Tuesday, February 15, 2022


 Here we go, it's Tuesday... meaning... not much other than it's Tuesday lol. 

Victor looking for Peter...and Austin storms in and tells him to tell him where Peter is with Maxie.  Then he takes out a syringe to threaten Victor...then Dr O holds a gun on Austin. um..ok? Oh, she's working on him to try to find Maxie. Trying to seduce him...without "seducing" him. 

Brook and Chase have Bailey. Ned and Olivia come to see her. They tell her they love her so much even tho she's not family. They take photos. Then Brook and Chase take her to see Felicia and Mac at the hospital. 

Felicia tells Mac that Peter has Maxie. He tries to leave GH but Epiphany stops him. Felicia tells him about the Bailey/Lousie switch. He's thrilled to have a new grandbaby. Oh, Mac needs another test? Uh oh. 

Carly has a lawyer; some new chick, Carly says she only wants to know her options. Then the lawyer tapes her telling her "nina' Story. Lawyer says she get get it all. Carly's not so sure. 

Harmony see Michael and Willow, she's all flustered about the birth certificate. Leaves. Millow talk about nothing. Michael gets a call from the State Department. 

Alexis has an assistant and he wants to do an expose on Sonny, Nina and Carly. heh. Then Harmony goes to see Alexis about Willow's birth. And-- a bunch of stuff. Won't spill it all tho. 


Austin and Dr O listen to Victor because she put a mic on his lapel. 


  1. lindie mentioned it in the comments in yesterday's episode, but Real is back taping. The only reason I'm posting about it is I wasn't sure how many people saw it. Lindie deserves the credit for finding out first.

    1. Thanks Gary. I was shocked and read it a few times wondering if it was legit. So happy he's back.

  2. No one looking for Maxie again. Do we have to wait 2 weeks for them looking. Ridiculous. Liesl wins line of the day about her gun and she was smart to plant that bug at least. Otherwise kind of a snooze fest again. No one is upset or crying that Maxie is kidnapped.

  3. Oh. Willow doesn't exist because she's not Willow Tate.

    1. No Anna, No Robert, No Valentin. No Dante. Hope the 3 of them are out looking for Maxie at least.

    2. OH!!! I forgot about that! Willow Tate isn't her real name! :)

  4. WOW! There were so many great and funny one liners today!!!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Mildew: Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Mildew and Harmony.com: Yeahhhhhhhh Harmony.com is avoiden the dumpster fire that could happen once the truth comes out!!

    Mildew: WILLOW DON'T EXIST HAHAHAHAHA! What the hell happened to the fake birth certificate?

    Carly's office:

    Carly and Shark Lawyer: Gee Diamond lady. Do you have something against Sonny? Did you sleep with him once and he didn't call you back? Or do you WANT to sleep with him? Carly I wouldn't have this shark Dimaond lady anywhere near Sonny, because you know what will happen!!! Oooo Carly wants to destroy Nina! :) LET'S DO THIS!!! LET'S GO!!! :)

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Victor and Pawtucket Holtster: OH MY! Pawtucket Holtster has turned into BobTodd. :) Oh hi Dr. O! :) Oh oh she has a gun. Drop the syringe or she will shoot?

    Victor: Why don't you do it anyway..


    Victor and Dr. O: Well this was fun. :) Too bad the Tribbles weren't there to watch it. :) Victor does your heart beat and say Dr. O Dr. O Dr. O? :)

    Alexis's office:

    Alexis and Smalls: Okay who the hell is this guy? He is hysterical!!! How does he even know about Sonny and Nina sleeping together? Hey I wonder if he is friends with Kip? Speaking of Kip, where the hell is he?!

    Alexis and Harmony.com: Hmmm. Alexis talked to Diane? Oh sure! OFF CAMERA! UGH! We didn't get to see it.. DAMMIT!

    Alexis: If you really believe that, you should get out more.


    Brase home:

    Brase and Nedlia: That baby is adorable!!! She grabbed Wally Kurth's face!!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHH! Great scene. :)

    Blazer Lynn: Can you imagine us at the PTA?

    Olivia: Yeah. I can imagine it really easily.

    Ned: I can too.

    Me: ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    Olivia: He likes you..

    13 year old Blazer Lynn: He likes Bailey. I'm just part of the package.

    The hospital:

    Britch and Nina: Uh Britch she isn't talking about her sleeping with Sonny! And you really sound judgy.. ROFL!

    Nina: If Carly wants a war I'll give her a war.

    YEAH LET'S GO LET'S DO THIS BABY!!!!!!!!!! :) Then Nina finds out in a month that she got the preggers, and watch Carly implode! :)

    Britch, Nina, Pawtucket Holtster: Warning Pawtucket Holtster about Dr. O! Hahahahahahha!

    Nina: Oh aunt Liesl knows? I hope your affairs are in order.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The person who wins the line of the day is Pawtucket Holtster! CONGRATS! :)

    Pawtucket Holtster: I am not a shananagist, and I'm not one to cahoot.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm dead!!! I think he just made up a great word.. Shananagist! :)

    Britch, Nina, Pawtucket Holtster and Dr. O: Huh? Dr. O wants to talk to Pawtucket Holtster alone?!!? :) She sounds so nice. Oh this is fake right? She is going to kill him. :)

    Pawtucket Holtster and Dr. O: HUH?! :) So they are a team?!!?! YAY! :) Dr. O and BobTodd. :) Er I mean Pawtucket Holtster.. :)

    Mac's room:

    Felicia, Mac, and Piffy: Piffy! Hahahahahaahaha. You tell him Piffy! :) Felicia tried to stop Mac from getting out of bed hahahaha.

    Felicia and Mac: Awwwwwwwwwwww great scene! :) I know a way to get him to stay in bed Felicia.. ;)


    Brase, Louise, and Felicia: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    1. "I am not a shananagist, and I'm not one to cahoot." OMG I just died! I say shenanigans and cahoots all the time, and the younger generation at work has stolen both of my words. It's hilarious!

      Did you see Bailey-Louise smiling at Felicia? Made my heart melt.

      I enjoyed yesterday so much. Dr. O is Queen. Right after Ava, lol!

    2. "Julie H says, I am not a shananagist, and I'm not one to cahoot." OMG I just died! I say shenanigans and cahoots all the time, and the younger generation at work has stolen both of my words. It's hilarious!

      Hahahahaha. Last night on twitter, someone joked and asked if I am doing shenanigans. I asked if the person watched General hospital? Hahahaha. Nope the person didn't. So I said I'm not a shananagist!!! Hahahaha!

      "Did you see Bailey-Louise smiling at Felicia? Made my heart melt."

      YES!!!! It was adorable!!! :)

      "I enjoyed yesterday so much. Dr. O is Queen. Right after Ava, lol!"

      2 Queens!!! :) Yes yes yes! :)

  5. We forget that Pawtucket Holtster is Edward Quartermain's grandson and has shananagist in his DNA. Edward is somewhere giving Pawtucket a nod of approval.

  6. "I'm not a shenaniganner nor do I cahoots"....RoHo is back, for a minute anyway.
    The guy in Alexis' office is not her assistant. Just a freelance garbage writer.
    So no one had a hangover after celebrating V day. All bright and crisp the next day. No continuity.
    Bailey/Louise has THE cutest babies portraying her. Such facial expressions for a wee one.

    1. Exactly. Britt, Carly and Sonny should have had HUGE hangovers.

    2. That was my thought too!!! Why don't they have hangovers? Geez!

  7. ----how long before Harmony utters the words: Willow is not my biological daughter? come on..
    -----All I see is Franco - Not Austin
    -----TODAY Nina cares about Maxie and Britt TODAY cares about Maxie?
    -----I don't trust this lawyer.....
    -----I THINK Mac went for one more test just so he would be wheeled back and see his granddaughter in Felicia's arms.....SURELY nothing is wrong with him.....don't really care if Jordan returns or not...
    ------yep I cried when they took family pictures Lisa and Wally were amazing.
    -----bowing down to Liesel today:No more than the times you kidnapped, tormented, and nearly killed me and the people I care about while aiding and abetting my enemies.
    -----Willow and Michael, go away....and did we ever see ONE book that she was studying OR OR OR see her IN THE HOSPITAL doing anything????

    1. I am a nurse. You don't go to Paris in the middle of nursing school either. Lol

    2. I thought the lawyer was working for some tabloid after watching that nood-nik with Alexis, lol!

      Willow = Nina's daughter. I don't think I'll be able to take it.

  8. Karen said Carly has a lawyer; some new chick - you and I must be close in age - don't see chick much anymore lol

    1. Carly couldn't hire Martin Grey. I know she couldn't hire Diane because she's Sonny's lawyer or Alexis, but why not have Martin be her lawyer????

  9. I liked Austin and Dr. O working together, and also getting a scene with Mac and Felicia together. Once Maxie returns, hopefully we get to see that family unit more.

    The Willow storyline doesn't make much sense. She used to be a teacher, which means she went to college and then taught at a school. That means she has a Social Security number and filed taxes every year. Saying she "doesn't exist" does not compute. C'mon, writers.

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Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...