Sunday, February 13, 2022

Sunday Surgery: A Quickie


Did you think I meant Sonny-Nina?? Naw, I binged GH as much as I could and this SS will be SO quick that I'm hoping you all have enough to say to fill in the gaps. 

DELIVERY OF THE WEEK:  Oh DAMN IT.. PETRA!! UGH. You knock out the 18 year old pizza kid and get Charlotte? Although, it is a masterful plan, I still hate you and the way you hold your phone in the car. 

REACTION OF THE WEEK: Nedly, hearing about Bailey-Louise is like 'MAXIE YOU'RE CRAZY...HONEY, SIT DOWN" ahahaha. SO normal!! Then he's so there for Brook. Gah.  Photo thx to @NivFansGH 

LINE OF THE YEAR: "Maybe as many times as you wanted it to happen with Jason"... 

MY FAVE SCENE OF THE WEEK: I couldn't find Sonny and Krissy but that's who I wanted. I Loved her talking to him about Carly and how sorry she was. WHY isn't LA on contract??? She's the right age, daughter of the mobular man...come on!! 

TOLD YA SO OF THE WEEK: Oh I can bet NIKKI'S BOOTS FROM OLTL that Liz is going to have DID.  I hope to heck Becky gets a great story out of this!! 

BANDAGE OF THE WEEK:  Not even a Maxi-Pad size!!  

ROBERTISMS OF THE WEEK: He was just perfect. From all his quips about Mac to supporting Maxie. 

MY HERO OF THE WEEK:   Nina... just telling Nina to do it...after doing it herself!! ahahahaaa. 

KUDOS TO: Every actor in every scene (save a few) this week. MAGNIFICENT. I mean, I felt "My GH" through the whole show. History of the Scorpio-Jones clan... old School CarSon.. even the newbies stepped it up. The dialog writers were on point every step too. :clapping: Just what I needed --pure escapism.  That photo is for Genie's anniversary--I LOVES it. 

SPECIAL KUDOS TO: Kirsten Storms. Just so powerful and her scenes with Peter --she carried those. 


Mac got shot; he's ok

Petra escaped, took BaileyLu, pretended to be a Pizza Guy and took Charlotte

Carly walks in on Nina and Sonny in the afterglow

Carly talks to Drew :eyeroll: They kiss but she pulls away

Valentin got taken then beat up; sent to GH 

Charlotte is "Found" by Victor 

EVERYONE finds out about the Bailey-Louise ruse 

Sam and Dante love each other

Maxie is mad at Austin for giving Victor clues about Louise 

Liz finds her 'wedding' dress to Franco shredded in her donation box. 

Sonny visits Phyllis...he needs to talk about himself

For some reason, Amy and Chet are on. Is it Nurses' Ball time? 

Taggert has dinner with Portia and Trina 

Terry has a Valentine's Day Date 

Maxie leaves with Peter and he lets Louise stay behind. 

NEWS/NOTES: Real Andrews wrote on IG that he wasn't on GH again due to "Covid". I don't think he had it but I do think because of his immune system he can't be around a lot of other people. That's why we had the temp Taggert again. 

Tajh Bellow was given contract status recently! :Clapping: Will Haley Pullos be next? 

I think Valentine's Day continues this next week. Will the sex-tape emerge?? It's going to be a good one I think. 
Thank you again for all the well wishes. Day by Day. 


  1. The sex tape; 10 years later. I hate when they don't finish these stories and move onto another. At least let us have a "peak" of what is going on. I am not interested if the sex tape comes out in May Sweeps. Just show Esme with the phone in hand or something like that so we stay interested. Have a good episode with Maxie taken on a Thursday and we don't see them again for another go knows how long that's not really a cliffhanger, that is poor writing.

  2. Thank you so much for this Sunday surgery Karen. Sorry for my ranting. Had to get that out of my system.

    I did love Thursdays episode. Hate "the one in the pizza hat", but everyone else did a fabulous job with their acting. And, even though we got 5 minutes of Robert, Tristan always brings his A game and his comedy. Just love him. Love Mac; would like more than 5 minutes with him too. So glad they didn't kill off Mac or I would have had to leave General Hospital. LOVED Genie and Finola as always. SO glad JPS is back. Missed he and Anna so much. Charles S. brings a lot to the cast IMO. He makes a great Victor.

  3. Don't think we'll see Real Andrews for awhile with his health. He can't take any chances. Will miss him

  4. I'm hoping we get an homage of Felecia stabbing Ryan over and over again with Maxie doing the same thing to Peter but actually finally killing him. I was wishing for a murder mystery, but at this point, nobody cares if he's dead so who would care who did it as long as he was gone?

  5. "You knock out the 18 year old pizza kid"

    Poor thing! I hope he is okay!!! Is he home now? Does he still want to be a pizza boy? I've called him Steve because we don't know his name!

    "LINE OF THE YEAR: "Maybe as many times as you wanted it to happen with Jason"..."

    BOOM! Mic drop! :)

    "Oh I can bet NIKKI'S BOOTS FROM OLTL that Liz is going to have DID."

    Hahahaha. It sure looks like she has DID or someone is gaslighting her.. I don't know!!!

    "I hope to heck Becky gets a great story out of this!!"

    Me too!!!!

    "BANDAGE OF THE WEEK: Not even a Maxi-Pad size!!"

    HAHAHAHAHHA! Awwww too bad! :(

    "Nina... just telling Nina to do it...after doing it herself!! ahahahaaa."

    Hahahaha. Ava should have said you should do it. Sonny is fantastic! ROFL!

    "Real Andrews wrote on IG that he wasn't on GH again due to "Covid". I don't think he had it but I do think because of his immune system he can't be around a lot of other people."

    Oh good I'm glad he is being safe!

    "That's why we had the temp Taggert again."

    The announcer didn't announce him! GAH!

  6. The Bailey/Louise secret came out and most reacted rather matter of factly.
    It was a better week. Even Hiney was a bit less 'Snidely Whiplash' but It is hard to believe that after searching so hard for his baby he gives her up in a second even to leave with Maxie.
    Terry is so attractive but her dress for a first time date is not.
    So finally Carly has her space.
    On the GH Facebook page they asked: "Who's excited for PART TWO of our #ValentinesDay cliffhanger?!?" Anyone see a cliffhanger? Clearly they have lost sight of what that means.
    We were supposed to get an inch or two of snow...working on inch 5. Have a great Sunday of football...Super Bowl or my preference Puppy Bowl.

    1. I actually thought Terry was just wearing her slip when she was talking. I couldn't believe that she wore that out on a blind date.

    2. Di, I thought it was a slip at first too. It did look good on her.

      zazu, we are getting snow flurries here outside DC. And it was in the 60s yesterday, mid 30s today. Go figure.

    3. It did look like a very short blue slip.

    4. Valentine's Cliffhanger?. More like snoozer. I was so bored that I FF 99% of the show.

    5. it is 75 in vegas, not a snowflake in sight.

  7. Thoughts-----
    ----Carly and Drew didn't kiss, right? They were about to and I gotta say, the line, "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you wanted me to kiss you" was SO realistic....been there.......done that...LOL
    -----Robert had the line for me - "I am so proud of your daughter!"
    -----just seemed weird that no one was frantic ---- I mean Dante is walking around holding Sam's hand? RU kidding me? I need Anna to be bad-ass...
    -----Laura is solid gold---- from casually giving Austin Spinelli's number (!) to hugging and threatening Victor...
    ----again WRITERS - Austin had NO CLUE that Victor was asking about Bailey's sonogram....go back and READ what Austin said......i was innocent.
    ----I HOPE HOPE that Liz doesn't have DID cause she is a single mom raising 3 kids.....maybe Heather?
    ------hate Nina and Sonny----but can't wait until the MOB stuff gets in the way ---
    ----Writers----NOTHING about the sex tape?????
    -----so IF Terry thought CHET was for her and he wasn't, wonder who was supposed to be there? You can't bring in people we haven't seen for a YEAR and then think we can care....
    -----Feb 22 - from all reports - PEE-TAH anyone?????
    -----then Victor supposedly brings on a heat wave to PC, but I like his meanness, so I don't want him to do something huge and then leave.....for crying out loud, PEE-TAH has been here for YEARS....

    1. No one seems frantic about anything.

    2. I'm hoping Liz is just stressed and internally unsure whether or not moving on is being disloyal to Franco. It could manifest into a sleep walking disorder. She would be doing these things and not remember it.

    3. I don't want Liz to have DID. She does have young kids that need their Mommy to be "their Mommy".

    4. Exactly. No on is frantic that Louise is kidnapped by Peter. They are just waling around the hospital "la di da di da". "I love you Sam, la di da"

      Want Peter GONE, but not Victor.

    5. dont you mean Peter "supposedly" dies?

  8. I love Real Andrews - follow him on everything - he is looking SO good---and he IS around people............I think he hasn't been vacinated and just not saying so....makes no sense he can't be around people when he is in real life...MISS him so much

    1. Ladies, ladies, ladies. Don't jump to conclusions like that. The man is in remission from cancer and is probably just staying safe till things slow down with the Covid. No sense taking chances with his life for a day or 2 a month.

    2. He could be vaxxed but with cancer you don’t really know if the vaccine protects you enough or if it “took”. My husband is in the same boat, and we stay masked to keep him safe. Not worth the gamble of being on set for him I’m guessing.

    3. Just read that Real Andrews is coming back. Hope so.

  9. probably---just that he is with lots and lots of people on his Instagram.....LOVE HIM


Sunday Surgery: Tie Me UP!

  GH was certainly back to Soap 101 certain times this week! This is when I seriously think at 30 min show would really work. Cut that fat r...