Thursday, February 3, 2022

Hello, Felicia


As all of you know, a few weeks ago Kristina was a put on contract at GH. I was thrilled. I simply love the woman and the character. She has been with us since 1984 (the year before I graduated high school). I remember going to college 8 miles west of Atlantic City when they filmed their scenes there.

Now that she is on contract, I keep wondering "what now?" Is she going to get a storyline? If she does, what will it be? And since John York is not on contract, will he be a part of it? 

I'm turning to the wub community. I've searched online and found nothing. What do you guys know? Has anything been said? What storyline would you want to see her tackle? I kinda am leaning away from the Aztec storyline. Unless they finally recognize Maxie as a princess.

Or maybe it is contract in name only and this was the budget department jockeying money around. I dont know. I dont work at Disney.

Let me know what you think.


  1. I love Felicia too. HUGE Frisco and Felicia fan back in the day. I love having her back. Any meaty story for her would be great. Have her on screen more. Take some of Carlys airtime and give it to Felicia and Mac. Show us what they have been doing off screen for all these years. IDK. Give her a real mystery to solve with Valentin and Anna. Just give her some air time for goodness sake.

    1. PS. I had to add that I have always thought she is one of the most beautiful soap actresses. Don't know what her beauty routine is or if it's just genetics but wow.

    2. PSS. Jack Wagner is a fool to have cheated on her.

    3. Internet is exploding with Mac/death scene. OY. Another vet sacrificed fir PLP>

    4. “N says Internet is exploding with Mac/death scene. OY. Another vet sacrificed fir PLP>“

      WAIT WHAT???? 😡

  2. OT: there are spoilers that Terry goes on a blind date and I’m trying to think of people that would be a surprising date for her. I don’t believe she has ever stated if she is more interested in men, women, or non-binary individuals. interesting people would be Brad or even a set up for a triangle between Alexis, Harmony, and Terry. Having Brad be in a relationship with Terry would create angst for Britt.

    1. I remember Terry flirting with the bartender at the Savoy, I always thought that they might go out.

    2. Isn't her name Nika or something like that? Good idea

    3. I think you're right. I remember thinking what great style she has

  3. I love, love, LOVE Kristina Wagner/Felicia. She always brings good energy to the show, and has a great smile.

    I hope Felicia is around for the long haul, but my paranoid fear is this: I think Peter is going to be murdered and half the town will be suspects. I hope a guilt-ridden mama Felicia isn't the real culprit. It would be out of character, but "GH" loves its accidental killings. (Remember Laura?)

  4. I've seen rumors involving Mac but they're not from a reliable source. If it's something that happens during peter's attempted escape hopefully we'll see it today or tomorrow.

  5. I too love Kristina Wagner. Her and Frisco back in the day were my favorite. It never hurts that they fell in love in real life and had 2 boys.

    Love Mac just as much (if not more)

  6. She is lovely and a welcome sight on screen. She is so positive and uplifting. Unfortunately the mostly doom and gloom atmosphere of GH doesn't fit her character.
    Someone here said they read Hiney escapes during transport. Of course he does. They will never kill him. Bad guys win on GH.

    1. No. They'll bring back someone we all love and shoot him instead.

    2. Wouldn't be surprised if Mac and/or Dante are shot during transport.
      I have to mention Carly's dress. WTH. She is really getting on my nerves and I always liked her. Please give her some space. She and her BF(IRL) need a long vacay.

    3. LONG long long vacation. I personally want to rid Hiney of his awful sleazy smirk.

    4. Yup. Victor has planned a shoot out and escape for Hiney. So predictable. I like Drew with Britt.

    5. I like Drew with Britt too.

    6. The previews really did make it look like Mac is going to get shot :( Also, Anna, please don't listen to Felicia; Valentin can't take care of himself.

  7. Spencer and Trina today. Nice.
    That's all I got.

    1. I liked the scene with Spencer and Trina. I hope the writers haven't forgotten that Kevin called the jail and said he didn't want Esme seeing Ryan again. He also should tell them that her boyfriend is now going in and they should't allow her time with him either while she's working. She can visit him when she's not working like other relatives visit people in prison. (Wipe that slimy grin right off her face)

    2. I hope that Spencer grows up in prison and becomes a good person. He has it in him.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Lenny's restaurant and bar:

    Britch and Phyllis: Britch isn't close to Nina? I thought they were close.. Hmmmm.

    Sonny and Phyllis: Phyllis wants Sonny to tell Carly about his not taking his meds and about Nina helping him and she spent the night on the couch.

    Sonny and Drew: OH! Sonny apologized.. Drew accepted his apology.. Awww Bromance is back! :)

    Britch and Drew: Mama O is late!! :) They are talking about wuv! Drew's heart doesn't belong to anybody.. But maybe Sam? :) Britch is encouraging him to be with Sam. :) They talk about him not being a poacher. :)

    Maxie's home:

    NuSam and Spinny: Spinny playing video games ROFL! HEY!! Temp recast Sam is played by Lindsay Hartley! YAY! Nice to see her again.. I just read about it the other day. Why Sam had to be recast, beats me. Love Lindsey Hartley as Sam.. The actress shold join the cast. :) And hey we had a voiceover! :) I wonder who's voice that was. Sam is struggling between Dante and Drew.. Oh oh.


    Kevlar, Vampira, Victor, and Nik: Laura grabs Vampira's purse to give it to her, and wants to sit at her chair. Hahahaha! Vampira still dressed up as a librarian. Doc sees Vampira watching them. Victor wins the line of the day.

    Victor: It's really not in my nature to cause a scene.

    BAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHA! It's not?!!?! :) The look on Laura's face hahahaha.

    Q mansion:

    Maxie and Pawtucket Holtster: OH BOY! He remembers everything! He doesn't understand why she didn't tell him the truth. They have a nice discussion, and then he says why would she tell him anything, because they were strangers.. She says they are not strangers anymore. They kiss again. :)

    The hospital:

    Dante and Hiney:

    Hiney: So when it comes right down to it, you're the last person on earth I need to fear.

    Dante: Let me tell you something. You know nothing, about me.

    OH WOW! BRAVO Dominic Zamprogna!!! *Stands up to give you a standing O* BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO! Dante wins scene of the day! Enough said. If you haven't seen this scene yet, YOU HAVE TO! IT'S FANTASTIC!!! :)

    Mac and Felicia: WOW!!!! :) A scene with them! YAY! Oh Felicia wants to watch Hiney get into the van.. :)

    Felicia and Anna: Felicia can't wait for Louise to be in Maxie's arms. Anna is worried about V.C.! I love that they are in a scene together. :) I'm so happy. :)

    Ava's art gallery:

    Chad and Trina: DAMMIT! The sparks are flying high!!! They got close to kiss, but Vampira sees and pretends she just got there so they wouldn't kiss. Oh everyone shows up to say goodbye to Chad and Laura is going to take him to Spring roll ridge. :)

    The jail van: Man the seatbelt looks strange on Hiney! ROFL! Oh oh very icy road. They have to stop. Dante says to Hiney nice try. ROFL! Oh oh 4 flat tires. Who is helping Hiney?!?!

    Previews: There were shots!! I read rumors that Mac is going to get shot.. Is that why Mac and Felicia had a scene together? Mac isn't going to die is he? DAMMIT HE BETTER NOT DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1994* Bobbie and Aunt Ruby scene. Ruby is a wise woman, and Bobbie is so annoying and in denial.. Tony jealous of your independence? OH COME ON BOBBIE! You DO want Damian! You are not the victim so quit acting like it.

    1. If they kill Mac a bunch of us will be done for good.

    2. "lindie says, If they kill Mac a bunch of us will be done for good."

      Yeah I would be very angry!!! So yeah they better not kill him off!

    3. Seriously Dom was great yesterday with PLP. I was applauding! Holtster and Maxie's kiss made me squeamish. Not liking them together. I don't really have any use for Austin.

      Why does everyone say PLP's entire name? Peter August. Must have heard that 900 times this week. Are the writer's reminding me he's still alive? As if I've forgotten. (need my eyeroll emoji!)

    4. "Julie H says, Seriously Dom was great yesterday with PLP. I was applauding!"

      YEAH HE WAS!!! WOOT WOOT! :) He needs to win an emmy! :)

      "Why does everyone say PLP's entire name? Peter August. Must have heard that 900 times this week. Are the writer's reminding me he's still alive? As if I've forgotten. (need my eyeroll emoji!)"

      ROFL! All soaps do that.. So that when new people start watching they know who it is and remember.. It may be annoying, but it does work! :)

  10. sam picked jason over Drew. now she wants drew back cause dante has a dangerous job. GH really needs to clean house.

  11. Please don't get rid of Mac. I think what ABC has to figure out are they getting any new fans to the show or older fans. We love Mac, Felicia, Laura, Kevin, Scott, Etc. Please let them have story lines. Does anyone else think the outfits are horrible? Why does Ava look like a French Maid? Why does Brook always wear a Blazer? Carly looked like she had a " Mother of the Bride," dress on?

    1. Laura outfit is weird. Maxie's dress is horrible n, Carlys green dress was horrible and Esme's outfit is terrible.

    2. Oh ya I noticed Ava's outfit was so horrible too

  12. I don't understand the writers in any month, much less sweeps......HOW can Peter kidnap Louise AND James? AND get away with it? WHY is PEE-TAH still here?
    and Sonny and Nina having sex????? WHY? Sonny off meds/upset about Carly.....rebound sex with a man she STILL thinks in her head is Mike......
    And if Valentin is gone for months, I WILL NOT BE HAPPY.....
    just tired.....

    1. Are you sure these things are going to happen or is that just someone's speculation?

    2. "Mufasa says, and Sonny and Nina having sex?????"

      Yup! I heard that too. Nina needs that miracle baby with Sonny's super sperm! :)

    3. I can't seem to find anything online. Do you have a link to the srticle, mufasa?

    4. Not liking any of these spoilers, blech! And Sonya, knock it off with Sonny's super sperm, ACKKKKK!!!! :)

      And if Mac dies I'm organizing a rebellion. Honest to god, I need PLP dead as a door nail. On screen. In front of my eyes.

    5. "Julie H says, And Sonya, knock it off with Sonny's super sperm, ACKKKKK!!!! :)"

      ROFLMAOPMP! I'm sorry! :)

      "And if Mac dies I'm organizing a rebellion."


      "Honest to god, I need PLP dead as a door nail. On screen. In front of my eyes."


  13. Loved Sprina today! And Cameron M has made Drew so charming.

    1. I agree. I liked Sprina too and I like Drew alot. He actually adds toothed cast in a great way. I personally like Cameron better than Billy Miller's mumbling

    2. I'm another one who wasn't a fan of Billy Miller for the same reason. I'm loving Drew now.

    3. Loved Sprina, too. Curses to Esme for busting up the almost kiss! And Cameron is great as Drew. I'm like Di and didn't care for Billy either. I think Drew and Britt would be great together. :)

  14. Just wondering about putting Kristina Wagner on contract. Hmm... Are we heading for a classic GH rewrite? Esme will be Felicia and Ryan's daughter that she secretly gave up???? Are the writers that clever or even interesting to come up with that????
    We'll see.

  15. I think esme is felicia and Luke's daughter from their affair from years ago. felicia was never into being a mother. why bring felicia and luke back ?

    1. "witch says, I think esme is felicia and Luke's daughter"

      Ewww ewwww ewwwww!

      "from their affair from years ago."

      Shhhh. It never happened. It was all just a dream that Felicia had. Felicia's dream, our nightmare.

      "why bring felicia and luke back ?"

      Luke isn't back.. He is "dead" at the moment.

    2. I don't which his worse, Luke or Ryan?


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...