Sunday, February 6, 2022

Sunday Surgery (sort of...)


Well, if you tuned in and expected the brilliance of Karen's Sunday Surgery you are out of luck. These are my thoughts for the week. I dont have pretty pictures like she does, so you will have to close your eyes and imagine...

As always, this drivel is my opinion and observations. It's not meant to be hurtful. I will, however, try to be a little snarky.

As for food today? Portabella Florentine Eggs Benedict. I dont know if you can get this all over, but it is my favorite brunch when I get to go out. (I can get it here in Vegas.) Yeah, I'm picky like that but it is soooooo good prepared that way. 


I am surprised Vernee Watson isnt on more. She has such a long storied career in Television and is a great actress. The first time I saw her was on a sitcom called Carter Country in 1977. Which, incidentally, was the first year I started watching GH.

There are so many characters where you just wonder "why are they still on the show?" Michael is one of them. My list is endless...

I admit the whole drugging of someone was wrong, but I also admit that it was a somewhat original storyline for this show, so I give props to writers for trying something different for a change.

I like Joss and Cam as a couple. Plus, they have proven themselves as really good actors. Would love to see more screen time and the writers to go somewhere with this. It's a shame they don't do "lovers on the run" storylines anymore.

I've said this before. I'll bring it up again. They can give Michael a small storyline. Let him have intimacy problems and have to see a therapist. In therapy, it can be revealed he has PTSD from the incident in jail. And let him work through it. Many men who are raped repress the incident until later in life when it becomes an issue that needs to be addressed.

Is Esme really Esme? Will it be revealed she is the daughter of someone on canvas? I know I have heard Ryan as the father, which is juicy, but I bet it is someone out of left field. I think her current moniker is fake too.


There was a background extra at Kelly's. Just thought I would mention this historic moment.

I voted Ned and Olivia as best couple in Karen's year end poll but got overruled. I like them because they have real problems and real storylines, like Leo for example. No aliens, baby switches, brain tumors, evil twins, etc. They are relatable to us viewers. 

Tracy is flawless. I like her now that she is off canvas. She is now a "special guest star" in my opinion and gets the royal treatment whenever she is on. Isnt it time Jane got a lifetime achievement award or something?

Dante looks lost. And I mean the actor too. They dont know what to do with him without Lulu. Chase said it best, "And now you're stuck in neutral"

Genie is rocking that pantsuit. Karen would approve.

Brad and Britt. Not their best exchange, but good to see them together nonetheless.

It was a nice wedding. Again, it felt real. This is a couple that should last a long time. They need some stability on this show.

Was the last wedding in the Q mansion Sean and Tiffany? I dont know. Comment below if you remember. Wait. I think it was Luke and Tracy?


Did anyone else get giddy with Finola and Charles in a scene together?

You know what's sad? When Roger is in a scene, it takes me 2-3 seconds to remember what character he is. 

I get where they are going with the Sonny/Carly story. Showing angst, betrayal, trust, rebirth, etc. But I just am not investing in it. I'm ready to move on. 

Tracy and the Ice Princess seems tacked on. Not thoroughly planned out. Something for Jane to do while she is working on the show. I know most of us would watch her read a phonebook (which they no longer publish) but where are they going with this?

Anna literally arrived at the Qs in seconds. Did she teleport like Star Trek?

Hasn't Luke at one time sold off chips of the Ice Princess to pay debts, etc.? How's my memory on that? Exactly how much of the diamond is left? And the more you chip away, wouldn't the value go down?

Willow doesn't have a birth certificate? Gee, you think this is going to come back to haunt her? I think we all know where this is going.

I have to credit Charles (cant spell his last name). I never thought I would be able to see him as anything but Mr. Sheffield. But with his age (and he aged very well) and silver hair, I totally see him as Victor. A welcome addition.


Everything all of you said about the Sam recast is true. Just sayin...

The first time I saw Wes in an acting role was in a really good movie called Latter Days. He played a shallow gay man in LA who fell in love with a closeted guy who happened to be Mormon. (you cant make this stuff up). He was very good in the role. But, then again it was a different script and different director. So the guy CAN act. It's like Oscar winners who make a clunker of a movie. It all depends on the script and director and overall situation.


Worst... Episode... Ever... (and you know why)

As much as we all know this storyline is ridiculous, I hope we can agree there was some good acting on Friday. Starting with Finola. And Kristina. There has to be a silver lining in this mess.

I dont think I can add to everything you guys wrote on Friday's blog. I'm sure throughout this week there will be more to say about this episode and storyline. So, I will leave it up to all of you to have at it.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone!

Note: If you haven't read her message about the absence, please read the post directly below this. Thank you. 


  1. Thanks Dave. Awesome Sunday surgery

  2. Good Job Dave! Wish all the excitement didn’t revolve around that despicable PLP.

  3. First of all you put my FAVE BREAKFAST UP--how did you know that?? Second, thank you so much for this SS. Thank you for all you do!! I read it and got the idea of everything that happened...and I'm still hoping to be back to see the demise of PetraPeterPooper. xxoo

  4. Thank you Dave for a concise and fun SS! I agree with your opinions mostly.
    kdmask...I hope things are getting better for you. Yes, Hiney being gone might help just a little.
    The highlight of the week was Nedly and Olivia's reaffirmation.
    Two lowlights:#1 Carly in her green dress saying a million times: I need some space. #2 Hiney breathing. Funny how they are a couple IRL.

  5. Thanks so much Dave. It was so nice of you to help keep our Sunday tradition alive. BTW I also have trouble sometimes figuring out who Roger is portraying. I think maybe he does too.

    I loved that they brought Tracy back. She's such a treasure.

    Here's hoping tomorrow's episode shows some progress in a direction we'd all like.

  6. "There was a background extra at Kelly's. Just thought I would mention this historic moment." ROFL

    I like Jane Elliot (Tracy) popping in once or twice a year. She is fun to watch.

    At this point, the only way Michael would be interesting is if either 1) they turned him into a villain, or 2) they had him permanently be pissed and turn his back on Sonny and Carly. Sadly, the producers don't have the guts to do either.

    I sincerely hope that Peter is dead by the end of February sweeps. I cannot take much more.

    Dante needs more to do. And I am not sure his paring with Sam is working. In fact, Sam is another character who has outstayed her welcome.

    I really think Britt and Austin should be a couple, and maybe Dante and Maxie.

  7. Dave, you did great! I especially like the day to day version!!!
    I foresee Dom (Dante) leaving again soon; he has nothing to do----he never quite worked with Sam (in my mind).....but I don't like Sam and Drew either (it's a KM thing I guess)..
    DOES Sam ever work? Or Michael at Aurora?
    100 percent agree with everything - BRITT and Austin have much more chemistry than MAXIE and Austin...
    I KNOW several said Sonny was off meds and back on the pills, but to my count it's one he and Nina together I just hate......cause he is NOT Mike-----and what ever happened to united front with the mob boss.....
    I read that Victor is going to cause a heat wave ---------- using the Ice Princess or an old person who has watched since 1970 (LOL), the writers are now repeating plots????SO disppointing......and worked back in the day cause ---- I dunno - just did-----but not now...
    Cannot wait to see HOW Phyllis knows Stella!!!
    how long before
    we find out Willow is not Harmony's??? (cue Nina)
    WHO is targeting Liz???? I WISH it was Heather...
    TARGET is back? Jordan ever coming back?
    I also read Terry and -------------Spinelli - that can't be right....
    Lisa (Olivia) is the most gorgeous woman on TV..
    go away Michael...
    and finally SURELY the baby will be found and THEN Peter leaves (cause we know he ain't dying)......

    1. I like the day-to-day format, too.

    2. Me three. I like Dave's day to day format. Thanks again Dave. Your blogs this week were super great, and super fun.

  8. Yes, Dante is not working this go around. I am not sure what it is. Not working with Sam for sure!! Dom Z is a great actor though, so a different direction again and have him on the screen MORE. Sam and Drew no. It is s KeMo thing.
    Maxie and Austin have NO chemistry. I think I want Britt with Drew, although she does have some chemistry with Austin; at least as friends IDK about couple. Ya, we only saw Sonny take one pill; sort of. Sonny and Nina NOOOOOO. This is not Snow Miser and Heat miser. Don't need Victor causing a heatwave. lol. That doesn't work anymore. Although I really, really like Charles Shaughnessy as Victor. The thing with Phyllis and Stella would be great, but we rarely get either lady on the screen; especially Stella. Harmony is bad news IMO. I wish it was Heather targeting Liz. Would make PERFECT sense. That's why it won't be Heather lol. Terry and Spinelli hmmmmm. That would be weird and odd couple. I agree that LiLo is super gorgeous. Ya, I am not "feeling" Michael anymore. Took a long time, but I am tired of him too. I surely hope the baby will be found here in February Sweeps. 7 months is a LONG time and I don't want that baby to be 10 when they find her. We know Peter isn't going anywhere, so just wish he'd be gone until May Sweeps I guess. AND, PLEASE take my darling Valentin OUT OF THE TRUNK already.

    1. Oh, and yes to Jane Elliot for guest appearances a couple times a year.

  9. Thanks Dave for covering for Karen. Great Sunday Surgery.

  10. when it comes to serious acting, kristina wagner comes off as cartoonish in scenes with the very talented finola hughes.

    1. She does but I love Felicia anyway . But Finola is super great actress. And she and JPS know how to really make their scenes work. Some like Finola and Genie just have chemistry with everyone.

    2. I agree with you about finola and genie. I also think elizabeth, britt and brooklyn are great actresses.

    3. I agree witch on the 3 of them Liz, Britt and Brooklyn. I think NLG is good too. Don't like her story with Harmony though.

  11. I thoroughly enjoyed everything you wrote and agree on many things. Thank you Dave for holding down the fort! **many heart emojis here**

  12. Thinking of you Karen...

    Thanks Dave for filling in.

  13. Vernee Watson is a regular on the CBS sitcom "Bob Hearts Abishola" and it was just renewed for another season. This limits her availability for GH.

    1. Thanks Frank. I thought she worked elsewhere. Too bad

    2. and it is an excellent show! LOVE IT


You Left Something...

  It's snowing again!! Weird weather here, 44 yesterday, 30 today...probably 12 tomorrow. HA. I guess I'm used to it though!!  Yeste...