Friday, January 11, 2013

An Open Letter to Dante and Lulu

In the spirit of the Kelly O and Gaga feud,  I am writing an  open letter to Lulu and Dante (aka "Lante") to take them to task for what I see as gross incompetence. 

Hey, guys...I see you're rushing off to help your father and father in law where's he's hold up in some Turkish prison. Huh. Do you KNOW where Turkey is? It's not New Orleans, kids.  You can't just pack up some trollop gear and think you can solve this one.  Besides, don't you have..I don't know ..responsibilities? 

Dante...I don't think the PCPD just gives time off to  go overseas for a wild goose chase. "To Protect and Serve" doesn't extend to Turkey. Sorry. And besides, your commish has been gone for weeks and who's minding the store? The last guy is tending bar somewhere.  McBain is consoling Sam. You need to step it up.

Lulu...Well, girl..don't you own and run  a club now?  Remember that floating boat you call The Haunted Star? Did you notice that your partner is in JAIL for like double homicide? You just going to shut down the place in this economy? With both of you out of work for lord only knows how long, who's going to pay the rent on your beautiful brick covered lofty thing? 

Finally..weren't you the pair that made a pact to NEVER LEAVE MAXIE ALONE?  How did that go? You guys couldn't even be around long enough to  know she's LOST THE BABY.  So, now you decide to both leave the USA for who knows how  long.  Good luck with that.

Here's hoping when/if you ever DO have a bambino, Luke's not in "peril" somewhere for you ya-hoos to go "try to find him". There's lots of germs out there.

Sincerely, A soap watcher  that's not buying it. 


  1. You summed up perfectly what is wrong with Ron's writing! Thank you!

  2. And I did so in such a fun fashion LOL

  3. You said it perfectly! I was thinking the very same things.

  4. & who has a miscarriage then has sex the same day?? Seriously! That's just gross!! I bet she gets knocked up by Spinelli!

  5. & who has a miscarriage then has sex the same day?? Seriously! That's just gross!! I bet she gets knocked up by Spinelli!

  6. & who has a miscarriage then has sex the same day?? Seriously! That's just gross!! I bet she gets knocked up by Spinelli!

  7. & who has a miscarriage then has sex the same day?? Seriously! That's just gross!! I bet she gets knocked up by Spinelli!

  8. That's was hilarious - and so true. Not to mention the fact that if she wears her trollop gear in Turkey she'll end up in prison herself, or worse.

    Don't supposed it occured to either of them to just call the American embassy first and find out what's going on.

    And can you imagine how wxpensive it is to go to Turkey! I thought they were broke? Are they spending maxie's surrocacy money?

  9. Reading about Lante's brick loft it got me thinking about the Brownstone. Wouldn't it be nice to see Bobbie come back and reopen the brownstone and have Lante along with Lucy, Sabrina, Anna/Duke. God I miss the old GH

  10. Oh but Karen!!!! Poor Luke was kidnapped by Indians! Lante has to go find him!!! Oh Luke!!! What did you do to the Indians that make them want to kidnap you?!!! :'( *Cry cry sniff sniff* Come on Lante you gotta get him back! :(

  11. Those two are the height of irresponsible even before this. He works days, she works nights. They want a kid yet they live in an apartment where their bed is in the kitchen. They do know that a kid is going to bring an end to the endless sex and ice cream that is their lives right? It's actually amazing how boring I find their sexscapades now.

  12. Mrs White in Groundhog Day:

    'I got you Babe!'

  13. Yes Dante and Lulu need a new place to live. I doubt we will see much of them in Turkey.

  14. I don,t like rons writing, as many memories lante has had in the loft i would love to see them get a house. As far as going to turkey, im pretty sure dante can find coverage to go, Lulu is the owner of the haunted star so im pretty sure she can close it anytime she wants. Ron needs to show them going to turkey cause its an adventure, which thats supposed to be one of the meanings of a soap.

  15. A lot of Dante and Lulu fans do not like this storyline because its more for Spin and Maxie then Dante and Lulu. I do think Lulu will get pregnant soon. I also would like to see Dante and Lulu get longer scenes but Dante and Lulu seem to get the short of the stick for their scenes.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Turkey's not a "third world" country


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...