Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Well, I see Dr. Oz can make me lose weight by IMAGINING IT. Ok, right.  Be right over. Good Gravy. 

Ellie's leg thing lasted 2.3 seconds...hmm, what's going on.  Spinelli tells her about having sex with Maxie.

Luke looking scruffy and as gross  as Johnny. 

Mac, Duke and Flea...yeah!! 

Sonny and Anna, in a random scene. Weird. BUT! She was drinking Fiji water!!  Luke walks in, about 3 minutes from leaving TURKEY. GOD, can't they even  PRETEND TO do this?? ughhhhhh

OLIVIA looked ravishing!! Loved when the ring was shown. Nice. 

TV GUIDE says: Jack Wagner is already on the GH set shooting some SECRET SCENES!! And Jagger's back. 


  1. Turkey: Oh no! Luke has been SHOT! Lulu says she wants to see her father's body! Oh no wait! Luke is ALIVE! So the Indians didn't kidnap him! They just shot him and left him! His arm is in a sling. Now how come McBain's arm wasn't in a sling but Luke's is?

    The hospital: Maxie is preggers and she is freaking out about who the father is! So since it took Maxie 6 and a half days or less to get pregnant, will she be 9 months next week? Or in two weeks? Ellie can move her tootsies and her and Spinny are so happy!!! YAY!!! Steve is happy too! Spinny tells Ellie that he and Maxie had sex. Oh oh fun and happiness is gone. :( Lulu and Dante are back lickity split!

    The floating rib: Oh oh poor whining Duke!! He can't catch a break!!! :(

    Anna's office: Anna and Sonny talk about the fake Duke and the real Duke and Connie, and Kate. Oh what a fun fun conversation!!!

    Connie and Johnny's home: Connie and Olivia are dancing the cha cha chas!! ROFL! Hmm is it just me, or does the actress who plays Connie, got big ta ta's all of a sudden? By the way, love Connie, Olivia, and a lot of the women's clothes today.

  2. Oh and Karen, JAGGER IS COMING ON GH TOO? YAY! Oh secret scenes with Jack Wagner! Awesome! :)

  3. OK, I guess you all noticed what I did. First: How did Lante get to Turkey, rescue Luke (who must've been in prison for something, so why did they let him out?), and get back home, all in one day? (And I thought everyone visiting Joe Jr. in AC was quick!). Also, ConKate's tata's are now larger than Olivia's? Gee, maybe I should get a second personality, too . . .

    Poor Dashing Duke, reduced to sitting around with Mac and Flea with his finger up his ass whining about Anna . . . C'mon, writers, please give the poor guy something better than this!

    And, finally, don't you have to wait a little longer than 3 weeks to confirm a pregnancy?

  4. AntJoan said...And, finally, don't you have to wait a little longer than 3 weeks to confirm a pregnancy?
    Nah. You have sex in the morning, and then find out you are pregnant that night! ROFL!

  5. I think they have special pregnancy tests in soap world ;-)

  6. AntJoan, I thought I was the only one who noticed those tatas. lol I was afraid they were going to bounce off each other when they hugged today.

    I think you can know if you're pregnant as early as 6-8 days after ovulation with a blood test, depending on the person. Usually it's about 9 at the earliest with the new tests. I think if she was using a home pregnancy test it wouldn't be as accurate this early although some of them advertise as knowing almost at the moment of conception now.

    And I'm covinced that they don't use planes on GH any more. they just have Scotty beam them over.

  7. The spixie pregnancy is killing me! How? She miscarried, and within hours her lh was high enough to ovulate? No. Not that quickly. I'm firmly believing Dr. inahurrytoleave messed up and she didn't lose that baby. There must have been a mix up...please let there have been a mix up!

  8. The spixie pregnancy is killing me! How? She miscarried, and within hours her lh was high enough to ovulate? No. Not that quickly. I'm firmly believing Dr. inahurrytoleave messed up and she didn't lose that baby. There must have been a mix up...please let there have been a mix up!

  9. Kat, Oh, I didn't think of that, a mix-up, that's a really good idea, I REALLY HOPE it's actually Lante's baby, that would be so nice, as they really want a child, and Maxie does not. . . .

  10. I just can't even with the Maxie pregnancy storyline. It's just so ridiculous. She finds out she's pregnant on Xmas eve, miscarries and has sex on New Year's Eve then 6 days later finds out she's pregnant again. Even if it ends up being that Dr. Britch made a mistake because she was hurrying thru the tests so she could get in Patrick's pants, the shoddy writing has made this storyline horrible. Obviously, I understand this is a soap but between Faison/Duke's rubber mask, the time machine transportation system in Port Chuck and this mess...makes this viewer crazy.

    I wonder if Ron suffered brain damage when he fell and broke his ankle because the writing has been off ever since then.

  11. Di and AntJoan:

    I noticed the enlarged bosom on Connie as well. If this continues it may be more cost effective to develop a second personality rather than use implants.

  12. Thrilled about Jack W., but why bring back Jagger? The actor is so bad he has barely worked sinced GH so maybe he begged for a job. The timeline issue with Turkey bugs me because the writers treat us like we are stupid and can't wait another day to see Luke, who has been gone for months anyway. Liked the Sonny/Anna scenes but Sonny has really become really uninteresting.

  13. I guess with Luke they have to squeeze everything in that they can before he takes off again, so maybe they condense everything. Then again, they seem to use the time machine with everyone--no one but me has mentioned the numerous time machine adventures with Joe Jr. in Atlantic City.

    I swear, ConKate's tata's were even bigger today!! Soon they'll have their own show. . .

  14. I was cracking up about how fast one can apparently fly to and from Turkey as well.

    On the note of the Spin/Ellie/Maxie story.. I am a bit upset (though not surprised) at the fact that Maxie is holding the info that she knew Ellie was leaving the apt to go meet up with Spin. B/C I believe Ellie told her something to the effect of 'Thank you for changing my mind', before leaving on NYE.

    Also on the note of the surrogacy/baby thing. I've had a thought in the back of my mind that has been nagging at me. Given that both Maxie and Lulu were given high doses of hormones, would they not have done a 'harvest' on Maxie, so that she is able to carry Dante/Lulu baby?

    The other thing nagging me is Olivia's 'dog/jackal' vision. She has seen Maxie, Lulu, and Spin with this Dog/Baby. What if either A> maxie did miscarry, but one of lulu's remaining eggs was fertilized by spin? OR what if she didn't miscarry, and is also pregnant with both a Lante baby and a Spixie baby?

    As much of a soft spot I still have in my heart for the old Spinlu days of the Metrocourt era, I like the idea of Lante/Spixie 'twins', and a new generation growing up together.

  15. Christine,

    I too am hoping for the "twins" theory, and that's why Olivia is seeing a dog...it's a litter! One Lante baby and one Spixie baby. The new writers did something similar on OLTL so I wouldn't put it past them. They gave Maxie a lot of hormones so it's possible?!

    Also, Maxie did tell Spinelli that Ellie left to see him on new years. They both assumed she must have changed her mind on the way to the rooftop. Maxie was surprised Ellie didn't show and she said as much to Spin. It was a short scene tho, so easy to miss.

  16. AntJoan said...I swear, ConKate's tata's were even bigger today!! Soon they'll have their own show. . .
    Oh AntJoan! ROFL! I didn't notice her ta ta's have grown more!


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...