Tuesday, February 22, 2022


 Oh today should be the day! I watched yesterday's show pretty quick on Hulu. SPENCER WAS MAGNIFICENT. Nikolas is just no match for him AT. ALL. I mean, they come off as brothers. The heat wave has to be due to the weather machine, right? Why is Laura still in black wool and everyone else running around sleeveless? LOL Maxie is OUT!! 

Maxie gets rescued by Feliica on the Forest road. They drive away. She tells Maxie how she got there. Oh! A Audi 

Shoot out at the IKEA house. I bet Peter's not even in there, I think it's the caretaker they are shooting at. SUCH fake rocks. LOL Dante and Drew break down the backdoor. 

Sam listens to Victor on the pier when he talks to Johan. She knocks over a bottle with her big boots LOL ..she disappears tho.. 

Laura's assistant is listening to she and Robert talk. Robert tells her Felicia went to Switzerland. 

Joss is pushing Esme's buttons. Being bitchy. She's going to drive Ez and Trina together you wait. 

Carly and Sonny are sitting down to talk about their divorce with their respective (newbie) lawyers. Carly wants NOTHING, not even 1/2 of Sonny's everything but she wants the house. He says no way. 



OH I'M BACK!  Ok, Sonny wants to live as "friends" with Carly for the kids and share the house LOL Carly says NOPE.  Sonny says he'll move into the PH. 

Esme switches phone cases..? Not sure what's happenin..oh she puts Trina's phone looking case on that phone with the sex tape on it. 

Ok, so somehow Maxie is out of the car and Peter has a gun on her. Not sure where Flea is...oh someone on twitter said in an accident. 

Laura thinks Victor had something to do with Luke's death. 

Felicia ends up knocking Peter out on the head and he falls into the snow at the end of some ramp. 


  1. Everyone was saying that today is Hiney's last day, is he supposed to be killed, does he escape? We have waited YEARS for this, and IT IS INTERRUPTED BECAUSE OF UKRAINE??!!????

    1. And all the info was already on the news last night and today.

    2. Like anyone watching TV at this time would really be interested.

  2. If the car wasn't too badly damaged in the accident, can Felicia run him over? She can claim she hit him in the accident and not get into any trouble. Problem solved.

  3. I was waiting for Felicia to get herself out of the car and come after them. Now one of them needs to pick up that gun!

  4. Brain freeze...who was it that fell down a ramp just like that into the snow and we watched whoever it was try to get out for days. Was it Anna? Carly?
    Random Mayor helper returns for 10 seconds. This is what GH does not need. Random visitors who are filling space.

    1. I haven't watched yet, but Sonny was lying in the snow, maybe for days. It was crazy that he survived. . .

    2. No, wasn't Sonny. A few years ago. Maybe Sam. It was a female.

    3. Sam fell down a well, or some kind of shaft on a construction site, I think . . .

    4. I think you are right. And she had her usual foot wear on while trying to climb out. Thanks.

    5. Yup. Think Sam and Carly fell down a wall at different times. Probably both rescued by St Jaysus

    6. Don't know about a well, but Sam was carried upstairs by Jason so many times that I lost count. Now they just let her hang on to someone's shoulder or arm while they drag her around. BIG SCARY P.I lol

  5. After I watched what we missed, I will comment more, but-
    ----divorce lawyer and Laura's assistant look exactly alike
    ----I want Robert Scorpio to say 'love' more often.........heart melting
    ----I wanted Peter shot - SURELY SURELY SURELY he won't be brain dead and go away?? WE DESERVE MORE!!!!!!!
    ----Have NO clue how Esme is gonna switch phones and/or show a video-----her fingerprints are all over the phone
    ------we missed the beginnng shoot out and we missed Esme going back to the cabin and gettng the phone AND recharging the battery
    -----DREW telling ANNA how to fire and what to do and her answering "got it" was ridiculous.....she is WAY better.....
    ------totally thought LW killed it today....

    1. "Mufasa says, I want Robert Scorpio to say 'love' more often.........heart melting"

      YES!!! I love when he says love!!! I melted too!! :)

    2. The writers are so sexist and horrible. Anna is in charge if this. Drew is an outsider. Ridiculous

    3. Yes. Love it when Scorpio says Love . Lol

  6. mufasa, you know Joss is not going to wait for a rational explanation, she is going to believe what Esme wants her to believe just long enough for her to destroy her friendship with Trina. And then she will give Trina a half-hearted apology and expect Trina to accept it. And I think it hurt her relationship with Cam too. Cam won't go off like Joss will and won't believe Trina made the video.

    I agree Robert needs to say 'love' more. He just needs to talk more.

    1. hmmm Someone has forgotten how Cam went off on Joss when he thought Jason killed Franco.

  7. Joss really is carly jr. could care less about the divorce. all these stories need to end and start something new.

    1. 'all these stories need to end and start something new'

      truer words have never been spoken

  8. The pier:

    Victor, His henchman, and Sam: I was thinking Is Sam video taping them while taking a picture? Hmmm. OH SAM! Watch where you are going!! *Facepalm*


    Trina, Joss, and Vampira: I'm on team Joss for the truth being spilled, but I'm on team Vampira because of her fakeness and pretending hahahahaha. Poor Trina in the middle of the whole thing.

    Trina and Joss: While they are arguing, Vampira is grinning! Hahahahha! Oh when Joss left, I thought Vampira was going to drug Joss's tea!!

    Vampira with the phone: Hmmmm. So is she going to switch the phone she has with Trina's phone?

    Vampira: It's showtime.

    *Evil smile* Yes showtime indeed. :)

    The hospital:

    Laura and Robert: Wow!! Robert is pacing back and forth?! He is worried about Anna? Awwwwwwwwwwww. :) Mac is worried sick about Felicia? Did Felicia not tell Mac where she was going? OH OH!

    Laura, Sam, and Robert: Oh my the lady that works for Laura, her bat ears perked up when she heard Sam say Victor. :) OH! So Sam only took a picture of Victor and she didn't record them.. Why not Sam?!

    Carly's office:

    2 lawyers and Carson: So basically,

    Carly: I want the house!

    Sonny: No.

    Carly: Okay you can have the house.

    Geez what about the tv? Doesn't anybody care about the tv?!?!!?! That poor lonely tv that nobody touches.

    Carson: Oh sure Sonny. No romance just live as roommates.. Hahahahahhahahahahaha. Sure THAT will work uh huh. Hahahahahaha. Then when Sonny Jr is awake he is gonna want her.



    The three Amigos and Kruger: Anna should be the point person in this operation! You can't trust Kruger at all! What about the swiss baby tribble cousins? Are they okay?!!?!

    Felicia's car:

    Maxie and Felicia: Maxie so happy to see her mother! YAY! :) OH OH Hiney gonna hit the rear end!!!! Oh no is Felicia okay?!

    Maxie and Hiney: Hiney wins the line of the day! His last win before he dies?


    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh please! Give me a break. That's not her responsibility you jackass. :) OH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Felicia hitting Hiney over the head and he drops down was glorious! :) Felicia is in mama bear mode! :) Now what? Will Felicia and Maxie run? Then get into the car, then Hiney wakes up and chases them, and then Felicia mows him down? :) OR are they going to bury him.. Then his hand goes up from the dirt!! :) Just like on OLTL when it happened to Austin. :)

    1. First one of them needs to pick up the d** gun!!!! I was actually hoping Felicia would have a gun and shoot him. Never mind a smack on his empty head. They need to use that gun!!

    2. "Di says, First one of them needs to pick up the d** gun!!!! I was actually hoping Felicia would have a gun and shoot him. Never mind a smack on his empty head. They need to use that gun!!"

      ROFL! Empty head. :) Yes they do need to use that gun! He isn't dead!!! All he did was fall! ROFL! He probably just has a concussion! :)

    3. I think Hiney would have actually shot Maxie.

    4. I watched "the knee" and "the head bash" 3 times each. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy. Good times!

      Esme is something else, I love it! Joss is going to be in a world of hurt very soon, for a variety of reasons. She really was Snarly Jr. And like you said...poor Trina, stuck in the middle.

      Mumbles....worst PI ever.
      Robert Freaking Scorpio best guy spy ever! And yes, let him say "luv" every day!

  9. I'm for mowing him down. The car is already damaged and they can claim he jumped out in front of them so they had no choice but to run over him - several times. Just an accident. I bet Anna and crew will buy it - wink, wink.

  10. I think anna needs to kill peter to ease her guilty conscience for believing in him.

    1. Maybe they should all take turns shooting him. One bullet each. lol

    2. I like that idea, lindie. All head or torso shots so they can make sure he is dead.

    3. Y'all are gruesome! But yes, 100 times yes!

    4. I'm for anything that gets rid of him permanently. I would be a real satisfaction for Maxie to do it, though.

  11. Pick up the gun and shoot Hiney. Self defense all the way

  12. Robert and Laura wouldn't say all that stuff out in the open at the hospital. Just stupid that these people don't meet in private room.

  13. Here's an article about Zoom that just appeared on my computer


    1. Hmmm. It wasn't short lived! It lasted 7 seasons!!!

    2. Hubbi Frubbends

      I spoke ubbi dubbi as a kid.

  14. I am betting Maxie picks up the gun tomorrow and shots Peter while he is laying in the snow.

    1. She obviously heard me yelling at the telly.

    2. And me. Yelling at the telly. Very loudly. Scaring the neighbors!

  15. i'm trying to watch todays show on abc.com but it is asking for payment i tought it was free can anyone help

    1. Not sure but think it's free if you have certain cable or internet providers. I have to enter my TDS info I think when I've tried


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...