Friday, January 4, 2013

Oh MYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

Well. This is on The Talk's Facebook Page:

BIG NEWS: Daytime star Steve Burton appearing on The Talk this Monday with a special announcement! Don't Miss!!

Tune in Monday 1/7 - 2pm ET, 1pm PT/CT

Hilarious that "The Talk" is on the same time as GH...  


  1. also hilarious is that it's on CBS, home of Y and R.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. OH yes... he couldn't run fast enough where Jilly is. ahahaa.

  4. Do we really need to tune in to see what that announcement is...I think not! Sorry, I'll be busy watching General Hospital. And looking forward to a Liz/AJ and Sam/McBain pairing. Long live GH!!!!

  5. I said he would start on Y&R and people told me no. Now you will seefor yourself. I also feel wheen he's done with Y&R he'll be back on GH for jasam reunion.

  6. So Steve, what happened to wanting to spend more time with your family? :-)

  7. What a jerk! I don't want him back. Honestly, I haven't even missed him on the show.

  8. I'm surprised that it took this long for him to go to Y&R. You knew this was in the works the whole time. I'm surprised that MB resigned, thought he would migrate too.

  9. As much as I love the character of Jason, I truthfully have no problem with Steve wanting to move on. I can understand as an actor it must get boring playing the same role for so many years. And let's face it the writing of Jason wasn't the best over the past few years.
    The problem I do have with him and the situation is the lies. It is something I have noticed he does quite often. Giving answers and comments he thinks whatever group wants to hear. As a self proclaimed Christian it is something he shouldn't be doing. Just don't say anything if you think whoever won't like what you have to say. To Lie after lie gets tiresome and makes fans that would've supported him and follow him, turn away.
    That is truthfully the only reason this angers me. Just be honest. Just say,, thanks for all the years of support but its time for me to move on to something new. Does he really think lying was a better way to handle it?

  10. I agree with the above comments. SB turned me off when I saw his Twitter games. I knew he was leaving GH for CBS as soon as RC started diversifying the cast. I have a lot of respect for MB for staying at GH. It may be for money but regardless it can't be easy to have the show change from being Sonny's Port Charles to General Hospital's Port Charles. The fact that MB seems to be a good guy is the only saving grace for Sonny most days.

  11. Your right love2chat...I thought you were crazy when you suggested were right!

  12. If you see the ratings for this week, GH has climbed substantial not only for the week, but for the year. If you look at Y & R the complete opposite has happened this year.
    Jill thinks SB is the answer to her failing show.

  13. "The Talk" and GH might air at the same time but GH regularly has bigger ratings.


Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...