Friday, February 4, 2022

Off-topic Rant Friday


Is there such a thing? Or did I just make it up? 
Anyway, this is off-topic and kinda rant so if you didn't sign up for that,
please go right to the comments.

Does anyone remember TV Guide? I'm talking the little digest one that fit in the palm of your hand way back when. I remember every September waiting for the fall preview to come in the mail. I used to comb through it cover to cover and mark the shows and days and times to schedule my nights. I fought with my brother who would get the TV on certain nights because we only had one TV and this was before VCR. Mom got the TV on Saturday nights. And if you grew up in the 70s, you knew why. Back then life was much more structured. The TV season started in September and ended in May. You knew when your show started and their premiere was a big deal.


Earlier this week I saw a commercial, or maybe something online that said that The Conners was new this week. I thought the show was returning as I have watched previous seasons. I went to set up my streaming and found out this was around the 10th episode and I already missed about 9 new ones. So now I need to binge watch about 9 before I can see this weeks. Why wasnt I told they came back months ago?

Ditto for Claws. I love Claws. Neicy Nash is a force. Its a campy show, but addictive. I remember the season finale last year and was told the new season was "next year". Well, it is practically done so there is another bingefest waiting for me. 

I hate binging. I admit the lack of commercials is a plus, but I have a short attention span and 30 minutes is about all I can devote to something. I miss the old days, when you knew when your shows were returning and you had a grip on it and watched every week. Remember Dynasty parties on Wednesday nights? 

Animal Kingdom is next. I am already searching for their return. There are millions of TV shows out there now. My fiends are watching Star Wars stuff, and I just cant invest. I saw the results for this years Emmys and didn't recognize one TV show nominee. When I get home from work, I put on PlutoTV and watch an episode of Carol Burnett or Three's Company (which, incidentally, did NOT hold up over time)

So... today's question for the comments is: Do you binge your TV viewing? Have you missed premieres of your favorite shows because they are scattered? How has your viewing habits changed since we went from 3 local network channels (Sept-May) to a million channels all over the place?

Maybe there should be an app where you type in your shows and it reminds you when there will be a new episode. Actually, there probably already is one.

Happy Friday everyone. I will try - key word is TRY - to get something up for Sunday Surgery. Maybe I will binge this week's episodes on Saturday. I hear binging is the way to watch TV now.


  1. The TV Guide! I was the same. Grew up with it and read it cover to cover. I was an only child but I still bartered with the folks on which shows to watch on certain nights. And yes, (OMG!) mom had the TV on Saturday's. Too funny! I still get the Guide, and read it proudly, lol! The problem now is half of it is for streaming services/shows and that's one thing I don't spend my money on. I just have old fashioned cable. The problem with all the streaming apps is there is 1 show I want to watch on all of them. And no way am I investing in all that. It's so frustrating!

    I binge occasionally but not regularly as I get sucked in, then the whole dang day is gone!

    Again, thanks for filling in Dave. Good topic today! :)

  2. Loved TV Guide. I did the same thing and read it cover to cover and circled the shows I wanted to watch and couldn't wait for September because they advertised on commercial. They ALWAYS had some good sitcoms coming on in the fall. Not like the crap now. Can't stand reality shows. I didn't always get to see the shows I wanted though because I had an early bedtime. It was ABC, CBS and NBC. The only channels we got. This was before cable and we couldn't afford a VCR when theyncame out either. The good old days though when tv was good. I have binged a little but still can't afford all those channels. Some shows now are good but you watch one AWESOME season and they yank the show away from you. I am afraid to get invested in a show anymore.

    1. Thanks Dave for all this. It's fun.

    2. Lindie, I hate when I watch a new show on cable, then BAM! They move it to a streaming pay channel. CBS and Paramount are notorious for that. Makes me so mad, lol!

  3. Yep, me too.. Loved TV Guide. It was the highlight of my week! As for missing the shows I truly want to watch, that doesn't happen too often for me because I use the "series manager" on the DVR to record series. So, even if I don't know they've come back, the DVR catches and records them. But, if by chance I do miss something I have the NEED to have to binge it before I can watch anew. Thanks Dave for the walk down memory lane.

  4. no binging for me!! I like to watch here and there - I ALWAYS bought the FALL TV GUIDE preview-----gosh so good --------but now you can google and see new episodes-----sometimes with WIkipedia-----
    if you haven't watched Oridnary Joe you must - it is RIVETING ----
    and Ghost and B Positive the best new sit coms in years.......
    and American Auto---------------and Grand Crew is good...

    1. Never heard of any of them. Which do you recommend the most for a GH loving kind of gal?

    2. mufasa...Ghost is a hoot and I love it! I guess I lied. That's the last show I binged. The first time I watched it was episode 4, loved it so much I binged 1-3. Hahahah!

    3. We must all be roughly the same age. Or GenXers at least.

    4. Is it Ghosts on Netflix from 2019?

    5. No CBS - Thursday nights - it's the highest rated sit-com - so clever

  5. We started watching Gilded Age. Watched second episode. It's pretty good, but the jury is out. Not as good as Downton Abbey so far.

  6. What a great topic Dave! Loved the TV Guide. I too miss shows I like because I don't know they are on. Then I find the show and voila it is done or it has moved to another time and I start again. Not too fond of binging but with my cable service I can watch anything I want at any time. Lately I am drawn to retro TV like Bewitched etc. maybe in search of a simpler time when we relied on the TV Guide.

  7. If you are like me and watch Netfl•x, D•sney+ etc nightly you might try this - pick three or four shows you might binge and watch one episode of each every night for a while. Or maybe recreate for favorite Must See TV NBC Thursday shows once a week on a Thursday Frazier, Seinfeld, Night Court, Friends, LA Law (or ER - whatever).

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Yes...let's go. Please do not read if you like today's show.
      Carly: I need some space. I need some space. I need some space. Pathetic.
      Hiney "skipping"(what Anna said) and going directly to Chase/BLQ's apartment all in 30 seconds. Pathetic
      Soap operas are supposed to be an escape from things that are troubling. GH is troubling. And pathetic.
      Friday rant.

  9. Good grief! Is this where we're supposed to talk about today's show? It's a doozy!

    1. So so so so so so predictable. And HOW did Peter kidnap Louise undected.

    2. All week it's Friday yet Hiney escapes from transport, kills his helpers and goes straight to minutes. WTH.

    3. AND, Peter (or helper) is invisible and Chase and Brook can't see them.

    4. yes di. this is the friday blog. i humbly apologize i forgot to mention it like i normally do. i'll make sure it is listed starting on monday again. love your comments btw!!!

    5. lol No problem Dave. I just wasn't sure because there were so many comments about your topic and the ones about the ep sometimes get lost when the topic is too interesting. lol. It's like playing hide and seek to find them.

  10. Q mansion:

    Pawtucket Holtster and Maxie: He thinks she is using him. NO SHE ISN'T!!!!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Nina and Dr. O part Dr. O wants Nina to sit and talk to her. I was thinking you are not going to talk about how you were late meeting your daughter? OH! She is talking about it now. Dr. O wins the line of the day.

    Dr. O: Britta and I were supposed to have dinner, but I was a tiny bit late.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. A tiny bit late? I bet Britch waited an hour! :) Dr. O wants Nina to admit that she wants Carson to break up! :) Nina won't admit that.


    Nina and Dr. O part 2: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Dr. O just lied to Nina about Sonny! HAHAHHAHAHAAHA! *Evil smile*

    The bridge:

    Carly and Drew: Oh good going Drew. Be so understanding to Carly, be on her side, and say she is 100% in the right, and now she is going to want to sleep with you. :)

    The haunted star:

    Sonny and Krissy: Great scene!!! :)

    Krissy on the phone with Carly: Krissy not wanting her dad to be hurt. Awwwwww. :) CARLY! You don't have to be so rude to Krissy!!

    Sonny and Nina: OKAY LET'S GO BABY! Have some hot zex and then Nina can get the preggers!!! :) The miracle baby she has always wanted thanks to Sonny's strong spermies!! :) Then Carly walks in on them doing the Mambo and then she can run to Drew and jump his tall bones!

    The ambush: Felicia and Anna both there. Poor Dante ouch! Man that cut on his head looks so real. The makeup department did a great job. MAC!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Please don't die!!! :( I haven't heard anything about John J York leaving!!!! :(

    Brase home:

    Bailey's room:

    Bailey and Blazer Lynn:

    Blazer Lynn: Mommy loves you.

    Uh you are NOT her mommy!!! Unless you mean Maxie, but you could have said mommy Maxie loves you!

    Brase: See? I told you Blazer Lynn that Chase didn't mean what he said to Dante. :)DAMMIT KISS ALREADY! First Chad and Trina were close enough to kiss, and now Brase.. You two are giving me ulcers! Maxie calls!!! She is telling Blazer Lynn that Hiney escaped!


    Maxie's home:

    Spinny and TempNuSam: She don't want to talk about her sex life! ROFL! Can we keep her?

    Spinny, TempNuSam and Maxie: When Maxie was talking about the kiss, and it was good, Spinny looked jelly. Oh Pawtucket Holtster calls Maxie to tell her about the shooting.

    The hospital: MAC!!!!!!!!!!! :'(

    Dante's room:

    Dante and NuTempRecastSam: I think she just realized that she wants to be with Dante. I bet that is temporary.

    Hiney and Louise: HE KIDNAPPED HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaand the next time we see her will probably be when she is 18 years old.

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to the 1994 nurses ball* Tony refuses to dance with Bobbie (I don't blame him) and Damian steps in.

  11. Well, so much for a cop guarding a baby. This Sam actually smiles! Here we go again with another extension of the Peter nightmare. One thing that makes it so intolerable is that WR plays him like a caricature, not a real person. Hope this ends soon.

    1. I also noticed New Sam smiling - thought about how many times KM actually emoted - not so much - like this actress

  12. As for Dave's comment about old time tv - perhaps dating myself - but if you didn't see your show at it's designated time, you didn't see it - ever

    1. Exactly. You didn't see it unless you were lucky to catch it on a rerun

    2. "Johnny 265120 says, As for Dave's comment about old time tv - perhaps dating myself - but if you didn't see your show at it's designated time, you didn't see it - ever"

      Well, you do see it, in the summer! Yes if you miss an episode, you can't see it until they show repeats in the summer. And that was a long ways away! UGH!

  13. I always read the TV Guide cover to cover. I was in band in high school, so I always missed the first run of The Partridge Family in football season, but I knew I was going to get it in reruns. I haven't watched network TV in years, I stream everything. And my son and I tend to binge shows that we are both interested in - mostly the Marvel series on Disney+.

  14. I really like new Sam. She has lots of energy, is easy to understand, and shines! I wish she could stay, maybe Sam has a twin. Please end Peter. Let Felicia do it, she can plead insanity, end up at Stoneridge with Ryan, and figure out he is faking it. She could also be involved with the Esme story line. Sounds crazy but so was Nixon Falls, which I never want heard mentioned again as well as the name Peter.

    1. Yes I like this Sam too. Wish we could keep her. She is better with Dante too.

    2. I think they had to put a new Sam in for the scenes this week because the script called for excitement, smiling, and even...*gasp*...laughing. That wouldn't have been possible with regular Sam.

    3. "Di says, I think they had to put a new Sam in for the scenes this week because the script called for excitement, smiling, and even...*gasp*...laughing. That wouldn't have been possible with regular Sam."

      ROFL! We should keep her. :)

    4. We definitely should. That way I'd watch her scenes again.

  15. Resident Alien is super funny. Stars Alan Tudyk from Serenity.

  16. did you read on Twitter that Wes Ramsey isn't listed in any of the credits????????
    Please make him go away - RIDICULUOS that he got in that house and stole a baby! At least everyone will know now.
    Don't want Nina and Sonny to have sex ---- because he JUST got off meds.....
    Mike is not Sonny - I hope Nina regrets it -------------- and again Carly and Sonny will break up for years..........Ava can have Avery now -

    1. We couldn't be so lucky as to get rid of Hiney.

    2. "mufasa says, did you read on Twitter that Wes Ramsey isn't listed in any of the credits????????"

      Yeah I did!!!!!!

      "Please make him go away -"

      Yeah, but he still has Louise!!! If he leaves, he is taking her with him, and then we won't see her anymore. I don't know how long he will be gone!

      "because he JUST got off meds....."

      He is back on them now. When he was in the hospital he took them when Ned gave him a bottle of water.

    3. read again another article - he IS gone - but I need the Louise back, like you say, blog said he would be killed off---------

    4. "mufasa says, read again another article - he IS gone - but I need the Louise back, like you say, Sonya......"

      Yeah I want him gone, but I want Louise back! So whatever they have to do to get Louise back, do it!

      "one blog said he would be killed off---------"

      Kill him off, make him disappear, whatever. I just want him gone.

    5. He's probably taking a break to do something else and they're just toying with us again. Either that or we have a Misopedist writing all the latest baby stories.

    6. Don't be excited. WR and Peter are not going anywhere while he is dating LW. He's probably going on vacation :(

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I wonder if Valentin is still in the trunk. Could he be in the same car as Peter? Maybe he will kill Peter and save Louise.

    1. "Jenny60 says, I wonder if Valentin is still in the trunk."

      Well according to Anna it's only been a day, so yeah he must still be in the trunk.

      "Could he be in the same car as Peter? Maybe he will kill Peter and save Louise."

      Sounds good to me!!!!! :)

    2. Perfect scenario would be that Peter stole Victor's car,and gets a flat. Opens up the trunk and gets a foot in the face and Valentine takes him out and brings our baby home.

    3. I like that idea Di.. Peter DEAD. THE END.

    4. And Valentine, the hero, is named Godfather and can spend time with Bailey again.

  19. Also. Not that I care but they totally dropped mob family present United front. Carly likes being in charge. Blah blah blah. I think the writers saw the contrive of pro Nina and pro Carly Carly and completely changed to now Sonny off meds and having sex with Nina Course they haven’t cared that we hate Peter so maybe notLOL

    1. And I'm not surprised. Even when Carly and nNna aren't in an episode the sides line up on some sites and still write pages of hate directed towards one side or the other. In some cases nothing is even said about the episode itself. The message is sent loud and clear to the writers that the fans only want the women wars and the hell with the rest.

      People need to at least leave their names out of the feedback when they're not on. Start commenting on the other things that we like AND WANT RESOLVED, and maybe the show will make some progress.

  20. LW and MB must be workaholics. They are on EVERY SINGLE DAY practically. Ugh

  21. Preview for next week I think. Anna and Robert talking about our Mac! 😭


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...