Friday, February 18, 2022


 Well, Jimmy Fallon is at our local pub today--he's friends with the owner. Singing up a storm! Didn't know it or I'd be there! 


Let's get to it 

Spencer is sad in prison. No AC...and he's BORED!! awwwwwww POOWAH Spencer.  Weather machine mention! ICE PRINCESS MENTION. She leaves. Not sure the reason for those scenes. 

Sam tells Dr. O and Austin that Dante, Drew and Anna went to Switzerland to look for Maxie. Dr O wants to go now too.  I guess they find out about the bug on Victor. Dr. O calls Anna. 

Nik and Ava talking about their re-wedding vows. Victor interrupts them. He says his wedding gift will be Spencer and Nikolas getting together now. Ava's like: I wanted a FABERGE EGG!! Victor is telling them to invite Spencer to the wedding... and Laura comes over.  Yips at Victor. He leaves. Ava manages to get Nikolas to go see Spencer at the Spa Jail. 

Switzerland. Anna, Dante and Drew are at the Swiss-Austria border. AND STUPID FELICIA GOT ON THE PLANE to go there. UGH. She'll mess it up. They mention the note Maxie left in the bathroom and everything that's happened (in detail) so far. Good lord. Dr. O calls Anna about the farm. 

Peter and Maxie get to the farmhouse. What a let-down. it's like every other cabin/lakehouse/whatever in PC. He notices her earrings are gone. She says she threw the other one out. He believes her. Damn, that house is so boring, I don't even see a TV. Zzzzzzz. Oh Peter has a gun. Wow. 

Felicia figures out there they are because of a fake flashback where PETER TELLS her where it is.. So dumb. So she knows the town and is going there. (she's still on the plane so far)

Laura has a plan to figure out what Victor is going to do... but doesn't tell us. 

The guy at the border is a plant from Victor and ...Victor says he can kill Anna and Dante but not Drew. 

Maxie finds a map but Peter finds her first. 



  1. I know there are fans of KW, but she comes off as comic, between the minnie mouse voice and her over the top facial expressions. I prefer the mumbler sam over her

    1. She's changed I agree ------ she wasn't always that way-----wonder if she is outta practice or trying too hard?

    2. Seriously. You feel the need to pop in here every day and announce your hatred for 1 actress. What's your goal?

    3. Di LOL kind of thinking the same thing but didn't have the guts to say it. I like to stay positive as much as possible and I'm not looking for a fight. That being said, despite her voice I welcome KW. She's just part of GH for me. I wouldn't be happy with a new Felicia.

      Witch, we love ya and we know that more than once you have made it clear you are not a fan of KW. But Most of us are. ☺

    4. What's wrong with having an opinion? No need to attack someone for sharing.

  2. WSB field office Swiss-Austrian bordi/WSB building:

    OH! They got the same WSB building! YAY! Love that building.. They still have the sticky note lookin wall! :) Love that! :) Oh Dante is there. I thought Sam was going to be there.. Salt lick mines. :) Ohhhh Victor has got a man on the inside.. Victor don't want to kill Drew? Come on Victor admit it! You are in wuv with your Drewsky! :)

    Felicia on a plane: YESSSSSSSSSSSS! FELICIA IS GOING TOO HAHAHA YAY! :) Of course she is going. Fake flashbacks hahahahahahahahahaha!

    "Karen says AND STUPID FELICIA GOT ON THE PLANE to go there. UGH. She'll mess it up."

    OH! I didn't even think about that.. Hmmm well, but Maxie is her daughter. Of course she is going to go! She needs to be there!!!

    Hiney's cabin:

    Hiney and Maxie: Um okay.. Wow very small cabin. OH! He has a gun!!!! :) Very good. Maxie can use that on him. :) No tv, so I think Hiney is gonna want sex. :) I don't know how she can get out of THAT one. She can say she doesn't trust him fully yet? Hmmm.

    Port Chuckles:

    Spring Ridge:

    Laura and Chad: I'm glad Laura is visiting him.. A heatwave! In February!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! There is a fan that's on! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You can't open the window? Where is Vampira? Biting people?

    Victor and Chad: Seriously! Why can't anybody open a window? Why no air conditioner?! Chad is going to melt!!!!! Awww Victor got Chad a bodyguard awwww. :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nava: Awwwwwwwwwww. Beautiful poem. :)

    Nava and Victor: Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Always thought that whole name was beautiful. :)

    Nava, Victor and Laura: OH HI LAURA! :) Victor sticking up for Chad Awwww. :)

    The hospital:

    BobTodd, Dr. O, Britch, and Sam: BobTodd wins the line of the day.

    BobTodd: It seemed like a good idea at the time.

    ROFL! I love that Britch was threatening her modder! :) And her modder was impressed. :) I love their dynamic. :)

    Flashback Friday: lindie yesterday said that Felicia and Anna went way back.. They sure did!!! :) I'll show you.. *Jump into my time machine to go to 1986* This is how long Felicia and Anna know each other.. This is part of the Mr. B storyline. Frisco heard Felicia scream and he ran right to her.. :) Awwwwwww! :)

    1. I think to truly love Felicia you have to be a huge Felicia fan. And be a Felicia and Frisco fan. She might not be as good of actress as Finola or Genie or Maura but she is a vet a d she is a huge part of General hospital history. I for one lobe Felicia because of this.

    2. Sorry for typos. On my phone.

    3. "lindie says, I think to truly love Felicia you have to be a huge Felicia fan. And be a Felicia and Frisco fan."

      Yeah I think you are probably right.. :)

      "She might not be as good of actress as Finola or Genie or Maura but she is a vet a d she is a huge part of General hospital history."

      Agree!!! :) So glad she is back!!! I hope she stays!

      "I for one lobe Felicia because of this."

      Me too! :)

    4. I agree about Felicia. She has a long history and i just love when a vet comes back.

    5. I'm on the vets band wagon. I'm a few years older than GF and a few more years older than KW in real life. These women are still out there working hard and so am I. When I get a free moment to come home, unwind and watch GH....these women and Finola are my girls!!!!!! KW has ALWAYS had a particular style of acting, emoting, diction, pronunciation, high pitch, etc. and I like it....maybe because I'm just used to it.

    6. I think the problem is the writing for the character: Felicia's actions and behaviors are immature for an adult. I think KW is a good actress and she's doing the best she can with the material.

  3. It's mid-Feb. in NY - why does Spencer need AC?

    1. Hahaha. They have a heatwave!!! Hahahahahaha. What is it? 80 degrees? ROFL!

    2. I think the Ice princess is malfunctioning and causing heat wave. Lol. Or maybe it's just climate change. Haha

    3. Hahahaha lindie! :) I am wondering if it's the weather machine. :) Someone is using it hahahaha.

    4. Sounded like Victor knew all about it. WHY would he want to create a heatwave? Really dumb.

    5. "lindie says, Sounded like Victor knew all about it. WHY would he want to create a heatwave? Really dumb."

      Maybe it was Victor who did this, but then why was he complaining about how hot it is?! ROFL!

  4. As soon as I saw that guy in the room when Anna etc. entered I knew he was a bad guy. That's usually how GH does it.
    This Hiney chase is heading for disaster.
    Please watch opening credits. KM is shown with NO clothes from her boob line up. Very weird.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Once again three different people in three diferent locations get that "light bulb moment" at the same exact time. Felicia, Anna and Obrecht all figure out where Hiney is at the same time!

    Just like a couple of weeks ago, three people in three different locations had the "light bulb moment" about Bailey being Louise at the exact same time! Very lazy writing.

    1. I think the writers think it is very clever. lol

    2. It is lazy writing. I guess Obrecht knew because of Faison??? Anna read the book??? Hiney told Felicia??? That part makes no sense. Hiney wouldn't give anyone details about his life IMO

    3. I kinda like that trilogy style for a big reveal....the three sub-plots blend and combine for a big splash all over the canvas.

    4. I’m with you lizwebberfan

  6. There was a scene the other day in the hospital. BLQ was fretting about giving up Bailey/Louise and Nina was eavesdropping and the came in to console her telling her to call her if she needed to talk. Has Nina ever even spoken to BLQ? Did they ever have a scene together? I thought it was strange.

    1. I didn't think Brooklyn and Nina really knew each other either. Was weird to me too. She only knows her from when she pops in to see Wiley I think. Barely. Nina just wants to be in everyone's business

    2. I see it as Mixing characters together and I enjoy it. Brooklynn knew Nina knew about who Bailey was.

    3. Yes, that gave them a chance to mix the characters up a bit. Everyone was getting tired of the same repetitive pairings. I looked at it like they were trying to give us what we want under limited conditions. Not every actor would be in the same circle.

    4. Mixing up characters is a good thing when it makes some sense. This did not. IMO

  7. so I guess we are dropping Luke was 'killed' when he wasn't-----Victor needed something-----and I still think it's about the Ice Princess/heat wave and Victor
    -------having said that------the writers ARE stupid, but Drew is no where NEAR the age that he would know Ice Princess secrets and freezing the when Victor said 'He has secrets that the Cassadines have buried for years", I actually cringed....
    -----let's guess - I say Felicia kills Peter-----otherwise WHY is she there???
    ------OR he gets away again BECAUSE of Felicia - scream
    -----No Sonny/Carly/Michael/Willow today so lots of people happy...
    -----Did Ava and Nicholas REALLY decide to not have anyone at their wedding?
    -----not many times I am caught off guard, but had NO CLUE the man IN THE ROOM with them worked for Victor? Wonder why Anna didn't realize it? He must have worked for Victor when he was in charge of the WSB.
    ----- Loving KS as THIS strong Maxie but need her to mention James and Georgie more----
    ------ really like Laura this way and her friendship with Ava

  8. Sad news. I'm not sure what role she played.

    1. Had to look her up! Now I remember her! She is on GH here.

    2. The waitress at the coffee shop in Brooklyn that befriended Mike when Sonny took him for clinical trial. I had to look it up too.

    3. Thanks. The face was familiar but i didn't have time to go looking. Now I remember her with Mike. :(

  9. Why did Laura say that Victor, his father and his brothers planned on taking over the world? There was never a mention of Mikkos, Tony, and Victor's father like ever smh

    1. That is what they planned to do with the Ice Princess and freezing the world back in the day. They wanted to take over the world.

    2. I think what the poster meant is that Laura's dialogue implies Victor is Mikkos' son, when he is Mikkos' brother.

  10. Just read something that viewers want WR to come back as someone else and be with Carly. NO WE DON'T

    1. wes ramsey has a lot of fans on instagram. I think this is the only site not crazy about him. I think he will come back. no one dies on GH.

    2. Please no. I don’t even find him attractive. LW is absolutely beautiful but even she couldn’t make up for him.

    3. I check out several GH sites every week and Peter's not liked on any of them. The actor would obviously have lots of fans on his sites or fan sites.

    4. That would be horrible. He is a terrible actor and unattractive. Counting the days to his supposed demise.

  11. I predict Maxie will kill Peter, but Felicia will cover up for her and take the blame.

    Also, the new opening theme is rather "blah."

    1. That would be great Kevin. Good idea.

    2. "Kevin says, I predict Maxie will kill Peter, but Felicia will cover up for her and take the blame."

      Ooooo! Sounds good!!! :)

    3. Sounds good to me. Or Felicia could do it for Maxie and be there for her now.

    4. That would explain why Felicia is there....I am thinking she kills Peter- doesn't matter - as long as he is gone - Feb 22!!

  12. OH! Someone on the soap central website said that "they should have listened to the rest of Hell's tape. The ice princess is missing who had access to it?" Ooooo! Maybe!!!! Maybe Helena talked about how the weather was going to change!!! :) Hmmm.. GO BACK AND LISTEN TO HELENA'S TAPE PEOPLE!!!!

    1. Makes no sense that they would shut off the tape of Helena. But the whole show makes no sense on a consistent basis.

    2. Do they even have access to the TV and tape anymore? Well not a tape, but you know what we mean

    3. "lindie says, Makes no sense that they would shut off the tape of Helena."

      Well, they are getting tired of listening to her. They probably wouldn't believe a thing she said anyway. So not watching the tape, they don't know what's coming and it will shock them. Then they would have to go back and listen/watch the tape.

      "Do they even have access to the TV and tape anymore? Well not a tape, but you know what we mean"

      I have no idea. They could have just left the tape in the machine and forgot about it. I doubt they threw it away.

  13. Did anybody notice there were Tribbles at the Cabin that Maxie and Hiney were at? Baby Tribbles! I didn't notice. On twitter Dan J Kroll brought it up. He showed the picture hahahaha. I had to go and watch that scene again. It's when Maxie was looking for the maps! Hahahaha. The baby Tribbles are so cute!!!! :)

  14. They were like flat and extra furry Tribbles. Man do they multiply on that show. Wow.

    1. "lindie says, They were like flat and extra furry Tribbles."

      Hahahaha yes they were! :)

      "Man do they multiply on that show. Wow."



Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...