Thursday, February 17, 2022


 What a wet and miserable day here. I'd almost rather have snow! Gross right now lol.. slushy and muddy. Tillie is a mess. 

Feels like a Friday to me. I hope GH feels like a Friday too! The last 2 day were just-- bland. I don't know about you but I really care ZERO about Willow's parentage. Maybe back when she was a teacher and we thought about it--but Now? I DON'T CARE! 

Sasha RECAST for a day-- IT'S ACTUALLY Sofia's sister that's playing her. I couldn't understand why she was blonde!! They talk about the baby and the future. yada yada. 

Felicia is crying over the baby and Maxie. Anna gives her an earring Maxie left with Louise. Then Felicia goes to see Mac. 

Austin is listening into Victor's talking but nothing so far. Then he hears him talking to Sam and Drew on the docks. 

Drew and Sam are on the docks. Victor surprises them. Victor actually activates Drew in front of SAM with the tarot BUT it's the WRONG CARD! ahhahaha. Drew tells Sam to leave-- then he throttles Victor and the bug that Dr O put on his coat drops. Austin and O can't hear anymore. Drew leaves. Victor tells his goonie guard that Drew has the memories that hold the key to all 'of his work'. 

Maxie and Peter are driving out to some farm he bought. He says it's off grid and only on local maps. Maxie stops to pee. Finds lipstick in the trash. She writes a help message on the mirror and leaves her earring.  I thought it was Canadian French they were talking in the rest stop but the subtitles said GERMAN? I guess they flew out? Um. ok.

OH!! Lady saw the message in the mirror Maxie left and called Anna!! She left her earring too!! And they are in Switzerland, btw. Anna goes to see Mac along with Sam and Drew. They want to go find her. 

Liz gets a card at GH from someone that says "Thinking of you both today" --B ..did she send it to herself?? Or is it Betsy Franco? 



Victor says there's a long-buried Cassadine secret

Felicia is going to go anyway I'm going to bet..her face is all @@

Drew tells Anna to shoot him if Peter activates his mind. 


  1. Where's Valentin? They are acting like he doesn't exist. Of course Felicia will go. Why are they driving the same car? And how did they get there in 5 seconds? Maxie didn't have a passport. Probably not even an ID.

    1. The FAnna scenes were so sweet. He even wiped a tear. Who is B? She said Betsy Frank but maybe it's Elizabeth's alter named Beth.

    2. How would Maxie not know she's in Switzerland ? You have to take a plane there.

  2. Switzerland:

    Car: Maxie and Hiney: I love how calm Maxie is. Just making him believe that she loves him.. Good job Maxie. :)

    The bathroom: YES YES YES!!!! Nicely done Maxie!!! BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO!!!!! :) It's about time you found your roots and acted like a Jones! Frisco would be so proud. :)

    Lady from the bathroom calls Anna: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! SOAPY GOODNESS!!!!! :)

    Car part 2: Love the grin Maxie gives!!! :) WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT! :)

    Port Chuckles:

    The pier:

    Sam, Drew, and Victor: OH! When Drew said wrong card, I thought he meant he was deactivated. Oh oh that means he isn't!! The look on Sam's face hahahhahahahaha! Priceless!

    Drew and Victor: OH! Bug fell!

    Bug: *Cry cry* I'm hurt!

    Victor and his henchman: WHAT CASSADINE SECRET?!!?!? I'm really interested!!! :)

    Victor and the bug: Victor squinting while the bug is crying..

    The hospital:

    Dianna and Liz: Oh a card.. I'm thinking did Liz send it herself? Hmmmm?

    Liz with the card: Creepy card! WHO THE HELL IS B?!!?!!? Hmmm Brandon Barash? Betty White? Liz's other personality Beth? Betsy Franco? Bobbie?

    Fiz: Sure sure Betsy Franco.. Sure let's go with that for now..

    Anna and Finchy: I like their scenes. Love the Fanna friendship.

    Finchy: Well the analogy I'm the broken clock.

    ROFL! Finchy would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Dr. O and Pawtucket Holtster aka BobTodd: He is SO acting like BobTodd! :) And the pain they felt when the bug broke hahaha. Ow! Hahahahaha! But that penance crack from Dr. O, COME ON! He didn't do anything wrong!!!!

    Dr. O Pawtucket Holtster aka BobTodd, and Laura: BobTodd wins the line of the day.

    BobTodd: We are just having one of those normal day to day whispering bickering conversations.


    Anna and Felicia:

    Anna: I will stop at nothing to bring Maxie home!

    Now this made me cry!! Oh and Anna, do you really think Felicia isn't just going to sneak off and follow you to find Maxie? I mean come on! This is her daughter. If this happened to you, you would go find your daughter!

    Mac's room: YES YES! GO FIND MAXIE! :) Is Sam going with Anna and Drew? I hope she tells Dante where she is going.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    TempRecastSasha and Brando: I'm surprised you didn't know there would be a recast Karen! I thought you would have least saw the link on here.. :) Her sister is doing a great job. :)

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to November 13th 2012* Monica and Alice get arrested! HAHAHAHAHAHA! And Monica trying to save the vase! HHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHA!

    1. sonya said: " OH! When Drew said wrong card, I thought he meant he was deactivated"

      *** I thought that was a dumb thing to say. He practically told him to keep trying with other cards. lol

      Here's hoping maxie gets found soon.

    2. "Di says, I thought that was a dumb thing to say. He practically told him to keep trying with other cards. lol"

      You're right hahahahaha. He should have lied and said that he was deactivated.

      "Here's hoping maxie gets found soon."

      YES!!! And someone shoots and kills Hiney!

    3. Terry calls Liz, Biz. So that's another B name. I kind of hope it is Betsy.
      Maxie was fantastic, hats off to her. PLP is just downright delusional. Die, PLP, just die!
      While I enjoyed Finn/Anna it seemed like filler to me. Go find Maxie for crying out loud! And really Anna? You're alone? Valentin isn't your smooch buddy? I was a little shocked.
      Loved Victor finding the crushed bug, he's going to figure out it was Dr. O in about 1.2 seconds.

      Can't believe Maxie and PLP are already in Switzerland. I can suspend all kinds of disbelief because this is a soap and all, but that's too much even for me, lol!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I like your Biz idea. maybe liz has been blocking something from her youth. rebecca Herbst deserves a major storyline. she was fantastic in the rape story and also in Lucky's supposed death in the fire. I have been watching GH too long.

    6. Anna is not alone. Valentin has told her many times he's not going anywhere.

    7. Except maybe his new sitcom. lol

    8. "lindie says, Except maybe his new sitcom. lol"

      ROFL! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. No Valentin :( He should be there instead of Drew. And Anna told Finn she was alone

    1. Yes, he should but the actor is away doing something else now.

  5. Good choice with Sofia sister for recast

    1. Yeah it was! She did a great job! She even got her blinking eyes down pat! :)

  6. It would be great if it was Heather trying to gaslight Elizabeth.

    1. I agree, that would be the best option and a lot of fun to watch.

    2. I love Robin Mattson as Heather, but if she can't come back maybe they could find a new "good" Heather.

  7. -----horrible rain and tornado weather here...yuck...
    ----If I am ever kidnapped in Port Charles, PLEASE check GH and find Anna and Dante and the mayor and everyone else.....crying and talking about their love for each other....are you kidding me? NO one is urgent at all..
    ---I still hope it is Heather, not Elizabeth with DID - mother of 3 plus it is a real disorder, so they better not make it 'cartoonish'....
    ---Anna saying "we found Maxie' cracked me up - no, you just have a lead ----and you have to FLY there and PACK ---------- LOVE Maxie being tough!!!
    ---now that Victor was tricked by Peter, maybe HE will kill Peter.......
    -----I like Victor so I am not happy if he does the heat thing with something stupid that can't happen ------- he would have to leave....

    1. "Mufasa says, I like Victor so I am not happy if he does the heat thing"

      What heat thing? :)

    2. Read that now he has weather machine and tries to make OC burning hot

    3. That is LAZY writing for sure. No new ideas for Victor; shame. It is very sad that they don't have better writing teams, many of the actors are phenomenal.

  8. The best part of today’s was watching Finola! What a great actress! Loved her scenes with Finn.

    1. Finola is phenomenal. I also liked her scenes with Felicia. Very tender. Their friendship goes WAY back.

    2. I love finola but her scene with KW made KW look bad. KW cannot act and her voice is another thing. actually like sam better than felicia.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...