Friday, January 4, 2013

New Scoops are UP!

 If you care to look... WUBS NET

There's not a lot happening, imo-- the "truth" fall out with Todd, Connie and Johnny--the baby stuff with Maxie. AJ..ELQ with Lucy and Tracy. We hear from Luke and Anna and Duke are finally back from their month long "whatever"-- 

I may be a little late today but  I'll try to get here. 


  1. 'Britt has nasty family connections'

    Please tell me that isn't true. More of them coming???

  2. UGH can we just get rid of Britt already, I hate her smile

  3. I am really tired of the parade of sicko female doctors. When I first read Trey is brain dead I thought so what else is new?

  4. Could Britt be related to Fiason? ::::bahwwaaaahahaha::::

  5. Maybe she is a Solito and Johnny's half sister.

  6. Maybe she is wearing a mask ala Duke/Fiason. Who with nasty family connections could be under the mask? Faith? Claudia? Lady in White?

  7. Babysarms, I was thinking she'd tie in as Faison and Dr. Obrecht's daughter. It would make a little sense given her trying so hard to seduce Patrick. And the way Dr. Obrecht was acting with Robin over the parents love for a child business....


This was a MEGA Filler Show

  Welp, here's hoping there's more going on today than yesterday!!!! It was tough to get through.  Michael and Curtis are in the gym...