Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Can You Even?? I have friends coming in from out of town who are stopping between 1-3. Now I can't say: GH IS ON because I haven't seen them in eons. I mean, I'd sound like a crazy person, right? RIGHT? 

Anyway-- I'll miss whether or not Peter is truly Dead or needs to be shot in the noggin' for it to end. We shall see. I'm so afraid they'll pick him up and take him to "jail" in Switzerland somewhere so he can haunt us again!! 

BTW, forgot to mention: Have YOU noticed the new GH "theme song" in the beginning of the show? WHY DID YOU CHANGE IT? 


  1. I thought it was time for a new theme song but the replacement is the epitome of "blah." It sounds like the opening to a local TV newscast.

    1. BTW, the best "GH" theme song was the one from the '90s. Maybe they could try to modernize that one.

    2. I didn't notice anything different with the theme song.

  2. WR did a great job in today's scenes. I FF'd through the drunkard scenes and called it quits when Sasha went back into the restaurant. Considering the path we now see before us I'm convinced these writers must hate their lives. They live where the sun never shines. We can't even dance for a day or two.

    1. "Di says, WR did a great job in today's scenes."

      He sure did!!!! So he CAN act. :)

  3. Actually the first word of your sentence above describes the whole show: UGH.
    They will never kill Hiney.
    Waiting to hear what you all think.

    1. Did you not watch the show?

    2. I did but they just left him there. If the body is removed on screen tomorrow I will maybe believe it. If not...he'll be back someday.
      Loved BLQ and Chase.

  4. I can't believe it - we were duped again- she LEFT Peter JUST LIKE FINN AND LIZ - and Drew never went back to check - so there will be no body when the WSB shows up------the writers hate us...
    ----------LOVED Drew's (CM) outrage - after goody-two shoes he has been, it was great hearing his rant..
    ----------finally the KISS between Chase and Brook Lynn!
    ----------WHY does Austin think it is HIS fault when it is not?
    ----------No one cares about Sasha and Brando....
    ----------Nina, what self-respecting woman (although you DID sleep with a married man) would want a whiny drunk Sonny? at some point the MOB stuff has got to come into play..
    ----------the best line of the day/week: "You didn't call an ambulance, did you?" I mean I screamed YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS cause I didn't expect it...
    ----------baby ain't gonna like Maxie for a while, so that will fill time and we need Mac AT HOME.....feel like something is off....
    ---------one more thought - the bartender said to Sonny, "sorry, Phyllis isn't here" and I thought Sonny would say, "Is my daughter here?"--------nope...

    1. Yes, that makes no sense. Also, when Sonny and Nina were at the bar a few episodes back, she insisted on paying for the drinks. HE OWNS THE BAR, why should either of them have to pay?

  5. No I haven't noticed the theme song.. Will have to check it out.

    Switzerland: Reshow the hit and the roll again.. :) Love seeing that.

    Hiney, Anna, Felicia, Drew, and Maxie:

    Anna: What are you doing here Felicia? What are you doing here?!

    Wrong thing to say Anna! You should have said I should have known you would be here. I mean really why are you THAT shocked she is there?! MAXIE IS HER DAUGHTER FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! SHE HAS EVERY RIGHT BEING THERE!!!! Oh look Hiney is still alive.. Hiney whining about not being able to feel his legs and he is scared hahahahaha. He would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. Awwww poor wittle Hiney is so skeeeeeered. Oh everyone leaving except Anna.

    Anna and Hiney: Hmm Hiney's legs were bent, and now they have straightened out. Who did that? :) Waiting for the ambulance.. Just waiting.. Oh wait Anna didn't call them! BAHAHAHAHA! Awwww Anna holds Hiney's hand while he is dying. Hiney is DEAD! WOOT WOOT WOOT WOOT! Anna please close his eyes.. Okay thank you. :) Anna just leaves!! I didn't have a problem with that at first, but then wait. Someone could come by and steal the body! Maybe one of Helena's men! Maybe Helena herself. Wait Anna are you sure he is dead?

    Anna, Felicia, and Maxie: Anna tells them that Hiney is dead. Maxie doesn't know what to do with herself. :)

    Anna and Felicia: Anna feels all the guilt feels for not calling the ambulance!

    Felicia: This nightmare is finally over.

    Really? Are you sure?! Cus this feels like something is going to happen. Go see Hiney! See if he is still there! Call the police! Call the morgue! Call the Tribbles!!! SOMEONE DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

    Port Chuckles:


    Blue haired girl and TempRecastSasha: Oh my! I don't remember you Blue haired girl. Where did you come from?

    Lucy and Nina: LUCY! How are you doing with Luke's death?! You don't seem sad. Of course Lucy LOVES the hot weather! ROFL!

    Lucy, Nina and TempRecastSasha: Business meeting! Lucy do you miss your Marty? She got a call from him! :) Are they a couple now?

    Brasha: Man this temp recast really has Sasha's eye blinking down pat. :) Oh they are going to Niagara Falls!!! Hmmmm going to have it off screen?

    TempRecastSasha and Blue haired girl continued: RA RO!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant: Where is Phyllis? :(

    Sonny and Brando: Bonding bromance moment..

    Sonny leaving a message to Nina: Oh wow! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Drunk dialing! Sonny Jr wants Nina! That was a very funny message he left for her. :)

    Nina and Sonny: Oh did she get the message? :) He is so happy seeing her hahahahaha!

    The hospital:

    Britch, Dr. O, Pawtucket Holtster, and Brase: Oh shut up Blazer Lynn.. Stop harping on Pawtucket Holtster. Oh they find out that Hiney is dead and Dr. O wants to celebrate! Hahahahhaha!

    Mac's room:

    Mac and Robert: Mac is so worried about Felicia, but when he gets her on the phone he is glad she is okay and that Maxie is okay awwwww. :)

    Mac, Robert, Louise, and Brase: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Great scene! Robert WUVS his great niece. :) Oh they are able to talk to Maxie! Robert wins the line of the day.

    Robert: You mean he's still alive?!



    Dr. O and Robert: Yes Robert celebrate with Dr. O! :) Now where is Scotty? He could join!

    Brase: A KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!! HOT HOT HOT! :)

    1. Somebody go back and put a stake through Peter's heart!

      I agree with you Sonya, Anna should have known Felicia would have come after her baby girl.

      #(*$# I knew I should have waited a couple of weeks before cutting my cable. Haven't figured out how to watch GH live yet.

    2. Sonya said, "Man this temp recast really has Sasha's eye blinking down pat." Sonya, I guess you know that Sasha is being played by her sister IRL. That actress also has been on "The Rookie," I don't know if any of you watch that.

    3. "Gary says, Somebody go back and put a stake through Peter's heart!"

      ROFL! IF he is still there!

      "I agree with you Sonya, Anna should have known Felicia would have come after her baby girl."

      Yeah! I mean duh! :)

      "#(*$# I knew I should have waited a couple of weeks before cutting my cable. Haven't figured out how to watch GH live yet."

      Didn't want cable anymore? Yes you should have waited!!!! :)

      "AntJoan says, Sonya, I guess you know that Sasha is being played by her sister IRL."

      Oh yes I know.. :) She got her facial expressions really well. :) I wonder if she watches GH. :)

      "That actress also has been on "The Rookie," I don't know if any of you watch that."

      No I don't! How is she on there?

    4. Gary, buy an Off The Air (OTA) antenna. About $25. You get all sorts of channels with the new digital standard.

    5. The new theme song is blah. It's like they deleted the "treble" part and it's only the bass line playing. Very uninspiring. I do like some of the new pictures, though.

      I new Jordan? I'll withhold judgment, lol!

      Lordy, I agree with Gary. I stake thru the heart please. I did enjoy his "final" scenes he and Finola were fantastic! Actually, everyone was fantastic!

      I could care less about Sasha, her returning drug use and Brando. Really're going to take relationship advice from a drunk old man who's getting divorce?? Pure, useless filler. Are the directors telling Mo to constantly rub his face and walk bent over and shuffling. Why would Nina want a mess like that? He's not Smike, he's a bum.

      Be still my heart with the BLQ/Chase kiss. Yowser! And it was so nice seeing Robert with Mac. More please!

    6. "Julie H says, I new Jordan? I'll withhold judgment, lol!"


      "I did enjoy his "final" scenes he and Finola were fantastic! Actually, everyone was fantastic!"

      Yes he and everyone was fantastic! :)

      "Really're going to take relationship advice from a drunk old man who's getting divorce??"

      BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes bad timing. :)

      "Are the directors telling Mo to constantly rub his face and walk bent over and shuffling."

      Hahaha. Well he IS drunk and a very messed up guy right now. :)

      "Be still my heart with the BLQ/Chase kiss. Yowser!"


      "And it was so nice seeing Robert with Mac. More please!"

      YES YES YES! Love it. MORE MORE MORE! :)

  6. Here we go again. Merry Go Round. Peter is not dead. They left his body. So ridiculous.

  7. Very disappointed in how Peter's "death" went down. Extremely anticlimactic. Hoping to never see his terrible over-acting again, but he's a Frank pet, so I'm sure he'll return to torture all of us again.

  8. Is The Rookie the one with Nathan Fillion? I watched a long time ago

    1. Yup! It's with Nathan Fillion! :)

    2. Helena Mattsson plays a lifeguard who is dating one of the cops.

  9. HEY! Recast of Jordan Ashford! :) Well good! :) Hopefully this one has chemistry with Curtis and won't have that constipated look. :) Maybe she and Taggart will have chemistry.

    1. She looks young. Hope she's good.

    2. ooooohh maybe she can actually solve crimes, too!

    3. Another model/actress - hope she can act.

  10. So glad PLP is dead and hope he stays that way. Loved Felicia with Maxie and of course Anna. LindaV

  11. And so glad Felicia got him! If Jason was still around you can bet he would be the one.



Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...