Thursday, February 24, 2022

Peter Is No More...

 At least that's what I'm hearing! SOD, Finola's IG account all say goodbye to Wes. I'm still shook that Anna left Peter's body alone after he died but for now, I think it's safe to say he won't be around. The scene between he and Finola at the end was actually pretty good. I'm sitting here watching Biden and I don't know if/when GH will be on. I guess I'll just sit here and wait it out. 

So, what else? Oh, yesterday AGAIN proved that Austin and Britt are gold together. Maxie WHO? She should move in with Brook and Chase . Then, Spinelli and she can rekindle. 

Tanisha Harper is the new new Jordan. Here's hoping she's a goodie!! I personally haven't missed the character but?? 

Ok, so it's gone on long enough that I want to wait to watch the show in full tonight on Hulu. I think today everyone is basically getting back to Port Charles. Nina might have a booty call Sonny? LOL.. he was acting like a frat boy. 


  1. OK, so I looked up Tanisha Harper, she is 36 years old. And how old is TJ supposed to be? I swear, each time they recast Jordan she seems to get younger and younger.

    I, for one, am not looking for fashion models to play police commissioners, can't they get someone who looks more like an age-appropriate, real woman?

    1. The actor who plays TJ is 27 which would be about right for a young doctor. So there's a 9 year age difference. Ridiculous. They must be looking to do a "love" triangle and all they consider is young and sexy. (But then again Briannna Henry was 30. 3 years older than her son. ....darn promiscuous toddler. lol

  2. I taped it today so I guess I taped Biden. Oh well.
    Everyone seems to have liked Hiney's "last" scene. He did not deserve a tender moment with Anna. No one really acted relieved or overjoyed that the man they have been chasing for what seems an eternity is "dead". He'll be gone for a while at the least.
    So Jordan/TJ will be another Olivia/Dante.
    Story lines build and build forever...and then they end with a whimper. :(

  3. IMO, the writers continue to shit the bed when it comes to writing good endings for their villains- Shiloh, Nelle, and Peter were all poised for a murder mystery or some ending that may propel story and they just whimper it out.sometimes I wonder if having 2 head writers is a hindrance instead of one singular vision.

  4. Caught a little bit of bad quality on YouTube from today. Sad

    1. I found that the other night. Weird camera angles etc.

    2. Just go here!

  5. Biden only interrupted 15 minutes.
    I want Ava’s blouse. Gorgeous!!!
    Cannot wait until Nina gets in real world with Sonny. Can’t stand her. So her idealistic ‘Mike’ is not there!!!
    The timing is so weird. If it’s an 8 hour trip—did Maxie go home and see her other children? Cause it’s the next day.
    Curtis is a hunk. There I said it.

    1. I don't like Nina either. She is like a stalker. Curtis is a mega hunk. Lol

  6. kirsten storm and amanda sutton were fantastic today. wow

    1. 👍Storms nailed it the last few days.

    2. Thumbs up from me too, witch! I cried right along with BLQ. She broke my heart.

  7. The gym:

    Drew, Mr. Hat guy, and Curtis: Damn Mr. Hat guy must really have a massive crush on Sonny! He must love his dimples.. Geez what is going on with Mr. Hat guy and Sonny?! :)

    The hospital:

    Robert, Mac, Felicia, Anna, Portia, and Stella: Love the clapping and love Mac saying make me, when Felicia told him to sit down hahaha. Love the Robert and Mac scene when Robert was rolling him down the hallway in the wheelchair. :) Great scenes!!! :)

    Portia and Stella: Okay what the hell is this?! First Stella wanted Curtis to give his father a chance, and now she is worried that Mr. Hat guy will hurt Curtis?!!?!?! WHAT THE HELL?! I am so confused.

    Robert and Anna: Robert you can't nominate Anna to get the key to the city, because she has a lot of guilt feels!! COME ON ANNA SNAP OUT OF IT! Accept the nomination!

    Mac's room:

    Mac and Felicia: LOVE THEM TO PIECES!!!! :) Mac wins the line of the day.

    Mac: Well that was a bold move.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! Yes it sure was!!! :) Damn Felicia hahahahaha! He will have to put his phone in the rice. :)

    Brase home:

    Ned, Blazer Lynn and Chase:

    Blazer Lynn: What if you fall apart?

    Yeahhhh I think Blazer Lynn is worried about falling apart herself, not about Ned falling apart..

    Chase and Ned: Yeah Ned has a very good question Chase.. What next? You should just tell Ned that you are falling for his daughter. :)

    Maxie, Blazer Lynn, Louise, and Chase: Awwwwwwwwwww! Bailey Louise Jones!!!! BEAUTIFUL! :) And awwwww Maxie is mom and Blazer Lynn is Mama Brooklyn! My heart is exploding!!! Makes me think of little Robin Scorpio who has 3 godfathers. :) Frisco, Shaun, and Buzz. :)

    Carly's office: Sign the divorce papers Carly!

    Carly and Ava: Great scene!!!! :) Uh and Ava's shirt looks strange. Like she is ready to fly away.

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny and Nina: Nina brought up a great question!!! About his pills and alcohol!! And I was wondering if Nina got his drunk message.. Glad she did and glad she had him listen to it. I like that he didn't want her to leave, and I love the KISS!!! :) *Evil smile* :)

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to April 23rd 2010* Alice and her rules. :)

    1. Smike/Nina....don't like them and I find their scenes to be just nonsense.

      The BLQ/Chase/Maxie/Ned scenes were outstanding and tore me up. The new baby name, Maxie being so sensitive to BLQ & Chase. That baby's face and BLQ breaking down. I just cried right along with her. Kudos to everyone in those scenes!

      Mac was a hoot and the phone tossed into the vase? I howled! Line of the day indeed!

    2. "Julie H says, Smike/Nina....don't like them and I find their scenes to be just nonsense."

      Smike Jr will disagree with you! ROFL!

      "The BLQ/Chase/Maxie/Ned scenes were outstanding and tore me up. The new baby name, Maxie being so sensitive to BLQ & Chase. That baby's face and BLQ breaking down. I just cried right along with her. Kudos to everyone in those scenes!"

      Yeah what a great scene!!!! Bravo to everyone!!! :)

      "Mac was a hoot and the phone tossed into the vase? I howled! Line of the day indeed!"

      Mac cracks me up! Especially when he said make me hahahha. He wuvs Felicia so much!!!! :)

    3. I also liked Anna's line to Robert..."You're so weird." lol And loved the snapshot moment of them too. Big grins on both faces.

    4. "Di says, I also liked Anna's line to Robert..."You're so weird." lol And loved the snapshot moment of them too. Big grins on both faces."

      Haha yeah that was great too. :) I love RnA!! :)

  8. "The scene between HIM and Finola..". Will you people turn off the ipad/TV and read a book.

    1. It's a blog done for fun, no need to be a b****. If grammatical errors bother you so much, you can go be miserable somewhere else.

    2. I won't take grammer advice from someone who asks a question without using a question mark at the end of the sentance.

  9. FRIDAY...SPECIAL REPORT...SUPREME COURT NOMINATION. Let's see how long this one goes.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...