Thursday, January 24, 2013

Some Prospect Park Information!

Soap Bubble, magnified. 

As most of you know, PP is going ahead with online soaps, and it looks like AMC may hit the cyberville in about April!!

Here's a great interview on all about the process. Take a gander, there is a lot of information for you to soak in! 

One of the biggest questions fans have been asking is if there will be fees for the online viewing of their Pine Valley and Llanview soaps. "There will be multiple ways for them to watch," Kwatinetz explained. "Numerous ways to watch, one being free with commercials."


  1. Um Karen, that picture does not look like soap bubbles. They look like sperms ROFL!

  2. Sonya- if you've ever seen the colors of oil in a puddle, then think of that, 1000x larger, ans this is, indeed, a soap bubble.

    It did, however, make me think of the Metallica album called 'Load,' too!

  3. How reliable is Daytime Confidential? They have a lot of news about AMC and OLTL moving to Prospect Park and I'm just wondering if it's legit. (Honestly, other than this blog I'm pretty daytime-illiterate.) Thanks!

  4. Cosmoetica said...Sonya- if you've ever seen the colors of oil in a puddle, then think of that, 1000x larger, ans this is, indeed, a soap bubble.
    I don't think I have hmmmmm.

    It did, however, make me think of the Metallica album called 'Load,' too!
    Ahhh so it makes you think of something else too! Awesome. :)

  5. I guess I will put today's show here. :)

    The hospital: Patrick is talking to Liz and wondering about Sabrina. So basically, it's where is Sabrina Liz? Why is she avoiding me? Why won't she talk to me? I gave her a note in class why is she blowing me off?!?!!?! You are friends with her. She must have said something to you! Meanwhile in no fun land, Piffy is scolding McVampire because he has opened his stitches oops!!! Piffy is still upset over the she is no fun crack that Sabrina said that Felix said. Oh Felix is there! Felix and Piffy scene ROFL! Dr Britch wants Liz to file something of hers, but she forgot to say please! Liz reminds her!! :)

    Metrocourt: Felix and Sabrina are waiting for Carly to talk about the nurses ball. Felix likes how Carly looks! Felix is trying to help the ladies get men! He has really good advice, except the part of Felix telling Sabrina to change her look! Uh Felix? No woman should change how they look to get a man!!! Come on now! So Carly agrees on the nurses ball and everything is all set!

    Jail: Todd dreams about being at the metrocourt and sees Carly who is dressed up like Blair. Carly says she made a decision. She will forgive him oh but wait she really didn't, and throws a drink at him. Todd calls out for Carly and Johnny says she isn't here. Todd and Johnny are not living together anymore. :( They talk about Carly and about Todd faking DID again!

    Kelly's: AJ and Michael talk about Heather! Michael doesn't want AJ anywhere near Heather!!! AJ brings up Johnny.

    ELQ: NED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! :) Ned and Tracy talk about Lucy, and vampires. Ned says to her about getting approval and that she doesn't need to do that anymore! Her father is no longer around. She says she will fight for ELQ cus she worked her entire life for it. Great scene!


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...