Monday, February 7, 2022

As I See It (Monday's Blog)

I got nothing.

Seriously, nothing. Sunday Surgery wore me out. I dont know how Karen does this week after week. She needs an award or medal or something. Or a vacation in the Bahamas.

This is the Monday blog. I hate posting empty blogs. I always felt it should always be more than just a few sentences that say "comment here". That's why you see "filler" every now and then and drivel that has nothing to do with the current show.

I looked back to last week, and Karen had a blog that said "Pick your poison" and say how you wanted Peter to die. I didnt comment. I thought that laying him spread eagle on the ground and tying each limb to a horse with Maxie holding a starters pistol was just a wee tad bit too dark for daytime television.

But I got another one. Understand this is my thoughts, my idea, and I am not speculating or hitting up spoilers. This is just how I would write it.

Anna gets a tip that Peter might be in a cabin in the woods. They stake it out and Felicia looks in the window and sees Peter and the baby. Anna says they need to get Peter outside without the baby. Felicia says "I'm on it" and runs to the front. Anna says "No, wait" But Felicia is already up front and lets out a high pitched scream and Peter runs out to see what it was. He does his song and dance routine with Anna having a gun drawn on him. The banter goes back and forth and we see a close up of the gun and it is fired. Peter is hit in the chest and falls backward. The camera pans around to the women and we see Felicia holding a gun along with Anna. Felicia says "I'll check on the baby". Anna stands over Peter gun cocked. Felicia is inside with the baby. Peter with his last breath antagonizes Anna. Camera switched to Felicia and we hear a gun shot. Peter is truly dead. Felicia shot him, but it was Anna's bullet that was the fatal one.

Comment below. And Happy Monday.


  1. "Seriously, nothing. Sunday Surgery wore me out."

    ROFL! :)

    "I dont know how Karen does this week after week. She needs an award or medal or something. Or a vacation in the Bahamas."

    Yes yes! All that! And more. :)

    "Comment below. And Happy Monday."

    Oh sure. All that to kill Hiney, and then say happy Monday. ROFL! Seriously though, loved the scenario! Bravo! :)

  2. I'm sorry ya'll but I can't stand Nina. The FAKENESS of 'Sonny I am so sorry about your marriage....I will leave now...." No, she wasn't.....I LOVE MB, LW and CW and they are loving this storyline, but I hate it.....Carly smiling and walking to the room hit me wrong though because SHE had decided not to come.....SO done with this storyline....
    Great acting today by Maxie, Chase, Brook Lynn---------and Anna just kills it every time....she just effortlessly seems to act------her scenes with Robert were amazing....
    good episode except I hate the Sonny/Nina pairing - I wish Nina and Carly both would leave! LOL

    1. I don't like Nina Carly or Sonny anymore. Anna needs to be scolded about Peter but NOT by Carly. Dear God Nina and Sonny predictable and makes me so ill. Fast forwarded Anna and Robert must be end game when GH ends. Wish Valentin would be in Peter's trunk. Who's car is that? Victor being outsmarted too is just ridiculous. Glad everyone will know about Louise now. But Peter will be on the run with Louise for 10 years now. Also Peter doesn't know how to use a car seat and has no formula and no diapers etc . Some good acting by Anna, Robert, Felicia, Maxie, Brooklyn and Chase though. Now they need to blast Peter and Louise on TV and the internet. Peter has to stop to get baby supplies and they can't sleep in a freezing cold car. Where is Valentin?

    2. "lindie says, Anna and Robert must be end game when GH ends"

      YES! :)

      "Who's car is that?"

      I have no idea!!!

    3. here's a thought - Carly goes to see someone this week---what IF it's not a divorce lawyer BUT she is claiming to take over as Mob Queen because Sonny is unstable and moved on???? Cause they dropped that whole united front-----
      Not ONE good WSB person can track PEE-TAH? I did have a glimmer of hope - today 4 people threatened to end Peter's reign.........

    4. Mufasa - this is my wish - I want Carly to take it all!!!

    5. I think the car belongs to Victor's thug. Hiney took it. Of course.

    6. sorry, but I'm team the writers Carly can do no wrong.....all of a sudden she's Sasha's bff......really? she only cared about her when it suited Michael's interests. Writers seem to have forgotten all of Carly's much did she hurt people lying about Michael? She lied to Nina about her daughter.......etc, etc.
      She's all of a sudden really close to Drew...........
      Now she's scolding Ana? really?

  3. The truth beans have been spilled all over the place!!!!

    The hospital:

    Felicia, Robert, Maxie, and Pawtucket Holtster: Maxie had to go at Brase's place because Blazer Lynn called her to tell her that Hiney kidnapped Louise. Felicia doesn't want her to go because she needs her. Pawtucket Holtster tells them how Mac is.. He is going to be okay! YAY! :) So Maxie told Felicia and Robert the truth about her daughter!!!! FINALLY!

    Maxie: You probably have a lot of questions.

    Felicia: That could wait. So you go to your daughter. My grand baby. You just be safe okay?

    Awwwwwwwwwww that made me cry!!! :(

    Pawtucket Holtster, Felicia, and Robert: Maxie leaves, and Pawtucket Holtster tells them everything.

    Robert: I think your daughter is absolutely brilliant!

    Hahaha. She is!!! :) She has kept her daughter safe for months!! :) I mean this is Maxie we are talking about. She has changed. :) Robert wins the line of the day.

    Robert: We are going to get this bastard Felicia, and when we do, we are going to put him away, unless of course I accidentally shoot him.

    BAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes yes Robert.. "accidentally" shoot him! :)

    Dante's room:

    Sante: TempRecastSam is so worried about Dante. :) Dante has to leave to find Bailey! She don't want him to go! TempRecastSam I have a feeling is going to want to be with Drew. He doesn't have a dangerous job.

    Nurses station: Carly talks to TemprecastSam about Sonny. Carly calls Sonny and leaves him a message about Dante. Carly is upset with Anna about Hiney! She says Jason warned you about him and you wouldn't listen!!!

    The pier:

    Victor and his hunchman: Victor is trying to find Hiney! Uh Victor, where is V.C.? Is he still in the trunk?!!?! Oh look Hiney calls Victor. Hmmm is V.C. in Hiney's trunk?

    Hiney's car:

    Hiney and Louise: Awwwwwwwwww she is adorable listening to him intently! :) Will we hear V.C. banging in the trunk? I want to know where V.C. is!!!

    Brase's home:

    Brase: Chase is telling her to call Maxie to tell her that Hiney kidnapped Louise!! Blazer Lynn is having a panic attack. Chase is calming her down awwwwwwwwww. :)

    Brase and Ned: Awwww Ned is so upset he is blaming Chase.. Ned is so scared and apologizes. Blazer Lynn hugs him.

    Brase, Anna, Dante, Ned, and Maxie: THE TRUTH IS OUT!! Bailey IS Louise!!! The look on Ned's face! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    The haunted star:

    Sonny and Nina: Sonny says his marriage is over!! Nina kisses Sonny, then when the kiss was over, he kisses her! THEY MAKE THE WUV!!! :) I just want Carly to walk in on them so badly. OH WAIT SHE DOES HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *Evil smile* :) Now I want Nina to get the preggers by Sonny's super sperm, and I want Carly to go and jump Drew's bones. :) Soapy delicious messy fun! :)

    1. "paulao says, love it.perfect"

      What is? :)

    2. Sonny and Nina yuck. Poor poor Carly.... Nooooo to Drew and Carly ewwww. I want Drew with Britt.

    3. "lindie says, Nooooo to Drew and Carly ewwww."

      Hahaha. Well, then who do you want Carly to sleep with? Victor? ROFL!

    4. The grave, let her sleep in the grave.

    5. Sonya even you and I are the only ones, I am glad they slept together! Nina is no model citizen but who are we kidding? Either is Sonny! Use your FF button if you don't like their scenes but for me I was tickled pink!

    6. I want Carly to sleep with no one. Alone and lonely because she is a witch to people.

    7. "Linda says, The grave, let her sleep in the grave."


      "Linda says, Sonya even you and I are the only ones,"

      Haha. Yeah.. Oh well. :) We can just enjoy it. :)

      "I am glad they slept together!"

      YEAH!!!! :)

      "Nina is no model citizen but who are we kidding? Either is Sonny!"

      The only model citizens are the children! :)

      "lindie says, I want Carly to sleep with no one."

      ROFL! Awww that's no fun. :)

      "Alone and lonely because she is a witch to people."

      That's half of Port Chuckles! :) Everyone would be alone and lonely. :)

    8. Yes, to Nina getting pregnant by Sonny's super sperm. No, to Carly jumping Drew. Drew has done nothing to deserve that horrible thing, LOL.

    9. "Gary says, Yes, to Nina getting pregnant by Sonny's super sperm."


      "No, to Carly jumping Drew. Drew has done nothing to deserve that horrible thing, LOL."

      Hahahaha. Okay.. How about Victor? He deserves it. :)

    10. I think Victor would be hot with Ava.

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. Robert just made my entire day yesterday saying Maxie was brilliant with that half smile on his face!! Perfect! :)

      Loved it when Maxie finally spilled the beans about Bailey/Louise. I have a sneaking suspicion Ned is going to have another anger fit at BLQ and Chase. Ohhh boy!

      Carly lecturing Anna? Uh no. Get thee away Satan. I'll be honest I ff'd Sonny/Nina but I did enjoy Snarls walking in on them. Crap is hitting the fan now. HAHAHAH!

      Petra (as Karen calls him) needs to die. I'm going to say it everyday until it is so.

      Seriously!!! Stop talking about Sonny's super sperm. My frail nerves can't take it, lol!

    13. "Julie H says, Robert just made my entire day yesterday saying Maxie was brilliant with that half smile on his face!! Perfect! :)"

      Robert made my day too!! :) Great scene! :)

      "I have a sneaking suspicion Ned is going to have another anger fit at BLQ and Chase. Ohhh boy!"

      Well, Ned is a worried father/Papa bear, so yeah he is going to be angry.

      "Carly lecturing Anna? Uh no. Get thee away Satan."


      "I'll be honest I ff'd Sonny/Nina"


      "but I did enjoy Snarls walking in on them."

      Yeah her being all smiles seeing the rose petals and then seeing them in bed, was just icing on the cake! :)

      "Crap is hitting the fan now. HAHAHAH!"

      Will Cujo come out?! :) We shall see. :)

      "Petra (as Karen calls him) needs to die. I'm going to say it everyday until it is so."

      ROFL! I want to see the flashback of him being pushed down the stairs by Finchy! :)

      "Seriously!!! Stop talking about Sonny's super sperm. My frail nerves can't take it, lol!"

      HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm sorry!!! :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Anna and Robert were so sweet with their heads together ❤️

  6. I SOOOOOOOOOOO wish someone could kill Peter for real. That is my most fervent wish.

  7. Thanks Dave. We can do all the "gabbing" on here. Don't you worry

  8. kristina wagner's scenes with Maxie today were comical. sorry just do not care for her style of acting.

    1. Then FF through her scenes.

    2. Well just remember that Kristina is a REAL person not a character.

    3. I know she is real so is wes ramsey real, just do not like their acting

  9. Come on Valentin, if your in the trunk, hop out and take out Peter. Never was a Carly fan but really dislike Nina. What she did to Carly and family is horrible. She also has no common sense. Does she think sleeping with Sonny will make him turn into Mike?? Rather than listen to Phyliss, she listens to Liesl. Don't get me wrong I love Liesl but she was obsessed with Faison. Oh right this is a soap.

  10. It would be great if Valentin is in the trunk. I think you all might be right.
    What Nina did was deplorable. What GH has done is glorify her actions. They really like the bad guys too win.

    1. I wrote this after Friday's ep, and 25 people upvoted I think we're all in agreement on it.

      "My perfect scenario would be that Peter stole Victor's car and while he's fleeing he gets a flat. He opens up the trunk to get a jack and gets a foot in the face. Valentine takes him out and brings our baby home. (And Maxie rewards him by making him Baily's Godfather"

    2. I agree with that Di. Done. The End.

  11. I vote that Peter gets what people used to get in the old days in England for treason - hanged, drawn, and quartered. They would hang you until you were almost dead, cut you down and cut off your private parts and disemboweled you while you are still conscious, then you were beheaded, and parts of your body sent to parts of the country so people would know what would happen if they did what you did. I'd say Peter deserves it

    1. He's been driving for awhile so how could he still be in PC? Pretty good show yesterday and glad Robert was there. I have to admit I didn't feel one bit sorry for Carly, but Nina isn't all there mentally. I cringe when I see that baby in the car with PLP.

    2. So, Brooklyn and Chase didn't hear him break into Chase's car. Guess that's how he got the car seat. The car seat is not in correctly. How'd he have time to dress her in winter clothes. Any formula,diapers, clothes etc? How'd he have time from the hospital bed to acquire these things. Ahhhhhh


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...