Friday, February 25, 2022



I haven't watched the rest of Thursday -- I did see a bit on YouTube but I just can't be bothered at the moment. Life is just to stressful at the moment. 

Here's hoping ALL of GH will run today. Oh nope, I saw Dante kiss Sam and... it's the Supreme Court Nom... because of COURSE it's at 2pm. 


And yes there huge things happening in the world but damn it, choose 1pm when GMA3 is on or something. ugh. Sorry. It's just escapism for me and I haven't been able to escape!!


I saw some Canadian tweets and it looks like Shawn is MOVING to the west coast to buy the Banner which is a One Life to Live Paper. Um.. hello--- you CAN WORK REMOTE NOW. Damn it. I like Shawn. Why is he leaving again?!

Well, I guess I'll be catching up to write Sunday Surgery! SEE YA


  1. what a way to ruin one of my favorite characters Drew, by pairing him up with snarly.

    1. Ugh... so predictable. No one can ever be alone during a divorce (and in soap time it's been like 2 days since she filed)

    2. Drew and Snarly don't make a good couple. Yuck.

  2. GH was on for 30 minutes. Not much happened. No such thing as a 'Friday' show anymore. The whole show can be seen for free on tonight after 8:00.
    Maybe Shawn will not take rejection well. He should go buy The Banner, take a few GH cast members with him and call it OLTL. But with new writers.

  3. At least they're now moving forward a bit with Liz's sl and Harmony's, and Shawn's.. Watch it all tonight and I'll come back to chat later.

    1. Yeah they are moving forward a bit with storylines.. I'll have to watch what I missed online.. Glad they at least showed the last 30 minutes. I was able to watch that.

    2. That's good, but you did miss a few crucial parts and I think I read that ABC said they were repeating it at 8 tonight. Or did I dream that. lol

    3. Not on TV but on without having to sign in.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. "Di says That's good, but you did miss a few crucial parts"

      Oh? Crucial parts?!?!?! Oh my! :)

  4. HOW HOW HOW can Shawn be leaving and we still have Sasha, Willow, Brando, and Michael.....that is horrible-----SO much potential.....he hasn't commented yet on social media....
    I know some like Nina but today she made me even madder with the fake "I shouldn't have let Mike fall in love with me"....and her whispering is like driving nails down a chalkboard.. ugh....
    yep, people with shady dealings go to CHARLIE'S - gimme a break..
    boring day----------
    oh, I will say did Betsy ANSWER the phone? I thought Liz was going to say, "You didn't send a card?" It's either Jake has seen his mom do those things or he is doing them..
    BEST part of the day was Carly opening the door and seeing Nina there -

    1. I agree. I'd rather have Sean than Willow, Michael, Harmony, Nina, Sasha , Brando etc.

      Boring today.

      Where did Harmony get all that money? Sean should tell Alexis.

    2. I can't stand Nina. I usually am not a Carly fan anymore but think I'm leaning more Team Carly than Nina now.

  5. and since when did GH become world news in the afternoon? interupted every day

  6. Yep. Sean Blakemore announced he chose to leave. What a waste. So much potential!

    1. That is so sad. He hardly even came back. We never saw him. Maybe that's why he left.

    2. He cited "other obligations." He's currently filming a movie.

    3. Good for him. Not good for us. I like Sean.

  7. "Next time give your heart to someone who deserves your love, but not Valentine Cassadine". "God, your so weird". I wonder if he ad libbed that line. His smile and her smile were really genuine. Especially Tristan's. Part of me still wants Anna and Robert together. I am torn. I love VAnna, but also love her with Robert.

    1. I loved that scene. It seemed real and genuine.

    2. That was my favorite quote too. The picture they painted was such a happy one.I hope someone got a grab of it. I was wondering if she had ad libbed her comeback. lol

    3. You can tell they must have easy repoire IRL. Although Finola seems to have chemistry with everyone and Tristan too.

  8. Sorry spelled rapport wrong. Oops

    1. Hahahaha! I understand what you said. :)

    2. After teaching for 32 years I can read just about anything. lol

    3. "Di says, After teaching for 32 years I can read just about anything. lol"

      ROFL! That comes in handy! Hahahaha! :)

  9. The new Jordan looks like she could be TJs girlfriend. She looks super young.

  10. I thought Rebecca Herbst's hair looked horrible on Friday's show. What gives? I know they have stylists on staff. It's almost like they don't give a damn half the time. It's getting annoying.

    1. Maybe they're trying to get the point across that she's unravelling.

    2. Hmmm, that is a good possibility.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I thought Liz's hair was a wreck too. IDK. Don't like that hairstyle on her I don't think.

  12. Alexis's office:

    Alexis and Shaun: It's nice that OLTL and the banner was brought up, but NO SHAUN YOU CAN'T LEAVE! :( DAMMIT! I liked that they brought up their past relationship. :)

    Alexis and Sam: Oh Sam shut up about! Stop being judgemental! Did you forget YOUR past?

    Carly's office:

    Carly and Drew: Waxing poetic about Jason! UGH! They had to remember the almost kiss.. On twitter someone have a picture of NuJordan and NuDrew side by side.. Yowza! They would look HOT together! :) Forget about Carly and Drew! :)

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny and Nina: HE WANTS HER!!!!! :) She said no. Everytime he touches her arm or hand I melt. :) She is right though about the meds and drinking!!! Listen to her Sonny!

    Sonny and Dante: Dante wants to be there for his dad! Awwww. :)

    Sonny: I want to be left alone that's all.

    Yeah of course he wants to be left alone! He wants to be left alone with NINA! Sonny Jr also wants to be alone with Nina..

    Sonny and Nina continued: Nina wins the line of the day.

    Nina: Peter's dead? Again?!


    Drew, Carly, Sonny, and Nina: RA RO!

    The hospital:

    Sante: She was worried that Dante was hurt and that's why he was in the hospital. Ooooooo a Sante kiss. :)

    Fiz: Liz is thinking about all the strange things that has been happening. I'm glad Finchy is there for her.

    Fiz and Sam: Wow!!! Sam has Liz's back?!!?! And Liz has Sam's back? They have come a long way!! :) Sam just had to tell them that Hiney died. Poor Liz is in shock!

    Liz on the phone with Betsy: Hmmmm. Did Betsy send her the card? Liz wants Betsy to come to Port Chuckles. Was Liz really talking to Betsy or was she leaving a message.. Hmmmm.

    Q mansion:

    Mildew and Monica: Poor widdle Willow doesn't think she exists. Oh it's alright Willow. You just need a Tribbles of your own.. They are very comforting.

    Willow and RA RO! lied to Willow about finding her birth certificate!! Holt on a second!!!! They have the fireplace going? I thought Port Chuckles was so hot!!! Is it back to being cold?

    Charlie's pub and restaurant: on the phone with Alexis: Awwwwwwwww! Alexis is there for her. :) Love the friendship. :) and a forger guy: Oh my!!!! Fake birth certificate here we come! :)

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to February 3, 1999* Bobbie tells Carly how she has changed. Carly got all huffy!

  13. Where did Harmony get a rolled up huge wad of money? What has she been doing on the side?

    1. Maybe she saved a lot of money she got from the past? *Shrug* :)

  14. Some news for Julian fans.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...