty look, leaves. Sonny doesn't want Carly to get a divorce. He saw she got a lawyer because Carly put it on the shared Google calendar AHAHAHAA. 

Curtis is looking for a new place and wants Portia to come too. She agrees they should look for a place together. 

Back at home, Brook finds Bailey's stuffed animal and cries. Chase hugs her. Then Felicia brings back Baby Bailey. She thinks she's better off with Brook and Chase until Maxie comes back. 


  1. So glad that Felicia put Bailey/Louise first and gave her back to Brooklyn and Chase to watch for Maxie. Also, wish they would have kissed. Great couple.

    Harmony is "liar, liar, pants of fire". But, we thought Nelle was Nina's daughter. Twins separated at birth or is Nelle really not Nina's daughter??

    Jordan will come back and Curtis will be "in wub" with 2 women. So many others I'd rather have back than constipated Jordan.

    Very boring today again. Looks like maybe more action tomorrow???? Hope so. No Valentin in the previews :(

    1. "lindie says, So many others I'd rather have back than constipated Jordan."

      Maybe she will be recast! :)

  2. Alexis's office:

    Alexis and I'm not her mother.

    BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! It's been a long time coming. :) Wait Joan? Who the hell is Joan? Joan Jett? Willow's mother is Joan Jett!! :0 WOW!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Michael and Sonny: Michael wins the line of the day.


    BAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love when Michael protects his mother and yells at his dad. :)

    Sonny: WATCH IT.

    Michael: OR ELSE WHAT?

    BAHAHAHAHAHA. You tell him Michael! :) Protect your mama! :)
    Metrocourt hotel/Carly's room:

    Joss and Carly: Awww love that Joss is there for her mother. :) Oh hi Sonny. Love the dirty look Joss gave him and love that Michael warned his mother that Sonny is coming.

    Sonny: If looks could kill.

    Uh yeah duh! ROFL!


    Metrocourt restaurant part 2:

    Joss and Michael: LOVE IT! :)

    Mildew: Hey Willow!! Your bio mama is Joan Jett! :)

    The hospital:

    Willow and Nina: Awwww bonding over bad parents. Ouch. That anvil hurts like the dickens on my head. OUCH!!! RUN PEOPLE RUN!!!!! SO MANY ANVILS!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!

    Felicia, Brase, and Louise: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) So adorable!!! It's killing me! :)

    Nina and Brase: I thought Blazer Lynn was going to have a panic attack again. :(

    Felicia, Louise and Mac: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) Oh oh Louise crying.. That's because she doesn't have her stuffed doll, and of course Felicia and Mac are strangers to her. :(

    Brase home:

    Brase: Awwww. :( Blazer Lynn having a hard time! :( So glad Chase is there for her.

    Felicia, Louise and Brase: Felicia is doing the right thing.


    Portis: They are moving in together! Awwww. :) Hmmm they are moving together really quickly. There are a couple of truths that need to come out.. That Trina is Curtis's daughter, and that Jordan and Curtis are not divorced.


    Hiney and Maxie: Hey! There they are!

    1. Wonder where Hiney plans to take her where no one will find her? Hmmmm. IDK

    2. The question is does Willow love Rock and Roll like her mother Joan Jett?

    3. "lindie says, Wonder where Hiney plans to take her where no one will find her? Hmmmm. IDK"

      I don't know.. Sonny's cabin? :) ROFL!

    4. Oh I forgot to mention one thing.. When Carly and Joss were hugging, I thought it was Lulu at first that Carly was hugging.

    5. ohhh...Sonya. Taking her to Sonny's cabin would be perfect because esme is going there. muyhaha

      And Michael yelling OR ELSE WHAT? was great. His spine grew several inches with that question.

      And we all know poor Sonny screwed up! lol

    6. "Di says, ohhh...Sonya. Taking her to Sonny's cabin would be perfect because esme is going there. muyhaha"

      Hahahahahaha! That would be SO messy! :) I love it! :)

      "And Michael yelling OR ELSE WHAT? was great. His spine grew several inches with that question."

      Hahahah yes it did!!

      "And we all know poor Sonny screwed up! lol"

      Hahahahahaha. Poor wittle Sonny! :)

    7. Anvils, so many anvils...hahahah! What are you, the Road Runner?! :)
      We should continue using the phrase "I'm not a shananagist!" I laugh everytime.

      Michael was awesome yesterday all up in Sonny's face. I wish he was like that more often. Talk about protecting his mama, wow!

      BLQ and Chase were all that and a bag of chips. I feel her pain and yay to Flea for bringing Bailey/Louise back. Nice touch, writers!

      Nina was really on my nerves yesterday. She's running around poking into everybody's business with that whispering (is she the new Mumbles??) fake concern. Blech. And yes, Harmony is so lying. But I'm pretty sure she doesn't know/think that Nina is Willow's mom. That guru probably bought that baby on some black market site, and the writers haven't come up with a reason yet.

      Sonny was pretty pathetic yesterday, hahahaha! I enjoyed that because I'm mean!

    8. I agree with you, Julie H. This weak and whiny Sonny is so far out there compared to either "Mike" or pre-amnesia Sonny. Are we supposed to feel sorry for him? I don't. I do hope that Carly gets a storyline that doesn't include Sonny or any other romance. I'd like to see her actually DO something on the show for a change.

    9. "Julie H says, Anvils, so many anvils...hahahah!"

      Hahahah ow!

      "What are you, the Road Runner?! :)"

      ROFL Meep meep! :)

      "We should continue using the phrase "I'm not a shananagist!" I laugh everytime."

      Hahahahaha. OKAY! :) What a great word! :) I just looked it up, and the word is real!!! :) And I don't cahoot was funny too. :)

      "Michael was awesome yesterday all up in Sonny's face. I wish he was like that more often."

      More often with Sonny? Yes yes! I agree. :)

      "Talk about protecting his mama, wow!"

      Awwwwwwwwwwwww. :) As a son should! :)

      "BLQ and Chase were all that and a bag of chips."

      THEY ARE!!! :)

      "yay to Flea for bringing Bailey/Louise back. Nice touch, writers!"

      Yes! Loved it!

      "Nina was really on my nerves yesterday. She's running around poking into everybody's business with that whispering (is she the new Mumbles??) fake concern. Blech."

      ROFL! Maybe she thinks the whispering is sexy! ROFL!

      "And yes, Harmony is so lying."

      Oh she SO is!

      "But I'm pretty sure she doesn't know/think that Nina is Willow's mom. That guru probably bought that baby on some black market site, and the writers haven't come up with a reason yet."

      Can't wait to see what the writers come up with.

      "Sonny was pretty pathetic yesterday, hahahaha! I enjoyed that because I'm mean!"

      ROFL! I enjoyed it too, so I'm mean too! :)

  3. Wouldn't that be super awesome if Joan Jett were Willow's mama.

    1. "lindie says, Wouldn't that be super awesome if Joan Jett were Willow's mama."

      Hahaha! Yes!!! :) They do look alike and they have the same hair color. :)


  4. I'm raising my hand to ask questions, please...
    ----anyone believe that Harmony handed off to those people that I can't remember their names?---
    OR was Harmony TOLD that and SHE doesn't know Nina is Willow's mother?
    -----will Nina still be NELLE's mom?
    ----How many years did all of us non-writers PREDICT this?
    ----HOW can PEE-TAH not be there? IS this the time frame when Kristen had COVID?
    ----We all guessed that Bailey/Louise ain't gonna be happy without Brook Lyn?
    -----I don't Jordan is coming back - I think the drama is Curtis and Portia move in and THE he finds out she lied about his daughter....that will last for years
    -----and finally, I read a spoiler from MARCH that Mac still can't come back to work so he better NOT be sick......oh, maybe Jordan does come back....

  5. No, it was not Joan Jett, Willow was MY baby! I must've spent time in a commune and not remember. . . I was sooo excited to see my name as the column heading, I don't think there has been a character named Joan ever on GH, or likely on any other soap . . .

    1. "AntJoan says, No, it was not Joan Jett, Willow was MY baby! I must've spent time in a commune and not remember. . ."


      "I was sooo excited to see my name as the column heading, I don't think there has been a character named Joan ever on GH, or likely on any other soap . . ."

      Yeah I don't think so either.. We need a Joan on GH! :)

    2. lol Fantastic AntJoan. I love it!

    3. Too funny and AntJoan! You're a star now so get thee to Port Chuckles and clean up some of these messes! :)

  6. I thought that Nina's baby was stolen from her (by her mother) while Nina was in her 20 year coma. How could Nina have been in a commune while she was in a coma? Call me confused.

  7. And here's a little news for you.

    1. Wow! Interesting.. I wonder why Sofia needs to be recasted tempoarily.

    2. Maybe this is because she tested positive and she has to self isolate for a while. Either way, having her sister fill in is cool.

    3. Sister looks a lot like her but blond.

  8. "Di says, Maybe this is because she tested positive and she has to self isolate for a while. Either way, having her sister fill in is cool."

    Oh that's right I forgot about that. Yeah it IS cool! :)

    "lindie says, Sister looks a lot like her but blond."

    I wonder if she is going to dye her hair the same color as her sister temporarily.

  9. OhJoan, oh red herring. I think the writers want us to think Nina might be Willow’s mother. But Colorado….who else on the show is from Colorado and is experiencing some questionable behavior lately? Liz. Far fetched. I know.

    1. I didn't remember Liz is from Colorado.

    2. Liz would be like 18 years older than Willow. Liz was in PC at like age 15 or 16 though wasn't she?

    3. Maybe you are on to something DianaTaylor. Liz is from Boulder. This would be horrible but maybe she does have DID and the trauma actually began in Colorado on this commune and she blocked it out. Maybe Liz is Willows Mom and Liz is "Joan". This is far fetched idea too.

    4. Holy Crap Diana Taylor! What an idea! I could get into a story with Liz being Willow's mama. :)

    5. Me too. Nina is too obvious. Plus I don't like Nina.

    6. Great idea, Diana but I doubt if there's that much imagination in the writers' room.

      Also I don't think we're ready for Grandma Liz yet.

  10. Still think Nina - not Liz - it may be obvious, BUT remember Frank and the writers think the fans are naive and stupid...
    which we kinda proved cause PEE-TAH is still on the show and we have put up with it!
    still claiming Feb 22 is his last air date.

    1. Probably is Nina because Frank and writers are not creative. Hope you are correct about last air date (for now; I am sure we are not lucky to get forever)


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...