Sunday, February 20, 2022

Sunday Surgery: Bumpy Ride


Oh I was hoping the END OF PETER* would be far more complex and exciting but I guess driving to Switzerland is what we are getting! Ok, they flew (according to Maxie's one line) but still.. just blah. 

Ergo, if you want to bail--you've been warned!!  If you're made of stronger stuff, grab a cup and let's go! 

*yes, this is a hopeful manifestation statement

What a mixed bag for me this week. I liked the Valentine's Day show Monday then it felt like everything just slogged. Way too much Victor/Nik/Spencer stuff. I GET that the Weather Machine is probably making a come back but.. eesh. Too much talking. The "Finding Peter" was really a let down and very simple in execution. It just felt "off". Maybe because we hadn't seen hide nor hair of them in so long? Plus, Peter is acting like a gentleman-jerk at the moment. (worse than usual) Maybe it was just not in the mood but ... things could have been SO much better. 

DATE OF THE WEEK: I did enjoy Valentine's Day 1 and 2 because they were light-hearted and for the most part fun. Brad even got to talk to Felix (BFF of Carly apparently) !!! But the Chet/Terry interaction was the best. Awww, he saved her from the hipster  granola dude!! 

WHAT WE DIDN'T KNOW WE NEEDED OF THE WEEK: OMG, welp. Britt made me tolerate Carly!!! Give them more scenes like this. Carly was fun and funny. Something she rarely gets to showcase (even tho she's on daily). Kelly can make any scene magic. 

GIFT OF THE WEEK: Aww. Spencer gave Trina a book by one of her fave artists. All Esme got were some dumb flowers. The way Laura gave it to her and likes Trina so much is also precious. Laura was some angry with Esme for being messy lol! 


LOVER SCENE OF THE WEEK: Blink and you missed TJ and Molly Zex! 

WE SAW IT A MILE AWAY OF THE WEEK: We were talking about this when Willow was a teacher and Michelle....I mean Nina was in her face about Charlotte. We were talking about this during the whole Cult-Reveal. FINALLY Harmony admits to faking her birth certificate. I'm not buying some pregnant lady gave her up. They prob bought her or Donna Mills stashed the twin of Nelle in a Commune. Either way, snooze. I don't care about Willow. I mean, really. Not. ONE BIT.  I'm not even going to bother talking about her not having a legit birth cert and going thru her entire life at this point. Don't care. NOPE. 

PHYLLIS OF THE WEEK: Ok, I get it...she's the new "Ruby" ...but she needs to be MORE than a sprinkle of times a month.  Great actress, huge potential. Please don't just make her a sounding board for all of PC. 

SQUABBERSONS OF THE WEEK:  I like you, but I don't like you.  I'm sorry...but not really. But.. I.. am.. you know.. kinda.. well. Nixon Falls. *Sigh* Are they both Libras? (Sorry Libras but I live with one LOL) 

WOMAN SCORNED OF THE WEEK: Carly! SURPRISE!! She's not really THAT mad with Sonny--she's mad at NINA! She tells her new lawyer lady she's going after that homewrecker. Alienation of Affection suit? Hmmm... 

BUNDLE OF THE WEEK: Aw, Mac learned about Bailey being Louise. That baby is adorable. Felicia was going to take her home but realized that Chase and Brook is the best place for her now. And anyway--how could she take off and defy Anna Devane by going to Swiss Alps? 

SEPHORA COMMERCIAL OF THE WEEK:  Maxie, being in peril in Switzerland, writes a message on a bathroom mirror. Good kind citizen comes in and calls Anna who now knows where in the World Maxie might be.  Thank you to whoever didn't like that shade and threw it away!! Photo thx to 

JOKES KEPT COMIN' OF THE WEEK: Yes, Maxie and Pete flew to Switzerland. We never saw, it, we never heard anything but saw them driving to a "farm". Maxie later says she noticed her earring missing 'on the plane' so there you go. BUT-- the jokes on Twitter were hysterical. Cars driving on water, space ships--you name it. How DID they get there? LOL. Photo thx to @pmekme 

THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER OF THE WEEK:  The gang's all here-- but.. Robert? Oh, yeah, Felicia told Anna he could be there for MAC! So, let's send DREW. I'm..ah? Huh?a Welp. Dante can go because he's PCPD and needs something to do. Anyway, we end up in an Austrian-Swiss border agent place with a lady and some shady guy who--shocker is WORKING FOR VICTOR!! I'm also taking umbrage with the fact that Peter had a fake flashback convo with Felicia disclosing the EXACT LOCATION OF HIS SECRET LAIR ...and didn't remember it. Dr. O figured it out too. He even wrote some book about Salt Mines. I mean. A mystery this wasn't. *sigh*. 

CHEM CHART OF THE WEEK: Welp. You did it. You put these two in a rather long scene for soap standards and let the magic just ooze out. Now, I am also a VAnna fan but this was just sublime. ME and FH have something special. 

MORE WEIRD LIZ STUFF OF THE WEEK:  She got a card, addressed to her at GH. Weird gothic vibe and it says "We are both missing him" --B . Liz thinks it's from Betsy Franco. I SAY It's from her alter-ego BIZ (or Becky if they are being funny).  I think the "BOTH" missing means her other self. 

THAT WAS FAST OF THE WEEK: Curtis and Portia are moving in together! I hear Real Andrews is back taping as Taggart. Trina Daddy reveal time? 

FRANCO'S BACK OF THE WEEK: You saw it, I saw it...we ALL SAW IT. Or wait, was that Todd? 

FACE OF THE WEEK: Um, Spencer was really not impressed with Esme's photo she gave him to pin-up in Spa Jail!! ahahahaa

PROP OF THE WEEK: The earring that foiled even Peter. 


Chet and Terry hit it off on an unexpected "date"

Liz got a creepy card from "B"

Esme gave Spencer a photo of her to keep in jail 

Spencer gave Trina an art book for Valentine's Day

Anna, Drew and Dante go to Switzerland to find Maxie and Peter

Felicia goes rouge and flies coach to get to the Alps too

Mac finds out Bailey is really Louise

Chase and Brook are happy when Felicia brings Bailey back until Maxie is back 

Peter and Maxie go to Switzerland by land, sea...air and Maxie leaves Anna a message

Curtis and Portia decide to move in together

Laura likes Trina; gives her a gift from Spencer 

Spencer is sad he has no AC in Spa-Jail 

Esme is angry she can't see Ryan 

Victor is trying to mend his family 

Nikolas and Ava talk about their re-wedding

Carly hires a lawyer

Nina and Sonny talk about their night of WUB and... :meh: 

Willow can't find her birth certificate

Harmony tells Alexis some rando lady gave birth and she and her hubs took Willow

Michael is MAD at Sonny

Joss is MAD at Sonny

Carly is MAD at Sonny--but MADDER at Nina! 

Oh and apparently, Port Charles had a "heat wave"--although only Vic and Spence mentioned it

BIG THANKS TO @Flutterby on Twitter for most of the photos. This blog would be naked without them!! 

NOTE OF THE WEEK: Please remember that JPS has another show on Disney Plus he's taping so that's why Valentin has been missing in key scenes. Happy for him, sad for us. Photo thx to @gh_petty 

SPOILERS:  Oh, Ava and Olivia talk about Leo. Maura has a son on the spectrum so this will be really good. Sonny drinks at Charlie's (eyeroll)... and Alexis checks on Harmony. I guess they are holding on to the Peter/Maxie stuff? I HOPE THEY ARE because I need this resolved asap. 
All scoops at Diagnosis Daytime 

There it is!! Hope you enjoyed the week. I'm doing better for all that have asked. Thanks for checking. Life goes on, no? Looking forward to spring here in WNY which usually happens in MAY so I have a ways to go. See you next time! 


  1. Wally Kurth has a son on the spectrum. Maura does too?

  2. I know that JPS has another show; I just miss him and the scenes show that something is missing. Valentin or Robert should have been the ones to go with Anna. Robert would have been great. They are simpatico and Maxie is his niece and he loves her. I did love the scene with Anna and Finn. Heck Finola has chemistry with an ant and she has pretty much had chemistry with any guy they have EVER put her with IMO.

  3. All postage has a stamp that shows where it came from (sort of). Doesn't Betsy Frank live in another state? I don't remember where she lives I do think they are going the DID route. I don't have any hopes that they can do it justice. Rebecca Herbst is a great actress but I have no faith that the writers and company will do it justice.

    Plus, at this point I don't care how Peter dies, just want him dead. Wish he'd be forever dead but we know that will not happen with he and LW dating.

    I was a huge fan of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang as a kid. I think that's how they got to Switzerland. lol

    Adorable baby. I don't think that is the same baby as before though is it? She looks different. Is she the other twin maybe?

    The show would be so much better if they did more "sleuthing" throughout trying to find people. None of this "talk talk talk". Alot of GH past revolved around the police station and showing them actually investigate things. It seems now that EVERYONE hangs around the hospital. Not nurses and doctors, just other rando people in Port Charles for a gathering place.

    I hope that Maxie kills Peter. She is the one he has hurt the most. She deserves to be the one to do the deed. I think he might be on to her though partly. In some scenes he doesn't trust her. That "cabin" is so funny. One little room. He said he was going to make a fire; where, in the kitchen? He left the room. Didn't have any fire wood in his arms. This show is so lost. It's very sad. I so love the actors, but everything else is a mess.

  4. I love the picture of the car driving in the water. also agree about ME and FH. chemistry. FH and GF have chemistry with everyone great actresses. also love chase and brooklynn. hot. best couple on GH right now.

  5. Thanks for the great SS! Bumpy ride it was.
    I do not believe that GH will let WR go. He will either 'die' in front of us or disappear but he will be back as Hiney or another character.
    These actors...the only reason to watch. KS is doing an amazing job. Yes, RoHo let a little Todd out. More please. They are wasting Esme. We could use a serial killer story even though we had one or two in the past.
    Before Hiney and the cabin we had Ryan and the cabin. How very original.

    1. I agree kirsten storms is doing a great job. and the actress playing esme is very talented. I hope they don't make her too evil so she can stay on the show.

    2. also agree about WR, he will come back.

  6. THOUGHTS - feel free to comment
    ------Doesn't Terry call Elizabeth BIZ? I still want it to be Heather, cause I don't want Liz as DID-----single mom, etc.....although I DID read JAKE may know something?
    ------Feb 22 ----- Peter dead - let's guess WHO? Felicia for Maxie? Maxie? PARTY TIME!
    ------we dropped Phyllis recogniing Stella....
    ------no one cares about Willow----but I DO wonder if this storyline of Nina being her mom is to give space to Nina and Sonny's debacle....
    ------Austin is more and more Franco each day...
    ------I LOVE FANNA HOWEVER I repeat - NO urgency in finding Maxie: Sam and Dante declare love and then Anna and Finn talk ------like nothing is going on...
    -----HOPE Mac is not sick - read that 'he can't go back to work yet'
    -----More Dr O and Britt - LOVE them...
    -----in previews- WHY is DIANE not representing SONNY? She told Carly she couldn't represent her because she represents Sonny...
    -----LOVE CS as Victor - completely don't think of him as Shane Donovan anymore on DOOL
    Gonna be a good week.

    1. I thought Jake might be behind the Liz thing. He is the one kid rarely mentioned. Did we even see him when Jason "died"?
      Agree with your thoughts except for Hiney being really dead.

    2. Didn't Robin Mattson, aka, Heather retire? If not I would love for her to come back.

    3. I think she was having health problems

    4. I missed the scene with Phyllis and Stella!

  7. No urgency is right. No one urgent, upset, worrying, crying or anything. Ridiculous.
    I love CS as Victor too. Great addition to the show. HE has chemistry with everyone too.

  8. Great SS Wubs! I'm so afraid they will never get rid of Julliard. He makes the show so unwatchable but his GF tells me on social media I shouldn't be FF'ing scenes.... If I were Julliard, I'd be pulling his diploma/certificate..receipt. LOL!

    1. Seriously, she tells you not to FF scenes. Wow

    2. Unfortunately, yes Lindie, LW does has repeatedly told people not to FF scenes. She is very unaware, or willfully ignorant, of how so many GH fans are just tired of seeing the same screeching face, or the same overacting day after day after day.

  9. I think I would like Anna to get back together with Finn. I can't see her staying with Valentin for the long haul.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...