Thursday, January 17, 2013

I am NOT HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!

Read the whole sordid tale of OLTL...Prospect Park.some of my fave characters and junk over at Daytime Confidential. 



  1. This sums up my thoughts: Love GH, like OLTL, pissed at GH, love OLTL, OLTL gets cancelled - it should have been GH, OLTL writers move to GH and make it AWESOME! - LOVE GH, Stupid Prospect Park resurrects OLTL - hate OLTL for ruining GH

  2. Happy Happy Happy Dance!
    Te good news keeps rolling in. Anna return. Jason leave. AJ return. Lucy return. OLTLers leave!!! Laura return. Scott return.
    Perhaps now with OLTL interlopers packing their bags GH can afford to bring back Skye, Ned, Serena, Robert or Robin fulltime!
    Pair Carly with AJ...bye bye Todd.
    Pair Sam with Patrick if Robin not returning. Or Coleman or Milo. Or Dante if Lulu does not renew contract. But good bye McBain.
    Pair Michael with Serena or heck, even Felix, I don't care just bye bye Starr!!
    Hell, pair Sam with Michael...that would be interesting :)

  3. I'm NOT HAPPY!!! However, this appears to be temporary. I pray that it is temporary. They have become part of the GH family now and have been successfully integrated with the cast.

  4. So upset! And it's stupid on the part of Prospect Park.
    What actor is going to leave a network show for a web series on the opposite coast?! I understand how integral the characters are to story but the characters are nothing without the portrayers.
    If they attempt to recast its going to be a total fail.

  5. Well I could care less about Star, but I am very disappointed about loosing Todd & McBain. However, I think it will only be temporary or at least I hope it will be.

  6. They can take Starr. But leave Todd and McBain!!!!!!!

  7. Carrie, yep..but I don't think GH will be ruined, just diminished as I love McBain and TAWD.
    I know they say it's TEMP but..we know how they lie lol

  8. If so, blame ABC's lawyers. They likely believed PP was a fail, and stupidly signed away characters they had total control of. Must have been a poorly worded contract. ABC's arrogance is to blame.

  9. I would like them to take the characters and leave the actors, but I won't be really heartbroken if they all leave. How many viewers are actually going to watch the shows online - a lot of older viewers may not even have computers? GH has a great cast now and it will get even better. Initially a lot of viewers that were expected to watch after OLTL died did not watch. The ratings really picked up after the the vets started returning, the cast was integrated more with less Sonny, Jason and Carly and the terrific writing.

  10. Wow Carrie it's like you read my mind. Words I never thought I'd say"Don't mess with GH"

  11. I never watched OLTL, but Todd is the best thing to happen to GH in decades.

  12. I think PP doesn’t understand soap fans yet. Upsetting them by unnecessarily yanking characters/actors they enjoy from shows does not bring in viewers.

  13. pleaseeee don't take Todd..he's the only reason i'm still watching GH :(


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...