Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Oscar Wednesday


No, no no. Not THAT Oscar. The other one. 

Nominations were announced yesterday. I admit I "heard" of 2 films, but that was about it. I did see Being the Ricardos - on Television. It boggles my mind that they are putting the same program on both TV and in the theater at the same time and then they qualify for both the Oscars and the Emmys. Should be one or the other.

The Ricardos was just a rehash of an old story that we have seen before. Does this ring a bell to anyone?

Lucy and Desi: Before the Laughter

I havent watched the Oscars in years. There is just no interest anymore. I rarely if ever go to the theater anymore and I am too busy with other things in life to invest in movies I havent seen. Do you watch the Oscars? Will you tune in this year? Have you seen any of the nominees?

I went to the movies last month. I saw Scream. I have seen every Scream movie on opening weekend, so this was tradition. My first time since the pandemic started. I went up to the box office, which was closed and deserted. Walked in and saw a lonely little kiosk in the middle of the lobby and bought my ticket electronically. Went to snack bar where one person was working to spend more on popcorn than the ticket, and it was off to the theatre. There is no longer someone to rip your ticket in half. It's kinda like the honor system now. Once in, there was one other person sitting in the center ready for the movie. That was it, just the two of us. Saturday night opening weekend at 7:30 and it was a ghost town. 

A little bit of trivia. Does anyone remember the year when the Oscars moved from Monday to Sunday? (I'll give you a hint. 1999) GH had Bobbi and Carly lead a very uncomfortable little banter about it on the show.

Bobbi: Are you going to watch the Oscars this Sunday on ABC?
Carly: Yes, I will have my girlfriends over and I will watch it with them.

Seriously, it was THAT uncomfortable. Who talks like that? Mentions "ABC" in their conversation. Besides, Carly doesnt have girlfriends. Remember the other cross promotions ABC did with the posters of Dinosaurs on the elevators? And I think someone wore a hat and a shirt. Strange.

It's Wednesday. You all know what to do!


  1. Thanks Dave. Have not watched the Oscar's in MANY years. I do love movies but there hasn't been a truly great movie in many years. We only go to the movies (pre COVID) of its something fantastic that has to be seen on big screen like Star Wars or something. Used to love the movie theater. My hisband and I went every week before we had kids. Then they started showing commercials for 30 minutes before the movie. Boo. And it started to get SO SO expensive. Who can afford like 60 bucks or something to see one movie and have snacks?I will say again that I do love a good Titanic or Forest Gump. IDK. Something that is worth seeing.

    Thanks for your help Dave. These are fun.

    1. Another comment; how did Peter know that Charlotte was at Laura's house? I know it's just a show but come on.

    2. Why did they recast Charlotte? I like the old one -- she gave off good "brat vibes."

    3. I REALLY liked the old Charlotte too. She had good chemistry with everyone and was a good little actress. I wonder if since she was in that accident, maybe her family didn't want her to go back????? Hope it wasn't the decision of TPTB as they don't make good decisions all that often.

    4. I saw on another site her parents did not want her getting the vaccine. I was hoping she would grow up on GH like kimberly mccoullgh

    5. Old clip of Valentin and Charlotte. It is too bad she's gone. JPS and the little actress had great chemistry as father and daughter

  2. Enjoyed your "movie review" Dave. Haven't watched any awards ceremony in years. I agree with everything you said. In fact, for three years, I've had two gift cards for the theater but, I haven't been able to find any interesting movie to use them on. But.. I keep checking. Also, saw the Ricardo movie on TV. The story was just a rehash as you said, but I enjoyed watching the actors trying to imitate the originals. Even enjoyed "William Frawley" even though he looked nothing like the REAL Fred Mertz.

  3. Dave totally agree with you about the movies. have not gone in years . nothing interesting and too expensive. the oscars have not seen in years. I don't even know who most of the actors are anymore. I guess I'm too old.

  4. I noticed a "Pay phone" behind Sam and Dante on the hospital wall. WTF. There are no more pay phones anymore in the U.S. are there???? I haven't seen one in at least 10 years.

    1. Also, I was recently in the hospital and staff doesn't write on charts. Everything is electronic. They wheel in a computer or take notes on their phones.

    2. I was, too, Jenny60 - no writing anymore. And no rooms with blinds on the windows so everyone can look in.

    3. We still have payphones lindie! :)

    4. Wow, what state do you live in?

  5. I wanted to read that graphic novel about the Holocaust that they banned in Tennessee Maus. Sold out on Amazon and costs a fortune on Ebay. Probably no library has it either. I'll wait.

  6. Saw Knives Out in a movie theater around Thanksgiving 2019. Loved it. Haven't been since, or even been tempted since.

    Also I laughed at your "Not that Oscar" joke at the beginning!

  7. So Peter is just leaving a baby alone? With Charlotte locked up??

  8. Why are people at the hospital chit chatting and not looking for Louise?

  9. Not bad today except too much chit chatting and not enough action

    1. I was actually sitting there through some of the scens going " blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah"

      I hope Maxie has a long sharp nail file ot letter opener in her pocket.

    2. Maxie go bye bye. I kept yelling SHOOT HIM. SHOOT HIM.

  10. Why is everyone at the hospital and NO ONE out looking for Peter and Louise? The writing is so bad.

  11. I think maxie will let peter take louise. maxie doesn't have it in her to kill peter.

  12. did anyone else think the storyline with sam and dante, and drew moved too fast. and than drew with carly. what a way to ruin drew. carly and sonny threw away fake jason once the real jason appeared.

  13. The boat house: Oh look there is a bed in there! HAHAHAHHAHA. What's a bed doing in there? That's hysterical! :)

    Carly and Drew: WHAT?! Carly stop being reasonable and jump his bones!!! There is a bed!!! Oh man what a waste of a perfectly good bed. I mean what is the point of a bed being in there then? And they almost kissed too.


    Victor, Victor's henchman, and Hiney: DAMMIT!!! You can't kill him now Victor. Save Charlie first, THEN KILL HIM!

    Bernadino's Italian restaurant: HEY!!!! Bernadino's Italian restaurant! Been awhile since they showed it. I didn't think they were ever going to show it again! I thought when the waitress was throwing out garbage, that Charlie was going to pop out!

    Waitress and V.C.: V.C.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :)

    V.C.: Please call Anna.

    Awwwwwwwww! His first words. :)

    Pawtucket Holtster and Maxie: I thought at first she said search her legs. Hahahahaha. She would have won the line of the day.. I checked the video online and she said stretch her legs! ROFL! Oh what the hell.. I'll pretend she said search her legs.. Hey she won the line of the day! ROFL!

    Pawtucket Holtster, Maxie, Britch and Dr. O: Oh Maxie don't be mad at Pawtucket Holtster! You were the one who bumped into Victor and the sonogram fell out. It's not his fault. Oh oh Dr. O don't like BobTodd er I mean Pawtucket Holtster. Britch is more reasonable. :)


    Sam: I love you.


    Dante: I love you too.

    Okay whew. :)

    Sonny, Dante, Anna, and Sam, and Nina: They know know now that Nina knew the truth! And she wanted V.C. to know too. I'm glad everyone knows now.

    Kevlar: Laura is calling Charlie. She isn't answering. Awww Doc it's okay for a 14 year old to be alone. :) Well normally it is.. Not this time. Laura calling Vampira. Hmmm Laura trusts her?!!?! Wow Vampira was helpful. Now Kevlar is worried.

    Hospital's chapel:

    Sonny and Nina: No Nina is not a saint.. HA! Who is? :) Nothing is black and white true. Are they bonding some more? :)

    Maxie on the phone with Hiney: OH! Hiney is so unpredictable. I'm glad she didn't bring anybody with her!!

    V.C.'s room:

    Nurse, Anna, and V.C.: V.C. is NOT drunk!!!

    Anna, V.C., Kevlar, Victor and Charlie: GREAT SCENE! Love how worried V.C. was when he heard his daughter went missing. Love the papa and daughter hug awwwwwwwww. :)

    Pier part 2:

    Hiney, Maxie, and Louise: Listen to him Maxie!!! He takes Louise away forever, or you go with him to be with your daughter and be a family again. Yes go with him, and wherever you land, make sure Louise is safe, and then END.. HIM..

    1. At least Anna has Victor's "number". She is so suspicious of him. Yay Valentin. Guess Victor had him beat up after all. Hope Valentin isn't stupid and gets to be best buds with Victor because of Charlotte. He should be suspicious and pissed off too. SHOOT HIM MAXIEEEEEEEEEEE

    2. AND, Anna told the nurse that she was Valentin's emergency contact. Awwwwww. Wonder when he changed that?

    3. Maxie has 2 other kids as well.... of course we never see them but...

    4. "lindie says, At least Anna has Victor's "number". She is so suspicious of him."

      So glad Anna has her brain back! :)

      "Hope Valentin isn't stupid and gets to be best buds with Victor because of Charlotte."

      I bet he will be!!!!!



      "AND, Anna told the nurse that she was Valentin's emergency contact. Awwwwww."

      Yeah awwwwwwwwww. :)

      "Wonder when he changed that?"

      I don't know, but I love it! :)

    5. When did Drew become the Father Confessor? He deserves so much better. And color me shocked that Snarly stopped the almost kiss. Thank goodness, but still shocked I tell ya!

      Loved Maxie's line to Pawtucket Holster about his stupid vendetta against BLQ. I'd be mad at him, too.

      Spare me that Smike now admires Neener even more for her keeping the Bailey/Louise secret and sending PLP on a wild goose chase. Even though she said she was still being selfish and doing it for herself. And if she says one more time that she doesn't want to interfere in the Corinthi marriage I am going to SCREAM!!

      So glad Valentin is back and being reunited with Charlotte was icing on the cake. And Victor bringing her to the hospital....hahahahahah!

      Please Maxie. Pull out an Uzi and blast PLP a half a dozen times. I'm begging you!

    6. "Julie H says, When did Drew become the Father Confessor?"

      Hahahahaha. That's a great way to put it. :)

      "And color me shocked that Snarly stopped the almost kiss. Thank goodness, but still shocked I tell ya!"

      Hahahaha. Yeah it IS shocking! :)

      "Loved Maxie's line to Pawtucket Holster about his stupid vendetta against BLQ. I'd be mad at him, too."

      But this has nothing to do about that. He didn't know that Bailey is Louise. He didn't know that sonogram was Maxie's.

      "Spare me that Smike now admires Neener even more for her keeping the Bailey/Louise secret and sending PLP on a wild goose chase. Even though she said she was still being selfish and doing it for herself."


      "And if she says one more time that she doesn't want to interfere in the Corinthi marriage I am going to SCREAM!!"


      "Please Maxie. Pull out an Uzi and blast PLP a half a dozen times. I'm begging you!"


  14. At least Carly didn't have revenge sex; at least not yet.

    1. I mean the bed was right there!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Revenge sex another day probably! :)

    2. As soon as they stepped in and I saw the bed I was like OF COURSE there's a bed. Isn't it kind of cold for that boat house?

    3. She's obviously lighter on her feet than poor clumbsey Nina. lol

    4. "lindie says, As soon as they stepped in and I saw the bed I was like OF COURSE there's a bed."

      Hahahahaha yes of course! :)

      "Isn't it kind of cold for that boat house?"

      YES!!!! :) I'm sure the sheets are freezing!

      "Di says, She's obviously lighter on her feet than poor clumbsey Nina. lol"


  15. For years I've been streaming movies. I usually let my son pick the movie and let me tell you I have watched some really strange movies over the years, LOL.

    Drew do NOT sleep with Carly, you deserve better.
    Maxie kill Peter and get your daughter back.

    1. Maxie needs to be the one to kill Peter. He has taken away EVERYTHING from her.

  16. I know Charlotte was alone but didn't he say the guard was right outside the door. What happened to him?

    1. And, what guard? At Laura's house? Did they have a guard?

    2. Actually I rechecked and Charlotte said the doorman wouldn't let anyone in.

    3. Yup so how would the doorman let 2 pizza guys in. Really Peter stole the pizza guys stuff. Guess "Peter the tough guy" knocked out the doorman too. He wasn't mentioned.

    4. Peter could have stopped the pizza guy outside the building. Then only 1 pizza guy went in.

    5. Pizza guy was knocked out right outside Laura's door. I am being nit picky for a show that makes no sense 99% of time. Sorry

    6. It's time for new writers on the show. This bunch are clearly burnt out. LOL

  17. I agree with all the comments, especially why Dante was hanging out at GH with Sam when the police are supposed to be looking for Peter. Didn't they ever think of checking out the docks to find him? How did Peter know Charlotte was at Laura's and how did Victor know Val was at the hospital? These writers really think we are stupid.

    1. Where was Louise with no supervision? Why would doorman let 2 pizza guys into the building? Yes Why was Dante at the hospital? No police at all the piers? At least make it a little realistic. No Maxie on television and internet?

    2. NO ONE looking for Peter and Louise. The writers are crazy. And how long has it been since they've shown Anna's house?

    3. "LindaV says, How did Peter know Charlotte was at Laura's"

      Hiney told Maxie that he has people everywhere. So he has spies.

    4. He has hired 500 henchmen to watch Port Charles. Lol

    5. At least Drew wasn't tainted by Carly, LOL.

    6. "lindie says, He has hired 500 henchmen to watch Port Charles. Lol"


      "LSV422 says, At least Drew wasn't tainted by Carly, LOL."

      Oh I'm sure he will eventually! ROFL!


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...